Any news on BattleField 4 ?

I wasn't referring to the MP since the trailer only showcased the campaign. I'd much prefer BF ditched the campaign and just gave us back Instant Action but EA is so enamoured with the dude/gunbro audience and is obsessed with getting their money that it would prefer to waste millions of dollars on a half-arsed single-player mode that does nothing COD hasn't already done.

The campaign to the original Bad Company was pretty good. I'd really enjoy seeing another campaign like that instead of these whack-a-mole corridor shooters.

I agree. The trailer was more of the same.
The varied experience MP brings is unmatched.
I've never played the single player campaign on any of the BF games. Why does anyone even give a shit? Take the money and development time and make more MP modes and maps please... ugh.
The trailer was more CoD than CoD. Also, while the graphics are good, they are not my style. The fabrics are crappy looking to me. Everything is too shiny (weapons, walls, etc). And they still have the stupid glare. My hopes are the lowest they've been.
i kinda expected it to not be much of a leap since it has to run on xbox 360 and ps3 also.

i would expect maybe just maybe the next one will phase out those old consoles completely and we might see another leap.

I honestly do not care about another leap. Having to buy a new GPU every year to get 60 frame rates is not fun. I would rather have them keep similar graphics while improving other areas. Like bipod implementation, more content, differentiating the vehicles ect.

A big graphical leap every 2 games will probably result in better overall gameplay.
Preordered, yay! Got the Origin Digital Deluxe Edition, last time around I got a lot of the preorder bonuses added onto the Origin version, lets see if my luck repeats (had to buy one preorder from someone else, the Dog tags).

Lets see how this expansion, I mean BF4, plays :D
When does the beta start ?

I watched the new video, graphics look better, but not night and day better, it seems weather effects are much nicer, and lightning improved, but still looks like an improved BF3 engine, not totally new, which I am fine with.

But destructible buildings look much more detailed, and everything looks destructible, a lot more than BF3.

Curious how this game performs compared to BF3 on video cards ? Will I need a GTX-780 ? Will the 780 be out when BF4 release ?
This gives me a "little" more hope though. Granted it means very little until it's released and we see it for what it really is. I won't be pre-ordering anything this time around though. Too many burns on my brain and wallet. :(

Guardian said:
"But when you get to other parts of the game, like the big action bubble in the construction site in our demo, that's where the big change is happening. We didn't get as far as we wanted with BF3 - so we thought, 'you know what? When you get into a fight in one of our games, it's got to be much more like it is in multiplayer - you need to have the freedom of movement, the choice of tactics, weapons and vehicles…"
graphics look a little better then bf3s
im sure the gameplay will go downhill
Why would anybody preorder this far in advance? it isn't like they are going to run out of copies on their digital shelves?

I wont buy this game if they don't have squad voice over ip like they did in every other damn bf game except for 3.

Like another poster said they really need to fix the bipod as well. The game really needs a lot of minor tweaks.
Any word on what this "Premium Expansion pack" is that is included in the Pre-order? Does this mean we get access to all future DLC? Has EA/DICE provided any information bout that?
Any word on what this "Premium Expansion pack" is that is included in the Pre-order? Does this mean we get access to all future DLC? Has EA/DICE provided any information bout that?
The only thing I read was relating it to the B2K pack; nothing definitive though from DICE/EA.
Any word on what this "Premium Expansion pack" is that is included in the Pre-order? Does this mean we get access to all future DLC? Has EA/DICE provided any information bout that?
It's the same as BF3 pre-orders getting Back to Karkand. You get 1 expansion included with your pre-order.

The best thing to do is wait for a pre-order discount sale. Or wait for 6-10 months after release and get the game and all expansions for like $35. Right about where the price should be at launch, instead of $60+$50 (game + DLC).
This thread sounds like the hive mind on r/atheism or r/politics. How do you begin to hate on DLC for BF4 when nothing has been anounced, yet no one hates on Sleeping Dogs and their DLC, Saints Row and its DLC, and BL2 and its DLC. The hive mind mentality of H is pretty fucking sad, everyone is real quick to nitpick little things in the trailer; the cloth didn't look real? wtf is that shit gtfo outta with that nonsense.
This thread sounds like the hive mind on r/atheism or r/politics. How do you begin to hate on DLC for BF4 when nothing has been anounced, yet no one hates on Sleeping Dogs and their DLC, Saints Row and its DLC, and BL2 and its DLC. The hive mind mentality of H is pretty fucking sad, everyone is real quick to nitpick little things in the trailer; the cloth didn't look real? wtf is that shit gtfo outta with that nonsense.

BL2 and it's DLC (season pass) only cost about $30 and $30 around launch, so it wasn't a big deal for a lot of people. BL2 was also a huge improvement over the already pretty good BL1. Sleeping dogs was pretty similar to GTA style from what I can tell and had it's own theme/style on top. Saints Row is also GTA style with wacky over the to dildo-bats.

That and I'm guessing those games did not have the same number of people that want to see a good Battlefield release in the franchise.

It's easier to get mad at EA due to the massive amounts of failed promises. As well as overpriced map packs (i.e. DLC that are wannabe Expansions). Not to mention milking and half-assing the franchise the last couple of releases. People really want to love it, but it's hard to. Or at least that's how I feel. BF3 is not a bad game, multi-player is fun, single player is total shit. They should have left out sp and focused on mp IMO. EA is excellent at being "good" but not very good at being excellent (sorry to fuck up a quote about EA that I read).

