Bad Company 2

I see a lot of bashing of the sniper class, and I will agree, the class is over used and should be limited to 2 per team of 12. But I do need to defend why I play as the sniper from time to time. One of the main reasons I fall back and play sniper is due to my Arthritis in my wrists. I can only play Eng/Med/Assault for so long before the intense action sends shooting pains in my wrist joint and fingers. Since being diagnosed 3-4 years ago, I've not been able to do much gaming... a favorite pastime of mine to whine down after a long day. But thanks to BF games, and the sniper/recon class, I've been able to find a way to still have my fix for gaming.... So due to my situation, I play a much slower paced roll as a sniper (I'm sorry that it pisses so many off). I've been bitched at and kicked from servers due to my "camping" ... but wtf can I do. I want to play too. In playing as a sniper, i guess it is a "lone-wolf" type role, but I pride my sniping not on the kills I get, but of spotting enemies and laying mortars to help my teammates. Many people never know when their ass was just saved by a sniper and those are the kills I get enjoyment from.

So in short... don't be so quick to bash an old guy (35) playing as a sniper. Now... get off my lawn you damn kids! haha

Sorry to hear that. Though I am one of those people who bitch about people camping with Recon class, if I do see you, I won't be harsh on you.

Throw Motion Sensor Balls? =D
I've always loved the sniper in games, I used to be a menace in BF1942 sniping from massive ranges.

Generally speaking though they don't add much to game play, snipers are generally only countered by snipers so you just force the other team to have more snipers and less of everything else, which is why you end up with large sniper battles.

This is a big problem when the attacking team has lots of snipers, it just becomes impossible for the remaining attackers to win, I'm in favour of limiting sniper activity on both sides, although that introduces other problems of it's own they aren't nearly as bad.
When I face a team with lots of snipers its almost always gurantees two things

1 - We will win. + for W/L ratio
2 - I will get less kills than deaths - for the KDR

I'm more of a support/defender type player. So when I play against a team of snipers there really isnt much to do except run around and get shot by snipers. >:O
I don't mind the team-oriented recon class player, but I'm in complete agreement with the 'limit the recon class per team' as it gets incredibly irritating when the attackers have more than 4 snipers. Especially when those snipers don't spot and are only attempting the extreme long range 400+ point kills.

If you're going to go recon class, especially if you're going with a sniper rifle and not a shotgun, at least have the decency to spam the Q key and spot every last enemy you possibly can. And throw the damn motion sensors if you are anywhere close to action.
The only concern I really have with snipers is when you're stuck with them as attackers on Rush. It makes the game boring in whichever direction you're playing, but at least as defenders you can just sit back and kill the two poor sods who run in trying to arm.

The sit-at-a-safe-distance-and-shell-the-MCOM players are worse, I reckon. I can forgive it when people are being hindered by a clueless team and they want to attack and their pushes have been knocked back, but when the round starts and people just take a seat in their spawn making no effort to attack is around the time I'll write the server off and go elsewhere.
I see a lot of bashing of the sniper class, and I will agree, the class is over used and should be limited to 2 per team of 12. But I do need to defend why I play as the sniper from time to time. One of the main reasons I fall back and play sniper is due to my Arthritis in my wrists. I can only play Eng/Med/Assault for so long before the intense action sends shooting pains in my wrist joint and fingers. Since being diagnosed 3-4 years ago, I've not been able to do much gaming... a favorite pastime of mine to whine down after a long day. But thanks to BF games, and the sniper/recon class, I've been able to find a way to still have my fix for gaming.... So due to my situation, I play a much slower paced roll as a sniper (I'm sorry that it pisses so many off). I've been bitched at and kicked from servers due to my "camping" ... but wtf can I do. I want to play too. In playing as a sniper, i guess it is a "lone-wolf" type role, but I pride my sniping not on the kills I get, but of spotting enemies and laying mortars to help my teammates. Many people never know when their ass was just saved by a sniper and those are the kills I get enjoyment from.

