Big Price Drops on NVIDIA Cards Coming

This. Temps don't matter. The 260 was always quiet and never made my room uncomfortable. The 470 couldn't be heard in games, but the amount of heat thrown out compares to a hair dryer. It went back for a 460 that's even cooler than the 260 was.

My 470 stays under 60c and it has a stock cooler. It is however really damn loud when the fan spins up.
My 470 stays under 60c and it has a stock cooler. It is however really damn loud when the fan spins up.
you certainly aren't leaving it at stock fan speeds then because the reference cooled gtx470 most certainly does not stay under 60 C when loaded. hell I cant think of any stock cooled card that stays below 60 C during load. upper 80s and even low 90s is the norm in my experience as well as in nearly every review.

also again the temps don't tell you how much heat is really being generated. a 225 watt card is still putting out a lot of heat regardless of what the gpu temp is at.
you certainly aren't leaving it at stock fan speeds then because the reference cooled gtx470 most certainly does not stay under 60 C when loaded. hell I cant think of any stock cooled card that stays below 60 C during load. upper 80s and even low 90s is the norm in my experience as well as in nearly every review.

also again the temps don't tell you how much heat is really being generated. a 225 watt card is still putting out lot of heat regardless of what the gpu temp is at.

I keep my place cold too, which helps. And there is very little heat inside of my case as my H50 is expelling air from the case instead of drawing it in. So that helps as well.

But yeah the fan doesn't run at stock speeds. I use Afterburner and the fan gets loud as hell. Sometimes I say screw it and turn it back to normal auto and let the card get hot to avoid the noise.
I keep my place cold too, which helps. And there is very little heat inside of my case as my H50 is expelling air from the case instead of drawing it in. So that helps as well.

But yeah the fan doesn't run at stock speeds. I use Afterburner and the fan gets loud as hell. Sometimes I say screw it and turn it back to normal auto and let the card get hot to avoid the noise.
yeah when I used a gtx470 all I could do is laugh when that thing ramped up during gaming. for me it was silly to put up with all that noise and still be hitting 90 C in some games. I was more than happy to go back to my unobtrusive gtx260. lol
yeah when I used a gtx470 all I could do is laugh when that thing ramped up during gaming. for me it was silly to put up with all that noise and still be hitting 90 C in some games. I was more than happy to go back to my unobtrusive gtx260. lol

What I find funny is that in LOTRO on either the custom profile or auto the card screams, but on Fallout New Vegas it doesn't ramp up a lot.
What I find funny is that in LOTRO on either the custom profile or auto the card screams, but on Fallout New Vegas it doesn't ramp up a lot.
according to the videos I have seen Fallout New Vegas looks like it is from 2002 so maybe that is why. lol.
Exactly why competition in the marketplace is golden. Competition in the marketplace = consumer's best friend.

It's amazing that an entire economic principle that has governed capitalism and free trade for centuries can be summed up in 18 or so odd words.

Adam Smith is the shit. Sometimes when I get extremely frustrated with fluid mechanics or ridiculous calculus, I wonder if I should have been an Econ major instead of a Mechanical Engineering student. Economics is pretty damn interesting!

Then I look at average starting salaries and contemplate the awesomeness that is engineering, and continue with my studies as planned :)

Hey I agree there dude but I was sure that Economists earn a shitload more than engineers?

I myself am more towards the engineering side anyways. But yeah Adam Smith the Scotsman is really the father of modern Capitalism. However free trade has existed before Christ roamed the earth so it is not exclusive to the UK or the US.

Just my 2 cents and keep on with the engineering studies!

And on topic the price cuts are very welcome. Competition is good for all of us at [H] !
Looks like Nvidia tipped hand early and AMD is going to make them bleed more cash as a result.
AMD is going to lower launch prices by about $20 across the board for 6850 and 6870.
sources close to AMD told us that in response to this development, the red-team will fine-tune the final pricing of the Radeon HD 6800 series, to step up pressure on the competition. We expect as much as $20 to be cut on the currently expected prices of the Radeon HD 6800 series pair.
Looks like Nvidia tipped hand early and AMD is going to make them bleed more cash as a result.

I don't think the timing mattered much as pretty much everyone could figure out that Nvidia would lower its prices. You don't even have to be in the industry.

Apart from coming out with a new, better product, their best responses would be to come out with a driver that improves performance a lot and to lower prices.
Forgot to mention that prices for the 6870 will drop further after they are through using the more expensive 8 layer PCB boards in the initial batches of cards. After that they will be using the less expensive 6 layer PCB boards. The 6850s all start with 6 layer boards already tho so I don't expect prices to come down much on those.
I can see them dropping prices by $30 or $40 across the board but not much more.
This. Temps don't matter. The 260 was always quiet and never made my room uncomfortable. The 470 couldn't be heard in games, but the amount of heat thrown out compares to a hair dryer. It went back for a 460 that's even cooler than the 260 was.
I've been itching to replace my 5770...maybe I should just get a 470 to replace both video card AND my heater for the upcoming cold season :D
do these price drops indicate a fresh batch (revision) of the 400-series gfx cards is coming?
They already said their next series of cards won't come until mid 2011.

