ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread

When you say " another controller", are the Intel SATA3G and the Intel SATA6G considered the same controller or different?

*edit* - looks like the Marvell controllers on this board don't support RAID....weak. At least I'm not seeing that option in the BIOS. Only IDE or AHCI.

Guess I'll need to try it as is with the SSD on the Intel6GB, RAID0 on Intel 3GB, and the Windows registry tweak.

Yeah the Marvell controllers don't always. It depends on which ones they used. Most use the 9128 or the 9172 which do. At least on the higher end boards.

That means Windows is managing your RAID right? Doesn't that impact performance?

No. Using RST is the caching feature supported by Z68. He's giving an alternate configuration. Not a bad one either.
No. Using RST is the caching feature supported by Z68. He's giving an alternate configuration. Not a bad one either.

Got it. So...use RST to setup SRT. But I already have a 64GB SSD boot which should fit my not much sense in doing that I think.
When you say " another controller", are the Intel SATA3G and the Intel SATA6G considered the same controller or different?

*edit* - looks like the Marvell controllers on this board don't support RAID....weak. At least I'm not seeing that option in the BIOS. Only IDE or AHCI.


Hit Cntrl/M during post (w/Marvel contoller previously enabled)
Ctrl M isn't doing anything. Are you sure this board supports RAID using those controllers?

my 9128 does raid0/1 just fine, but anything other than raid1 is a mistake. marvell controllers bottleneck on raid0.
are you running stock speed or OCing? I notice this too when OCing

with everything stock sleep and hibernate work properly; when OCing even if only 300MHz over stock speed then I notice the same issue as you

Thanks, I've OC so that may explain it will try stock.
Ctrl M isn't doing anything. Are you sure this board supports RAID using those controllers?

I just downloaded the Z68 pro manual and you are el coorrecto - it has no marvel RAID provision.
Guess you gotta go up a notch to Deluxe

Yep just downloaded Z68 deluxe manual and there it is - Marvel RAID
You bought the wrong mobo - lol
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And ASUS just put up the Z68 deluxe page and looks like you can indeed use quicksync with ALL Z68 - ports or not!

3X Faster Video Conversion
With switchable graphics, all ASUS P8Z68 Series motherboards leverage the transcoding power of Sandy Bridge, allowing users to enjoy three times faster video conversion with Intel® Quick Sync Video technology.
* ASUS P8Z68 DELUXE motherboards retain iGPU accessibility alongside native LucidLogix® Virtu™ support for auto switching between integrated graphics and discrete graphics cards. This enables full use of Sandy Bridge iGPU features for improved media performance regardless of whether you use onboard or add-on VGA output.
I'm having a weird problem with my mobo (-V Pro). When I have the BLCK set at anything greater than 100 seemingly, the system starts up, shuts off, and then starts again when being powered on from a cold boot. Once it does that, everything is fine and stable. I'm attempting to run a BLCK of 105.0 with multipliers of 46 (set per core) and 1.4V using the recommended settings that Juan gave in his P8P67 thread:

I was using 0401 in which these settings ran fine, but I now upgraded to 0501 and the system starts fine but Windows will crash upon loading.
I'm having a weird problem with my mobo (-V Pro). When I have the BLCK set at anything greater than 100 seemingly, the system starts up, shuts off, and then starts again when being powered on from a cold boot. Once it does that, everything is fine and stable. I'm attempting to run a BLCK of 105.0 with multipliers of 46 (set per core) and 1.4V using the recommended settings that Juan gave in his P8P67 thread:

I was using 0401 in which these settings ran fine, but I now upgraded to 0501 and the system starts fine but Windows will crash upon loading.

The system has t double POST to enable BCLK offsets - it's just the way Intel's microcode is configured together with the limitations of having everything tied to the ring bus. The only way to consistently get offset BCLKs to POST is to use a double boot loop. Other vendor boards you actually have to creep up on BCLK - so boot at 100, then 101, 102, 103 etc.

As for the change in BIOS make sure the voltages are the same, as sometimes the tables are shifted slightly (especially if you are using offset mode).

I am hoping to take advantage of the lucid virtu capabilities. I am using a p8z68-v pro and a ATI radeon hd5770 card in the pcie_1 slot. Unfortunately I cant for the life of me figure out how to get the hd5770 working at all! I am getting nothing when I plug any screen into it and its not showing up in the os either. Am i missing something in the bios or have I got a dud card??
Dont quote me on this - I dont have a Z68 pro, but from what I've read you plug the monitor to like the DVI port on mobo and set iGPU graphics initialize in bios, then when you run a game or something it auto switches to vid card
And of course you need latest Intel IGA drivers
If you want vidcard you set initialize to OCIE/PCI (which should say PCIe/PCI)
Hows that for a first try?

Not quite. As I explained earlier, you have to use the Lucid Virtu software to handle the switching. You can connect to either the motherboard DVI / HDMI / VGA port or the discrete graphics card port. However there are some advantages and disadvantages to both "I" and "D" modes.
Dont quote me on this - I dont have a Z68 pro, but from what I've read you plug the monitor to like the DVI port on mobo and set iGPU graphics initialize in bios, then when you run a game or something it auto switches to vid card
And of course you need latest Intel IGA drivers
If you want vidcard you set initialize to OCIE/PCI (which should say PCIe/PCI)
Hows that for a first try?

