ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread

Nope, it isn't. The only difference between Z68 and P67 in connections is that Z68 has the FDI (display connectivity) part connected as well. The rest is exactly the same - same amount of PCI-E lanes.

Cap at 250MB/s means your SSD is connected to the SATA2 connectors.
Now I have abother strange problem concerning a webcam with built in mic. If I have it plugged into any of the rear USB ports the sound from the mic is low volume and keeps breaking up. However if it's plugged into a USB port on the case front the sound is fine.

The camera has the latest drivers installed but is a cheap obscure make, I've ordered a Logitec webcam and will see if the problem persists when that arrives, and will let you know the results.

You can have many devices in dev man sound/game controllers
Intel HD sound (on chipset) generic MS drivers
Intel HD sound (second one if Realtek drivers not loaded)
Bluetooth sound
AMD sound (catalyst drivers)
Realtek HD (or AC97)
You could try right click disable anything but realtek and see what happens
Also its best to keep all audio the same - All RT AC97 or all RT HD
>Bios - RT HD
>Mobo front connector HD
>RT driver pak HD
>Dev man RT HD
>Win sound in cntrl panel RT HD default device(s)

Just food for thought
Has anyone performed an image/restore using Win7 successfully?

I've tried few times now and every single time it fails with error code: 0x80070057. I initially tried with OC settings and RAI0 - that's where I copied my image and it failed to restore with that error.

So I thought, RAID must be messing with it somehow even though it can see/find it. I reinstalled everything, removed RAID and created an image to both internal and external HDD - it failed on both sources with the same error.

So I went to BIOS and reset everything to default (F5). Reinstalled everything, created an image and tried restoring it - fail. Exact same error...?

I tried restoring using Win7 USB, Win7 Disk, and Win7 Restore disk, nothing.

So now I pulled my SSD out of the computer and put it into my laptop (XPS 1645) - I'm now restoring successfully from that external HDD!

I've never had a problem with this process using the laptop and as per above, it's working on the disk right now - so what am I missing on the Z68 board (add: using 0501 BIOS)? It's all set to defaults.
Win7 itself, it's image and restore process.

The image is just fine - I can restore that image on another computer to the same disk no problems. When I try and restore that same image to the same disk on this computer, fail.

So .. anyone done a image/restore successfully? It's not the disk or the image as both work on another computer. OS is completely up-to-date and so are drivers.
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I would say that is a RAID driver issue. Have you tried using an older version of the driver? How are you doing the restore by booting fromthe windows disc?

Just for what its worth I have see this happen again and again with the P67 (and now the Z68 I guess). It has something to do with the UEFI bios that imagers cant replicate.
What will work is bit for bit hard cloner, NOT an imager.
I have been using Casper since vers 3.0 (now at 7.0)
It is the greatest cloner that nobody has ever heard about.
I am still cloning on my P67 with never a fail, including a triple boot Win 7 X64 Win 7 X86 and mint 11 (ext3) with never a prob.

Free 30 day trial fully working except the partition scaling or manual sizing
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My board came with bios revision 0221 (pre-release bios >.>) and so far I'm not having any problems whatsoever.

But I'm wondering if revision 501 will improve overclocking performance and reduce voltages required and etc.

Anyways, does anyone know if revision 501 add any changes such as improving overclocking performance over 0221? All I know is that it adds RST support and I don't need to use that and I really don't want to risk flashing my bios if it adds nothing. (Scared of power failures, even though I only get one once every two years or so...)
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is anyone having trouble with their z68 motherboards?
namely the p8z68-v pro

Don't know that there has ever been a motherboard released that didn't have some problem, particularly for individual boards.

If you're having problems then say what they are. If your looking for a problem free board, good luck and let us know what it is so we can get one too. :D
yeah .... one of my friend is facing a problem installing 4 dims of Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz CL9 (Total = 16GB)

I've got 4 X 4GB Corsair Vengeance running (1866 MHz, though.) I set the RAM frequency and timings manually.

Proves nothing.
I've got Gskill 1600mhz 8GB kit with XMP. Enabled it. Much better than the ASUS auto ram settings (1.67 volts on ram anyone? >.>)
Corsair Vengaence do a lot of trouble.

My advice: Get ram without XMP profiles.

I have this kit and no problems at all:

I use Corsair Vengeance RAM without any issues on a lot of motherboards with a lot of different chipsets. What you are saying is simply not true. And BTW, you can disable XMP profiles. Most of the better modules have them and again you can simply not use the XMP profiles if they give you any trouble.
What I say is true, just read on hardwareluxx, a lot of guys who had problems used corsair vengeance.
So these 3 are my main problems. I don't think I've seen anyone else list them so wondering again if this is my setup and/or if someone can post here saying it works for them to confirm either way.

