AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

0602 144's arent bad from what i've seen, theyre pretty good. At least mine is. Seen some other good OCs on 0602s as well. Maybe other opterons suck with 0602 but I know the 144s are pretty good.
Absolute0 said:
Dude, you can't order a 170 and honestly expect an 0550VPMW and blame it on Monarch if you don't get one. That's absolutely ridiculous. Furthermore i don't even think you'll get an 0550, as the people who got those had their order shipped early last week. By now, they are almost certainly out of them. Monarch isn't a place to buy to get guaranteed steppings at all. I was one of the last guys to clean up 0550VPMW 165s here, and that was a month ago, when most people were getting 0551.

From what i've seen, 0602 sucks, but 0604 is alright. I need more results though.

I still love Monarch, they were bogging with my order, i emailed them, and they expedited it and it shipped yesterday and will be here friday :).
I emailed them tuesday, said they expected to ship wednsday. I emailed wednsday, now they say thursday or friday. Its pathetic.

I dont expect anything Absolute, quite being gay.

The only way it would be worth the wait is if it was an 0550VPMW, if I get an 0551 after waiting forever I will literally scream.
I called them today and they said something like there is a 4-6 delay on shipments. I asked if 165s were even in stock and he said they had some, but they are already ordered up. He said they are receiving shipments daily, but who knows. I don't care for the wait time even though I want a 165. I have ordered over $3,000 in processors alone from Monarch. I don't care for their customer service either, but their prices are sometimes good with coupons or specials. I was on hold for a long time before, hung up on, rude at times...price or customer service seems to be your options.

MaStA819 said:
I called them today and they said something like there is a 4-6 delay on shipments. I asked if 165s were even in stock and he said they had some, but they are already ordered up. He said they are receiving shipments daily, but who knows. I don't care for the wait time even though I want a 165. I have ordered over $3,000 in processors alone from Monarch. I don't care for their customer service either, but their prices are sometimes good with coupons or specials. I was on hold for a long time before, hung up on, rude at times...price or customer service seems to be your options.

I'll go CS, its worth $25 more, I only wish I hadnt already ordered :mad:
CompGeek said:
I emailed them tuesday, said they expected to ship wednsday. I emailed wednsday, now they say thursday or friday. Its pathetic.

I dont expect anything Absolute, quite being gay.

The only way it would be worth the wait is if it was an 0550VPMW, if I get an 0551 after waiting forever I will literally scream.

"quite being gay"? That's real mature kid, ok check your PMs.

To everyone else i apologize for the thread derail... back on track, they are behind, because when there's deals this good, obviously they have a lot of orders to fill.
Would like to say:

For those of you that have shipping issues, call and talk to a manager.

Regular customer support wont help you out much, but if you get ahold of a manager he'll set things straight.

Manager read my post on leaving a resellerratings review that reflected my experience, he found the rating submitted, checked my order number and got my phone number from my order number and called me and set it straight.

He said I should have talked to a manager when things werent going great... which I would never have thought to do as I have never done so before and any other place, but what the heck I'll start doing that from now on.
I'm a bit confused about something...

"Your order has been submitted to the warehouse for processing. Shipping from this point typically takes 1-2 business days after the order has been approved. Our shipping system will automatically email you your tracking number when your order has been shipped."

"If the website notes extended lead times for any of the items you purchased such as pre-order items, please be aware that the order will take the noted amount of time to ship rather than 1-2 days."

Is that telling me that the 1-2 days could be replaced by the 4-6 days stated on the website next to the 146 Opteron?

"Due to High Demand there could be a Delay in Shipping
*New Item - Usually ships in 4-6 days"

Guess my question is, what was happening with my order on Monday and Tuesday prior to it reaching this state on Wednesday?

Also, what is this "after it has been approved" comment? The internet and credit card purchases isn't new...this should be practically instantaneous and if there is a problem, that should be soon after. Is that usually what happens, or is this a delay?

Thanks...not trying to look a good price in the mouth so to speak, but processing/shipping is part of what makes up a good deal and a lot of activity around good deals should not be a surprise.
CompGeek said:
Would like to say:

For those of you that have shipping issues, call and talk to a manager.

Regular customer support wont help you out much, but if you get ahold of a manager he'll set things straight.

Manager read my post on leaving a resellerratings review that reflected my experience, he found the rating submitted, checked my order number and got my phone number from my order number and called me and set it straight.

He said I should have talked to a manager when things werent going great... which I would never have thought to do as I have never done so before and any other place, but what the heck I'll start doing that from now on.

So other words, they don't have a quality control system themselves but instead let you have a bad experience, complain about it, and use that as a form of QC? Wow...I guess the things one must go through for good prices...
"Must go through for good prices" is a little misleading. They are lagging to be sure, but you don't have to go through anything, you can be patient. Or go through some work and get them on track. As i said, for me a simple email got my order expedited.

