Bad Company 2

They supposdly have some sort of realistic physics to make them behave more "correctly." The problem is that when it comes to firearms, the developers have obviously never handled any of them in real life. Most of them don't look right, they don't behave right, power levels are off compared to other weapons chambered in the same caliber. The M24 sometimes takes two, three of rour hits to drop someone. I've scored headshots and not scored a kill. As for the sighting, without having any knowledge of wind speeds, or temperature, or even exact ranges, one would have a hard time compensating for how "off" the crosshairs are. You just have to wing that. At closer ranges the crosshairs are good enough. At a distance you have to aim high, and then left or right to make the hit. In this regard the bolt-action rifles suffer badly, because for some stupid reason the "guy" operating it loses his sight picture to chamber another round. You lose your entire sight picture and basically have to start over from scratch everytime to line up your shot. No sniper in the world does this.

If the game developers even watched shooting videos on Youtube they'd have been able to make the "gun" experience more authentic. As sad as that is. (There are a ton of bad shooting habits displayed on Youtube.)

Despite my seemingly constant bitching about the guns, the game really is a ton of fun.
. In this regard the bolt-action rifles suffer badly, because for some stupid reason the "guy" operating it loses his sight picture to chamber another round. You lose your entire sight picture and basically have to start over from scratch everytime to line up your shot. No sniper in the world does this.

This is the only thing that truly pisses me off. Supposedly highly trained spec ops who can't figure out a bolt action.
This morning from DICE:

"These are design issues regarding VOIP after death and Points after death.

VOIP after death.

We found occurrences of people running into enemy areas, dying intentionally and using VOIP to notify their team of where the enemy was located. As a result we turned this off in game. It is still possible to do this using external VOIP (or even other real world communcation systems). In this game, Dead Men cant talk.

Points after death.

We intentionally removed "the suicide bomber". Loading vehicles with C4 and driving them into packed enemy locations to gain points when you die was something we looked at for some time. The whole human controlled guided missile system could be used to great effect, especially when bringing in air vehicles, C4 and destruction. Therefore we removed the points gained by this type of "misadventure" - it includes a "look what you could have won" points tally. We realise people who die bravely fighting to the end also suffer a points loss at this point but it is difficult to separate the two in the current system. "

Not getting points while being dead is ridiculous. It's thousands upon thousands of legit points that were robbed from me. My AT mines often explodes while I'm dead. My ammo supply, medic kits and motion sensor also continue to work as I'm dead. How is this stopping "suicide bombing"?
Removing features instead of fixing major bugs? Its all gone to shit makes me sad :(
This is the only thing that truly pisses me off. Supposedly highly trained spec ops who can't figure out a bolt action.

It really makes using the bolt actions very difficult. This is why I've stuck with the semi-automatic rifle for so long. I've got the SV98 unlocked, but I don't use it.
This morning:

"These are design issues regarding VOIP after death and Points after death.

VOIP after death.

We found occurrences of people running into enemy areas, dying intentionally and using VOIP to notify their team of where the enemy was located. As a result we turned this off in game. It is still possible to do this using external VOIP (or even other real world communcation systems). In this game, Dead Men cant talk.

Points after death.

We intentionally removed "the suicide bomber". Loading vehicles with C4 and driving them into packed enemy locations to gain points when you die was something we looked at for some time. The whole human controlled guided missile system could be used to great effect, especially when bringing in air vehicles, C4 and destruction. Therefore we removed the points gained by this type of "misadventure" - it includes a "look what you could have won" points tally. We realise people who die bravely fighting to the end also suffer a points loss at this point but it is difficult to separate the two in the current system. "

Removing features instead of fixing major bugs? Its all gone to shit makes me sad :(

i agree with the VOIP thing. I used to play Insurgency a lot and several of the servers i played in disabled VOIP after death. it's a good thing IMO, and this is coming from someone who would use it if it were available (i teamchat after death in COD games, etc. to help my team out)
As for the sighting, without having any knowledge of wind speeds, or temperature, or even exact ranges, one would have a hard time compensating for how "off" the crosshairs are. You just have to wing that. At closer ranges the crosshairs are good enough. At a distance you have to aim high, and then left or right to make the hit.

