And so it begins... Cheap P3's

SmokeRngs said:
You didn't happen to get a couple of PII 333's out of those systems did you? I'm only running 266's in my duallie and I think 333's are about the top end the board will support. If you have a couple you pulled, I might be interested in digging up a few bucks for them.

And don't anyone make fun of me for this one. When you're talking crappers, any little bit helps.

Slot 1's? I'm pulling old CPU's too, and PSU/Video/HD/NIC/Sound/Modem

I should end up with quite the parts pile.
Yeah, slot 1 CPUs. That's the only way the PII's came since Intel thought there would be no way to put cache on die.

I'll have to double check what the fastest CPUs the board will take. I won't be able to check tonight since I won't be anywhere near the system and I can't remember what Tyan model it is.

Well, I did get a chance to check the system out. It's a Tyan Tiger 2 board. Model S1692DL. Unfortunately, it only supports up to 333 mhz processors. Tyan's page says it will support a Celeron 366a but only one, not duals so I'm stuck with slot 1 333 PII's unless someone knows something about the board that Tyan's page doesn't mention.

Just an update: I think/hope I've got 4 boxen which will be heading to new homes soon.

I'm getting 3 pallets of computers this week I think, what I'll do is run through the systems, post basic specs and let everyone have at it. I just hope someone want's something, else I'm out $1000.00+

I've still got everyone PM's and the posts in here, once I'm ready to "fill" orders, I'll be in touch.

Parts: US Postal Priorty is $3.85 for 16oz. If you looking for parts, video/modem/P2 cpus/small hard drives/CD ROMS/Floppy/nics --- Let me know and I'll see what I have around. I'm parting out all the systems, so should have some stuff around. Figure around $10.00 for two parts shipped maybe?

I'll get my own UPS account tonight, try and setup a PayPal aco!!!!.

Thanks all for your input here, hopefully this can be a long term plan to get many a boxen folding for the [H]!

SmokeRngs- Let me look around. 333 Celerons not gonna cut it I'm betting huh?
Nope, doesn't look like the Celerys will work at all. I was hoping they would and I'd be able to jump up a few steps but according to the CPU page on Tyan's site, the board won't take dual Celerons, just up to PII 333's. As I said, if anyone has any experience with this board and will promise that it will take faster Slot 1 Celerys and the fastest one it will take and run dual, then I'll go with what they say.

I may make a post in the multiprocessor subforum to see if anyone in there has ever run the board and what it will take.

I think it may take dual Celerys but the page says it will only take one since Celerys were never supposed to be run dual according to Intel.

The main problem I'm going to run into is that it's a 440LX chipset. If it was a 440BX I'd be in much better shape.

Bet if you dropped a pair of P2 400's in there, it would just run @ 333 or what ever. Maybe not.
Actually, they would run at 266. I had a problem with that on a previous PII board. I had a PII 400 but it would only run at 266 because of the 66 mhz bus. Other than probably running a bit cooler than a normal PII at that slower speed it wouldn't be any better.

Also, I'd need to know what kind of heatsink they have on them if they are passively cooled. There are some monster passive cool heatsinks out there that won't fit in the case. I know cuz I've had one before. And I can't run the system nekkid either. Too many cats around my friend's house.

SmokeRngs said:
Actually, they would run at 266. I had a problem with that on a previous PII board. I had a PII 400 but it would only run at 266 because of the 66 mhz bus. Other than probably running a bit cooler than a normal PII at that slower speed it wouldn't be any better.
I have a computer with a Intel AL440LX motherboard.

If I put a Pentium2 350mhz, it would default to about 266mhz or 200mhz.
BUT! It had a configuration jumper, which when the system is powered on, it will automatically go into the bios with an advanced menu, where you can manually select the processor speed. Mine was only able to go up to 333mhz though. Does yours have this jumper I wonder?

Marty, if quantities are limited, You can change my request to just one computer. Hope to hear from you when you finish this (boy, I wish I could help, I love to work on old hardware... but I'm far away).
quantities are not limited....

Please if your intrested let me know. Most people seem to want 2, which is cool cuz I have perfect boxes for the boxen.... shipping boxes.

Just post your intrest or PM me and I promise I'll get to you!

:D :) :cool:
towert7 said:
I have a computer with a Intel AL440LX motherboard.

If I put a Pentium2 350mhz, it would default to about 266mhz or 200mhz.
BUT! It had a configuration jumper, which when the system is powered on, it will automatically go into the bios with an advanced menu, where you can manually select the processor speed. Mine was only able to go up to 333mhz though. Does yours have this jumper I wonder?

Marty, if quantities are limited, You can change my request to just one computer. Hope to hear from you when you finish this (boy, I wish I could help, I love to work on old hardware... but I'm far away).

In some cases that would work with older PII's since some of them had unlocked multipliers. Later on, Intel locked the multipliers on the processors themselves so that would kill any chance of changing it. I don't remember what options there are for overclocking but I don't think it's going to be much since it's an older Tyan dually board. I also didn't have enough time last night to hook a monitor up to the system, plug it in and check out the BIOS to see what options it has.

