All Vista users should count down to 2-28-07 then...

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Jun 5, 2006
If nvidia has not released a REAL SLI 8800 driver for their own reference board I really think a class action suit is in order.

I have over 1600 dollars in video cards, Now 2 motherboards roughly 800 dollars for the sole purpose of running these cards in SLI.

Today was really the last straw. For those of you that are using Vista to play games one of the biggest Direct X 10 games is being released by 2-20-07 and will be in stores no later than 2-22. I know I preordered Supreme Commander. If you dont know about this game PLEASE google it and look up what this game does with your computer. It will use a dual Core processor the way it should be "SUPPOSEDLY" and it Supports Direct X 10 out of the box. No patch. The game costs 50 plus tax. OK so I am buying it on the 20th. I receive a preorder bonus pack today. It included a neat 3d post card and a CD with some interviews and other stuff I would like to see and hear right? So I stick it in my Vista Ultimate box and............

The OS says it cant read the CD and I need to format it. So I then stuck it in one of my XP boxes and it has an Active X control which hits you at load. XP warns you of this immediately.

What does Vista do? Dead.

This is so pathetic I am really frigging pissed off now. If games that are "Games for Windows" meaning games for fuking Vista dont even let you explore the DVD then there needs to be a mass Class Action suit for accountability.

I can understand the "Oh we need to give everyone time, you know how long it took everyone to get XP happening" but people have had well enough time to learn from their mistakes.

Not trying to sound like I am holier than though but I do have an Electrical Engineering degree from one of the top 10 schools in the country and I am telling you there are a bunch of idiots behind the scenes that are responsible for all this.

Here is a little example. Out of a class of 150 students I had to wright a data structure with a language of my choice conforming to the Characteristics of a B tree. This program was to take input, operate on it and produce output according to the test input file. I could go on for quite some time as to what this data structure did but the point is I out of 150 student made the 2nd highest grade on the program. The guy that beat me wrote a flawless prog. In other words his code produced the correct output for EVERY input. He was probably a genious or close to it. They are out there believe me.

But I did well on mine because I specialize in debugging. I am relentless. I take medication to get me to sleep or my brain will just churn one thought after another. During those days. I would sit in bed like a calculator and think what would happen to numbers control characters once parsed etc.

Why aren't these people making these products dong the same? They need people like me that don't give up and don't stop.

I hav'nt been this pissed off about the industry since ME.

So yea if this situation doesn't go significantly to the next level by the end of Feburary we have all been had. Believe me.

The way this works is you have Team leaders in the various departments. These people need to be replaced if their team is not handling it.

So I personally am going to see how to get a class action suit going because this entire situation is filled with lie after lie and we are getting NO WHERE.

There is no damn difference in the last 2 nvidia Vista driver releases except to make sure there friggin demo worked. Which it is buggy and fails and gives the message "The screen saver has shut down".

"This is crap brothers"

I say we put a time limit on it and come down on these people hard if we get shite on one more time.
Well, regardless of the adolescent flaming that will ensue, It definitely either lies with Microsoft for not working with the product developers, or a few choice companies (Nvidia, Creative, etc) that have made this mistake. I can't wait until the next version of Windows in a few years, when the same thing is going to happen and we're all going to be shafted. If that is "just the way it works", then its 100% wrong. I never use Vista anymore because none of my hardware and software is compatible, and if so, they're running on Beta drivers.
None of it has drivers? Come on man, how hard have you looked? I find it hard to believe that ALL of my hardware works, and ALL of my games work using the last 2 100.59 and 100.64 driver versions...

A lawsuit over lack of great drivers? Get over yourself...

There is a reason that people like you should not be an early adopter, you should just keep using XP until you have whatever it is you need for Vista, and STFU about this situation. It's a totally new OS, totally new driver model, what did you expect, Win2k and XP were the same way when they were released....

Leave the testing and working our of bugs to others like me that are not afraid to grasp something new and help improve it for people like just keep using the established version until the new one is ready....what's so hard about that...

Some people whine too much...

Let the flames begin.
I can't wait until the next version of Windows in a few years, when the same thing is going to happen and we're all going to be shafted.

It might be quite a few years.