does the game consider windage when sniping? if true, i had no idea....and didn't particularly notice it.
They supposdly have some sort of realistic physics to make them behave more "correctly." The problem is that when it comes to firearms, the developers have obviously never handled any of them in real life. Most of them don't look right, they don't behave right, power levels are off compared to other weapons chambered in the same caliber. The M24 sometimes takes two, three of rour hits to drop someone. I've scored headshots and not scored a kill. As for the sighting, without having any knowledge of wind speeds, or temperature, or even exact ranges, one would have a hard time compensating for how "off" the crosshairs are. You just have to wing that. At closer ranges the crosshairs are good enough. At a distance you have to aim high, and then left or right to make the hit. In this regard the bolt-action rifles suffer badly, because for some stupid reason the "guy" operating it loses his sight picture to chamber another round. You lose your entire sight picture and basically have to start over from scratch everytime to line up your shot. No sniper in the world does this.

If the game developers even watched shooting videos on Youtube they'd have been able to make the "gun" experience more authentic. As sad as that is. (There are a ton of bad shooting habits displayed on Youtube.)

Despite my seemingly constant bitching about the guns, the game really is a ton of fun.

One thing that annoys me with game bullet physics is that they never consider the parabolic trajectory of the bullet. Its almost as if the developers act like your scope is inside the barrel as opposed to above it. As a result there is never any thought into the fact the bullet will thus travel in an arc, not just drop once it leaves the barrel.
does the game consider windage when sniping? if true, i had no idea....and didn't particularly notice it.

As far as I can tell, not really. If it does then it doesn't behave the way you'd expect it to. Mostly all I have to do is aim higher at longer ranges to score hits.

One thing that annoys me with game bullet physics is that they never consider the parabolic trajectory of the bullet. Its almost as if the developers act like your scope is inside the barrel as opposed to above it. As a result there is never any thought into the fact the bullet will thus travel in an arc, not just drop once it leaves the barrel.

I think a large part of the reason for this is that game developers are game developers. They aren't firearms experts or even necessarily enthusiasts.
This morning from DICE:

"These are design issues regarding VOIP after death and Points after death.

VOIP after death.

We found occurrences of people running into enemy areas, dying intentionally and using VOIP to notify their team of where the enemy was located. As a result we turned this off in game. It is still possible to do this using external VOIP (or even other real world communcation systems). In this game, Dead Men cant talk.

Points after death.

We intentionally removed "the suicide bomber". Loading vehicles with C4 and driving them into packed enemy locations to gain points when you die was something we looked at for some time. The whole human controlled guided missile system could be used to great effect, especially when bringing in air vehicles, C4 and destruction. Therefore we removed the points gained by this type of "misadventure" - it includes a "look what you could have won" points tally. We realise people who die bravely fighting to the end also suffer a points loss at this point but it is difficult to separate the two in the current system. "

Not getting points while being dead is ridiculous. It's thousands upon thousands of legit points that were robbed from me. My AT mines often explodes while I'm dead. My ammo supply, medic kits and motion sensor also continue to work as I'm dead. How is this stopping "suicide bombing"?
Removing features instead of fixing major bugs? Its all gone to shit makes me sad :(

Is voip even working? I have to use skype because it never seems to consistently work for me
Dan, the reason you can't keep your scope up while chambering a new round is for game balance. Sniping is easy as it is in thia game. Not dropping scope and reaquiring the target would make snipers op as shit. I agree its not accurate but it's a game.
Dan, the reason you can't keep your scope up while chambering a new round is for game balance. Sniping is easy as it is in thia game. Not dropping scope and reaquiring the target would make snipers op as shit. I agree its not accurate but it's a game.

Same reason the snipers don't have a spotter either; it's a game. :)
I still can'r get the "q" button spotting thing to work...I posted earlier in the thread of not knowing wth it does...after some1 explained, I tried putting the mouse over an enemy or a tank and hit q and nothing i supposed to klik the mosue too? seems like it would benefit the team to spot but dont know if it works?
Make sure that it is set up for 'Q' in the keyboard settings. Don't spam it either though. You're only allowed to do spotting so much in a short amount of time.
Dan, the reason you can't keep your scope up while chambering a new round is for game balance. Sniping is easy as it is in thia game. Not dropping scope and reaquiring the target would make snipers op as shit. I agree its not accurate but it's a game.