So in short... don't be so quick to bash an old guy (35) playing as a sniper. Now... get off my lawn you damn kids! haha
Have you tried using this scope?

What does it exactly do?

Let you "Q" up more people?


"Advanced Spotting Scope with integral tracking computer
it can relay enemy positions in real-time to the rest of the Combat Team."
I don't mind large groups of noob snipers anymore, unless they are on my team. If my team fills up with over half of them playing like stupid effing noobs and all camping the same hill, I just switch servers. We are going to lose period.

Now if I'm on defense against, it just means I'm getting lots of tags that round. Smoke my way up the hill, then go start stabbing those oblivious noobs in the back 1 by 1. I especially like it when they think they are safe in an area of the map we can't go. I still have 9 seconds to run, and I'll gladly use a suicide to kill one of those morons.

Once again, this is not against snipers, this is against retards who refuse to play another class even though everyone else is sniping as well and people are mocking them in chat.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1036246011 said:
Have you tried using this scope?

What does it exactly do?

Let you "Q" up more people?


"Advanced Spotting Scope with integral tracking computer
it can relay enemy positions in real-time to the rest of the Combat Team."

I finally unlocked this and it just seems to auto spot...never had to press Q.....:confused:
The only concern I really have with snipers is when you're stuck with them as attackers on Rush. It makes the game boring in whichever direction you're playing, but at least as defenders you can just sit back and kill the two poor sods who run in trying to arm.

The sit-at-a-safe-distance-and-shell-the-MCOM players are worse, I reckon. I can forgive it when people are being hindered by a clueless team and they want to attack and their pushes have been knocked back, but when the round starts and people just take a seat in their spawn making no effort to attack is around the time I'll write the server off and go elsewhere.

Arica Harbor is where the "sit back and shell" works best. There are 5 sets of MCOM's.

Set 1 - I can sit in a tank and NEVER move from the spawn point of the tank and take out both

Set 2 - B is easy to take out from top of the hill while A is the only one on the map a tank really has a hard time getting solo, in fact it really is pretty impossible for the tank to get it by itself.

Set 3 - B easily taken out by tank from long range, A again is abit more difficult but not as impossible as the previous A

Set 4 - B quite easy to take out from back by the train, A takes a little finesse but can be taken out while on the bridge and out of sight from the AT gun

Set 5 - B is easy, just pull upbehind the triple stacked cargo containers next to the UAV control while A requires you to run down the fence line on the right so you get A broadside.

Every time I play this map I rack up dozens of kills with nearly no kills assuming we get Set 2-A. I won't apologize for it and I actually have found a way to defend the Set1-B MCOM from this attack.
I wonder if it can autospot more then 3 people at a time, isn't that the limit in game when you Q people up?
I wish more snipers would use it since it seems like no one knows how to use Q... but it really bothers me when snipers don't. Even when I'm using the shotty, I click Q and then I fire, I don't know why that's so difficult.

The biggest problem with this game, is the players.
Sometimes I will go recon too, but usually roll with a squad of my friends running TS.
Try to pair at least with an assault to throw ammo packs.
Get up close with the SVU and spam motion balls and mortars, along with a lot of lean out and pop someone with the silenced rifle.
Very rarely sit out and try and pop from a long way out.
Have more golds on the SVU than any other sniper rifle by far.
Otherwise, mostly assault, and spam ammo boxes evertime I'm sitting still for a moment.
Arica Harbor is where the "sit back and shell" works best. There are 5 sets of MCOM's.

Set 1 - I can sit in a tank and NEVER move from the spawn point of the tank and take out both

Set 2 - B is easy to take out from top of the hill while A is the only one on the map a tank really has a hard time getting solo, in fact it really is pretty impossible for the tank to get it by itself.