The next version of Windows is more likely to be 2.5 years after Vista SP1/SP2.... Vienna in 2009 was just one story that made a HUGE assumption followed by 500 other news sites taking that rumor and running with it :)
I now know after a good deal of analysis that when I post a message that consists of a significant number of sentences people just cant read. I suppose they are just lazy.

If you had read further as to WHY I posted this the being the last straw, It has nothing to do with drivers and hardware. It has to do with software.

The Supreme Commander Bonus DVD

It will not load in Vista due to an Active X control. This is what any reader of this thread should think about.

What this means is, what is the game going to be like then. Will I waste my 50 dollars on it?

With you the previous poster implying that this thread will turn into a flame war for some unknown reason shows you didnt read it.

Vista is about gaming for us here in this forum. I dont think we care a whole lot about Office for Vista. I dont think we care a whole lot about buy music from Microsofts feeble attempt at competing with iTunes.

We are here because we want to play PC Games in Direct X 10 with our extreme systems we have paid a lot of money for.

I am trying to bring to peoples attention that the first formal Vista game to use Direct X 10
Supreme Commander is getting off to a terrible start from someone about to buy it next week.

If I buy it and it doesnt load like the bonus disk what the hell?
I am trying to bring to peoples attention that the first formal Vista game to use Direct X 10
Supreme Commander is getting off to a terrible start from someone about to buy it next week.

If I buy it and it doesnt load like the bonus disk what the hell?[/QUOTE]

Until the final is out next week or whenever that is, you can't judge it, it might be fixed and work fine.
Crash[man];1030654921 said:
If nvidia has not released a REAL SLI 8800 driver for their own reference board I really think a class action suit is in order.

I have over 1600 dollars in video cards, Now 2 motherboards roughly 800 dollars for the sole purpose of running these cards in SLI.

Today was really the last straw. For those of you that are using Vista to play games one of the biggest Direct X 10 games is being released by 2-20-07 and will be in stores no later than 2-22. I know I preordered Supreme Commander. If you dont know about this game PLEASE google it and look up what this game does with your computer. It will use a dual Core processor the way it should be "SUPPOSEDLY" and it Supports Direct X 10 out of the box. No patch. The game costs 50 plus tax. OK so I am buying it on the 20th. I receive a preorder bonus pack today. It included a neat 3d post card and a CD with some interviews and other stuff I would like to see and hear right? So I stick it in my Vista Ultimate box and............

The OS says it cant read the CD and I need to format it. So I then stuck it in one of my XP boxes and it has an Active X control which hits you at load. XP warns you of this immediately.

What does Vista do? Dead.

This is so pathetic I am really frigging pissed off now. If games that are "Games for Windows" meaning games for fuking Vista dont even let you explore the DVD then there needs to be a mass Class Action suit for accountability.

I can understand the "Oh we need to give everyone time, you know how long it took everyone to get XP happening" but people have had well enough time to learn from their mistakes.

Not trying to sound like I am holier than though but I do have an Electrical Engineering degree from one of the top 10 schools in the country and I am telling you there are a bunch of idiots behind the scenes that are responsible for all this.

Here is a little example. Out of a class of 150 students I had to wright a data structure with a language of my choice conforming to the Characteristics of a B tree. This program was to take input, operate on it and produce output according to the test input file. I could go on for quite some time as to what this data structure did but the point is I out of 150 student made the 2nd highest grade on the program. The guy that beat me wrote a flawless prog. In other words his code produced the correct output for EVERY input. He was probably a genious or close to it. They are out there believe me.

But I did well on mine because I specialize in debugging. I am relentless. I take medication to get me to sleep or my brain will just churn one thought after another. During those days. I would sit in bed like a calculator and think what would happen to numbers control characters once parsed etc.

Why aren't these people making these products dong the same? They need people like me that don't give up and don't stop.

I hav'nt been this pissed off about the industry since ME.

So yea if this situation doesn't go significantly to the next level by the end of Feburary we have all been had. Believe me.

The way this works is you have Team leaders in the various departments. These people need to be replaced if their team is not handling it.

So I personally am going to see how to get a class action suit going because this entire situation is filled with lie after lie and we are getting NO WHERE.

There is no damn difference in the last 2 nvidia Vista driver releases except to make sure there friggin demo worked. Which it is buggy and fails and gives the message "The screen saver has shut down".

"This is crap brothers"

I say we put a time limit on it and come down on these people hard if we get shite on one more time.