I just KNEW someone was going to say that. I don't care. Its stupid. Plus your argument doesn't track because they have semi-automatic sniper rifles in the game. With the T88 or whatever the hell it is, you can keep your sight picture and fire multiple shots. In hardcore mode, it is as good as any other sniper weapon. In standard games it is a little weak, but again the ability to place multiple shots on target negates this disadvantage.
I'm starting to really love the spot option. I've gotten so many blind kills by firing through foliage or smoke at a spotted enemy thanks to the visible orange triangle above their head. My favorite though had to be sniping enemy snipers with the machine gun nest at the first defense point on Isla Incontes. Killed three of them before they became wise to my position, and I never even saw them (except for the orange triangles of course).
Btw, to stop the rifle from loosing view after firing a shot, just keep holding the button after you fired. when you let go it will reload.
I still can'r get the "q" button spotting thing to work...I posted earlier in the thread of not knowing wth it does...after some1 explained, I tried putting the mouse over an enemy or a tank and hit q and nothing i supposed to klik the mosue too? seems like it would benefit the team to spot but dont know if it works?

I thought you had to aim at them (right click) then hit Q. Kind of like sighting them down the iron sights,
Q is default for spot, just aim at a target and press Q, aiming down the iron sights isn't necesary but it helps those with a bad aim. You should be more or less spotting everything, if you miss or die before you kill your current target then at least others can pick up where you left off.

I've been playing to get the insignias recently, i have about half so far, i reckon I'll be stat whoring my way to all insignias/pins quite fast and then probably going after platinum weapon and vehicle stars, got 5 gold stars with the knife already :D
so when u aim and "q" to spot sum1, do u hear an audible beep or verification that it worked or do u just see a red triangle on the map?
so when u aim and "q" to spot sum1, do u hear an audible beep or verification that it worked or do u just see a red triangle on the map?

Usually both the triangle and verbal comment (i.e., "we got enemy infantry moving in") occur. On occasion though the audio doesn't happen but the triangle shows up. I think the triangle is more important - if that doesn't show up, then you did not spot the target.
Loving play assault right now. Recon is kinda meh. Engineers are situational, haven't tried medic yet.
Got the CG unlock today; it's a beast alright. I can see why the noobs spam this thing. Close counts in horseshoes, handgrenades, thermonuclear weapons and CG rounds.

Got a helo kill too. Aimed for cockpit, pilot dodge just slightly but caught him in the tail rotor for the kill. :D
Well, I've just figured out how to snipe. If I've been doing it it's been when my team's hopeless, so I just sit at the back and whittle away at people. Turns out taking the time to aim and think about my shots was misguided. I had far more success running around with the M24 quickscoping at mid-range tonight. Came out of Nelson Bay as attackers with something silly like 35-8 just by acting like a cleverdick.

It feels kind of dirty, really. There were so many shots where I was aiming to miss the target or at his chest and I got headshots, and loads others where I was aiming at a stationary enemy's head and missed altogether. Seems the less you think about it the more you get done.

Some pretty pissed-off medics getting the drop on me from behind only to see me whip around and fuck them in the face. Shame I did it on an alt account to get a feel for it, my proper one would be seeing some luvly stats on the rise.
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Anyone else annoyed that the LMG (MG36) has no iron sights, doesn't work with the red dot add-on, doesn't work with the 4x zoom add-on? Using in medium range without sights isn't half bad, but I can't reliably use it long range unless I can see my own bullet trails to adjust my aim. grr.
The 4x zoom add-on is pointless with most of the LMGs anyway, the kick is amplified and the muzzle flash blinding. You can get the job done better with the red dot or nothing.
Anyone else annoyed that the LMG (MG36) has no iron sights, doesn't work with the red dot add-on, doesn't work with the 4x zoom add-on? Using in medium range without sights isn't half bad, but I can't reliably use it long range unless I can see my own bullet trails to adjust my aim. grr.
this, I'm not sure if its because I play hardcore servers only?
Well back to having CTDs every 5-10 mins after getting into a MP game. Well not sure what else to do.
Well, I've just figure out how to snipe. If I've been doing it it's been when my team's hopeless, so I just sit at the back and whittle away at people. Turns out taking the time to aim and think about my shots was misguided. I had far more success running around with the M24 quickscoping at mid-range tonight. Came out of Nelson Bay as attackers with something silly like 35-8 just by acting like a cleverdick.

