Bad Company 2

So does anyone know how to use the grenade launcher properly? I can never really figure out what that crosshair means.. that's why I never really bothered with the grenade launchers in most games lol.

I will say this...

Almost every shot I take with a grenade launcher has been using the bottom notch on the sites or an estimate somewhere below it. Close shots when I am at a higher elevation are the only time I put the target square in the middle.

The usefulness of the weapon is only properly demonstrated in 2 situations:

1.Taking on squads. You might get 1 or 2 guys before the last one finally gets you. A real bitch when the remaining survivor is a medic that revives all of them anyways and you get fucked.

2. Blasting away cover. If they are behind any building structure, you can kill them with it. Hell, half the time its better to aim at the wall near or behind the person instead of actually at them.

Using the grenade launcher against a single target out in the open is really an exercise in futility. You usually get killed before you can load a second round.
C4 and AT mines both can be detonated through other explosions, and if the secondary explosion kills/damages anything, it's attributed to you, at least the team damage portion is. :mad:

I learned this firsthand. An enemy got into our base on Port Valdez and hung out near the Abrams spawn til he got a tank. He killed me and I respawned recon with C4, snuck up on him planted a couple det-packs and turned to run off. Someone shot his tank, triggering my C4 and blowing the tank, him, his squad mate (who apparently just spawned into the tank) and me to hell. I got the double kill, destroying vehicle, etc.... points but I would have rather lived to savor those kills.

I will say this...

The usefulness of the weapon is only properly demonstrated in 2 situations:

1.Taking on squads. You might get 1 or 2 guys before the last one finally gets you. A real bitch when the remaining survivor is a medic that revives all of them anyways and you get fucked.

2. Blasting away cover. If they are behind any building structure, you can kill them with it. Hell, half the time its better to aim at the wall near or behind the person instead of actually at them.

Using the grenade launcher against a single target out in the open is really an exercise in futility. You usually get killed before you can load a second round.

1. Aim the nade launcher at the guy with the funny little hat; kill the medic first. Fire the nade launcher at them, toss a nade in one direction of escape to cut em off and spray em down in the other direction with your gun. If they survive that, they deserve to kill you.

2. Use it to take down trees too; remove the enemy's cover. When defending I'll try blasting away their cover so they'll be a lot easier to spot.
Well guys after a week of trying to get this game working its now working fine and its just dumb what the cause was.

The cause was (love this) displayfusion .. even though I did disable it a few times to try running the game without it running in the backround , after I restarted from installing 10.3 cats and disabled this program it runs just fine. How retarded considering this is the ONLY game that doesn't like it.

Mine works with DF going..Is everything as administrator?

This is really interesting. it seems that some of the best weapons can be unlocked early and the last weapons to be unlocked aren't any better in some cases. i didn't think this was true, though i'm only level 10 right now.

This part is of note:

So that kind explains why I can't hit anything when I'm a sniper, and never seem to do damage while shooting at a helicopter. I see everyone else shooting at Heli's so I have been but according to this I'm not doing any damage.

Based off the above, it looks like I should stick with the T88 S for Sniper since it uses regular bullets and won't gravity drop like the others I was using.

bumping myself, heh. just wondering if anyone had a chance to look at that webpage I linked above with weapon stats. Just trying to figure out if I'm reading things correctly :)
bumping myself, heh. just wondering if anyone had a chance to look at that webpage I linked above with weapon stats. Just trying to figure out if I'm reading things correctly :)

From the article, meaning only the M95 can damage choppers and hummers. I actually had some guy trying to snipe me out of the cockpit of the Hind earlier and he was just damaging it with the M95, doing about 4% damage or something every shot.

Bullet. The standard for all weapons from pistols to the weaker Recon Rifles. They are almost not affected by gravity at all.
Sniper_Bullet. A bullet affected by fake gravity. Used by the M24, SV-98, GOL, and Slug Shotguns
HMG_bullet. Used by stationary and vehicle mounted machineguns. That AND the M95 sniper rifle. It drops as much or slightly less than Sniper_bullet.
The feature of HMG_Bullet is that it can damage lightly armored vehicles such as Jeeps and Helicopters.
Did anyone see a huge frame drop after the steam patch? I took a 20-30 frame drop. A few people over at the steam forums have mentioned it. Curious if any of you took that hit?
My game goes to 1-2 fps when I look at the score. It is crazy! Just pressing tab will literally make my game a slideshow.
My game goes to 1-2 fps when I look at the score. It is crazy! Just pressing tab will literally make my game a slideshow.