You'd think that going to one of the top ten schools in the country would teach you proper spelling and grammar..
ohgod you didnt read

I made straight As in Comp 1 and 2 and also I have a BSEE. There is a spell checker where I am typing. Whats your point
Until the final is out next week or whenever that is, you can't judge it, it might be fixed and work fine.

I think most of us are SICK AND TIRED OF IT MIGHT WORK.

100s to thousands of dollars for it might work AINT GONNA WORK
Crash[man];1030654985 said:
ohgod you didnt read

I made straight As in Comp 1 and 2 and also I have a BSEE. There is a spell checker where I am typing. Whats your point

Im saying that ranting about how many degrees you have wont alleviate the problem that there arent any drivers... As i've stated before, we should all be a little patient with the GPU manufacturers and give them time. Making it more difficult to do their job with threats of a class action lawsuit or W/E will only increase the time required to get drivers out the door. It was like this when Windows 2000 and XP came out. People dont learn from past events...

And what the hell does it matter that your CD doesnt work? Did you try turning off UAC? That solves a lot of problems and generally make life easier
I'm going to go for option number "B": Stick with XP and be quite happy with my 8800, and only move to Vista when all my hardware and software is properly supported.

Seriously. You can get all bent with indignation if you like, you can even try and sue nVidia for all the good it will do (it will get you a couple bucks or a voucher at most after 5 years of stalling and litigation) or you can just be sensible about it. The 8800 works nicely in XP, and there's nothing you need Vista for so stick with XP.

I mean to take a somewhat different view on it imagine that nVidia had granted you your wish: No problematic Vista drivers. This would mean one of two things:

1) They released only XP drivers for the 8800, leaving Vista unsupported for now.
2) They held the 8800's release back, leaving the 79xx cards as the best from them.

Having a perfect driver is not an option, it's not like they can force their driver team to write better code faster. You could threaten to kill their families, it wouldn't change anything. It simply takes time.

So that being the case, decide which of those scenarios you want to treat as real. Either ditch your hardware or stick with XP. Then you've got what you want.

And please, no retarded statements like "They could have a driver if they wanted to!" That shows an astounding amount of ignorance. Of course nVidia wants a perfect Vista driver, that does nothing but get them more money. However coding is a complex, creative process and there's just not ways to rush it when you want it done right. As any good programmer will tell you, you can have it tomorrow with all the features you want so long as it doesn't have to work and they don't have to support it.

Listing your credentials gives you the appearance of having a flaw many engineers and programmers do. I call it SMFU syndrome, that would be Smartest Mother ------ in the Universe. You get this idea that because you've got some training and are above average you are just waaay smarter than everyone else. Your way is the right way and works perfectly, those that don't see it are morons. Sorry man, but you aren't. You have no idea at all what you are talking about when it comes to dealing with a large program.

So you wrote a good program that deals with B trees. Great, that means precisely nothing. At work (tech support at a EE department) a meet all kinds of grad students that get great grades and do wonderful on all the contrived work in class, yet have no skill at applying any of it to a real world problem. Then there's people like John Carmack that decided they didn't want to deal with university and dropped out and yet is one of the greats of the programming world.

Perhaps you should put up or shut up. You're so good? Ok well then get on writing a driver then. No, seriously, it's not common but people have written 3rd party drivers for hardware. The kx project springs to mind (for Creative Labs cards). Do it for the 8800. You can even get a starting point by looking at the code for the nv driver for Linux. Heck, if you got a basic framework, that might be enough to impress nVidia to hire you on as a driver dev. If that seems like an impossibly daunting task (it is) then perhaps you should consider why.

So put together a lawsuit if it makes you feel better, but it changes nothing. A better idea is simply to be pragmatic about it and deal with the actual reality of the situation. The reality is that you don't need Vista right now, and that the hardware does work under XP. So use XP and be happy. I've been happily gaming on an 8800 in XP for some time now, rather than blowing a blood vessel with stress that I really don't need.
I'm going to go for option number "B": Stick with XP and be quite happy with my 8800, and only move to Vista when all my hardware and software is properly supported.

Seriously. You can get all bent with indignation if you like, you can even try and sue nVidia for all the good it will do (it will get you a couple bucks or a voucher at most after 5 years of stalling and litigation) or you can just be sensible about it. The 8800 works nicely in XP, and there's nothing you need Vista for so stick with XP.