To Monarch Deals, i think the deals and prices are great, i've ordered several Opterons and a 7900GT all at fabulous prices, and i have had a good overall experience here.
I sympathize with their situation, it must be hell on THEM to be getting this many orders. At some point they should have stopped taking orders and got caught up on the old ones, but a few day's delay won't kill anyone. Good prices, well worth it.
Its funny how people cant read and this thread keeps going back to people expecting Monarch to ship as fast as Newegg. If you are needing your items fast and don't mind paying the going price then order from Newegg. Of course get the FedEx shipping from there or otherwise you could be waiting 5 days for UPS to get you your package that probably looked like it been thru a war. But if you are patient and want a good price then Monarch has some great deals here. It is not that hard to understand people. :rolleyes:
Confucius say: "Good things come to those who wait." ;)

Hey CompGeek - you should be getting yours in a few days. Let us know what stepping you get. An 0550"U" instead of a "V" would not be bad a-tall, ya know.

At least you'll get the 10x multi if you ordered a 170. :cool: And they're not as prone to cold bugs as 165's, should you want to go "extreme" in the future.
jcll2002 said:
what made you go with the opty over the 3800+?

1MBx2 Cache and better overclocking w/ low voltage, I wouldn't upgrade if you already have 3800+
Hard911 said:
1MBx2 Cache and better overclocking w/ low voltage, I wouldn't upgrade if you already have 3800+
nah, i was just deciding between the two. I originally thought that one would oc the 165 higher than the 3800+, but people have told me that isnt the case anymore.
aztec61 said:
Confucius say: "Good things come to those who wait." ;)

Hey CompGeek - you should be getting yours in a few days. Let us know what stepping you get. An 0550"U" instead of a "V" would not be bad a-tall, ya know.

At least you'll get the 10x multi if you ordered a 170. :cool: And they're not as prone to cold bugs as 165's, should you want to go "extreme" in the future.

Any 0550 would be nice

Im getting it tommorrow! We'll see what happens!
jcll2002 said:
what made you go with the opty over the 3800+?

Well opinions from people vary. A good friend of mine that knows a ton said the dual core opterons are like ovens because of the extra cache. I am not very happy about the wait either. For a little more I can get Newegg to ship me a X2 3800+ out the next day. Overclocks seem to vary too so it is all chance. They also say the extra cache is only equal to about a 100mhz difference.

well, theyre exactly the same price for me both going to be with the zalman9500...decisions!
jcll2002 said:
well, theyre exactly the same price for me both going to be with the zalman9500...decisions!

Where is the X2 3800 the same price as the opteron 165 ($277)?
Dang Monarch's managers are tops.

If the managers are going to take this kind of care of us I'm willing to wait a week next time.
heh, they only care if you start a rant, which was made clear time after time...

Don't they understand they have a large group of people all with the same delays; When they start offering incentives to 5% of the group, do they expect the rest of us to just sit quietly?
jcll2002 said:
monarch messed up my order so they gave me a deal... ;)

Well I talked to a sales rep today and he said since I am military he can help me out as much as he can with prices. :p Doesn't seem they make much on some of the processors from our discussion though...

I am deciphering if the X2 3800+ or Opteron 165 is better. So mixed...

MaStA819 said:
Well opinions from people vary. A good friend of mine that knows a ton said the dual core opterons are like ovens because of the extra cache. I am not very happy about the wait either. For a little more I can get Newegg to ship me a X2 3800+ out the next day. Overclocks seem to vary too so it is all chance. They also say the extra cache is only equal to about a 100mhz difference.


Apparently, your friend must have missed the poop on DC Opteron's when he loaded up that "ton" of knowledge. :rolleyes:

DC Opty's were/are intended first as server chips, not desktop's like the X2's, which means they need to have relatively low temps and/or operating voltages, and reliability in a server environment. Comparitively, they do NOT run hot and in fact have lower temps MHz for MHz than other Athlon's, including X2's. This is why Opty's are so ideal for overclocking.

Sounds to me like he's envious and trying to steer you away from the Opty's. Or he's just talking through his ass.
amd ati FO SHO said:
heh, they only care if you start a rant, which was made clear time after time...
well, have you ever seen me rant? No. I just call and they fix it ;)
aztec61 said:
Apparently, your friend must have missed the poop on DC Opteron's when he loaded up that "ton" of knowledge. :rolleyes:

DC Opty's were/are intended first as server chips, not desktop's like the X2's, which means they need to have relatively low temps and/or operating voltages, and reliability in a server environment. Comparitively, they do NOT run hot and in fact have lower temps MHz for MHz than other Athlon's, including X2's. This is why Opty's are so ideal for overclocking.

Sounds to me like he's envious and trying to steer you away from the Opty's. Or he's just talking through his ass.

Well I must say he knows a whole lot and holds several overclocking records. He has his X2 3800+ at 3.5ghz prime/super pi stable. I'm not saying either of you are wrong and I sure wish I could be happy sticking with the 165 if Monarch could hurry up :) I know the wait was there before placing the order, but they should show out of stock if they don't have them in the warehouse as it seems. I guess I will just wait it out. What seems to be the wait on average for one to get shipped? Too many pages to look through.