That's old news and yes that's right. The next series of card are Kepler. Those are due in the second half of 2011, I believe more in q4. Now what I was mentioning is a refresh much like AMD 6000 series. Where have you been for all of the 580 rumors? ;) See the links I referenced there. Nvidia has not denounced this refresh, and in fact newer rumors are that the add in board partners are being fed details. So again to not derail this thread in any way see the links I posted before for more education on this, and to post your opinions.
do these price drops indicate a fresh batch (revision) of the 400-series gfx cards is coming?

No it indicates exactly the opposite. When you don't have a new product to fight the competition you lower the price of what you currently have and that's exactly what Nvidia has done.
That's old news and yes that's right. The next series of card are Kepler. Those are due in the second half of 2011, I believe more in q4. Now what I was mentioning is a refresh much like AMD 6000 series. Where have you been for all of the 580 rumors? ;) See the links I referenced there. Nvidia has not denounced this refresh, and in fact newer rumors are that the add in board partners are being fed details. So again to not derail this thread in any way see the links I posted before for more education on this, and to post your opinions.

The 6000 series isn't a refresh, but a new series of cards. And what links are you referring to? The only ones I can find are in reference to the 580, but then I haven't looked at every link. However, it would seem odd for Nvidia to refresh a whole line of cards, and then put an entirely new line out a few months after.
Thats not the 1gb model though :/

I hope this price drop starts soon, id rather get some cooler running cards than buy another 5870 to go with my furnace.

Hmm, would going from one 5870 to two 768mb 460's be worth it? I could sell my 5870 on the forums and thatll pay for most of my bill.
Hey I agree there dude but I was sure that Economists earn a shitload more than engineers?

I guess it depends on where you look - This source says that ME's start at around 58k, and Econ majors start at around 49k.

If you make it into investment banking with an Econ degree, then yes, you probably will make more than an Engineer, but for the most part they are pretty evenly matched further into the career.

I have heard, however, that engineers have better placement out of school. but again, it depends on your source.

Back on topic, I am really hoping Nvidia will bump their gtx 480 prices down with the 460/470. They don't really need to from a business planning stand point (6870 is still no match for it), but one can hope, right?
You must have forgotten to check the starting salaries of finical engineers then....:eek:

I assume you meant Financial Engineering - very specialized and tough to find placement. Definitely higher paying, but so is being a CEO, and there can only be so many CEO's :)
I guess it depends on where you look - This source says that ME's start at around 58k, and Econ majors start at around 49k.

If you make it into investment banking with an Econ degree, then yes, you probably will make more than an Engineer, but for the most part they are pretty evenly matched further into the career.

I have heard, however, that engineers have better placement out of school. but again, it depends on your source.

Back on topic, I am really hoping Nvidia will bump their gtx 480 prices down with the 460/470. They don't really need to from a business planning stand point (6870 is still no match for it), but one can hope, right?
I have engineers who are neighbors, they're civil engineers and not mechanical engineers, they haven't had work for years.
I just bought one of those $130 after rebate ZOTAC 460 cards to replace my Radeon 4850 card this past week from NewEgg; it's still sitting in the box downstairs. I'd probably have been able to get a full blown 1GB 470 card for $20 more if I'd waited. *sigh*
Been waiting for something like this to pick up another Gigabyte GTX460 to SLI in my system. That should hold me over for at least a year if not more (I'm not terribly demanding, and really only want to SLI out of curiosity and to say i did it once, haha).

I wonder what this will do - if anything to 768Mb GTX460 pricing and GTS450 pricing.

I'm looking to pick up a cheap board for my laptop DIY Vidock.

I'm waiting patiently :p

Also, I always wondered what happens to retailers with inventory when something like this happens. Do they take the hit, or is it typically in their contracts that they get money back from their vendors when price drops hit?
Eh, I probably should have waited but I'm happy with my 768MB 460. Counting rebate it was $130.

Nice boost from the 8800GT that I've had since it's release.
This is going to make getting my second GTX470 a little easier. I had figured on price drops, but this is sooner than I expected. I just got my first GTX470 in June for $283. In the next few months, we should see GTX470s for ~$240-250.
Timing couldn't be any better for me if true, I was just eying up a 460 GTX for a gift card I am hoping to get in a couple weeks. :)
Singlecarders, before you ask if you should go dual card or not, ask yourself if you're ready for something that might not always work well, if at all, take more power and make more heat and sound. It's like getting a pet, you gotta study and prepare a little.

(And I wonder, when was the last time AMD/ATI jumped into the media headlights heading down the landing strip to a new Nvidia product launch like Nvidia (and Intel) always have done?)
Now its official.

IMO the best deal is the GTX 470. At $260 is almost the same as some OC 460s.

The 460 1GB could be a lot better. Shaving 20 bucks from its initial price is not much. And I've seen much cheaper deals.

I think the 460 768mb has to go, and keep the 1gb and 2gb versions for $170 and $200 respectively.
I've seen 470s for around $260 after rebates now and again. They've been hitting $270-$280 without rebates for a little while now so I don't see this as a huge price drop for it. Still for that price the 470 is a great card. One of the beast near $300 I've spent on a GPU since the early 2000s when you could buy a high end card for that price.