I mean to take a somewhat different view on it imagine that nVidia had granted you your wish: No problematic Vista drivers. This would mean one of two things:

1) They released only XP drivers for the 8800, leaving Vista unsupported for now.
2) They held the 8800's release back, leaving the 79xx cards as the best from them.

Having a perfect driver is not an option, it's not like they can force their driver team to write better code faster. You could threaten to kill their families, it wouldn't change anything. It simply takes time.

So that being the case, decide which of those scenarios you want to treat as real. Either ditch your hardware or stick with XP. Then you've got what you want.

And please, no retarded statements like "They could have a driver if they wanted to!" That shows an astounding amount of ignorance. Of course nVidia wants a perfect Vista driver, that does nothing but get them more money. However coding is a complex, creative process and there's just not ways to rush it when you want it done right. As any good programmer will tell you, you can have it tomorrow with all the features you want so long as it doesn't have to work and they don't have to support it.

Listing your credentials gives you the appearance of having a flaw many engineers and programmers do. I call it SMFU syndrome, that would be Smartest Mother ------ in the Universe. You get this idea that because you've got some training and are above average you are just waaay smarter than everyone else. Your way is the right way and works perfectly, those that don't see it are morons. Sorry man, but you aren't. You have no idea at all what you are talking about when it comes to dealing with a large program.

So you wrote a good program that deals with B trees. Great, that means precisely nothing. At work (tech support at a EE department) a meet all kinds of grad students that get great grades and do wonderful on all the contrived work in class, yet have no skill at applying any of it to a real world problem. Then there's people like John Carmack that decided they didn't want to deal with university and dropped out and yet is one of the greats of the programming world.

Perhaps you should put up or shut up. You're so good? Ok well then get on writing a driver then. No, seriously, it's not common but people have written 3rd party drivers for hardware. The kx project springs to mind (for Creative Labs cards). Do it for the 8800. You can even get a starting point by looking at the code for the nv driver for Linux. Heck, if you got a basic framework, that might be enough to impress nVidia to hire you on as a driver dev. If that seems like an impossibly daunting task (it is) then perhaps you should consider why.

So put together a lawsuit if it makes you feel better, but it changes nothing. A better idea is simply to be pragmatic about it and deal with the actual reality of the situation. The reality is that you don't need Vista right now, and that the hardware does work under XP. So use XP and be happy. I've been happily gaming on an 8800 in XP for some time now, rather than blowing a blood vessel with stress that I really don't need.

QFT, all of it.
I'm going to go for option number "B": Stick with XP and be quite happy with my 8800, and only move to Vista when all my hardware and software is properly supported.

Seriously. You can get all bent with indignation if you like, you can even try and sue nVidia for all the good it will do (it will get you a couple bucks or a voucher at most after 5 years of stalling and litigation) or you can just be sensible about it. The 8800 works nicely in XP, and there's nothing you need Vista for so stick with XP.

I mean to take a somewhat different view on it imagine that nVidia had granted you your wish: No problematic Vista drivers. This would mean one of two things:

1) They released only XP drivers for the 8800, leaving Vista unsupported for now.
2) They held the 8800's release back, leaving the 79xx cards as the best from them.

Having a perfect driver is not an option, it's not like they can force their driver team to write better code faster. You could threaten to kill their families, it wouldn't change anything. It simply takes time.

So that being the case, decide which of those scenarios you want to treat as real. Either ditch your hardware or stick with XP. Then you've got what you want.

And please, no retarded statements like "They could have a driver if they wanted to!" That shows an astounding amount of ignorance. Of course nVidia wants a perfect Vista driver, that does nothing but get them more money. However coding is a complex, creative process and there's just not ways to rush it when you want it done right. As any good programmer will tell you, you can have it tomorrow with all the features you want so long as it doesn't have to work and they don't have to support it.

Listing your credentials gives you the appearance of having a flaw many engineers and programmers do. I call it SMFU syndrome, that would be Smartest Mother ------ in the Universe. You get this idea that because you've got some training and are above average you are just waaay smarter than everyone else. Your way is the right way and works perfectly, those that don't see it are morons. Sorry man, but you aren't. You have no idea at all what you are talking about when it comes to dealing with a large program.