MaStA819 said:
Well I must say he knows a whole lot and holds several overclocking records. He has his X2 3800+ at 3.5ghz prime/super pi stable. I'm not saying either of you are wrong and I sure wish I could be happy sticking with the 165 if Monarch could hurry up :) I know the wait was there before placing the order, but they should show out of stock if they don't have them in the warehouse as it seems. I guess I will just wait it out. What seems to be the wait on average for one to get shipped? Too many pages to look through.


From what i've gathered, looks to be around 7 business days or more. From order to ship.
amd ati FO SHO said:
From what i've gathered, looks to be around 7 business days or more. From order to ship.

So they are breaking their 4-6 day buffer window? Eek...
MaStA819 said:
So they are breaking their 4-6 day buffer window? Eek...

Well, i have good news and bad news for you.

The bad news, yes you may have a few days of delay.

Good news, you are not alone.
amd ati FO SHO said:
Well, i have good news and bad news for you.

The bad news, yes you may have a few days of delay.

Good news, you are not alone.

Well if they say 4-6 days and they take longer I will be complaining don't worry. If you state a window stick to it. If your unsure you say 4+ period.

I may be hard to please, but I am the customer. :)

Good night,
aztec61 said:
Apparently, your friend must have missed the poop on DC Opteron's when he loaded up that "ton" of knowledge. :rolleyes:

DC Opty's were/are intended first as server chips, not desktop's like the X2's, which means they need to have relatively low temps and/or operating voltages, and reliability in a server environment. Comparitively, they do NOT run hot and in fact have lower temps MHz for MHz than other Athlon's, including X2's. This is why Opty's are so ideal for overclocking.

Sounds to me like he's envious and trying to steer you away from the Opty's. Or he's just talking through his ass.

Have you owned a 3800+ and an Opteron? YOU Sir are talking through your ass. Opterons run MUCH hotter than 3800+ X2s. Yes, i've owned both, and quite a few Opterons. The extra cache DOES make them hotter. Opterons being binned as server grade CPUs does not make them run cooler, that's ludicrous, if AMD had magic like that, then every CPU would run cooler.

MaStA819 said:
Well I must say he knows a whole lot and holds several overclocking records. He has his X2 3800+ at 3.5ghz prime/super pi stable. I'm not saying either of you are wrong and I sure wish I could be happy sticking with the 165 if Monarch could hurry up :) I know the wait was there before placing the order, but they should show out of stock if they don't have them in the warehouse as it seems. I guess I will just wait it out. What seems to be the wait on average for one to get shipped? Too many pages to look through.


And you... 3.5 Ghz prime stable on a 3800+ X2, your friend is surely lying. The recorded WORLD RECORD for a 3800+ is 3.6 Ghz

And that's just a suicide shot. That implies prime stability at no more than 3.4 Ghz at a VERY max, most likely much less than that. This doesn't prove anything, but prime stable at 3.5 on a 3800+, i call bullshit, and i bet your friend can't deliver any proof.
I think what the guy meant by server enviornment is that the opterons will be cooled because all the server rooms i've been inside are chilly!! which is normal so it will help keep the opterons cool. We know that our rooms are not as cold as server enviornments so that is why they are going to show hotter temps.
noobtech said:
I think what the guy meant by server enviornment is that the opterons will be cooled because all the server rooms i've been inside are chilly!! which is normal so it will help keep the opterons cool. We know that our rooms are not as cold as server enviornments so that is why they are going to show hotter temps.

Nah, read it all he says
"hey do NOT run hot and in fact have lower temps MHz for MHz than other Athlon's, including X2's."

Which is very untrue, and misleads the readers. It is well known that the 1mb cache creates higher operating temperatures than a 512kb cache, just logical...

Also, as my theory goes, newer memory controllers are running hotter. Anyone notice how the new memory controllers, B1, B2, B3, etc. are all very coldbugged, but run hotter than previous memory controlers? As an example, Grinch @ Xtremesystems compared a CCBWE 0546XPMW 170 to a CCB1E 0550VPMW 170. The latter was much hotter across the charts, same conditions. I think the more recent AMD memory controllers that tend to coldbug also run hotter, and many of the Opterons have the bugged memory controllers, not a single X2 does (that i've seen).

Compared to my 3800+ X2, my 170 @ same volts is about 4.5 degrees hotter. And it's not an IHS contact issue, because both are naked :)
my 165 i got from here -stable- at 2.8 ghz, like 1.575 volts stable, thanks Monarch!
hey guys. i ordered my opty 146 and will be upgrading from a venice 3000+. will i notice any big performance difference? comparing them as if i were to run the opty 146 overclocked at 2.8ghz to a stock 3000+ at 1.8ghz i am running at right now.
davidtran007 said:
hey guys. i ordered my opty 146 and will be upgrading from a venice 3000+. will i notice any big performance difference? comparing them as if i were to run the opty 146 overclocked at 2.8ghz to a stock 3000+ at 1.8ghz i am running at right now.

well davidtran you are going from 1.8 - > 2.8 i believe that speaks for itself.
Thanks for the awesome deal, i just ordered a opty 170, and a Powerstream 520w SLI, just waiting for my motherboard and ram now, i cant wait to see the difference, as i am upgrading from a Socket A, Athlon XP 2200+ 2.16GHZ :D

Thanks again.