1) disable C6 and C3 and your Multi is now 'stuck' at the highest Turbo level. It's like C1E is disabled at the same time?

2) Win7 restore image does not work. Create an image and try to restore it using Win7, fail. Restore that same image to the same disk on another computer and it works.

3) Sleep does not work when OC (even if PLL is disabled).
He should try leaving the C-States alone and seeing what happens. When I do all my overclocking in P67 / Z68 reviews I don't usually touch the C-States and even when the board is overclocked, turbo modes usually work perfectly. The only exception to that rule seems to be when memory speeds other than the default (1333) are used. In which case it's hit or miss depending on the board.
He should try leaving the C-States alone and seeing what happens. When I do all my overclocking in P67 / Z68 reviews I don't usually touch the C-States and even when the board is overclocked, turbo modes usually work perfectly.

You may have misunderstood or I've misunderstood your response.

Turbo mode works regardless, but disabling C3 and C6 is not meant to disable C1E and/or allowing it to downclock when not pushed. I can work around this but as I have not seen others comment and Asus dude's don't appear to frequent our Z68 thread that often, I thought I'd ask if I'm the only one seeing this meaning it's me and my setup and/or if this is a known problem.
You may have misunderstood or I've misunderstood your response.

Turbo mode works regardless, but disabling C3 and C6 is not meant to disable C1E and/or allowing it to downclock when not pushed. I can work around this but as I have not seen others comment and Asus dude's don't appear to frequent our Z68 thread that often, I thought I'd ask if I'm the only one seeing this meaning it's me and my setup and/or if this is a known problem.


We do frequent this thread just as often as the others on this forum - there aren't as many questions here to respond to most of the time.

What BIOS version are you using?

Thanks Raja, running on latest BIOS 0501.. the 'problems' I listed happen with this version.

What operating system are you using? I have a Z68 board here I can try and replicate with. C3 and C6 are not generally bound to C1 EIST. Are the Windows power options set to balanced?

Hi there,

On P8Z68-V Pro what's the difference between the red and black USB 2.0 ports ? They are all connected to Intel controller right ? Is there any technical difference ?

Hi there,

On P8Z68-V Pro what's the difference between the red and black USB 2.0 ports ? They are all connected to Intel controller right ? Is there any technical difference ?


They should be the same as the USB 2.0. What does your manual show for those ports (i don't have the manual here in front of me).

They should be the same as the USB 2.0. What does your manual show for those ports (i don't have the manual here in front of me).


They were the same on our testing sample I believe. I don't think the manual differentiated them either. The blue ports of course were different, but the rest were all the same I believe. The reasoning behind the difference in color always has eluded me.
They were the same on our testing sample I believe. I don't think the manual differentiated them either. The blue ports of course were different, but the rest were all the same I believe. The reasoning behind the difference in color always has eluded me.

It is probably the standard color available on those hubs with the Bluetooth output and nothing more than that technically.

this issue

Set BCLK to 100.0 manually in the AI Tweaker menu. This should eradicate some of the POST cycling (there are a couple of other things that caused this too).

On this platform we wanted to give users granular BCLK control (.1MHz increments). Due to the way the platform is designed a double-POST is sometimes necessary to get certain BCLK combos to POST. 100.3 MHz is used by us primarily because the clockgen output shows lower jitter on the CPU clock output pair when offset this way.

Set AI Tweaker to manual to get the BCLK option.

i set it to 100 and now to wont even boot. there is nothing coming up my tv.

What other parameters have you set? Can you save a screenshot of the BIOS screen and show me? I have never knows a CPU not to POST at 100BCLK at stock configuration.

by default it looks like my blk is set to 80

Something it wrong, as setting BCLK at 100 should not result in a BCLK of 80. Please save a screenshot of BIOS by pressing F12 in the Ai Tweaker menu and then uploading it.



the ram i have is DDR3 2133 (PC3 17000) idk why the motherboard reads the ram differently
Set the multiplier ratio to AUTO for now and set BCLK to 100.0 (press enter to get that to hold). I do not know how your BCLK ended up at 80.0 and your CPU ratio to 43 on its own accord - are you using the auto tuning functions/TPU?

no i am not using auto tune. when i first got the mobo it said overclock failed before i even put windows on it