So you wrote a good program that deals with B trees. Great, that means precisely nothing. At work (tech support at a EE department) a meet all kinds of grad students that get great grades and do wonderful on all the contrived work in class, yet have no skill at applying any of it to a real world problem. Then there's people like John Carmack that decided they didn't want to deal with university and dropped out and yet is one of the greats of the programming world.

Perhaps you should put up or shut up. You're so good? Ok well then get on writing a driver then. No, seriously, it's not common but people have written 3rd party drivers for hardware. The kx project springs to mind (for Creative Labs cards). Do it for the 8800. You can even get a starting point by looking at the code for the nv driver for Linux. Heck, if you got a basic framework, that might be enough to impress nVidia to hire you on as a driver dev. If that seems like an impossibly daunting task (it is) then perhaps you should consider why.

So put together a lawsuit if it makes you feel better, but it changes nothing. A better idea is simply to be pragmatic about it and deal with the actual reality of the situation. The reality is that you don't need Vista right now, and that the hardware does work under XP. So use XP and be happy. I've been happily gaming on an 8800 in XP for some time now, rather than blowing a blood vessel with stress that I really don't need.


well said.
As long as the extreme PC user is complacent these people will take advantage of us.
Believe me many of these people don't consider themselves quite lucky to be working in the field. There are Thousands or more people extremely talented that CANNOT get in the door. Do you understand? I am simply not working as an Engineer because idiot Human Resources departments would not hire me due to a lack of experience in a particular field. This is the one single most influential aspect as to why we out source tech. No one wants to provide training. This is the part of the USA that will eventually ruin us. If we are going to educate people then we better hire them with no experience. Or we can sit and let India laugh and continue to take our jobs.

The point is :


Thats the point. It is one thing after another with Vista. Excuse after Excuse after Excuse. You people don't have any nads. You just keep making excuse after excuse for a lack of talent and employees that know what they are doing.

Do you really think it was the Devs of the game that released the Bonus DVD? I seriously doubt it. They probably had very little to do with it.

Only 3 people preordered it including me at the EB I went to. Most people will be complacent like everyone responding:

Although you are not reading and you have SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE GAME SUPREME COMMANDER.

This game is supposed to show us what the money we spent can do in our processor and SLI video rig.

Screw it. If one more blunder like this happens I swear I will take my words far beyond a message board. I now know I cant depend on the ability for people to read in a forum and I now know that there is still mass immaturity prevalent in most.

I will admit Hardforum and Extremeoverclockers are probably the most mature forums I have encountered on the net so far.

If I cant even get people to read then there is not point. I will have to go elsewhere. Which in fact I have.

Who ever released that DVD should and will be accountable by the time I am done with it.

And yes if by the GARUENTEED DATE OF THE END OF FEBRUARY COMES and nvidia has failed to keep their word then yea its time to go to the next level.

Hire people that can do the job if you don't have them.
you people are apparently desperate to try to thwart my warning about


it ain't going to work because it all is interconnected to hardware, Vista and incompetence
Crash[man];1030655117 said:
you people are apparently desperate to try to thwart my warning about


it ain't going to work because it all is interconnected to hardware, Vista and incompetence

You would do a much better job at convincing people to support your cause if you were slightly more eloquent with your rants. Writing a third of your posts with the shift key depressed doesn't make people listen more clearly. On the contrary, it probably makes them despise you and scoff at your cause.
Actually he was just pointing out that you were being irrational. Be that as it may, SupComm isn't here yet, I don't know what the hell this bonus materials CD has to do with DX10 or the game itself. Time will tell I guess, but until retail launch of SupComm this whole rant is conjecture.
Come on people all I ask is read and think before slamming me if you really want to.

Me mentioning Supreme Commander is relative in that it is the first major "Game for Windows"
I have been on the Supreme Commander forum now simultaneously with Hard and sheesh the game is being slammed. I even read it doesn't support SLI. Jesus Christ.

My point is so far we all have been struggling dealing with hardware problems, driver problems and bios problems. Many of us have spent thousands of dollars for the state of the art gear that we were snaked into buying . Being led to believe that it was ready to go. I had no idea what so ever that there was going to be no driver support this far after the release of Vista. I am sure you people have noticed that driver support for XP is gone and most likely will stay gone.

