AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

amd ati FO SHO said:
oem and retial chips come with the stepping exposed.

i would be unfair for them to cherry pick the good steppings, its a gamble and should be left that way.
No, they should let us know what we're buying, I'd always buy from them if they did.
That is what I am saying we are the guys who care about it. so why not cater to our needs if they can. only makes sense those who don't know or don't care won't be on this forum anyway
go 144 and use dividers? or pay extra for a 146 and not use dividers (considering i can even get that high).
The sales person doesnt wrap the order. The sales person won't even see the order. It's most likely a call center with a warehouse, and logistics employees who ship/receive.

Man you guys are ridiculous.

If you want a specific stepping, buy it used.
well i placed my order today for a 170 at 3:00 hoping for a 0550UPMW or VPMW

ill let u guys know what the stepping is when I get it
aldy402 said:
well i placed my order today for a 170 at 3:00 hoping for a 0550UPMW or VPMW

ill let u guys know what the stepping is when I get it
Good luck to you too :)

I hope I get a VPMW... though there have been no reports of them shipping any.

A UPMW is probably what I'll get, which is still good.
CompGeek said:
Good luck to you too :)

I hope I get a VPMW... though there have been no reports of them shipping any.

A UPMW is probably what I'll get, which is still good.

yea but we might get the short end of the stick and get a 0551, the turn around on stock right now for them must be QUICK because of these coupons. I guess we jus bought our lottery tickets
aldy402 said:
yea but we might get the short end of the stick and get a 0551, the turn around on stock right now for them must be QUICK because of these coupons. I guess we jus bought our lottery tickets
Well, I ordered friday :)
i ordered my opteron 146 yesterday night and it was shipped today already. theres a chance there could be delays in shipping for the 146 as noted on the website. glad i wasnt one of them. anyways i chose standard shipping (5-7 days) and my estimated arival date is in three days. i live all the way in cali too. always good experience from monarch. ill post my steppings once i get it if anyone is interested.
Ordered a 144 last Thursday or Friday, can't remember. Itshipped today (*err, yesterday technically now.. Monday, be here Wednesday along with my Scythe Ninja)... :D
Recieved my opteron 146, stepping is cab2e 0604. I hope this stepping owns as badly as the 144 cab2e 0604.
96redformula said:
Recieved my opteron 146, stepping is cab2e 0604. I hope this stepping owns as badly as the 144 cab2e 0604.

plz tell me what happens
I have some info on 0604 146s.

DPAW is the best, followed by EPAW and CPAW, which are both equal.
Absolute0 said:
I have some info on 0604 146s.

DPAW is the best, followed by EPAW and CPAW, which are both equal.

By "best" you mean 3.0+ and by "equal" you mean 2.7+?

cause if I can get 2.7 on stock voltage I will be MORE THAN happy.
I saw DPAWs hitting 3.1 prime stable on good air cooling. Makes them pretty damn good.

The other ones topped out around 3. Took 1.6+ volts though.
Absolute0 said:
I saw DPAWs hitting 3.1 prime stable on good air cooling. Makes them pretty damn good.

The other ones topped out around 3. Took 1.6+ volts though.

Wow! These new 06 DPAW steppings from monarch seem to be better Ocers then the 0551's which other retailers are still shipping.

I saw a f/s thread the guy bought 4 procs from monarch all were hitting 3.1 and one was 3.0 all with the stock amd heatpipe hsf.
so Ranking goes:

Opteron 170
1. 0550VPMW
2. 0550UPMW

Opteron 146
1. 0604DPAW
DO NOT start comparing 0604 146 SINGLE CORES to 0550 and 0551 DUAL CORES. You are going to confuse everyone.

Let me say it again, 0604 DPAWs that i saw hitting 3.1 are SINGLE CORE 146s. Right now their dual cores are 0551s and they probably won't break 2.8. So don't see the number 3.1 and think that says anything about dual cores.
Absolute0 said:
DO NOT start comparing 0604 146 SINGLE CORES to 0550 and 0551 DUAL CORES. You are going to confuse everyone.

Let me say it again, 0604 DPAWs that i saw hitting 3.1 are SINGLE CORE 146s. Right now their dual cores are 0551s and they probably won't break 2.8. So don't see the number 3.1 and think that says anything about dual cores.

oh my bad, i thought it applies for the dual core as well. So 170 has 0550UPMW/VPMW and 146 0604DPMW.
Right, 0550UPMW and 0550VPMW are 170 steppings. But if you order one now, i'm betting over 70% chance you're getting an 0551, so it's best we dont mention 0550s anymore.

As for 146s, yeah 0604 EPAW/CPAW/DPAW are what i've seen. 144s we saw some 0602s.

165s are probably 0602BPMWs.
I just got a Opteron 144; cacje 0602gpmw stepping. It does 2.8g at stock 1.4v; 2.9 @ 1.44v. It was done on a mATX DFI RS482 mobo.
2.8 Ghz at stock volts isn't uncommon, every 146 i have tested did 2.8 or more with stock volts, stock heatsink. Anyway 2.8 with 1.36 is right on par with my 0604 EPAW. What you really want though is a DPAW ;).
I'm disapointed with Monarch, I've ordered alot of parts from them in the past copule months and have had nothing but great experiences with them...until now. I ordered my Opt 146 Friday the 10th last week and order status STILL shows my order in the review stage...HUH? My credit card is fine and all that before you mention that and i've ordered with it bunch of times before. So i emailed them to see if it was backordered or if there was some kind of problem with the order i placed and they replied that "the credit department is running behind" thats fine and dandy but 4 days behind. And then i see people on here that placed there orders over the weekend and have received theres already. What the hell?? It's not like i NEED the processor right now but i wanna play with my new toy :p Anyone else have similar experinces?
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Ordered my 165 on the 10th at like 2AM and sent an email on Sun asking why "there is no information onmy order at this time" according to the order status screen. Got an emial today saying "I would expect your oder to ship tomarrow" well, thats nice, but I paid like $10 extra fro 2 day FedEXso it would be here on Mon at the latest. I got an awesome deal of course but, it's still a pain. I f I get a good stepping though, it might make up for it....
I ordered the Opt146 on Sunday, and the order is still "being verified for CC".... so much for 2 day shipping, more like X days processing then 2 day shipping.
lol exactly lastblade.

Monarch deals email sent.

Either way im stoked at the prices monarch is passing down to the [H]ardcore.