Set 3 - B easily taken out by tank from long range, A again is abit more difficult but not as impossible as the previous A

Set 4 - B quite easy to take out from back by the train, A takes a little finesse but can be taken out while on the bridge and out of sight from the AT gun

Set 5 - B is easy, just pull upbehind the triple stacked cargo containers next to the UAV control while A requires you to run down the fence line on the right so you get A broadside.

Every time I play this map I rack up dozens of kills with nearly no kills assuming we get Set 2-A. I won't apologize for it and I actually have found a way to defend the Set1-B MCOM from this attack.

Boring. Is your KDR really so important to you that you'll play in a way that impacts on the game so profoundly for others? It's not like the guy with arthritis playing that way because he wants to let off steam gaming, it's just feeble.
Is your KDR really so important to you that you wont sacrafice yourself to run up the hill just to plant that tracer dart so that an engineer can blast the tank?

I have no problem dying to plant a tracer dart. My one death will normally save many.

Its a stratedy just like any other in this game and can most definitly be countered.
I think blowing up the mcoms from afar is s pretty cheesy tactic, but I can't really complain because it is a legitimate one.

I only wish there was a way to repair the mcom as a way to combat it. It would make the game a bit more fair.

That being said, my favorite strategy now on attacking is to go in with my buddy as shotgun recons. Extra c4 + explosions+, motion mine and stealth our way to the objective, and blow it up with all of our c4. They never see it coming :)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Is your KDR really so important to you that you wont sacrafice yourself to run up the hill just to plant that tracer dart so that an engineer can blast the tank?

I have no problem dying to plant a tracer dart. My one death will normally save many.

Its a stratedy just like any other in this game and can most definitly be countered.

Most people die in real life if they die in-game.
Is your KDR really so important to you that you wont sacrafice yourself to run up the hill just to plant that tracer dart so that an engineer can blast the tank?

I have no problem dying to plant a tracer dart. My one death will normally save many.

Its a stratedy just like any other in this game and can most definitly be countered.

You're basing that comment on the assumption that I don't play like that. Doesn't mean there's ever an engineer with his finger out ready to do anything about it, or that there aren't three enemy engineers repairing the nuts off the armour.
It is easy to counter the Arica harbour Set1-B MCOM shell tactic. Park one of the Russian tanks flush against the wall of B facing the American spawn. The trick is you have to have 2 engineers constantly repairing it. In a pickup game that is difficult as random people won't know what you are trying to do. If you run with a couple guys on vent or something it is much easier.
Boring. Is your KDR really so important to you that you'll play in a way that impacts on the game so profoundly for others? It's not like the guy with arthritis playing that way because he wants to let off steam gaming, it's just feeble.

Yeah my KDR is important to me. After I unlocked everything I was over 1,000 kills in the hole as a medic. It takes a good while to dig outta that kinda hole. I finally did and was glad of it. So on the one map that is so obviously designed to be a tank offensive map I take full advantage of it.
This is why games shouldn't have recorded stats like this, you guys take this shit way too seriously and totally forget about teamwork and fun in the name of KDR or award score bs.
I completely agree KDR should not be a recorded stat in a team oriented game. W/L should be the one that counts. My W/L isn't overly amazing in the mid 2.X range but it is significantly better than my K/D at 1.13 or something.
I laugh at KDR. I'm a killer/attacker in every game I play. Can't win if you're not apart of the action.
The game is enjoyed more when you're in the heart of the action. Sitting back and picking people off requires no skill.
Taking on three squad members, survive, arm the mcom, defend it and then die when it's destroyed gives me a sense of victory.
I'll take 35/24 KDR and a win all day.
I laugh at KDR. I'm a killer/attacker in every game I play. Can't win if you're not apart of the action.
The game is enjoyed more when you're in the heart of the action. Sitting back and picking people off requires no skill.
Taking on three squad members, survive, arm the mcom, defend it and then die when it's destroyed gives me a sense of victory.
I'll take 35/24 KDR and a win all day.