The menus when I join some games are painfully slow to deal with. Not sure why that is. Usually when the game gets going its fine.
The menus when I join some games are painfully slow to deal with. Not sure why that is. Usually when the game gets going its fine.

Yeah mine is usually fine UNTIL I hit the tab button. Everything is at max on a 920, hd5850, and 6 gigs of 1600mhz ram but for some reason my pc just isn't powerful enough to handle an onscreen menu :(
Did anyone see a huge frame drop after the steam patch? I took a 20-30 frame drop. A few people over at the steam forums have mentioned it. Curious if any of you took that hit?

Same here, I am running 5870 core i7 920 @ 3.5 6gb ram @ 5040x1050
Pre-Patch I had everything on High 8x and 16x with bloom and HBAO off was still getting 40-60 fps.

Last night I had to drop AA down to 2x after loading Arica Harbor when I hit a wall of 9fps.

I made a perfect sneak around the enemy yesterday.
4 of them in a tight pack.

I grin.
Pull out grenade launcher
Shoot in the middle of them.

No kill.
Screamed NOOOOOOOOOO as they all turn around and decapitate me with bullets.

Sad :(

I made a perfect sneak around the enemy yesterday.
4 of them in a tight pack.

I grin.
Pull out grenade launcher
Shoot in the middle of them.

No kill.
Screamed NOOOOOOOOOO as they all turn around and decapitate me with bullets.

Sad :(

Hahaha, I get anxious when that happens too. Entire squad has their back turned, I get so excited I shoot wildly into the room and kill maybe 1 person. Dammit. :D
Toss a nade and get ready to pick em off as they turn and scatter in panic.


I made a perfect sneak around the enemy yesterday.
4 of them in a tight pack.

I grin.
Pull out grenade launcher
Shoot in the middle of them.

No kill.
Screamed NOOOOOOOOOO as they all turn around and decapitate me with bullets.

Sad :(
I'm similarly unreliable with a 40mm. If I'm close enough, I take out a nade and prime it really well, throw it and then hit em with the 40mm at about the same time. If you're lucky you'll probably kill half of them, but the dust it kicks up should let you hide behind something.
I had a good one in the white pass yesterday. I was reloading in one of the houses and the enemy just started to spawn into the upstairs area. (I guess they spawned on one of their own who came up there.) I shot and killed 3 or 4 of them, knifed one (when I ran out of ammo) then had to get the last guy with the knife as he was reloading. I was just running around shooting them as best as I could. It was a tight area but I did run around the corner during the fight for cover. When I came back around they were still reloading, and that allowed me to finish them off. It was in a house with the "L" shaped attic area. I didn't have a way out and figured they'd kill me. Nope. I killed all 5 or 6 of them and got two sets of dog tags out of that. I went downstairs and I was just on a roll or something. I cleared the yard and side areas of the house once I found more ammunition. (An ammo box was left up there in the attic by someone.) I killed two or three more before getting killed finally. Someone hit me with the 40mm grenade launcher. It was my best round so far. I did that with a stolen HK416 and the revolver.

I'm just surprised I went that long without dying given the concentration of enemy soldiers I had to deal with. I'm a run and gun guy in FPS games. I guess my UT skills came in handy there. :) Normally I don't last all that long in BF games. I'm only "mediocre" at the game typically. I can operate the vehicles well enough, but on the ground my UT and even MW1/MW2 tactics get me killed more often than I care for. I'm getting better though.
So what is your weapon of choice?

I have noticed from a couple buddies it is all very subjective as to what is best out side of the 3 vastly overpowered options in the game. (The Garl "Mutha F*cka Gustav, M "fricken laser beams" 60, and infinite 40mike mike).

I have plat stars in the MFr and the M416, working on the M16 right now just. If you could scope the m14 or the g3 They would take it for me but right now it is the m416 as my favorite so far and the one i will return to once I finish my badge and star chasing.
The Grach is my new favourite pistol. Played exclusively with the 1911 since release, gave the Grach a try on my way to getting bronze stars for all the guns, and had a similar run to Dan's. Switched to it in an emergency, ruined four people including two M60 medics running around a house, finishing with ammo to spare. Fire rate, clip size and damage are all almost ideal. Been using it since and it's been a superstar.
Is there a way to throw your kit on the ground? Last night a team mate and I were jumped in one of the houses at White Pass. The guy managed to kill my medic before I dropped him, so I switched kits with the medic, and defibbed him. I was an engineer, so I dropped my XM8-C w/ 4x scope, tracer dart, and CG kit. The zombie medic woke up with a XM8 in his hands and was probably pissed that I took his M60... :D
Is there a way to throw your kit on the ground? Last night a team mate and I were jumped in one of the houses at White Pass. The guy managed to kill my medic before I dropped him, so I switched kits with the medic, and defibbed him. I was an engineer, so I dropped my XM8-C w/ 4x scope, tracer dart, and CG kit. The zombie medic woke up with a XM8 in his hands and was probably pissed that I took his M60... :D