But none of us have thought about the new games coming out. I guess we have all taken for granted that they would work fine in Vista since they were designed for Vista. They are tagged with a banner that says "Games for Windows " for Christs sake.

Supreme Commander is a mess. The DVD that came with the Pre Order package is just a prelude to what we would be getting into with the game.

If it is true that the game does not support SLI video but will support dual monitors and that is final I am simply not buying it. I figured that if it supported dual monitors , SLI would be a given.

its just another failure in the PC gaming industry right now that is the only gaming I do.

My sanity is at a breaking point on this. I have decided to build a mild mediocre Vista machine. One video card. 2 gig of decent memory and use my existing processor.

I am going back to XP for gaming.

Its just too mentally stressful for me when I work on machines just about every day, knock on wood I hope I don't get called in like 3 hours since I am obviously not asleep.

I predict most gamers will reach an apex and say I have had enough and they will do what I am doing.

Use Vista to browse the web and business transactions and leave the gaming to XP.
I really don't find Direct X10 offering enough for me to care anymore.

LOL I am truly worn out.
Crash[man];1030655175 said:
If it is true that the game does not support SLI video but will support dual monitors and that is final I am simply not buying it. I figured that if it supported dual monitors , SLI would be a given.

SLi doesn't support dual monitors...that could be why.

At anyrate its just growing pains for a new OS, I'm sure in 6months everyone worth his salt will be on vista and I'm sure by then all the rocky stuff will have been smoothed out, but of course there will always be hold outs, I still know people who use win2k quite proficiently on there gaming rigs.

Don't be an early adopter for the next OS if its so stressful just wait for all the other hardcore upgraders to bang there heads against it till MS gets it working. Same way that happened with XP.
See Cashman, it seems a vast majority of people are as predictable as the tides. They are the kind of people that would buy a hybrid car, and find out after purchasing it, that it doesn't have a working electric motor they were buying it for, and then don't care if a fix or recall happens within a reasonable amount of time.

For those that make excuses for Nvidia, I feel sorry for you. I don't even have an 8800 or SLi, and I know when a company is producing terrible results. When someone advertises something and the advertisement is false, a valid and substantial complaint is often considered "whining" by either !!!!!!s or the ignorant.

And for the excuse that it takes time, please explain why AMD, the masters of driver issues, has Vista drivers ready to go? Explain why 8800GTX/S's were not only advertised as "Vista ready", but have been sold as retail for almost four months, one of which has been with a retail version of Vista available to the public, and beta versions of Vista probably being available to Nvidia since their 8800 series was being designed?
See Cashman, it seems a vast majority of people are as predictable as the tides. They are the kind of people that would buy a hybrid car, and find out after purchasing it, that it doesn't have a working electic motor they were buying it for, and then don't care if a fix or recall happens within a reasonable amount of time.

For those that make excuses for Nvidia, I feel sorry for you. I don't even have an 8800 or SLi, and I know when a company is producing terrible results. When someone advertises something and the advertisement is false, a valid and substantial complaint is often considered "whining" by either !!!!!!s or the ignorant.

And for the excuse that it takes time, please explain why AMD, the masters of driver issues, has Vista drivers ready to go? Explain why 8800GTX/S's were not only advertised as "Vista ready", but have been sold as retail for almost four months, one of which has been with a retail version of Vista available to the public, and beta versions of Vista probably being available to Nvidia since their 8800 series was being designed?

See, this is a well thought out and rational argument, and I agree that the current nVidia driver situation sucks and is unacceptable, getting emotional and stressing out about it isn't going to solve anything (not directed at the user I'm quoting).

Quite honestly, if your that pissed about it, don't buy nvidia products anymore, it is a capitalist market. For me personally, it can be aggravating but w/e I'm patient I'd be more than willing to wait out the current problem given there track record, and I'm sure after this whole thing is sorted out nvidia will be back go back to making solid drivers and delivering good products, and if time proves me wrong then I guess my next purchase will be an ATI product, but until then all one can do is weather the storm.
Well, the only problem is, there simply aren't more than two options when buying a new video card, AMD/ATi or Nvidia. Also, to many, once you've purchased a product and a situation such as this one has transpired, the damage is already done.