Might have been 5v1 if that sniper hadn't picked a couple off. :)

Don't play sniper much, not a huge fan, but they're very useful in *LIMITED* numbers. Having one cover your tank to prevent C4's etc. is very helpful. They're useful as a teammate/spotter - not as fifty lone wolves all competing over headshots.
Might have been 5v1 if that sniper hadn't picked a couple off. :)

Don't play sniper much, not a huge fan, but they're very useful in *LIMITED* numbers. Having one cover your tank to prevent C4's etc. is very helpful. They're useful as a teammate/spotter - not as fifty lone wolves all competing over headshots.

I see what you mean, but Snipers seem not to use the class to it's fullest potential.
When I play Sniper, I'm right in the action as usual. Here's the difference, I'm throwing motion mines, dropping mortars and spotting people. I can't tell you how many points I rack up using motion mines and spotting people. Free points IMO and the enemy can't hide from my teammates.

I'm tired of Engineers not blowing up tanks/heli, Snipers camping at their own spawn or some other far away spot that makes teammates run the length of the map, not using motars/motion mines and Assualt not dropping ammo. Each class can be very dangerous if used correctly.
You're basing that comment on the assumption that I don't play like that. Doesn't mean there's ever an engineer with his finger out ready to do anything about it, or that there aren't three enemy engineers repairing the nuts off the armour.

No sir, my statement was in general. Like i said in another post (i think when there was a discussion about CG vs infantry), I agree its a corny tactic, and its not something I do, but in the end it is a tactic. I believe that if you can do it in a game then its legal! Tanks vs MCOMM's can be countered just like anything else.

If their team is smart enough to have 3 engineers repairing the tank the other team should be smart enough to have 3 engineers blowing up the tank. And it only takes one sneaky person with C4 to blow it up regardless of how many engineers are around it.
I could literally care less about my KDR. That said, it's extremely annoying dying 5 times in a row from snipers without even firing a shot. I know the maps and I know the choice camping spots, but often it's not feasible to move up without being exposed briefly.

Last night my team was steam-rolling on Arica Harbor and all but one of my 7 deaths was from snipers. I got killed by a grenade once. If I had to guess, I would say at least 50% of the enemy was Recon. We won easily, but it still wasn't very much fun.

If I found a server that'd limited Recon to one per squad, I'd never play anywhere else.
I've played on a server like that before. I hated it. Every time I'd spawn recon, the 4 recon spots were already filled by snipers, and I'd get server-instakilled.

Pissed me off, because not every recon is a worthless sniper wookie. Some of us enjoy getting in the action, tossing mm's, c4ing tanks and objectives, and generally being more credit to team than everyone else.
I could literally care less about my KDR. That said, it's extremely annoying dying 5 times in a row from snipers without even firing a shot. I know the maps and I know the choice camping spots, but often it's not feasible to move up without being exposed briefly.

Last night my team was steam-rolling on Arica Harbor and all but one of my 7 deaths was from snipers. I got killed by a grenade once. If I had to guess, I would say at least 50% of the enemy was Recon. We won easily, but it still wasn't very much fun.

If I found a server that'd limited Recon to one per squad, I'd never play anywhere else.

Use Smoke. Seriously. Smoke where you are/are going to be, or just smoke where the snipers are camping so they can't see you. Its much easier to just take the snipers out of the equation.
I don't even play Rush anymore. It's so fucking retarded with people just sitting back 99.9% of the time and rocketing/tanking/PLBing down M-COMs. Back to Conquest 24/7. It's got more snipers and vehicles which can be annoying for some, but they're easy to deal with when you can finally get in their face. Rush can eat it, the mode has been ruined by people who care far too much about their Win/Loss ratio.
Use Smoke. Seriously. Smoke where you are/are going to be, or just smoke where the snipers are camping so they can't see you. Its much easier to just take the snipers out of the equation.

That's all well and good, but what about when I'm playing as a medic or engineer? I split my time pretty evenly between the non-recon classes. When I do spawn as assault, I go shotgun/C4 pretty often, or if I keep the 40mm launcher, I'd prefer grenades. I usually won't know that I need smoke until I'm dead and I'm not about to just spam it constantly.