EDIT: Cool deal on the beta for premium, I feel a little better knowing what I'm getting into before even considering to drop any money on it. As it currently stands (with my SimCity woes and others), they won't get a pre-order from me.
I highly doubt that BF3 Premium members get beta access, anyone that wanted to save money on the DLCs and not buy the DLC separately bought Premium and that is just about everyone that still plays BF3, so a lot of people. So thus far for the "Exclusive" beta access, we have MOHWF preorders, BF4 preorders, BF3 Premium members and members of some of those online subscription gaming magazines. Not to mention any actual beta testers. Yup, pretty darn "exclusive" :p
And the BF4 BETA grows that much less "exclusive", someone needs to send EA a dictionary.
BL2 and it's DLC (season pass) only cost about $30 and $30 around launch, so it wasn't a big deal for a lot of people. BL2 was also a huge improvement over the already pretty good BL1. Sleeping dogs was pretty similar to GTA style from what I can tell and had it's own theme/style on top. Saints Row is also GTA style with wacky over the to dildo-bats.

That and I'm guessing those games did not have the same number of people that want to see a good Battlefield release in the franchise.

It's easier to get mad at EA due to the massive amounts of failed promises. As well as overpriced map packs (i.e. DLC that are wannabe Expansions). Not to mention milking and half-assing the franchise the last couple of releases. People really want to love it, but it's hard to. Or at least that's how I feel. BF3 is not a bad game, multi-player is fun, single player is total shit. They should have left out sp and focused on mp IMO. EA is excellent at being "good" but not very good at being excellent (sorry to fuck up a quote about EA that I read).

EDIT: Cool deal on the beta for premium, I feel a little better knowing what I'm getting into before even considering to drop any money on it. As it currently stands (with my SimCity woes and others), they won't get a pre-order from me.

total cost of Sleeping Dog DLC = 54.99
total cost of BL2 DLC = 64.79
bf3 premium = 59.99 includes the main game and all dlc.

That extra 5 bucks makes it overpriced? If 5 bucks is going to break you, than homey you need to rethink your job and finances and stop worrying about gaming.

Wannabe Expansions? Elaborate please.
Half assing the franchise? What Commander Mode meant that much to you? I'll give that a big ole LOL.
SP being total shit? Who fucking cares, if you buy this for SP you have no room to talk about this franchise at all. It adds nothing to the MP aspect of the game and takes away absolutely nothing.


What did someone say earlier the weapons were too shiny? seriously!?

And the BF4 BETA grows that much less "exclusive", someone needs to send EA a dictionary.

Don't be so daft, name one Marketing team that doesn't use key words such as exclusive to build hype. They could have easily said BF3 Premium players don't get access to BF4 Beta. So basically they (EA) come out and do the right thing and give all current BF3 Premium members Beta access and its a bad thing? Yup, FUCK YOU EA.

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Did you even read my post? Because you got something entirely different than the point I was making...
Did you even read my post? Because you got something entirely different than the point I was making...

If I did, I apologize and I'll re-read and edit my post later.
My brain is hurting from some of the nit picking, idiotic complaints, and everyone jumping on the bash ea/dice/bf4 bandwagon.
If I did, I apologize and I'll re-read and edit my post later.
My brain is hurting from some of the nit picking, idiotic complaints, and everyone jumping on the bash ea/dice/bf4 bandwagon.

I'm totally for bashing EA, however I still think they should be given a chance for the game to come out first. I do have plenty of past complaints and have certain bias on my opinions about BF4.

However I do enjoy BF3 in general and really hope they pull it together with BF4. :) i.e. don't pull a typical EA move that we'd expect from them. Granted it's hard to please people no matter what they do, and even harder because they're EA.

I'm also hopeful for C&C, though I got very worried when it went F2P. Still, we'll see when they come out.

I may have even worded my shit in my post like shit. :)
Don't be so daft, name one Marketing team that doesn't use key words such as exclusive to build hype. They could have easily said BF3 Premium players don't get access to BF4 Beta. So basically they (EA) come out and do the right thing and give all current BF3 Premium members Beta access and its a bad thing? Yup, FUCK YOU EA.

So, who is being daft? Someone doesn't get sarcasm. They have been using "exclusive" access to alpha/beta for some time now and I still remember when it was "exclusive". Honestly, the beta wouldn't be very fun if its only against a handful of people when this is suppose to be a "battlefield".
Sleeping Dogs Saints Row BL2
All of those games are considered very complete games and have way more content than bf3 has with no dlc. I got 25 + (fun) hours out of each of those games without touching the dlc I got about 17 (mediocre) hours out of bf3 before i ran out of content. That was both single player/coop and multi before i was absolutely sick of it.
All of those games are considered very complete games and have way more content than bf3 has with no dlc. I got 25 + (fun) hours out of each of those games without touching the dlc I got about 17 (mediocre) hours out of bf3 before i ran out of content. That was both single player/coop and multi before i was absolutely sick of it.

i think if you only got 17 hours out of BF including the mp then maybe BF isnt for you...

becuase as much as i didnt like BF3's changes over BF2/bfv/bf1942 i still managed to my monies worth out of it granted i never finished the SP and only did the co-op once.

but i still managed to play the MP enough to feel satisfied with my purchase just not as happy as i could of been if they would of done things better and not stripped it of so many things BF2 had.
Why even bother with Single player in BF4. Nobody gives a damn about that. This series has always been about the massive multiplayer map battles.
People who pre-order BF4 get exclusive access to the BF4 beta.
People who have BF3 Premium get exclusive access to the BF4 beta.
People who bought Medal of Honour: Warfighter get exclusive access to the BF4 beta.

...Using the term "exclusive" makes sense. :p
i think if you only got 17 hours out of BF including the mp then maybe BF isnt for you...
No it's just bf3 that is horrible. I have and continue to get more enjoyment out of previous games in the series.