Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

This may have been answered already, but is anyone else having issues with being capped at 1080p resolution, even with VSR enabled? I can run almost every other game on my PC with AMD's VSR but this damn thing locks me at 1080p, even though the higher resolutions are available/listed. Trying to make it look a little better/textures smoother.
I was a critic initially having found Cities in Motion a major disappointment, I'm having a lot of fun with Skylines. I does seem like a lot of the services are fairly one and done. It would be nice to see considerably more options for garbage/water/education like they have for power. However I'm pretty confident this will be addressed by mods. I suppose I am comparing it against SC4 with a gazillion add-ons.

Might have to see how easy it is to get custom geometry into the game, used to build things for SC4.
This may have been answered already, but is anyone else having issues with being capped at 1080p resolution, even with VSR enabled? I can run almost every other game on my PC with AMD's VSR but this damn thing locks me at 1080p, even though the higher resolutions are available/listed. Trying to make it look a little better/textures smoother.

Everyone does :D

The game is running in borderless windowed mode, which seems to break VSR/DSR. The only way to run fullscreen is to force DX9, which presumably kills some visual effects.

There is a mod on the workshop which lets you upscale though, and it works just fine.
200% upscale + sun shafts + SSAO mod = 20-25fps on a 1.2ghz Titan. Surprisingly, I can actually really deal with that frame rate in this game.

Yea last night I had the kingdom of calamities. in the space of 30 minutes in my "Let's Learn How the Hell This Game Works" 1st city:

-First suddenly ALL my citizens everywhere were getting sick
-I couldn't figure out what was causing it in my city with a population of 130,000 became a city of 30,000 in about 5 minutes (EVERY structure read "dead person awaiting transport)
-Then fires started appearing everywhere taking out my nuc power plant. Plunging whole city into darkness...
-Did I mention 70% of my tax base just died, and I had a crapload of infrastructure built to support said tax base?
Yea last night I had the kingdom of calamities. in the space of 30 minutes in my "Let's Learn How the Hell This Game Works" 1st city:

-First suddenly ALL my citizens everywhere were getting sick
-I couldn't figure out what was causing it in my city with a population of 130,000 became a city of 30,000 in about 5 minutes (EVERY structure read "dead person awaiting transport)
-Then fires started appearing everywhere taking out my nuc power plant. Plunging whole city into darkness...
-Did I mention 70% of my tax base just died, and I had a crapload of infrastructure built to support said tax base?

Where is your water supply and is there any sewage nearby? Usually the first cause of the wave of deaths is sewage/pollution in your water supply.
Where is your water supply and is there any sewage nearby? Usually the first cause of the wave of deaths is sewage/pollution in your water supply.

Hmmm....I did have to put a water tower near my mining site...then the locals complained about backing up sewage and I just quickly piped to one of my processing centers that was networked to the rest of the water grid.

That may well be it.
I am stuck at about 115k people, and cant seem to be able to get any more in. Nothing grows on new residences
Hmmm....I did have to put a water tower near my mining site...then the locals complained about backing up sewage and I just quickly piped to one of my processing centers that was networked to the rest of the water grid.

That may well be it.

You may just need to add more sewage dumps as well. But you probably already know that. Pollution does spread with more however, definitely keep them far away/downstream from any water supply/pumps.
You don't want your citizens drinking their own poop!
You may just need to add more sewage dumps as well. But you probably already know that. Pollution does spread with more however, definitely keep them far away/downstream from any water supply/pumps.
You don't want your citizens drinking their own poop!

Yea but I didn't get any sewage backup warnings, which tends to accompany lacking in the waste dump department.
I am going to have to focus on finding mods to aid in traffic. The ai using the shortest distance pathfinding vs the fastest is a real killer.
I can handle the traffic being slow, but it's the hearse and garbage truck issues that cause real problems. Garbage buildup kills citizens and not getting the bodies out causes mass death.
I would recommend using some of the pre-made grids on the workshop if you're having traffic woes. Or, at least taking notes from them if you don't wanna go that route.
I am stuck at about 115k people, and cant seem to be able to get any more in. Nothing grows on new residences

You need to increase the land value, not just for residential but also for commercial and industrial areas. The Small Park is a good option to do so, as are playgrounds.
Or, if you wanna stop messin around, find the 1x1 parks with a huge radius. I got tired of dealing with parks just for the hell of it.
Finally grabbed some buildings etc. I hope some serious BAT people show up. Those guys and gals made Sim City 4 what it was with all their amazing add on buildings.

So same city, still playing with it. If you watch the traffic, you can figure out where it backs up by watching the cars make their routes. Then redevelop. So much fun.

More screens to give examples on avoiding traffic problems.... I also have A TON of subway going on, but you get the idea. The few red areas I just kinda gave up on. I also probably have 90% Offices and only 10% Industrial on this map. It wasn't until about 100k population that Commercial areas started demanding more Goods and I was forced to zone in some Industrial.

This may have been answered already, but is anyone else having issues with being capped at 1080p resolution, even with VSR enabled? I can run almost every other game on my PC with AMD's VSR but this damn thing locks me at 1080p, even though the higher resolutions are available/listed. Trying to make it look a little better/textures smoother.

I snagged a mod to use DSR. It makes my video card fan spin up all the way, but my god does it finally look decent at 300%.
Noticed after patch the game runs much smoother, at 1080p, high settings prior to patch it was a chug fest, even for my decent laptop, after patch, 1080p, high settings, get around 60fps now.
Noticed after patch the game runs much smoother, at 1080p, high settings prior to patch it was a chug fest, even for my decent laptop, after patch, 1080p, high settings, get around 60fps now.

Game is a ton more crash prone here.

2560x1600, 2Gb 6970.
I love all the screams on the Steam forums to "make integrated graphics work".

One guy claims he can play BF4 on ultra on his IG, but this game wont work.
Is there a way to show multiple info views at a time? It'd be handy to see my water/electricity while i'm zoning
Slowly filling one tile at a time...

Back in the day:

It formed a CBD:

And then grew into this:

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Dude, so awesome.

Been playing off and on all weekend. I grew to the point I drained my bay dry and had to move my pumps out to the ocean. It still hasn't filled back in yet.
Damn I can definitely see the pollution in the water. I havent had much time to play but its so awesome seeing that people can actually build huge cities.
So, I'm tempted to bite the bullet on this, despite everyone's bitching, I love citiesXL. I'm guessing this is... Better?
So, I'm tempted to bite the bullet on this, despite everyone's bitching, I love citiesXL. I'm guessing this is... Better?

Not even related to each other friend.

Cities XL was made by a different company, I have both games and Cities XL doesn't hold a torch to this game at all in my opinion.

Cities: Skylines to me is SimCity done right. Sure there are a few bugs here and there, but nowhere near the cluster that was SC5.

Its totally worth the price of admission. I have easily waisted 40+ hours in the game now, and I am highly casual.
So, I'm tempted to bite the bullet on this, despite everyone's bitching, I love citiesXL. I'm guessing this is... Better?

Skylines runs a million times better than XL. It is also more of a SimCity than a traffic sim.

Damn I can definitely see the pollution in the water. I havent had much time to play but its so awesome seeing that people can actually build huge cities.

I'll post a screencap of the present state of my Machu Piccu map-based city later today. ;)
Do you guys play normal or with things unlocked?

Normal play, no sandbox mode for me..... More fun and makes you want to work to get some things done.

I was VERY happy when I was able to install sewage purification systems and got rid of my sewage pipes, the water color started to change dramatically after. Went from a Hudson bay to a lake color, not bad. Solar power was also fun to add. I have 2 university's within a close range of it as well, so educated folks run it well.
Do you guys play normal or with things unlocked?

I just play sandbox. I was playing on normal mode, but the stupid restrictions on dense zones (WTF?) pissed me off. If they remove that crap I will be in for normal mode again. Honestly if you ever played Sim City 1-4, C:S is pretty easy in normal mode.
What is this DSR you speak of?

And not to sound like a broken record, but I figure there's got to be a way to have multiple views on at a time.... or am i incorrect with that assumption?

I can't seem to find a way to do it.
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What is this DSR you speak of?

And not to sound like a broken record, but I figure there's got to be a way to have multiple views on at a time.... or am i incorrect with that assumption?

I can't seem to find a way to do it.

There is a mod that shows the summary view (the green to red bar) all in one menu, but I don't know about the pipeline.electricity views. I don't really see the point.

For Water, cover the entire planned area with straight pipes with a tiny bit of overlap, for electricity build it first then deal with the connections later.

For DSR there is a mod that adds a little menu + slider. For some reason the screenshots it spits out don't like that great, I think it might be cuz i'm 1900x1200 (16:10)/