Chimp Challenge : Official thread

There is a slight discrepancy in the starting point for OCF. The screenies I posted were of the TOTAL points. This is OK for three of the four teams because all of their points are under the correct teams. Some of the dolts at OCF, team 32, entered the team number incorrectly (in this case, some points were for team 328 and some were for team 0), which throws off their points. I should have posted the team specific info, which is correct for their team.

Therefore, the starting point for OCF is 1,276,842 instead of the 1,289,181 that I posted earlier.

Here is the screenie for proof:


Thanks to seadave at OCF for pointing this out. I apologize, it's my fault for not paying attention to this detail.

Starting points-
MPC - 2,329,535
OCF - 1,276,842
[H] - 110,007
OCAU - 306,823
There is a slight discrepancy in the starting point for OCF. The screenies I posted were of the TOTAL points. This is OK for three of the four teams because all of their points are under the correct teams. Some of the dolts at OCF, team 32, entered the team number incorrectly (in this case, some points were for team 328 and some were for team 0), which throws off their points. I should have posted the team specific info, which is correct for their team.

Therefore, the starting point for OCF is 1,276,842 instead of the 1,289,181 that I posted earlier.

Here is the screenie for proof:


Thanks to seadave at OCF for pointing this out. I apologize, it's my fault for not paying attention to this detail.

Starting points-
MPC - 2,329,535
OCF - 1,276,842
[H] - 110,007
OCAU - 306,823

pics or shens!

ohh wait.... :mad:

No problem, as long as all 4 leaders agree, it's ok.

Myself, I agree with KingFish's starting numbers. Talk to others since OCF seems to not agree with yours, prefering EOC numbers instead.

Sorry for breaking the tables. Yes, some of them had trouble typing in the correct team number-prolly leftovers from last year.

I think the numbers from stanford are accurate-I have no reason to believe they are not. Sorry for any of the confusion.

I just added a 2Ghz Celery and a 1.5Ghz Centrino to my already running 3.68Ghz Quad and 860/1320 HD3870 :)

Have one or two more systems to add... a 2.5Ghz Opty 175 and maybe a 1.08Ghz slot-A athlon.
I just added a 2Ghz Celery and a 1.5Ghz Centrino to my already running 3.68Ghz Quad and 860/1320 HD3870 :)

Have one or two more systems to add... a 2.5Ghz Opty 175 and maybe a 1.08Ghz slot-A athlon.

Nice...every little bit helps. :)

Just a heads up :

Adak from OCF is looking to flame so be careful around him while slinging some poo. We don't need a stupid flame war and let's just limit to poo slinging and sheep raping ;)

Adak from OCF is looking to flame so be careful around him while slinging some poo. We don't need a stupid flame war and let's just limit to poo slinging and sheep raping ;)
Donut need any methane explosions either. :eek:

Great... Right now, we are 2nd with 44,714, just under MPC with 66,046. Considering MPC shot the load too early, it's about right so kudos for a great ramp up.

OCAU and OCF is now smelling us fart as we progress...

HighYield is now officially engaged (off to a rough start). There was some sort of electrical disturbance in my part of New Jersy. It brought down all my boxen that weren't on a UPS....worse than that, Comcast lost service to 380 homes as well and would require ~12 hours to bring everyone back online.

To tell you the truth this worked out to [H]ardApe's advantage as it synced up all of my pending SMP WUs that would have uploaded too early to count and they instead uploaded at 4 pm (PST).

FAHMon is reading 10,411 ppd all for [H]ardApe

Just a heads up :

Adak from OCF is looking to flame so be careful around him while slinging some poo. We don't need a stupid flame war and let's just limit to poo slinging and sheep raping ;)

Dont mind Adak, thats his thing. He once likened Relic to a cheap televangelist.
Wow this challenge is going to take a lot longer than I originally thought it would, time to take my 6300 away from WCG and add it to FAH
my office is a few degrees hotter when my PC is folding. I don't like this extra heat pumping out by my feet.

After going from 2 dual core machines to one dual machine and three quad core machines (not to mention a couple older single core machines) this winter, I hardly ever had the heat running even when it was around freezing outside. The room with all the machines is the coldest during the winter and the hottest in the summer. :p:eek:

Dont mind Adak, thats his thing. He once likened Relic to a cheap televangelist.

No problem. KingFish already gave me some info about him on his past years behavior. He got banned from MPC and got banned from OCF as well...

sno.lcn is trying to remind him to stay low...

Looks like we're picking up about 12k points towards catching Maximum_Poo this next time around - well, according to stanfords latest update. :) I think someone was right about them blowing their load a little early. Didn't I offer some advice about this earlier, guys? ;)

Anyone else currently unable to get no work units? Error: Attempt to get work failed, and no other work to do. Hopefully this will sort itself out in the next few hours...

Anyone else currently unable to get no work units? Error: Attempt to get work failed, and no other work to do. Hopefully this will sort itself out in the next few hours...

did you configure for deadlineless units ? If yes, disable this and restart the client.

Great... Right now, we are 2nd with 44,714, just under MPC with 66,046. Considering MPC shot the load too early, it's about right so kudos for a great ramp up.

OCAU and OCF is now smelling us fart as we progress...

I predict by this time tomorrow MPC will also be smelling the warm aroma.

Anyone else currently unable to get no work units? Error: Attempt to get work failed, and no other work to do. Hopefully this will sort itself out in the next few hours...
Since yesterday morning, there have been server bottlenecks and even a couple down servers @ Stanford. There is plenty of work but the servers have been running at extremely high CPU and NET loads. It has been slowly clearing up but there are still frequent reports popping up on the folding forums.

She's doing Mach 9 Captain, she can't take no more! We need more borlium crystals! (name the movie that makes mention of borlium crystals!)

maybe spelled berrelium ?

She's doing Mach 9 Captain, she can't take no more! We need more borlium crystals! (name the movie that makes mention of borlium crystals!)

maybe spelled berrelium ?

edit: Galaxy Quest

Can't get any workloads. :(

It keeps going to like step 100-200+ etc... and no workload, so I close program & restart, same thing.

edit: and wouldn't you know it just when I go to bitch... I get one.
She's doing Mach 9 Captain, she can't take no more! We need more borlium crystals! (name the movie that makes mention of borlium crystals!)

maybe spelled berrelium ?

Was that the Tim Allen movie?

Either way, I brought the PS3 back online. I should hold its own until it gets shipped back to Sony. All boxen going at near 4500 PPD!
Breadcat was much better. Gerty was equally disturbing in both the regular and monkey variety.