Not quite. As I explained earlier, you have to use the Lucid Virtu software to handle the switching. You can connect to either the motherboard DVI / HDMI / VGA port or the discrete graphics card port. However there are some advantages and disadvantages to both "I" and "D" modes.

This is pretty much how I understood it also, but no matter what setting I use it will not recognise the graphics card. I am right in using the top dark blue slot as reccomended in the manual with single card? Can it work in either of the other slots???
This is pretty much how I understood it also, but no matter what setting I use it will not recognise the graphics card. I am right in using the top dark blue slot as reccomended in the manual with single card? Can it work in either of the other slots???

Do you have the graphics card ordering setup in the BIOS? Try setting PEG as the first then see if you can install it. (With your monitor connected to it.)
in other words, how can I troubleshoot this before taking the card back in???

This from Raja on another forum
"For Virtu, the iGPU Multi-Monitor support option has to be enabled in BIOS to allow the IGP to remain functional when add-on graphic cards are used."

:D :D :D
It turned out to be a dodgy card, it will be returned tomorrow. Quite simply i tried an old pcie16 card from the kids rig and it worked first time!

Any news on the 14 seconds till Bios post screen time?

In another forum a member wrote that he hast instant bootscreen with a GTX560, iGPU shall take some seconds longer.

Any news on the 14 seconds till Bios post screen time?

In another forum a member wrote that he hast instant bootscreen with a GTX560, iGPU shall take some seconds longer.

I didn't have that problem and I tested a ton of cards with our sample.
As in the bit that says about needing to be enabled for virtu to work etc?? Yes.

I tried every possible combination :)

Well, your initial instincts were actually correct. It was simply the good 'ol crappy hardware issue. Putting in the other card and seeing it work prob really made your day - lol.

Any news on the 14 seconds till Bios post screen time?

In another forum a member wrote that he hast instant bootscreen with a GTX560, iGPU shall take some seconds longer.

Is that this initial brief splash screen or the longer second one after the system checks and HDD scans are performed? 14 seconds to that point is what all my boards have to that second splash screen. In any case, there is no"fix" that I know of, other than disabling the unused controllers.

The sequence is:

TPU enable (1 second after power)
Then POST sequence ((RW training and all other checks)
The second splash screen actually appears after the OROM checks (Marvell etc)

You might save some time on the Marvell but it may not be much.

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When will Asus fix the sleep problems with these boards? When I wake the computer there is a long delay before my usb keyboard receives power again. It was the same with the P8P67 boards and much as I like the Asus EUFI bios, I'm now looking at changing to another manufacturers board because of these problems.

An update on this problem, I've now bought a new keyboard of exactly the same make and model to replace my other which was several years old, and the problem is now fixed.

Now I have abother strange problem concerning a webcam with built in mic. If I have it plugged into any of the rear USB ports the sound from the mic is low volume and keeps breaking up. However if it's plugged into a USB port on the case front the sound is fine.

The camera has the latest drivers installed but is a cheap obscure make, I've ordered a Logitec webcam and will see if the problem persists when that arrives, and will let you know the results.
An update on this problem, I've now bought a new keyboard of exactly the same make and model to replace my other which was several years old, and the problem is now fixed.

Now I have abother strange problem concerning a webcam with built in mic. If I have it plugged into any of the rear USB ports the sound from the mic is low volume and keeps breaking up. However if it's plugged into a USB port on the case front the sound is fine.

The camera has the latest drivers installed but is a cheap obscure make, I've ordered a Logitec webcam and will see if the problem persists when that arrives, and will let you know the results.


Ok thanks for letting me know. If you do find issues please let me know the exact model number of the webcam and drivers please (together with the usual BIOS version, OS and parts list).

Is that this initial brief splash screen or the longer second one after the system checks and HDD scans are performed? 14 seconds to that point is what all my boards have to that second splash screen. In any case, there is no"fix" that I know of, other than disabling the unused controllers.

The sequence is:

TPU enable (1 second after power)
Then POST sequence ((RW training and all other checks)
The second splash screen actually appears after the OROM checks (Marvell etc)

You might save some time on the Marvell but it may not be much.


I talk about the first Screen (boot logo disabled) where the cpu and ram is shown.
It takes 14 seconds till that Post screen appears.

Marvell controller is already disabled.
TPU and EPU is disabled, too.

I don't have a second splash screen.

So it must be that part of the sequence: "Then POST sequence ((RW training and all other checks)"
I talk about the first Screen (boot logo disabled) where the cpu and ram is shown.
It takes 14 seconds till that Post screen appears.

Marvell controller is already disabled.
TPU and EPU is disabled, too.

I don't have a second splash screen.

So it must be that part of the sequence: "Then POST sequence ((RW training and all other checks)"


I get about the same amount of time to that point with my hardware and the feedback from HQ I have had is that this is normal boot-time (slow as it may be).

Ok, then I have to check why the guy on the other forum has such a fast boot time.
I'll report.
Ok, then I have to check why the guy on the other forum has such a fast boot time.
I'll report.


Please do, and if there is something then I can push or ask what it is that is causing it. I just know that on all the systems I have here, it is pretty much "normal".

Damn. It's the only motherboard with 3 useable PCIe x1 slots. Thanks for the update.


There's always the chance the powers that be might change their mind but there is nothing to suggest the board is coming out at present.
