And so it begins... Cheap P3's

marty9876 said:
W/o shipping and tax it's a good deal. They are on the low side of RAM for large WU's. Double check to make sure they come with NIC's.

The $50 is out the door price. They all have NICs. I could always up the ram if I find some cheap I guess.

I think I will buy one, then see how it does. I have access to these whenever I want one.
Marty, was wondering if you saw a link/thread in the forums about a soldier in iraq that was trying to gather computer parts to put enough machines together for his unit and other units so they can IM with family and maybe even play a few games on the better machines, at least surf the net on the slower stuff. If you have spare parts that no one wants send it his way. I have the addy, just can't find that thread. I remember he even want cables/fans anything people could send. He'd check it out and put the good stuff to use.. Just a thought for the Extra Stuff... ;) He was willing to pay for s/h also or at least defray your cost a little...
ByteDown[H]ard said:
Marty, was wondering if you saw a link/thread in the forums about a soldier in iraq that was trying to gather computer parts to put enough machines together for his unit and other units so they can IM with family and maybe even play a few games on the better machines, at least surf the net on the slower stuff. If you have spare parts that no one wants send it his way. I have the addy, just can't find that thread. I remember he even want cables/fans anything people could send. He'd check it out and put the good stuff to use.. Just a thought for the Extra Stuff... ;) He was willing to pay for s/h also or at least defray your cost a little...

Link the thread please. Some of these are clean P2's complete units, sometime with 2x 32 ram sticks. Nothing I can use for the folding machines, most of the time no NIC's, sometimes the hardrives are good for folders (~4 gig) but that's about it. Right now I have ~5 real clean units like these, I was just gonna send them back as no parts can be pulled for folders. Complete units from top to bottom thou. I just can't supply the operating system though. If somebody knows and moron proff Linux install (me Linux noob) I'd gladly lay it on, modem drivers would be a pain though I'm guessing. Generally I run low on NIC's as I see all the crappers have one that goes out the door. Got modems up the butt.

Actually, if I turned one on, they all prolly have an installed OS.
ByteDown[H]ard said:
Marty, was wondering if you saw a link/thread in the forums about a soldier in iraq that was trying to gather computer parts to put enough machines together for his unit and other units so they can IM with family and maybe even play a few games on the better machines, at least surf the net on the slower stuff. If you have spare parts that no one wants send it his way. I have the addy, just can't find that thread. I remember he even want cables/fans anything people could send. He'd check it out and put the good stuff to use.. Just a thought for the Extra Stuff... ;) He was willing to pay for s/h also or at least defray your cost a little...

Could you link me!?