One thing I must say though, buying a video card when right it comes out has more drawbacks than benefits. It is new technology and it is prone to failure and technical issues, and it is significantly more expensive. If you're willing to spend as much as twice the money on a new product rather than waiting a few months for the price to come down and the software releases to demand such advanced technology, you're playing Russian Roulette. Albeit, at 3.5 months after the release date, most unassuming buyers that don't investigate into their purchase, are going to believe that the wrinkles have been ironed out.

Nvidia has had two major strikes against it in the past year. XP and now Vista Driver support for the 8800 launch and Vista launch, and the 7900gt debacle early last year. Unfortunately, a Class Action lawsuit won't solve anything and won't gain any one person monetary reparations for their troubles. The only way it would be worth anyone's while would be to threaten a suit with real backing (lawyer filing paperwork) and then Nvidia settling either with the individuals or group filing the lawsuit. Otherwise, every person, as an earlier member asserted, will get about $10 and have their next video card be much more expensive to recoup the cost.
I see his post as a cry for help. He wants a job and frankly he is going about it the wrong way.

If I were him I would take another approach. I would form an association comprised of frustrated would be coders that want to create a future of thier own as opposed to relying on companies that prefer outsourcing to training new graduates.

Call it the "XYZ" project and start signing people up of like mind and charge them a small fee. Start a blog or a forum that is subscription based. If drivers are to be your passion , as a previous poster said, start writing them. Eventually you might get it correct with the help of your fellow association members. The experience will be invaluable and if you do it correctly you may even have a successful web site like this one , and at the very least have on your resume that you are the founder of the "xyz" project.

You see you can complain all you want or see current situation as an opportunity to accelerate your future. A winner sees opportunity during times of adversity. There is nothing gained by hoping someone will give you a job or creating alot of noise. Create your own job.............

Just my .02
Will I waste my 50 dollars on it?

Thats totally up to you, its America, and

Oh, I too have a BSEE, you should have known better about the whole Vista thing. Its not like this has not happened with every major release of a Microsoft Operating system since Original Windows in 1985. I feel your pain, even if it is somewhat self inflicted. Relax, it will be ok in about 8 months.
My .02 so all new windows releases are bug free.......hmmm when did this happen?
Please consider......"Vista ready" does not equal "Vista 100% good to go,right now"
I agree that this whole Vista/nVidia/driver/DX10/OMFGMCDW!!! (oh my __god my computer doesnt work) thing is a bit trying.......but I dont think its any sort of conspiracy.

The stuff just plain wasnt ready for prime time when it was released......almost everyone with a brain said wait for the bugs to smooth out...........I'm really sorry your little DVD doesnt work correctly........and maybe you'll have to play your Supreme Whatever on an XP computer (the earth may stop rotating!) for a while......but you'll still be able to play it.

We as enthusiastic computer users are in a very small group of people who want it all right fact we want more than the best because we generally try to overclock stinks when things dont work better than the way they are supposed to..........but whining about it and crying foul just isnt going to help, it wont make things happen any faster......screaming lawsuit is just plain immature and for some reason a very "american" thing to do lately.....

Think about being part of the solution, not part of the problem.
and yes, I have 2 8800GTX GPUs and I wish they worked better with Vista,too.......I'm looking forward to Crysis.....but if it only uses XP for a while I wont cry and scream and kick my feet.......I'll still be able to play the game, and maybe on the second time through it will be in DX10..........oh well.......
Please STOP WHINING and just dual boot.

Just because you spend excess amounts of money on PC parts doesn't mean that Nvidia should pay homage to your every desire.

Just dual boot for now, we'll have SLI ready drivers soon enough.
Please STOP WHINING and just dual boot.

Just because you spend excess amounts of money on PC parts doesn't mean that Nvidia should pay homage to your every desire.

Crash[man] kind of seems like the type of customer that would get mad at me when I worked in the computer section of Best Buy who I wouldnt give a discount just because he was paying with all cash. :D
Awesome plan! If you are not completely satisfied after 4 weeks of release of the consumer version of Vista, you will file a multi-year class action suit. :rolleyes:

Or maybe you hope someone else will. LOL

The SLI drivers will be out long before any case about this even sees a judge. nvidia messed up, but it will be solved in a matter of weeks. Have some patience and calm down already.
Y'all needs to takes them chill pill.

