Bad Company 2

PB might, Dice will do nothing. They have one guy doing patches and he appears to be drunk most of the time.

And you know this how? Dice has a good dev team. A lot of them are working on the expansion. Its bullshit like your comment that ruin a great company's reputation.
It's the lack of a quality product that ruin's a company's reputation, a bug (hah) that DICE seems to have caught from Infinity Ward.
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And you know this how? Dice has a good dev team. A lot of them are working on the expansion. Its bullshit like your comment that ruin a great company's reputation.

DICE has never had a good reputation... :rolleyes:

They've always released crap and patched it till it just about becomes great. That will be their legacy. "One step below great, 8 patches till acceptable" that should be their mission statement hanging in their offices... maybe it is...
DICE has never had a good reputation... :rolleyes:

They've always released crap and patched it till it just about becomes great. That will be their legacy. "One step below great, 8 patches till acceptable" that should be their mission statement hanging in their offices... maybe it is...

:D very true. however, dice's unfinished crap is still more fun than most developer's well-polished masterpieces.
Regardless, the game is unplayable. Every server I have been in for the last 10 hours has had this done.
Hey, its me again crying about hacks. This one is a gamebreaker though. Im in a conquest server and all of a sudden my entire team gets ported to some random spawnpoint. I figured it was just a bug but then it kept happening (just to my team) whenever we would get close to capping something.

Between vac and pb, you would think this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

That happened to me in a Rush match.
man I thought I was going crazy, good to see other people experiencing this. I was doing conquest and I chased a guy a couple times around a corner/into a building and he kept appearing near the spawn points shooting me from behind. At first I thought nothing of it until he was tagged and I could see his name by proximity. Next thing I know he vanishes and fires off some rounds into my ++++++++ 50 meters away.
I'm still pretty bad at this game but any tips on which Medic gun is the best? I honestly run around using the M1 Garand as medic ._. or 870 (wish I could unlock the slugs, I'm lvl 9 still :( ) on close quarter maps
I'm still pretty bad at this game but any tips on which Medic gun is the best? I honestly run around using the M1 Garand as medic ._. or 870 (wish I could unlock the slugs, I'm lvl 9 still :( ) on close quarter maps

the M60 and MG36 are both extremely lethal. but once you've refined your medic-goodness, the XM8 LMG is phenomenal :D
I'm still pretty bad at this game but any tips on which Medic gun is the best? I honestly run around using the M1 Garand as medic ._. or 870 (wish I could unlock the slugs, I'm lvl 9 still :( ) on close quarter maps

The Saw seems to be getting popular but I prefer the MG36 because it comes with red dot sight. Use it like a semi-auto 3 round burst. Full auto with the MG is just gonna make you dead quicker. This isn't counters-strike or MW2 where you just run around and hope to be the fastest shot. You have to put yourself in the position of somebody actually in real combat. Use Saving Private Ryan as an example(yeah whatever)

Stick to walls, use your crouch, look before you leap. think ahead of time before entering a combat situation and try to guess where smart baddies are gonna be. Wookies are retards who all memorize the same camping spots every map and forget that everybody else knows about them too so think to yourself "Where would I be if I were on the other team?"

Find a medic buddy. We roll in packs :D
I guess you're right there. You do seem to have more room between the environment and your immediate view though with a higher FOV. I play at 65 myself. This does help in maneuvering and aiming. I've never had an issue with the model size, it seems fine to me. I do very well with the gun.

I think the effect is more prevalent on 4:3 or 5:4 displays. I'd say the view models feel to be on par with L4D2's, which are annoyingly big if you're used to the ones in CSS for example.
This game worth getting? I loved COD:MW2 for the PS3 - im kind of iffy on getting it for the PC because I don't know how large the gaming community is on the PC after the boycott.

But I personally have a built in HATE for shooter on consoles -

I blame Counter-strike.
This game worth getting? I loved COD:MW2 for the PS3 - im kind of iffy on getting it for the PC because I don't know how large the gaming community is on the PC after the boycott.

But I personally have a built in HATE for shooter on consoles -

I blame Counter-strike.

This thread is nearly 400 pages, and I don't think it's dropped off the first page of this forum for more than a few minutes (if that) since it's creation, you be the judge.

But IMO, yes, it's a very good game!
I haven't played this game in half a year because I grew bored of the same maps over and over. Is there anything new?
I haven't played this game in half a year because I grew bored of the same maps over and over. Is there anything new?