It feels kind of dirty, really. There were so many shots where I was aiming to miss the target or at his chest and I got headshots, and loads others where I was aiming at a stationary enemy's head and missed altogether. Seems the less you think about it the more you get done.

Some pretty pissed-off medics getting the drop on me from behind only to see me whip around and fuck them in the face. Shame I did it on an alt account to get a feel for it, my proper one would be seeing some luvly stats on the rise.

lol, maybe you should spread the word to the other snipers that like to just hide behind a tree the whole match away from all the action ;)

Okay, I have a minor gripe. It just seems so obvious that I'm surprised no one at Dice took notice. Why if I'm doing the "Play Now" option (gave up on the server browser long ago), does it randomly select a server that requires a password? Seriously, it's a random server, how the hell am I going to know the password?
I wish recon people would spot a lot more often and mortar strike the hell out of charges once we set them.

My main gripe with the game is that they have failed to properly implement features that we've had in games since 2000 or so (team balance, a fast server browser, joining via ip, etc...). I realize a lot of these issue are patched or will be, but this seems like something to do on day 1.
The 4x zoom add-on is pointless with most of the LMGs anyway, the kick is amplified and the muzzle flash blinding. You can get the job done better with the red dot or nothing.

The M60 is ridiculous with the ACOG... You just tap it, takes 4-5 shots from long distance to kill people on non-HC servers if that... you can even get headshots with it...

But we were attacking on Isla Inocentes (whatever) and we were on the left flank where the road is, and 4-5 recon were in the water / on beach next to the road, and I was just picking them off with the m60 before they could snipe back at me, they were just sticking their heads out / whatever but it was still easy... reviving teammates like crazy and squad-heals... got me like 3000 points when the next person had like 500. Sucks for close-range stuff though because you're too zoomed in. At that point I just go without scoping in, it's pretty damn accurate with the barrel upgrade too.

Also, I don't know if it's a bug or a feature that's broken, but if you take the 5th position in the blackhawk as an engineer you can repair it while it's flying, but it' doesn't work all the time. I just pick random spots inside the cabin to point the repair-gun, sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. It also seems to repair super quick and you get those 20 point repairs insanely fast (you get like 2-3 for a tank, you get like 5 taking a blackhawk from 50-100% when you're sitting in there). I'm only wondering if it's a bug cause it doesn't seem to work too well and it doesn't seem like that's something they were thinking about (I also shoot gustav's out of the heli when It's not under heavy fire :D

I also played around with the MG3... it shoots so fast it's hilarious... It works well if the enemy is fully exposed to you and you just point at their chest and shoot a burst, they're pretty much guaranteed to be dead within half a second. But you chew through ammo crazy fast. Some-times I'd be in a situation against multiple enemies with the MG3 and just tear through all of them, but the M60 w/ red-dot or ACOG is still champ because high-power / low ROF means you can keep shooting forever and kill 10+ guys without reloading if you're accurate.
They supposdly have some sort of realistic physics to make them behave more "correctly." The problem is that when it comes to firearms, the developers have obviously never handled any of them in real life. Most of them don't look right, they don't behave right, power levels are off compared to other weapons chambered in the same caliber. The M24 sometimes takes two, three of rour hits to drop someone. I've scored headshots and not scored a kill. As for the sighting, without having any knowledge of wind speeds, or temperature, or even exact ranges, one would have a hard time compensating for how "off" the crosshairs are. You just have to wing that. At closer ranges the crosshairs are good enough. At a distance you have to aim high, and then left or right to make the hit. In this regard the bolt-action rifles suffer badly, because for some stupid reason the "guy" operating it loses his sight picture to chamber another round. You lose your entire sight picture and basically have to start over from scratch everytime to line up your shot. No sniper in the world does this.

If the game developers even watched shooting videos on Youtube they'd have been able to make the "gun" experience more authentic. As sad as that is. (There are a ton of bad shooting habits displayed on Youtube.)