Also, I know combat wookies do exist, but they're few and far between enough to go with a class restriction on the class. You can use every good combat wookie weapon besides the stupid VSS with other classes, and you can just put a 4x on the SCAR-L and have a VSS equivalent and a launcher instead of C4/mortars. I only play hardcore, so motion balls are mostly worthless from an actual gameplay perspective.
I prefer hardcore to standard. It's infuriating to empty an entire clip into an enemy and have them survive. If you get the drop on a group of 2 or 3 enemies, it's literally impossible to take them down without a machinegun or explosives.
I prefer hardcore to standard. It's infuriating to empty an entire clip into an enemy and have them survive. If you get the drop on a group of 2 or 3 enemies, it's literally impossible to take them down without a machinegun or explosives.

Shoot them in the head.

it really doesnt take a lot of bullets to kill someone on normal, its just most people just full spray every time they see someone and arnt really hitting their target at all.

I use the m1 garand almost exclusively, and its 3 shots to the body for a kill, 1 shot to the head.

then again i played CS 1.6 religiously so maybe its coded in my head to aim for the head always and tap fire.
Shoot them in the head.

it really doesnt take a lot of bullets to kill someone on normal, its just most people just full spray every time they see someone and arnt really hitting their target at all.

I use the m1 garand almost exclusively, and its 3 shots to the body for a kill, 1 shot to the head.

then again i played CS 1.6 religiously so maybe its coded in my head to aim for the head always and tap fire.

This is wisdom people. If there's a game that teaches you not to spray 'n pray it's CS. People in that game hand your ass to you unless you learn to calm down and fire in bursts.

That's how some people can be brand new to BC2 and just start owning people from day one.
This is wisdom people. If there's a game that teaches you not to spray 'n pray it's CS. People in that game hand your ass to you unless you learn to calm down and fire in bursts.

That's how some people can be brand new to BC2 and just start owning people from day one.

Like Moi. :p Love when people bitch about normal mode how whole clip blah blah. Its actually easier to rape someone in the head and bail before you get killed. hit and run works all the time. some of the time.;)
Whenever I hear someone say this, it makes me want to punch them in the face.

haha me too, specifically because its used wrong. The proper way to say it is "I couldn't care less" Saying "you could care less" implies you care to some level which would leave room for you not to care. :D
You give advice like you've watched me play and have determined that I don't tap and aim for the head. You really think you need to go over shooter basics on [H]?

Not that it matters, but I played CS and DoD both since early beta and all the other worthwhile shooters out there extensively. When the enemy is 10 pixels tall running across a street you can't exactly pick out the head. Get off your high-horse because, as well as twitch-shooter skills translate, CS this is not.

Bottom line: I prefer the damage model, no auto-heal, no mini-map, no killcam of hardcore. Just because I prefer all of those things does not mean I should be subjected to playing with a team that is 75% recon + GOL + 12X Optics camping in the hills and never coming within 100 yards of an M-Com regardless of team.
You act like I don't aim for the head...

Not that it matters, but I played CS and DoD both since early beta and all the other worthwhile shooters out there extensively. When the enemy is 10 pixels tall running across a street you can't exactly pick out the head. Get off your high-horse because, as well as twitch-shooter skills translate, CS this is not.

Bottom line: I prefer the damage model, no auto-heal, no mini-map, no killcam of hardcore. Just because I prefer all of those things does not mean I should be subjected to playing with a team that is 75% recon + GOL + 12X Optics camping in the hills and never coming within 100 yards of an M-Com regardless of team.

if you are seeing 10 pixel tall enemies maybe its time to upgrade to a higher resolution monitor? even at far distances i can pick out an enemies head well enough to get 300-400 point marksmanship headshots on recon without 12x scope. i dont know what the deal is with this game, but i think about 30% of my kills are headshots, maybe more. mw2 im pulling about 15%.