It's been a while since I've messed with the system and I need to get my ass in gear and get one of my 4.3 gig SCSIs put in it since the current IDE drive is shot. Damn, I also need to find a CDROM for it to re-install Windows since it doesn't have one, I don't want to pull my burner from my main system and my secondary system's DVD-ROM is about toast.

SmokeRngs said:
In some cases that would work with older PII's since some of them had unlocked multipliers. Later on, Intel locked the multipliers on the processors themselves so that would kill any chance of changing it. I don't remember what options there are for overclocking but I don't think it's going to be much since it's an older Tyan dually board. I also didn't have enough time last night to hook a monitor up to the system, plug it in and check out the BIOS to see what options it has.

It's been a while since I've messed with the system and I need to get my ass in gear and get one of my 4.3 gig SCSIs put in it since the current IDE drive is shot. Damn, I also need to find a CDROM for it to re-install Windows since it doesn't have one, I don't want to pull my burner from my main system and my secondary system's DVD-ROM is about toast.

440LX systems should be fine running up to dual 533 celerons, they have to be PPGA versions though. In order to get dual functions out of a celeron, you have to have the right slokets as well. With a pair of 533s, you should be able to overclock to the 600MHz range with them. Searching for the right processors is the hard part, since Intel also made a FCPGA 533MHz celeron(P3 coppermine based) and it won't work as duals.

I can't guarantee it would work right in the board. I know when I looked a few years ago into it, the Asus P2L97-DS I had could run dual celerons. This of course is not officially supported by Asus, and I found it out through a few google searches.

Edit: This usenet posting claims that one guy got 533s working on your board. It may be worth a shot then:
What a great idea!

I might be able to turn my garden into a real farm!


Since I'm really low on money I don't see a way for me to get hold of a couple of slockets along with a couple new CPUs to try it. At this point I'd probably just prefer to stick with a couple of slot 1 CPUs. If 333 PII's are the fastest I can run that's fine if someone has a couple of them they don't mind parting with. I'll take 'em since each one will be 66 mhz faster that what I have right now. Sure, it doesn't sound like much but considering the percentage increase over what I'm running now, I don't think it's that bad.

Hey Marty, I am looking for these processors:

I am looking for 2x 333mhz slot 1 processors, need a pair for a dually. Also looking for a slot p2 400mhz 100fsb processor, let me know if you have these.
Good morning all,

I'm getting ready to go get some more, trying to gauge intreast on how many I should get. Here is a summery of what I think is happening-

From PM Land:

drdeutsch- Delivered
gigabyte1024- Shipped
towert7- Shipped
Pocatello- Awating check in mail
theHinge- wants cpu/MB only
Arionlscariot- 2x complete to Canada
Seapirate- 1x complete

From forum thread folks who what stuff:

Crosshairs- 2x complete
CBR- 1xcomplete
ComputerGeek737- maybe 2x
K*- just PM me w wish list of parts
chileman- 1x complete
Viper87227- 2x ?
Oldie- 2x ?
BakedON- 4 naked
84gthatch- 2x naked

Please hit this thread or PM me if your still interested. I'm trying to figure out how deep I should get into this whole mess (pick 1 or 3 pallets this morning basically is what I'm trying to figure out).

If you've got a new request/new member, please post away and let me know what your interested in.

General rundown-
P3 class machine complete CPU/MB/192 RAM at least/HD (4-8 gig+)/CD/NIC/3.5 FD/Video/Case (if you want a modem just let me know.

Target price: $37/50 each. Paypal make it $40.00 each please if that's cool with you all.

Scorpionjwp- I should have something let me look.

Parts: This get's messy fast. Let mull throgh what I have and maybe start a different thread. I was thinking USPS is $3.85 shipping for 16 oz lower 48 states. Maybve $5.00 a part? Nic/HD/CPU (P2's ect) Memory is hard to come by as I'm stacking in what I pull into the complere boxen.

Thanks all, please feel free to post away and let me know what your interested in. NEw guys don't hold back, OCAU is ramping back up.... :eek: :eek: :eek:
My proliant 1600 is giving me hell, the system bios sees two processor, Os doesn't.

Marty9876 try to find me a pair of matched stepping 400mhz processors and I shall solve my problem with my system.

but of course, I don't really care of the stepping of the 300mhz slot1 processor.

Pm me and let me know what you have found out, thanks.
At first glance, POST the boxes, need to rework to up the RAM ect.

P3 450
P3 933
AMD Athlon 950
AMD Athlon 600
P3 677
AMD Duron 1300 No DDR
P3 500
AMD Athlon 1333 (this thing overclocked...) No DDR
P3 450
P3 450
P4 1.4 (might give to sisters kid, borged of course)
P3 550e
P3 450
P3 500
P3 600e
AMD Athlon 600
P4 2.8/533 FSB suposta build out for source's friend...yea right maybe if borged

Have at them. Cases are in various condition ect.