Nope no way to switch back with out real coordinated effort for you to go kill some one pick up their kit, medic picks up his kick then you grab your old kit.
Most of the time it is not worth it.

One thing to note, is you get xp towards the unlocks for the class you spawned in as regardless of what kit you are using.

So you can spawn in as a engi kill a medic and take his kit and rack up the points with heals and defibs while unlocking engi gear.
Nope no way to switch back with out real coordinated effort for you to go kill some one pick up their kit, medic picks up his kick then you grab your old kit.
Most of the time it is not worth it.

One thing to note, is you get xp towards the unlocks for the class you spawned in as regardless of what kit you are using.

So you can spawn in as a engi kill a medic and take his kit and rack up the points with heals and defibs while unlocking engi gear.

Good info right there. Didn't know that; thanks.

Still unlocking the CG. I wish you could pick what you wanted unlocked.
I am absolutely useless with grenades, I don't get how people can use the 40mm grenade with any effectiveness. I end up just using it for destroying cover or small vehicles.
I am absolutely useless with grenades, I don't get how people can use the 40mm grenade with any effectiveness. I end up just using it for destroying cover or small vehicles.

Save it for when you see some smelly turd sticking his nose out of a window. Point it anywhere near the window and you'll get a kill, unless it goes straight through without hitting the wall - the explosion's directed inwards through the wall, so this way seems more effective than setting it off near someone's feet and relying on the splash damage.

If you run around trying to use it in the open you'll have far less luck than if you just use your rifle, unless you're on higher ground.
I am absolutely useless with grenades, I don't get how people can use the 40mm grenade with any effectiveness. I end up just using it for destroying cover or small vehicles.

Pretend the crosshair isn't there, I went from 48% accuracy to 59% when I figured out the crosshair doesn't help that much.
playing on hardcore servers helps you figure it out very quickly lol

No doubt, I went from guessing by the crosshairs to HC squad DM, accuracy went up right away :) Feels nice to tag someone in the face with the GL at 50 yards.
After playing hardcore, I just play by feel with the nadelauncher. Had it down to where I could be sprinting, see an enemy sprinting the other way and just turn slightly putting one right on them.
Are you saying ignore the tick marks on the crosshair, or ignore it completely?

Yeah just get a feel for the weapon, They are only accurate if you bring them up with right click.

It is faster just to play with the weapon to get a feel for speed and arc. With the right angle you can get some impressive kills that always feel good when you frag the guy who was running from you as he ducks around a corner.
Seems a good way to balance the UGL would be implementing an "iron-sights" system similar to the usual right-click function with most guns, instead of using the shotgun mechanic. Inaccurate when fired from the hip and requiring aiming to be able to do anything but get a purely lucky shot - sorted. No more complaining, and rewarding gameplay.
Are you saying ignore the tick marks on the crosshair, or ignore it completely?

Ignore completely. Don't listen to folks who grief the noob tubers either, M60 and Gustav pretty much make you use 40mm to stay competetive.
No doubt, I went from guessing by the crosshairs to HC squad DM, accuracy went up right away :) Feels nice to tag someone in the face with the GL at 50 yards.

yup, scored my first headshot with the 40mm in hardcore last night, was very satisfying lol
Ignore completely. Don't listen to folks who grief the noob tubers either, M60 and Gustav pretty much make you use 40mm to stay competetive.

For some reason the use of the M203 isn't nearly as bad in BFBC2 as it is in MW1 and MW2. The damage radius seems to be slightly larger, but the maps are much larger. Plus I see them get used on vehicles and things of that nature much more often. I guess the reason why it seems less effective against infantry, is the game mechanics, and more realistic physics come into play. It is definitely harder to land a shot with it in this game as opposed to MW1 & 2.
What's up with sniper rifles? I was using M24 fine, killed an enemy sniper and picked up the M95 and started playing around.... 0 hits out of a full ammo. Hell even if they were running straight or standing still and I shot right at the middle (or head) of them, no hits at all. Am I missing something?