Same. The maps feel very directed/funneled. The firefights take place in the same places almost every time.

The maps are too small... I still prefer BF2. (Although BC2 is great on its own, just didn't hold my attention NEARLY as long as BF2)
Same. The maps feel very directed/funneled. The firefights take place in the same places almost every time.

The maps are too small... I still prefer BF2. (Although BC2 is great on its own, just didn't hold my attention NEARLY as long as BF2)

Yeah, that's why I quit. A real Battlefield game has much more variety because of the large open map meaning there are many, many ways for players to play a game and the gameplay evolves from that.

BC2 is just a corridor shooter where every game it's the exact same strats and gameplay everytime.

I hoped that DICE would respect the community and come out with new maps (and not just rehashed versions of the same ones) but they didn't, and the lack of dedicated servers means no fan made maps to deal with how crappy the system is. It's a shame.
Yeah. This has suddenly appeared on the server I admin on. PBBANS is aware of this and is looking into it. Also there is another one where he can cause people to suicide at will. Also even through we keep banning them the bans keep getting removed.

I, too have been a victim of the suicide hack recently in a couple servers. Very frustrating but the players it was happening too (myself included) thought it was the server itself trying to balance the teams. Typically if I notice someone hacking on my team, I just start grieving him or tking him until he leaves.

Had another run in with a hacker last night; one of the 'Let me spray the medic gun wildly and cap people I can't even see. I mention something to the admins and of course was told to STFU. Another couple deaths at the hands of the guy (he was 26/2 and everyone else on either team had 10 kills or less after 1st set of objectives on White Pass) and I repeat my request that the admin at least monitor the guy. I get kicked by the doosh 'for hacking' as he decides it's more important to fuck with a legit player and disregard the hacker. Later the next round he finally gets around to checking the guy out and finally shows the hacker the door.

I understand the admins are players too but damn, when something looks fishy at least check the shit out before being an asshole to legit players. Of course this same server will let autobalance take care of server imbalance even if the attackers have 8 more players. This understandably fucks up the entire map as the defenders are hard pressed to set up an adequate defense. Typically they're on the stacked side so they're not above stat padding apparently. :rolleyes:
This thread is nearly 400 pages, and I don't think it's dropped off the first page of this forum for more than a few minutes (if that) since it's creation, you be the judge.

But IMO, yes, it's a very good game!

It happened last week and when I saw it I immediately saved it from the depths of the 2nd page. :D. And at the time of writing this post it was the 2nd to last thread on the front page. Seems its slowing down. I for one read through just about every page before starting to post. I think it was around 200 some pages then.
The teleport hack is more than likely fixed with the R22 server which is being rolled out today and tomorrow. Some GSPs are offering their customers the option to upgrade now (MyIS is doing that for sure, and likely others too). I know the Habitat4Hookers servers (I'm not a member of their clan and am not an admin on their servers, but I am friends with the admins) have all been upgraded today. The rest will be upgraded in the morning when there's not as many players.

Although Kalms' post in the EA forum announcing the R22 server was vague and just called it a "security fix," I happened to find my way into the server they were using for playtesting and Kalms himself said it was to fix the teleport hack. They do not have access to the hack so whether it is successful or not isn't certain, but from what I understand it more than likely is.
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Yeah, that's why I quit. A real Battlefield game has much more variety because of the large open map meaning there are many, many ways for players to play a game and the gameplay evolves from that.

BC2 is just a corridor shooter where every game it's the exact same strats and gameplay everytime.

I hoped that DICE would respect the community and come out with new maps (and not just rehashed versions of the same ones) but they didn't, and the lack of dedicated servers means no fan made maps to deal with how crappy the system is. It's a shame.

Not only that but Rush mode these days have become horribly horribly emasculated. All people do these days is sit back with a light tank or rockets and either take out the building or take out the MCOM that way. Nobody ever charges in anymore even though it's still a viable strategy. It's pretty disgusting to see what Rush mode has become. I guess it's much easier to sit back and fire than actually be good...hence the large number of snipers in many games. :rolleyes:

I need a new game to play.
Not only that but Rush mode these days have become horribly horribly emasculated. All people do these days is sit back with a light tank or rockets and either take out the building or take out the MCOM that way. Nobody ever charges in anymore even though it's still a viable strategy. It's pretty disgusting to see what Rush mode has become. I guess it's much easier to sit back and fire than actually be good...hence the large number of snipers in many games. :rolleyes:

I need a new game to play.

