Big Price Drops on NVIDIA Cards Coming

Now I just have to decide if Im willing to put up with the heat of a 470.
What does "large" mean. 10$? 100$?

Now I just have to decide if Im willing to put up with the heat of a 470.

If you can handle a 260, then its a few degrees more. (well was for me...) people panic about little things too much.
Nvidia doing fair prices on LARGE dies while AMD charges an extra 50 USD for the SAME size die.

lol AMD fail
Fail AMD indeed. Damn them for superior engineering which resulting in a more cost effective, power efficient design, and higher profit margins. Total fail. Not to mention Nvidia is dropping prices BECAUSE of AMD.
even though this price drop doesn't effect me....

would nvidia even make money off of the 470 then? Wouldn't the GPU die size be double the size of the 6870 then?
I'm still waiting to see if they release the full version of the GF104 with 384(?) shaders.

Oh, well I hadn't seen individual models, just 500 series.The 470/480 were announced at the same time so I just figured we'd see 570/580 at or near the same time.

Anyone have some info on this?
Oh, well I hadn't seen individual models, just 500 series.The 470/480 were announced at the same time so I just figured we'd see 570/580 at or near the same time.

Anyone have some info on this?

If I recall, they aren't launching a new series of cards until the 2nd or 3rd quarter of next year. The 580 seems to be a redesign of the 480.
the gtx470 uses WAY more power and puts out WAY more heat than a gtx260.

I have them both here. 260 is 35c idle. 470 is 40c. 100% 470 is 80c 260 is the same (though being close might scew things, it does have decent ventilation and fan profiles)

Power is a little more 182w for the 260 and 215w for the 470. Still nothing shocking, if it was 70w more it might be, but 33w isn't anything major for a card thats a load more powerful. Plus the 275 used 219w.

Good news everyone :)
Nvidia doing fair prices on LARGE dies while AMD charges an extra 50 USD for the SAME size die.

lol AMD fail
It appears that you believe Nvidia is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, to save you from Evil Lord AMD. Don't fool yourself into this line of thinking; Nvidia is a corporation. It does not love you nor is it deserving of your gratitude. Same goes for AMD. They are not people; they are businesses. They both do what businesses do, and that is to compete.

Nvidia is hemorrhaging market share, so they're dropping their prices because they'd rather hemorrhaging money than market share right now. The steam survey shows that they only have one bright spot, and that is the GTX 460. Now their one bright spot is being threatened so they're slashing their prices in the hopes that they can win a starving contest with AMD.

With their huge dies, though, Nvidia will be starving at a much, much faster rate.
I have them both here. 260 is 35c idle. 470 is 40c. 100% 470 is 80c 260 is the same (though being close might scew things, it does have decent ventilation and fan profiles)

Power is a little more 182w for the 260 and 215w for the 470. Still nothing shocking, if it was 70w more it might be, but 33w isn't anything major for a card thats a load more powerful. Plus the 275 used 219w.

I have used both too. and the temps on the card dont really mean that the 470 isnt putting out more heat. it uses more power so of course it puts out more actual heat. yeah the gtx470 uses about 70-80 watts more under load than a gtx260 which I think is pretty significant. I returned my reference gtx470 becuase the noise, temps, and power consumtion were not worth the $340(at that time) price tag. now if the price drops to $250, I might grab a queiter non reference model though. :)
Wasn't planning on doing an upgrade so soon since my Xfired H5770s do such a good job at gaming. These price drops and AMD/NVIDIA competition is leading to some great prices for the customers. I'm leaning to buying some new video cards now.
I'd say the 470 will move into the 460 1gb spot at around $220 the 460 1gb will move into the 768mb spot at about $170 and the 768mb version for maybe $140

Just guessing, hopefully they'll be even cheaper.
I am going to guestimate the same.

I bet the GTX-460 cards with 768 float down to the $100 mark, before they can tighten supply and bring the price back to $110 to $120
in which case I am thinking SLI boxes will be getting an upgrade. my GTS-250's are good but for twice the speed it would be worth $100 each to upgrade.