Time for the Dullie hunt to begin. The Duron and 1333 are kinda getting nice machines. I just don't have ectra DDR around here.
Couple of gems in there.. Once I get my act together and see what all i have and still need, i will let you know ;)
marty9876 said:
At first glance, POST the boxes, need to rework to up the RAM ect.

P3 450
P3 933
AMD Athlon 950
AMD Athlon 600
P3 677
AMD Duron 1300 No DDR
P3 500
AMD Athlon 1333 (this thing overclocked...) No DDR
P3 450
P3 450
P4 1.4 (might give to sisters kid, borged of course)
P3 550e
P3 450
P3 500
P3 600e
AMD Athlon 600
P4 2.8/533 FSB suposta build out for source's friend...yea right maybe if borged

Have at them. Cases are in various condition ect.

Time for the Dullie hunt to begin. The Duron and 1333 are kinda getting nice machines. I just don't have ectra DDR around here.

Not bad.....not bad at all.
Add a AMD Athlon 1200 into the mess and still going through the "unknown pile"

4 piles, total crap/P2's/Unknown/P3's+
marty9876 said:
Add a AMD Athlon 1200 into the mess and still going through the "unknown pile"

4 piles, total crap/P2's/Unknown/P3's+

Nuts! I have a K7 IBM system that I picked up just don't know what the highest proc it will support is...
AMD fest here

Add 900, 1.050, and 1700 Athlons to the mess
BakedON said:
I may have a couple of 333's if Marty doesn't.....
LMK if you need them.... I will look tonight.

Don't laugh, but the company has 3 Celeron 333s lying in a stat-bag in our parts locker. We've got nothing to load them on anymore, so they're just gathering dust. There's a 4th in my junk box, no idea if it even boots.

I figured those was the best places for them ;) , but if someone's interested, let me know.
I *think* I PM'd everyone who was interested. If I missed ya, just hit me upside the head with a frying pan, I'm here someplace... :D

Let me all know what your looking for. I'm going to try and return all the junkers this coming Tuesday, I need to pull what I want by then from this lot. I should be able to fill out ~18 systems from this lot. On the plus side, I might have time to do this whole mess again if folks are interested, get this many boxen all over again.... yikes.
Just got mine yesterday, and they seem to be working fine. When my dad gets his camera back, ill update my little server room (bed room) in the post pic thead.
One of them even had a Geforce 2 TI ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive never had one of those.

This should up my PPD by about 100.

I'm glad this worked out, thanks again marty.

I PM'd you - I know your busy, but I would love to have another P3 or Athlon (preferably) folding for the [H]orde - I have 24,000 points and counting!
fuelvolts said:

I PM'd you - I know your busy, but I would love to have another P3 or Athlon (preferably) folding for the [H]orde - I have 24,000 points and counting!

Long range 4th page pitty bump!

Crappers, got yor crappers here who wants some!!!! :D

I've got a few (10-15), let me know if/what any one wants. I think I've got a AMD 1.33mzh/1.05mzh few AMD's 500-900mzh, a few P3's 450-933
I will take whatever you have that is 900Mhz or above. I have extra DDR laying around so that isn't an issue (if you still have the durons and athlons that needed them) Naked or clothed makes no difference to me at all it all looks pretty in the dark :)

Crapper inventory update- I'm trying to figure out if I should do this again.... they have many, many more.

Dell P3 p933 clean tower complete
P3 600EB
P3 555e
2x AMD Athlon 600
4x P3 450
P3 500

AMD Atlon 950- borked. Won't load mage fold server, won't load prime 95. POST's fine, memory test loops fine. It's not the PSU/RAM....???? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Lemme know if anyone wants anything....please.

I would take the P3 933 mhz system. I'm going to pm you later tonight. I'm going to call dibs for now.
Scorpionjwp said:
Hey Marty9876, you come across any matched set of P2 or p3 450mhz processors.

On my to do list. You should see Vipers order, color cordinated and everything.... PS Viper I might have few fans too.
Sorry for a thread jack, but I was wondering if Dell GX150's are good folders?

I can get up to 15 Dell GX150's for $50 each. They have PIII 1ghz, 128mb ram and 20gb hdd.

Any good for folding?
marty9876 said:
I'm trying to figure out if I should do this again.... they have many, many more.

I have been looking around for more homes for your crappers. A few possibilities have come up. I can guarantee if you get more I will get in line for some.
Tiny said:
Sorry for a thread jack, but I was wondering if Dell GX150's are good folders?

I can get up to 15 Dell GX150's for $50 each. They have PIII 1ghz, 128mb ram and 20gb hdd.

Any good for folding?

W/o shipping and tax it's a good deal. They are on the low side of RAM for large WU's. Double check to make sure they come with NIC's.
I finally got started, but want to set one up in my closet(dedicated). Whats left?
Monkey34 said:
I finally got started, but want to set one up in my closet(dedicated). Whats left?

P3 600EB
P3 555e
2x AMD Athlon 600
4x P3 450
P3 500

AMD Atlon 950- borked

Tack on sisters 900 Celeron Dell