Yea I refuse to use tanks as well, it's so lame when they just sit 1-2 spawns back shooting from tanks like pansies.

Although, I finally got the 40mmSG plat and started using smoke. That stuff is amazing. Its fun to shoot smoke in front of campers so they can't see anything. Also to camp an mcom building and smoke outside so they can't see you when they come in and you just tear them up.
I was sort of wondering when the general populace would discover you can quick switch shotguns. 9000+ views, I guess that answers that.

Ravic rocks.
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§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1036227947 said:
Watch in 720p...

Bad Company 2 Shotgun + Slugs

Bad Company 2 Knives, Repair Tools and Shock Paddles ...

I wouldn't mind getting hold of this config you keep mentioning. You framerate is very good even when recording. I used to be a big fan of the DX7 framelock-jumping config on rifle-only servers in CoD2, but I can't get the same tightness working in BC2 with the slugs.
Yep, quick switching is amazing! Huge advantage over others who don't know about it or can't do it effectively.

The other ls. squad members like Mr.Hide, Talent, sMk, Hawkeyes, bh- are just as good, they have been tearing it up since Joint Operations and before that probably.

Check out the other vids, some entertaining ones for sure...
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1036229036 said:
Yep, quick switching is amazing! Huge advantage over others who don't know about it or can't do it effectively.
What is this "quick switching"? Is it any different than reaching up with your left ring finger and tapping the 1 or 2 key? I sometimes use my left pointer finger or middle finger on the 3 key depending on my current movement. I thank COD4 for getting me out of the scroll wheel habit.

BTW, I did watch that vid of yours. :cool: I didn't see anything too special about the way you switched weapons. Looks a lot like the style of play that I use and see other skilled players like yourself use. The key thing I have found is to always keep moving. Get a couple guys, then retreat to cover reload and heal, repeat process and don't stay in an area too long...and that's exactly what you did in the video and kept your K/D up at the same time. Funny how that always gets people accused of cheating.:rolleyes:
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1036229036 said:
Yep, quick switching is amazing! Huge advantage over others who don't know about it or can't do it effectively.

The other ls. squad members like Mr.Hide, Talent, sMk, Hawkeyes, bh- are just as good, they have been tearing it up since Joint Operations and before that probably.

Yeah, Legacy is definitely a quality team and we respect them quite a bit. We've played them a bunch in a lot of the tourneys in this game; like 3 times in that Alienware tournament alone. Usually we also see quadz, xt, nebulous etc. Don't remember a Mr.Hide.
Am I the only one rocking the SAIGA auto shotty with almost every kit?

I roll with 3-4:1 k/d ratios and win almost all close up exchanges.

Only class I use otherwise is Assault and then its either AN-94 or M416 with red dot
Not only that but Rush mode these days have become horribly horribly emasculated. All people do these days is sit back with a light tank or rockets and either take out the building or take out the MCOM that way. Nobody ever charges in anymore even though it's still a viable strategy. It's pretty disgusting to see what Rush mode has become. I guess it's much easier to sit back and fire than actually be good...hence the large number of snipers in many games. :rolleyes:

I need a new game to play.

this ruined the game for me. I got it on release day and really enjoyed playing the rush mode. Then I got busy with school and when I came back over the summer, rush play had morphed into sniper camp mode. This game would be 10 times better if they got rid of the sniper class for rush mode, or at least capped it to 1-2 snipers per team. Then people would actually play the game as intended.
this ruined the game for me. I got it on release day and really enjoyed playing the rush mode. Then I got busy with school and when I came back over the summer, rush play had morphed into sniper camp mode. This game would be 10 times better if they got rid of the sniper class for rush mode, or at least capped it to 1-2 snipers per team. Then people would actually play the game as intended.

This is a problem for people like me.

I play rush as Recon but rock the SAIGA and then am usually the person pushing farthest up front.

The motion balls and mortar strikes are awesome to have.
this ruined the game for me. I got it on release day and really enjoyed playing the rush mode. Then I got busy with school and when I came back over the summer, rush play had morphed into sniper camp mode. This game would be 10 times better if they got rid of the sniper class for rush mode, or at least capped it to 1-2 snipers per team. Then people would actually play the game as intended.

Rush mode was a blast during the first few months of release. It made Conquest feel boring and I absolutely loved that mode in previous Battlefield titles. It still is entertaining when the opposing team actually attempts to muscle their way to MCOMs, but sadly that isn't the case in most situations.