Big Price Drops on NVIDIA Cards Coming

Now its official.

IMO the best deal is the GTX 470. At $260 is almost the same as some OC 460s.

The 460 1GB could be a lot better. Shaving 20 bucks from its initial price is not much. And I've seen much cheaper deals.

I think the 460 768mb has to go, and keep the 1gb and 2gb versions for $170 and $200 respectively.

No the 460 768 doesn't need to go, the GTS 450 needs to go... down another price bracket to compete with the 5750 and the GTX 460 768 should come down to face the 5770. That would balance the universe :D
I assume you meant Financial Engineering - very specialized and tough to find placement. Definitely higher paying, but so is being a CEO, and there can only be so many CEO's :)

I had been running simulations all night and post while doing runs so....its easy to make mistakes, but thanks.

But I get the impression that financial engineering is not as hard a field to get into as you seem to be saying. I have turned down two positions doing graduate work for my thesis, one a credit agency and another working with a hedge fund. In both cases I was assured that good performance while working on my thesis would result in a job.

edit: not trying to hijack...sry for being so off topic.
Price drops not so exciting anymore. I was hoping for less. A lot less on the GTX 470 too.
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It is really going to depend on what the actual pricing ends up in the retail channel. I would consider a 1gb 460 if it were like $180. The 470 I would have to think about some, but at $219 at TigerDirect that is almost my price/performance range.

I'm still going to wait to see some solid benches tomorrow of the Radeon 6000 series before making a final decision.
How do you know it unlocks?

10/6/2010 9:56:47 PM
Tech Level: 5/5
Ownership: 4/5
Verified Owner
Rating: 5/5UNLOCKS TO GTX470
Pros: Like the title says, I have confirmed that they unlock, though I have not unlocked my card personally!

Heh. A NewEgg review is hardly a confirmation. 99% of NewEgg reviews = FAIL.
Getting a card that unlocks is pure luck. To make things worse they became a 465 because they weren't cut out to be a full blown 470 so if yours does unlock, don't expect it to OC very well if at all. Also, if you need to RMA, you're screwed again since the chance of you gettig another that unlocks... LOW.
They dropped the prices of mid to high range products, which are suffereing atm, due to a lack of PC games. Well, a lack of PC games that can push PC hardware beyond that of a Xbox 360 graphics.

With no PC games doing this in the foreseeable future, this makes perfect sense. Too bad I haven't bought a graphics card past $150 in the past few years.
Anyone else notice the prices were lower earlier in the day with most prices on newegg being around $180 for a GTX 460 1 G card and are now suddenly all back up around the $200 mark. :confused::mad:
bleh, only decision i need to make now for my next build for gaming is do i want to get a pair of 460s with a h50 to cool my 760, or do i want a pair of 470s and a hyper 212+ :p lol
I'm going to wait and see how the 6850 does in both performance and price. But, goodness, the 460 price drops are extremely tantalizing.

Me to. My only option is a high end single card or two of these new AMD cards unless I decide to swap out the motherboard. I have the upgrade itch now for some reason, so it looks like I might have my first AMD cards here soon :D . Just have to wait till tomorrow and see. I don't want to upgrade unless it is going to be a significant speed bump over my current gtx280. Then the cpu/mobo/ram/case are gonna be swapped out after that.
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Getting a card that unlocks is pure luck. To make things worse they became a 465 because they weren't cut out to be a full blown 470 so if yours does unlock, don't expect it to OC very well if at all. Also, if you need to RMA, you're screwed again since the chance of you gettig another that unlocks... LOW.

Also good luck getting them to honor the RMA if you hose the card while updating the BIOS. Or if they test the card and find out the BIOS was flashed to make it a 470. Or if it fries due to overclocking. ASUS' warranty only covers manufacture error as I recall.
They dropped the prices of mid to high range products, which are suffereing atm, due to a lack of PC games. Well, a lack of PC games that can push PC hardware beyond that of a Xbox 360 graphics.

With no PC games doing this in the foreseeable future, this makes perfect sense. Too bad I haven't bought a graphics card past $150 in the past few years.

You have obviously not tried playing Metro 2033 or Civ 5.

Seriously, if your hardware is insufficient to play games at your monitors natural resolution (which if you are not in the stone age, ought to be at least 1920x1200) with all settings set to max, then there is still room for improvement.

Metro 2033 on the PC is an absolutely amazing looking game. Nothing on the console can rival it. The console version looks silly by comparison.

I could only get it to run at ~40fps by overclocking my GTX 470, and the video settings were nowhere near maxed out.

Civ 5 runs poorly at decent resolutions on anything that isn't a Radeon 5830 or better or a GTX 460 or better. DX10.1 video cards need not apply. Even the GTX285 is only able to muster a pitiful 15fps in the game at 1920x1200

I hear this bogus bs about "games not pushing hardware anymore" all the time, and it simply isn't true. It's usually coming from people who have yet to make the jump to DX11, and thus have no idea what they are talking about, or are somehow trying to justify that they have not yet upgraded to DX11 compatible hardware.

Seriously. If you are not running DX11, its pretty much obsolete.
I just really hope that NVIDIA releases a card capable of driving more than 2 monitors, I want to move to a triple monitor setup but I don't want to move to a dual GPU setup.
This is very good news..

I really wish I knew how good these cards were at cuda applications. I don't even know if they have a tesla counter part or if it matters if the card is using tesla bios or not.

I am running MD simulations with VMD and NAMD. I just traded for a q9450 from the for sale section, I should have it by next week, and that should certainly help (these simulations can run for weeks.)

I am looking at benchmarks similar to the following...

This guy was getting the speed up using a regular gaming gpu. I get good performance increases even from my two 8800 gt gpus. I was thinking of grabbing a couple of 216 260 gpus from the for sale area, but cheaper prices on 1gb 460s might change my mind.

I should put together a benchmark simulation and see if any of the forum members would be willing to run it....

Just wait for the 6800 series to hit first. Nvidia will start slashing then.
Hmm, dunno what I should do. My monitor is only capable of 1280x1024 yet I want to be able to play Metro 2033 with all settings maxed. Would this deal on the GTX 460s for SLI be worth it or should I go with a 6870 or GTX 470 or maybe even a GTX 480 or 5870?
Hmm, dunno what I should do. My monitor is only capable of 1280x1024 yet I want to be able to play Metro 2033 with all settings maxed. Would this deal on the GTX 460s for SLI be worth it or should I go with a 6870 or GTX 470 or maybe even a GTX 480 or 5870?

I think 1 6870 or 470 GTX will do you since its so close to 5870 performance.

If you want less heat, less power go with the 6870.

If you want Cuda, Physx, go with the 470 gtx