I realized that Vista is a bloated piece of crap, therefore I use XP, Linux and OSX. Since there are no new games and Supreme Commander looks gay, I don't give a rat's ass about Vista. Oh, and it shouldn't be that hard to write drivers for Vista, its almost the same thing as XP(NT5.1 and NT6.0).

The fact of the matter remains that because Vista is such a POS, stuff doesn't work on it. It is also a problem with MS. Vista has to be magically compatible with all hardware and 3rd party software, which is quite hard to do. The reason that Apple stuff always works is because Apple makes the OS and assembles the hardware to their needs. MS just makes the OS, and it is partly their responsibility to have stuff working when it comes out, but they just blame it on the 3rd party. Vista was in beta for quite some time, enough time to fix most of the kinks(Notepad is broke in Vista).

Supreme Commander is gay, who would want to play it anyways?
Can you explain to me the reason you listed your education in this thread crashman? It has nothing to do with the subject, it simply comes off making you look arrogant and annoying.
Crash[man];1030655113 said:
This game is supposed to show us what the money we spent can do in our processor and SLI video rig.

I don't even have SLI, a single videocard and I can run sup com with maxed graphics, AA, at 1920x1200 with a second lcd running at 1280x1024 with smooth framerates.... It's not a very taxing game.
Not trying to sound like I am holier than though but I do have an Electrical Engineering degree from one of the top 10 schools in the country and I am telling you there are a bunch of idiots behind the scenes that are responsible for all this.

Here is a little example. Out of a class of 150 students I had to wright a data structure with a language of my choice conforming to the Characteristics of a B tree. This program was to take input, operate on it and produce output according to the test input file. I could go on for quite some time as to what this data structure did but the point is I out of 150 student made the 2nd highest grade on the program. The guy that beat me wrote a flawless prog. In other words his code produced the correct output for EVERY input. He was probably a genious or close to it. They are out there believe me.

You have to state that your not trying to sound holier than though, however; you go on to explain how better you are at programming and blah top ten blah country blah. Then you want to sound credulous? Come on!

Let's get back to the real topic at hand. I will say it one more time. It's not microsoft's responsibility to test every single 3rd party piece of hardware and get it to work with Vista. The operating system is microsofts responsibility and 3rd party vendors / mobo makers, game makers, special featuers (aka SLI, X FI EAX, etc) need to step up to the plate and get vista drivers done FFS.

I should be starting a law suit because my TFORCE 550 Mobo on board sound doesnt work with vista so i had to go buy a sound card which I didnt intend on buying right away. Even though they released a vista driver, I turned off UAC and it still wont install right. Who's fault is that.

Yes Microsoft is touting DirectX 10. BUT, they aren't the one's who developed SLI and the video game. They are relying on Ati/AMD, Nvidia and the whole gang to deliver what they have promised to make next gen work right.

Also, I'm not making a muck of your grammar and spelling like everyone else, but please do no post about your relentless IO thoughts, and that you have to pinch your left cheek so you stop thinking and go to sleep. When you didn't take the time to spell write correctly.

I think your post is great and has a valid statement. You need to look at it from the other side of the tree.

Analogy. You take your bike and upgrade the tires on it. Who are you going to sue, the bike maker for tire compatibility. Or the manufacturer you bought the tires from for poor rubber compound... *food for thought?*
Return your 8800's and wait for the R600, that is the best advice right now. My 8800GTX's will be on the For Sale forum the day AMD releases.

Basically, vote with your wallet. I though NV had changed so I gave them a shot. Last time that happens.
The Nvidia driver issue is totally on Nvidia's plate for fault. They had lots of time to get drivers working in Vista.

As for the next OS... Vista changed the driver model considerably compared to xp etc. which is part of the reason it takes so long to get drivers working. Some people have made windows xp drivers work in Vista, and in some cases they do work, but at considerably less performance than a real Vista driver would.

The next OS is not going to be that significant of a change over Vista for the backend so making drivers work should only require very minor changes.
<sigh> As always, until the first ServicePack is out, if you get a new windows you are just a guinea pig.
Return your 8800's and wait for the R600, that is the best advice right now. My 8800GTX's will be on the For Sale forum the day AMD releases.

Basically, vote with your wallet. I though NV had changed so I gave them a shot. Last time that happens.

Still an ATI fan-bo-y I see.....:p

I am downloading the "supreme commander' demo right now.....just to see how it runs on my rig...
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