The big thing I have found is that most of the GTX-460 cards are between 650 and 720 MHz core speed, this is a bigger gain than adding an additional 256mb of memory, and the memory being only 192 bit GDDR5 is also a hamstring on the lower end cards.
I would have purchased a pair of the Zotac 768MB cards today, but I am going to hold off a few weeks, looking for a better deal.

if the 256bit 1GB cards fall to the $150-$175 rang I will be snapping a few of those up.
I have used both too. and the temps on the card dont really mean that the 470 isnt putting out more heat. it uses more power so of course it puts out more actual heat. yeah the gtx470 uses about 70-80 watts more under load than a gtx260 which I think is pretty significant. I returned my reference gtx470 becuase the noise, temps, and power consumtion were not worth the $340(at that time) price tag. now if the price drops to $250, I might grab a queiter non reference model though. :)

Godamnit...$340...I payed the europe tax and got mine for...$474 :( (the 260 cost me about $340 2 years ago...) and the cheapest 470 you can get now new is $348...(which is quite a drop!)
But with a significant price drop, you could get liquid cooling, or moar fans and lower (in my mind anyway) the heat (or inport american and get phase change...)
Expect new cards in the channel soon then. Nobody does price drops unless they want to dump previous gen stock. The 460 is a better deal but lets not forget that the 470 has most of the shortcomings of the 480 a la' power consumption, heat etc.

I think the 460 is probably more future proof than the 470 to be honest. 470 is as long in the tooth as the 480 now.
If you think about it, the new ATI numbering scheme is brilliant in terms of attracting new buyers into the ATI camp. The performance is there along with the new shiny model number along with the low price.
I've only had AMD/ATi cards, but for the right price, I won't mind getting a Nvidia card.
Expect new cards in the channel soon then. Nobody does price drops unless they want to dump previous gen stock. The 460 is a better deal but lets not forget that the 470 has most of the shortcomings of the 480 a la' power consumption, heat etc.

I think the 460 is probably more future proof than the 470 to be honest. 470 is as long in the tooth as the 480 now.

Perhaps your correct. I dont think they are coming soon but I believe they are coming and I'm not alone

See Here

GF110 is supposed to be here december, there is a GF117 and GF119 as well. Perhaps GF110 for GTX 580/570 and one of those other 2 gpu's for 460 sucessor. Time will tell. I'm sure with the AMD launch approaching we will know alot more very soon.

Now I dont want to hijack this thread, but if you want to post about this feel free, there are 2 thread below regarding these topics, linked below
Good news everyone indeed professor. :) glad that show is back.

Might be time to upgrade pretty soon. I have been holding out for as long as possible, its getting tough with all these sexy deals going on.
I might have to hold off on the crossfire 5850 idea and see how the price of these 470's turn out.
I heard something about new cards be introduced in December which would make them available by spring 2011.

I doubt it has anything to do with the goodness of their hearts, however.


The only card-as far as I know-coming out is the 580, which appears to be a redesigned 480.
I say soon in nov or this week that

480 - ~349.99
470 - ~229.99
460 - ~149.99 1gb
460 - ~129.99 768
450 - ~99.99
Looks like Nvidia surrender especially if they don't have any refreshes other than high end GTX 580.
nice stupid remarks

Ok I'll bite. When you have no competing product to your competitor what do you do? (econ 101) You lower prices, with exception (see scenario below)

Now allow me to expand on my point earlier. If Nvidia had a refresh lined up (to take over) its current lineup that would bring the best case scenario for them. Lowering the price brackets and bringing in refresh products to takeover the price points for each performance card/price point respectively.

As of now before price cuts, their margin wiggle room with respect to mark up - AIB pricing must be thin. Please tell why this is not a white flag? ( without ad hominems? )
I've only had AMD/ATi cards, but for the right price, I won't mind getting a Nvidia card.

Exactly why competition in the marketplace is golden. Competition in the marketplace = consumer's best friend.

It's amazing that an entire economic principle that has governed capitalism and free trade for centuries can be summed up in 18 or so odd words.

Adam Smith is the shit. Sometimes when I get extremely frustrated with fluid mechanics or ridiculous calculus, I wonder if I should have been an Econ major instead of a Mechanical Engineering student. Economics is pretty damn interesting!

Then I look at average starting salaries and contemplate the awesomeness that is engineering, and continue with my studies as planned :)
I just upgraded my system to tri-SLI SSC GTX 260 Core216's. If I knew about the price drop on current cards sooner I may have reconsidered, but in the end I have no regrets doing what I did. Ironically the two additional cards combined cost me less than what my first 260 cost. Unfortunately I'm not much of a hard core gamer these days, but for the games I do play (and for everything else I do with this rig), the 3 260's kick major ass.

Plus my system now doubles as a space heater! woohoo! :D Winter in New England is going to be a lot easier to bear this year. ;)
the gtx470 uses WAY more power and puts out WAY more heat than a gtx260.
This. Temps don't matter. The 260 was always quiet and never made my room uncomfortable. The 470 couldn't be heard in games, but the amount of heat thrown out compares to a hair dryer. It went back for a 460 that's even cooler than the 260 was.