Battlefield 4 **Official Discussion Thread**

default is pressing Q

Specifically, look at the target first, then press Q while looking at it.

Spotting will not always take if the target is too far away, or if you've hit Q several times sequentially without spotting anything.

Spotting is also how you issue orders if you're the squad leader; look at the objective and press Q to issue an attack/defend order.
Now that have BF4 after waiting most e bugs to be fixed. I like the game so far.

One issue I see is that my First Gadget Toggle isn't working. Doesn't matter which keyy I bind it to.
Patch notes:

- Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
- Character collision improvements
- Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.
- Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes
- Improvements for client side packet loss
- Client crash fixes
- AMD Mantle multi-GPU improvements
- Carrier Assault game mode reports bug fix
- High Frequency Network update
-Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles
-Added option to control client side update rate setting
First impressions are great. Don't forget to enable that new feature and set it to "HIGH" if you have decent latency and bandwidth.
The tickrate patch is live

Halle-fucking-lujah. Bout fucking time, they had it done last week when I noted it on the 28th a few posts above. However, I am somewhat hopeful that they took the extra week to make sure there wasn't any other game breaking bugs before they released it.

Patch notes:

- Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
- Character collision improvements
- Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.
- Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes
- Improvements for client side packet loss
- Client crash fixes
- AMD Mantle multi-GPU improvements
- Carrier Assault game mode reports bug fix
- High Frequency Network update
-Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles
-Added option to control client side update rate setting
The only thing added that I see there that wasn't in the CTE testing patch I mentioned before was the AMD Mantle GPU improvements. That may have been the reason for the week delay.
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Any word if the network improvements will make it to PS4/XBONE versions? Just wondering because I occasionally play with friends on the PS4 version.
Any word if the network improvements will make it to PS4/XBONE versions? Just wondering because I occasionally play with friends on the PS4 version.

I thought I heard in their comparison video it would be for all, but I am not sure if they all are getting patched simultaneously.
CTE has been stable and running well for a few weeks now. This patch should help the regular game a lot.

Oh and they are testing LOW PING ONLY servers now. Ping limit is 75m/s. I can't play on any of them bc my lowest ping is 80 but I am still happy to see that.
CTE has been stable and running well for a few weeks now. This patch should help the regular game a lot.

Oh and they are testing LOW PING ONLY servers now. Ping limit is 75m/s. I can't play on any of them bc my lowest ping is 80 but I am still happy to see that.

I almost considered playing those low ping servers last night, but decided to massacre pubbies instead.

I'm really glad they chose to do that. They were actually seeing a flood of complaints about high pingers and how they were completely throwing off the testing. No amount of netcode fixes was going to help someone with 200+ ping. That being said, it was DICE's fault for not putting up more servers in some markets. Lots of Australian and Asian CTE players were connecting to North America.
PC Server Performance
On PC the RSPs are responsible for enabling the feature at their discretion, we expect most to do so as soon as possible.

It has to be enable seems on both ends

The most notable attribute of the netcode patching has been NOT getting stuck near players you are moving next to and the reduction of shaky cam. God, that pissed the shit out of me so much.
I've been reading on various forums that it's a massive improvement. Guess I'll reinstall and check it out.
The game plays a lot more like bf3 in terms of infantry firefights now. Not sure about vehicles yet.

Please continue to hammer the high ping limits. It really is best if the highest ping is 75-80 imo.
It has to be enable seems on both ends

The most notable attribute of the netcode patching has been NOT getting stuck near players you are moving next to and the reduction of shaky cam. God, that pissed the shit out of me so much.

I heard from Nuclear Fallout that it's actually enabled by default right now, and providers currently cannot disable it.
Seems loads better but still some head scratching moments....only to find out that 400 pingers still have an advantage. :/
gameplay felt good to me tonight, but I was playing aggressive-sniper so it was difficult to pick up on a change in netcode.
gameplay felt good to me tonight, but I was playing aggressive-sniper so it was difficult to pick up on a change in netcode.

Is it just me or is sniping extremely easy in this one? BF3 felt easier than BC2, and this feels even easier than BF3.
Is it just me or is sniping extremely easy in this one? BF3 felt easier than BC2, and this feels even easier than BF3.

yep I feel the same. In order of difficulty BC2 > BF3 > BF4. also BC2 is the most satisfying to snipe in.
Hopefully they do something interesting with the weapon balance now.

I'd call probably 2/3rds of the weapons in the game useless since there's other weapons that are better in nearly all stats. They need to drop the damage based on calibre model and balance the weapons individually.

Like a 600 rpm gun with a shit reload time that follows the 25 damage model is not very worthwhile just because it's a little easier to control and that's it. Compared to the damage output of an AEK or something, it's about as lethal as a kitten purring in your lap.
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did anyone else get a pretty big hit in performance with the last BF4 client patch?
did anyone else get a pretty big hit in performance with the last BF4 client patch?

Are you using Mantle? They did a whole bunch of tweaks to Mantle, supposedly improving multi-gpu performance however, its entirely possible they fucked up again.
I still wish they'd fix the Mantle crash on the map load. I've yet to be able to load into a map using Mantle without it crashing.
the #1 thing they need to work on is balance, team balance.

when you have one team doing 90% of the killing its not fun for either side.

you would think okay, so the teams get reset after the match right? nope! they stay stacked indefinitely. it really really really needs some sort of balancer.
the #1 thing they need to work on is balance, team balance.

when you have one team doing 90% of the killing its not fun for either side.

you would think okay, so the teams get reset after the match right? nope! they stay stacked indefinitely. it really really really needs some sort of balancer.

There is a balancer -- or at least a scrambler. Just depends on what server you join and how well it's run. When it sees a ticket difference outside of a set range it will scramble.

I've been on more than a few servers where after getting stomped and destroyed by the other team you will actively see the teams getting scrambled in the after round scoreboard.

of course it doesn't scramble everyone, if I'm in a group/squad with my friends and in a "party" it's not going to break us up (rightfully so)

That's part of the game - if you get a couple of friends together you know/trust and are actively using voice chat and everyone is playing a specific role, you can really put the hurt on a disorganized opposing force.
Which is *Gasp* just like real life :)

Edit: What pisses me off more than things like that, is when a server is setup with out of the box settings, and/or not set with a ping limiter. To run a server and think its "okay" to have guys from asia on your US server with a 250-300ms ping? That's a redflag that the owner/admin is a piece of shit.