Battlefield 4 **Official Discussion Thread**

I don't think there is a ping kick in server settings. You have to use a 3rd party program to get that. I agree completely that max ping should be around 100 for this game. Something weird happens to the server with high pingers. Even if you are not directly engaging them. The whole server gets wonky.
Started playing BF4 on my 4k monitor the last few days and been having a blast... love the new netcode tick rate and it looks incredible. Here's an album link to three of my favorite screenshots I took during a couple of Metro 2014 matches this morning:

EDIT: Imgur's compression butchered them, finding a better spot to host 'em ;) but here's the album link for jpg compressed versions:
Started playing BF4 on my 4k monitor the last few days and been having a blast... love the new netcode tick rate and it looks incredible. Here's an album link to three of my favorite screenshots I took during a couple of Metro 2014 matches this morning:

EDIT: Imgur's compression butchered them, finding a better spot to host 'em ;) but here's the album link for jpg compressed versions:
Look great to me :).
Hopefully they do something interesting with the weapon balance now.

I'd call probably 2/3rds of the weapons in the game useless since there's other weapons that are better in nearly all stats. They need to drop the damage based on calibre model and balance the weapons individually.

Like a 600 rpm gun with a shit reload time that follows the 25 damage model is not very worthwhile just because it's a little easier to control and that's it. Compared to the damage output of an AEK or something, it's about as lethal as a kitten purring in your lap.

I'm not sure if it's that bad....I really enjoy using several weapons. I like about 5 carbines, I use about 6 different assult rifles, several DMRs only two snipers (that class is bad IMO) about 5 different pistols...

Granted there are some poopy guns and some awesome ones but I find myself using a pretty wide range of weapons.
I've been taking a break from the game for a couple months now, but coming back to the newest patch I've noticed a slight issue. During the game I will get a few seconds of black screen on both my main and secondary monitor. It's almost as if the monitors are losing signal. I still have sound and the keyboard is still responsive. During these black screens I noticed my GPU usage on both cards drop dramatically. I can't seem to find a pattern as to why it is happening. It's not exactly game breaking, but is quite annoying and the cause of several deaths.

Curious if anyone has any suggestions.

I just started playing again after a few months off. Is it just me, or does it seem like the number of people playing (PC) has been drastically reduced? I never used to have trouble finding specific kinds of servers, now it seems like I can never find anything. Was eager to try carrier assault, but every time I search, the servers all have like 1-2 players on them.
I just got BF4 last night for $30 along with China Rising for $10. Are there any more expansions available?
I just got BF4 last night for $30 along with China Rising for $10. Are there any more expansions available?
There are 5 expansions total available if I'm not mistaken. Go to the "My Games" tab in Origin and click the 'i' button when hovering over the game box. That will take you to a page with all the available and forthcoming DLC. This works for any game you purchase for Origin.
Do you have a link to this $15 or $20 copy?
Right here on the FS/FT forum you can get the BF4 code for the price I stated. People are trying to get rid of the BF4 keys that came with AMD cards. This is 6+ month old game after all. BF4 Premium was on sale multiple times from $25 (50% off) to $40 (20% off is a regular sale at GMG).

Terfpen said:
Retail is still $60 for the base game and $15 for each DLC. He didn't overpay.

I do hope you know the difference between MSRP and the actual price.
I just started playing again after a few months off. Is it just me, or does it seem like the number of people playing (PC) has been drastically reduced? I never used to have trouble finding specific kinds of servers, now it seems like I can never find anything. Was eager to try carrier assault, but every time I search, the servers all have like 1-2 players on them.

I would imagine there has been some drop-off but I think it is more a function of the following:

1. The server browser. Something similar to what you mention will happen to me but, but on the 6 or 9th refresh, there will be more servers, or different servers than what I previously saw. So according to the browser, the ones I was just looking at all disappeared, but these 5 just came on-line.
Try playing with the filters, they are not as intuitive as they should be. The fewer I use, the better results I get (oddly enough....) Drilling down to the exact server will yield no results, but a looser search will show servers that exactly match that criteria, go figure.

2. Fragmentation. With all the expansion packs out now, there is a smaller percentage of the total base playing any one map at a time (metro of course is excluded from this stat due to its inexplicable player draw). Naval Strike is still new though, so should see some decent action at least until the next pack comes out.

3. Solar Flares....

I have been playing a bit of Carrier Assault, so they are out there, although I swear there are more HC servers than regular which is a bit much on vehicle heavy like these IMHO. Toggle the filters and you will find them (I hope)!.
I would imagine there has been some drop-off but I think it is more a function of the following:

1. The server browser. Something similar to what you mention will happen to me but, but on the 6 or 9th refresh, there will be more servers, or different servers than what I previously saw. So according to the browser, the ones I was just looking at all disappeared, but these 5 just came on-line.
Try playing with the filters, they are not as intuitive as they should be. The fewer I use, the better results I get (oddly enough....) Drilling down to the exact server will yield no results, but a looser search will show servers that exactly match that criteria, go figure.

2. Fragmentation. With all the expansion packs out now, there is a smaller percentage of the total base playing any one map at a time (metro of course is excluded from this stat due to its inexplicable player draw). Naval Strike is still new though, so should see some decent action at least until the next pack comes out.

3. Solar Flares....

I have been playing a bit of Carrier Assault, so they are out there, although I swear there are more HC servers than regular which is a bit much on vehicle heavy like these IMHO. Toggle the filters and you will find them (I hope)!.

Hmm... that is weird. I searched for Carrier Assault, literally the only things checked besides Carrier Assault/Carrier Assault Large are Official and Ranked, and all I'm seeing is empty servers except for one time I refreshed and there was a 64-player server with 9 (!) in queue.

The other thing I've been trying to do is unlock the Gol Magnum, and it just wasn't returning many maps on Firestorm or Caspian. I did find one German server dedicated to Firestorm but it seems like the tower is way too highly contested all game long for me to get up there and not die long enough to kill anyone. :(
I would imagine there has been some drop-off but I think it is more a function of the following:

1. The server browser. Something similar to what you mention will happen to me but, but on the 6 or 9th refresh, there will be more servers, or different servers than what I previously saw. So according to the browser, the ones I was just looking at all disappeared, but these 5 just came on-line.
Try playing with the filters, they are not as intuitive as they should be. The fewer I use, the better results I get (oddly enough....) Drilling down to the exact server will yield no results, but a looser search will show servers that exactly match that criteria, go figure.

2. Fragmentation. With all the expansion packs out now, there is a smaller percentage of the total base playing any one map at a time (metro of course is excluded from this stat due to its inexplicable player draw). Naval Strike is still new though, so should see some decent action at least until the next pack comes out.

3. Solar Flares....

I have been playing a bit of Carrier Assault, so they are out there, although I swear there are more HC servers than regular which is a bit much on vehicle heavy like these IMHO. Toggle the filters and you will find them (I hope)!.

You think that is wholly responsible for a roughly 60% decline in the player base in as little as 7 months?

Well okay then, personally I think it has more to do with the fact that DICE put out a clustefuck of a release, replete with all the same issues as BF3, hoping its customers would be too stupid to notice.
1. The server browser. Something similar to what you mention will happen to me but, but on the 6 or 9th refresh, there will be more servers, or different servers than what I previously saw. So according to the browser, the ones I was just looking at all disappeared, but these 5 just came on-line.

If you scroll down, more servers will be pinged and added to your list.

The best way to use the server browser is to scroll down all the way, let the pings populate, then sort by ping and select your server.
Is it just me or are there more DirectX CTDs now after the latest patch?

I dig the patch's improvements, but I crash more. :(
I've been playing all weekend since I heard game is somewhat fixed, haven't had a single CTD yet, crap I think I just jinxed myself lol.

Game seems to be running much smooth than last year when I quit playing due to the plethora of bugs. I also picked up a GTX 780 (rig in signature), I'm able to run it on ultra but not maxed out and get decent fps. I hope I'm not bottlenecking too much, I'm oc to 4.5ghz.

Noob question, is "Carrier Assault" like what Iron Gator was in BF2:SF? I haven't played C.A. yet.

Any other good maps to play with the DLCs? Only played the base game maps.
Noob question, is "Carrier Assault" like what Iron Gator was in BF2:SF? I haven't played C.A. yet.

It's like Titan mode from BF2142.

Any other good maps to play with the DLCs? Only played the base game maps.

Anything in Naval Assault is good. I'm a fan of Guilin Peaks and Altai Range in conquest mode.
I've been really enjoying the game since I got back into it. Not even sure why I stopped playing.

But, I find I do immensely better on indoor maps. People usually congregate in certain areas so I can earn easy score throwing down medpacks and reviving people, not to mention my KPM doubles and I often wind up with a MUCH better KDR.

Outdoor maps... I can't figure out what the heck to do. Play the objective, sure. But it's hard to do on my own, and usually I get squads whose members run around randomly on their own. When I find a squad that actually works together, usually they're much better players than I am and I feel useless. :p That and randomly dying all the time.
I have enjoyed this immensely since I came back. I stopped playing around early Jan. Seems like they fixed a lot of issues and the performance is immensely better. I used to struggle getting 60fps with my CF 290s, now a single 290 gets me a constant 80fps.
i do miss the close quarters DLC from BF3.

played some Hardline -- sucks ass. Hoping the Dragons Teeth pack is pretty cool.
When I open Origin to play BF4, it says that a browser update is needed. Download update.
Update seems to install, but update window pops up each time after. Unable to play multiplayer. Have tried multiple times to install update. Searched high and low for solution. all responses point to 2013. My issue is now, and the 2013 solutions did not work.
Solved my own issue. Seems I should have been researching Origin browser issues instead of BF4.
Solution from EA Support;

For Chrome:
Uninstalling the Plugin then deleting the containing folder placed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlelog Web Plugins
Clear Browsing Data ( Settings/Privacy )
Reinstalling the plugin by logging to Battlelog again
In the search bar typing the following command: chrome://plugins
Checking the box Always allowed for ESN Sonar API and Battlelog Game Launcher
Restarting the Browser
Log back into Battlelog via Origin (Play from Battlefield4 icon )
Join a Server
For Internet Explorer 11
Uninstalling the Plugin then deleting the containing folder placed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlelog Web Plugins
Restart IE 11
From Internet Options/General tab -> Clear Browsing data -> Delete button
From Security tab, slide the bar to bottom -> Medium Protection
In Trusted Sites -> should be added along with and
It will require a System Restart in order for the 7 step to be applied.
Log in again into Battlelog and download again the plugin.
Join a server.
[Paragon];1040834507 said:
Ever since naval strike came out I've had serious FPS issues, before that everything was silky with the rig in my sig on a mix of ultra/high settings @ 1080P. Now running the perfoverlay graph every once in awhile randomly I'll get a CPU spike so high it actually shoots off the graph. When this happens I drop to about 4 FPS. The longer I play the worse it gets.

I can't figure out why. I'm running the latest whql ati drivers, everything is up to date. I even went so far as to delete it off my SSD and install it on a brand new 1TB seagate drive. And yes this happens with my settings on stock or running slight over clocks. It's also the only game that does this.

Not sure how to fix it, and as I really enjoy playing it's been kind of a downer. Anybody else have this or a similar issue?

Well solved this one, after Origin updated it re-enabled the origin overlay without me realizing it. I went in, disabled it and am now back to buttery smooth gaming. So if you're having odd issues try disabling the overlay, it might work and is an easy solution to try.
I've been playing all weekend since I heard game is somewhat fixed, haven't had a single CTD yet, crap I think I just jinxed myself lol.

Game seems to be running much smooth than last year when I quit playing due to the plethora of bugs. I also picked up a GTX 780 (rig in signature), I'm able to run it on ultra but not maxed out and get decent fps. I hope I'm not bottlenecking too much, I'm oc to 4.5ghz.

Noob question, is "Carrier Assault" like what Iron Gator was in BF2:SF? I haven't played C.A. yet.

Any other good maps to play with the DLCs? Only played the base game maps.
Carrier Assault is supposed to be like Titan mode from BF2142 in the sense that you capture flags to get missile launchers to take down the "titan" and you can also board the "titan" and take out its engine.

That being said, the interior and gameplay on the carrier itself is very similar to "Iron Gator".

Titan mode in BF4 is a horrible mish mash of Conquest and Rush game modes from BF3 and BF4, and barely mimics the BF2142 Titan modes. Rather than blowing up an engine or reactor, DICE thought it a good idea to copy paste the MCOM's from rush mode that make no sense in their placement. They also left out the ability for the commander to steer the titan so it could help with artillery bombardment or move out of harm's way. Finally, there is no epic escape like 2142 where you would have to fight your way back off the Titan and escape the explosion which felt like a hollywood movie and if you got left behind your death ultimately affected your death total and points.


I've been hearing rumors of July 4th release for Dragon's Teeth DLC for premium members early access. Anyone heard anything? I'm pumped for this DLC since it will be infantry focused.
Any word on the next expansion?

and at the rate things are going hardline will be released before all the dlc for bf4 are even out.
which is just ridiculous to me.

i refuse to buy hardline, but still.
First or second Tuesday in July.

Wrong. The last DLC Final Stand will be released a month or two before Hardline - August/September.

and where did you get this, because as far as im aware there has been no official release date for either dlc.
CTE just had several huge updates. I just played a round and there was a dude with a shield, MPX submachine gun for engineer. I just barely had time to play and have to go out now but check CTE out!
I've been hearing rumors of July 4th release for Dragon's Teeth DLC for premium members early access. Anyone heard anything? I'm pumped for this DLC since it will be infantry focused.

July 4 is a Friday. All other releases have been on Tuesdays. I doubt very much it's coming out on the 4th.

A better name for this video would be "Why Battlefield 3 catered to my specific tastes better than Battlefield 4." I got a good laugh out of his statement that Seine Crossing and Grand Bazaar were well balanced maps. Got a bigger laugh out of his statement that he doesn't think any BF4 maps should be remade for future games. I can think of three off the top of my head; Paracel Storm, Flood Zone, and Hainan Resort.

He has a point about the UI clutter. But the rest is just him complaining that he can't always dominate everyone on the other team. (That's also how his "attack chopper in BF4 needs to be buffed" videos come off as well.)
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The only two maps I DO NOT like from BF4 are Lancang Dam and Dragon Pass. Whereas BF3 didn't really get good, until "Aftermath" and "Endgame" DLC packs.

Due to the map quality, I've enjoyed quite a bit of BF4, despite all of the problems.