Despite my seemingly constant bitching about the guns, the game really is a ton of fun.

aha, so that’s why those noob snipers swim to the small islands in inIsla Inocentes :D

I mostly use AN-94 with 4x Rifle Scope and Magnum Ammunition.
great combination but annoying at close range combats because of the AN-94 two round burst and having to shoot without any scope.

the XM8 is better for close range combats but the 4x Rifle scope with it is a joke, you can’t really make use of its higher rate of fire when the first shot hits the target and the rest hit the clouds, but I think I should quit using the 4x Rifle Scope because it spoiled my aiming. I think I’ll try to get used to the M416 though fully automatic rifles in this game is hard to handle. if it didn’t work out I’ll just play medic, unlock the M60 and spray my way in :D


I used to play Assault all the time but now I’m starting to like the Engineer class, ONLY because of AT Mines, with the Specialization that makes you hold 6 mines and an ammo box from a smart assault teammate I can do magic specially when being a defender in Valparaiso and Arica Harbora and at the beginning of Port Valdez (the beta map) because for some unknown reason I’m always the first to enter the map (under 10 seconds to load) so I can plant the mines before anyone notice.

this loading time problem is great hehe , when being with the attackers team in Port Valdez (the beta map) I can take the bike and rush to the m-com station on the right (the one in the small house) and arm it literally before most of the defenders even entered the map, if my squad spawns at me that’s one station gone, if they don’t I’m stuck there with a dozen of pissed off defenders :D
Funny. I was Engineer on the defenders side in the Rush server on one of the night levels full of trees. Just for fun I started to cut all trees with RPG - slow but efficient since it allows us to see approaching enemy. And suddenly - "you was kicked by administrator". WTF?
Funny. I was Engineer on the defenders side in the Rush server on one of the night levels full of trees. Just for fun I started to cut all trees with RPG - slow but efficient since it allows us to see approaching enemy. And suddenly - "you was kicked by administrator". WTF?

Maybe the admin was a treehugger? lol.
aha, so that’s why those noob snipers swim to the small islands in inIsla Inocentes :D

I mostly use AN-94 with 4x Rifle Scope and Magnum Ammunition.
great combination but annoying at close range combats because of the AN-94 two round burst and having to shoot without any scope.

the XM8 is better for close range combats but the 4x Rifle scope with it is a joke, you can’t really make use of its higher rate of fire when the first shot hits the target and the rest hit the clouds, but I think I should quit using the 4x Rifle Scope because it spoiled my aiming. I think I’ll try to get used to the M416 though fully automatic rifles in this game is hard to handle. if it didn’t work out I’ll just play medic, unlock the M60 and spray my way in :D
Stick with the AN-94 with Magnum ammo and the red dot sight. I'm not sure if its a bug or not, but I hit anything I put my red dot on. At the distance I would have to elevate the sights on the M24 by a half notch to compensate, I can simply aim at the enemies head with the AN-94. I'm guessing its because the AN-94 shoots a 2 round burst, the second shot is affected by the recoil of the first, and thus has just enough elevation to hit the target. I may have to shoot 14-16 rounds at them at that distance to kill, but its definitely worth it if the sniper doesn't know where your at. Then I can just give myself an ammo box.

Funny. I was Engineer on the defenders side in the Rush server on one of the night levels full of trees. Just for fun I started to cut all trees with RPG - slow but efficient since it allows us to see approaching enemy. And suddenly - "you was kicked by administrator". WTF?
I'm guessing you were on a clan server (most are) and you were kicked to make room for other clan members.
The M60 is ridiculous with the ACOG... You just tap it, takes 4-5 shots from long distance to kill people on non-HC servers if that... you can even get headshots with it...

Yeah, but you can do that with the red dot without your field of view being impaired by the muzzle flash, I meant. It's barely noticeable with the red dot.

That's another thing I've been wondering about, is why games continue to be developed with muzzle flash on guns. It's not like it really adds anything in this game, the maps are so large that it doesn't really give anyone away.
Funny. I was Engineer on the defenders side in the Rush server on one of the night levels full of trees. Just for fun I started to cut all trees with RPG - slow but efficient since it allows us to see approaching enemy. And suddenly - "you was kicked by administrator". WTF?

I got kicked for an admin for sniping him over and over again on adica harbour with the m60 from the rocks...
I just discovered something very fun to do while piloting the blackhawk!.......I stomp(land on top their heads when they try to defuse the mcom) enemies with it and counts as a roadkill! :D

The people on the server I played on was a little irritated at me thinking I was trying to crash the blackhawk but my team laughed for the blackhawk roadkills :cool: