Chimp Challenge : Official thread

he have ~50 cpus on max PC (as of right now), but they have about 300k points on us, it looks to me like we need about 90 SMP or 45 dual SMP clients added, and have them turn in the next 24 hours inorder to catch and pass max pcjust befor the dead line, i dont think our current 50cpu lead will get us there without extream cherry picking our WU, which in my opinion is not the way it should be done

if you have been following this challange, but have yet to jump in, and have at least a dual core that you can leave on for the next 48 hours, get the SMP client, and help us spank some monkey butt.
Hey guys, I want to help out, but I think there's something wrong with my config. Here's a quick shot of what it looks like....The time never changes and it just says working.... indefinitely. You can see the config parameters up above I think. Let me know. Vista x64 btw.


Do you have UAC enabled? Mine does that, 100% cpu usage with no progress when the UAC is enabled.

Got my wife to turn over the keys to the macbook. I traded her 2 weeks of folding laundry for F@H until the CC is over.

Got my wife to turn over the keys to the macbook. I traded her 2 weeks of folding laundry for F@H until the CC is over.

lol nice!

fired up my dad's old p4 3.4ghz northwood laptop and got it folding. god those fans are loud, i'll suffer for [H] though :)
Do you have UAC enabled? Mine does that, 100% cpu usage with no progress when the UAC is enabled.

That did it, its showing progress now, will leave machine on 24h until the competition ends. I only need to run a single SMP client since all 4 of my cores are pegged? Thanks for the help guys, and happy to help [H]ardApe out.
my post says it all, max pc is winning, but only just... a few processors added right now could make all the difference

Thats right... all we need is a few more Apes and we can wrap this thing up!

Fold On and Fold [H]ard!!!

quick question before i go to bed. is it best to use the smp client on a p4 3.4ghz northwood with hyperthreading or 2 console clients?

edit: read up on the f@h wiki. recommends using 1 console client. ok then off to bed. FOLD ON!
That did it, its showing progress now, will leave machine on 24h until the competition ends. I only need to run a single SMP client since all 4 of my cores are pegged? Thanks for the help guys, and happy to help [H]ardApe out.
You can run 2 smp clients on the quad.

Thats what I'm hearing. I'm starting to wonder if 1x SMP and 1x GPU is the way to go. I would go 2x SMP and 1x GPU, but if I get a chewy WU.........

Hey it's still saying 0 of 500000 completed after 2 hours...can someone PM me with some help here if its too much spam for this thread
download and install affinity changer >

then install a second client in a different folder. Make sure to set client ID to "2"

Start client 1, wait 10 minutes, then start client 2. The rest will take care of itself. It will slow up progress a little, but will basically turn out 2 WU in about the asame time a dual core can turn in 1.

Alright everyone...only 1.5-2 days before maximum monkey is going to hit 5,000,000

Let's show them how [H]ard we fold!
I've kinda been occupied here lately, a lady friend of mine brought an old P4 Northwood 2.60 Ghz (800 fsb) over to my place, another "all the lights were on and nobody is home" thing. I replaced a AGP card, did some clean up of dust bunnies and fired her up (I love the Northwoods, one of Intels best cpus IMO) :p

Looking over the progress chart, we're only like 2.3 days out and after loading WinXP and PCLinOS (double booter) I rigged up F@H and got a p4412_Seg_47_nat_AMBER_native WU. Seeing as I haven't folded on a single core cpu for some time I want to know if it would help us or am I just "spinning my wheels". :confused:

I know the science is always helped no matter what kind of WU you complete or however many pernts it has. ;)

It's smokin' through the frames at about 2 mins a wack. (fastest WU I've ever done) :eek:

We's in the "short row" now Go [H]orde (no slackin'):p

Seriously. Trading two weeks of folding clothes for a day and half of folding proteins is very [H]ard.

Blah.... woke up this morning and my wife decided it was time to wash all of the winter clothes and get the majority folded and put away. :(

oooo that last update was killer. We got to watch out though, T32 is knocking on our backdoor(they like backdoors) .;)

even in your everyday life u are folding!! way to go!!!
keep up the good work :D

When you have a 6 year old daughter, all you do is folding! :D

Now back to folding or I will bring hitman monkey out to get you! :D


Anyone notice that I've been in a picture mood today :p
I thought she swallows... oh wait... /slap dirty boy.....

The MPC fat lady does swallow, cuz this is the last time she'll get to sing. Next year, the [H]ard Fat Lady does the singing :D
The MPC fat lady does swallow, cuz this is the last time she'll get to sing. Next year, the [H]ard Fat Lady does the singing :D

We'll all have to wait and see next year who will be spitting and who'll be swallowing ;)
And since MPC trimmed the fat long ago, it'll have to be one of the other 3 teams.

Phenomenal race so far, huge kudos's to all the teams that participated. Perhaps next year
it will be even more exciting for all.

P.S. Best watch out, EOC is plotting to steel 2nd place from you guys...
Hey, I know there isn't much time left, but with the PS3 now going after digital asked, it's been going. I just now set up desktop to fold for it again (it hasn't seen much use in awhile), so I'll be running that 24/7 until it's over.