All Vista users should count down to 2-28-07 then...

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Crash[man];1030656659 said:
John Carmack is my most respected Programmer on the face of the earth. He is a complete genious.
Yep. John Carmack is so smart, in fact, that he can properly spell the word "genius".

Imagine that!
You graduated from a top engineering school? I guess they assumed they didn't have to teach you common sense.

I waited until 1997 to replace Windows 3.1 with Windows 95 OSR2. I waited until 1999 to replace Windows 95 OSR2 with Windows 98 SE. I waited until 2002 to replace Windows 98 SE with Windows 2000. I waited until 2006 (yup, just last year) to replace Windows 2000 with Windows XP SP2.

See the pattern here? If you buy a bleeding-edge operating system, they throw in the bleeding-edge teething problems ABSOLUTELY FREE! As a fellow EE, I don't have the time to waste on baby steps; the OS has to work, or it's gone. That's why I'm using XP and Mac OSX 10.4; they're both mature platforms with tons of support.

USE YOUR COMMON SENSE - as an engineer, this is your most important skill. However, as an engineer I won't fault anyone for their writing skills (unlike the rest of these folks), because I'm nobody to talk about proper grammar and spelling. The only reason I can put two sentences together is because of all these technical documents that come with the job.
The only thing I am soo confused about after reading all the posts is that:

He said he's a

1. Programmer
2. Musician
3. Now a PC repair man


There are a lot of educated people on this forum. Some probably holier than though, but they don't preach it.

The only agreement I get out of this whole thread boils down to 1 simple thing.

1. The consumer gets screwed

Why then was Vista pushed back from release COUNTLESS TIMES. Were they having donut parties , vacations , celebrations. What was the point of giving a date to release only to further put it back time after time.

There is NO excuse that nvidia and MS didnt have their act together way better considering the delays.

You people just dont read......




why dont you people try some Keebler peanut butter chunk cookies while you read.
I am a consumer. You couldnt figure that out? Jesus Christ

Yes I am a programmer if I want to be but I am not earning a living doing it
Yes I have an Electrical Engineering Degree but I am not working as one and not making a living as one.

Yes I am a business owner and I am the one and only service provider for my business. I have been for 10 years.

Is that over your head? If so you got some screws off far more than mine

Oh and the most confusing thing about you is you question whether or not I am a musician.
In may sig their is a link and I cant believe you didnt click my profile.


Therefore I wont respond to you again.
Crash[man];1030656905 said:
I am a consumer. You couldnt figure that out? Jesus Christ

Yes I am a programmer if I want to be but I am not earning a living doing it
Yes I have an Electrical Engineering Degree but I am not working as one and not making a living as one.

Yes I am a business owner and I am the one and only service provider for my business. I have been for 10 years.

Is that over your head? If so you got some screws off far more than mine

Oh and the most confusing thing about you is you question whether or not I am a musician.
In may sig their is a link and I cant believe you didnt click my profile.


Therefore I wont respond to you again.

Why would i waste my time clicking on people's profiles on this forum. We are all here for the same thing right. You said you wouldn't be replying or be back I guess when that one person LOL'd it un "nutted" your last cork and it popped. Who said you weren't a consumer in the first place. Should someone pull the string again so you can say something?

Here's the ripcord... otherwise you could go about it in a civil manner and maybe more people would respect what you are saying. Perhaps by leaving it open to discussion. Such as.... What are your opinions on hardware working for current vista drivers and who's to blame? Then go on to explain your situation.
And I never upgraded to PCI Express and totally never bought a 7000 series video card.

I have stuck with AGP 6800 ultra and a P4 3.2 playing FEAR Pretty good at 1280x1024.

So I followed your methodology BUT YOU DONT READ. I HAVE TO HAVE VISTA.

What am I gonna say to my customer " Sorry sir or mam I am going to have to charge you 100 dollars to tell you you shouldnt have bought a Vista PC because its too buggy"

You know nothing about business and I honestly dont think hardly any in here have a clue as to how to run a business and STAY in business in tech.

If you are going to adopt early, at least avoid adding in every SINGLE POSSIBLE CUTTING EDGE VARIABLE you can get your hands on (such as SLI, Vista).

You'll save some cash, and end up not paying lawyers thousands of dollars. :D
And then, as soon as you get your suit ready.. issues are fixed anyway hahaha :D
I obviously have many users in this thread enjoying themselves cutting me down and I dont mind. It doesnt hurt me. So I am typing fast back to each of you and you said the consumer gets screwed BUT you failed to address your curiosity about me and what I do or did.

I answered you. If you want to hear some music by me go to that website in my profile. If you want to see some code I wrote , look at the flash cartoon I made up. I edited it so it doesnt play music and the buttons are non functional for the site. I wrote and drew that in what is called Flash. I had never messed with it and taught myself how to use it. I created indvidual movies or objects and was able use somewhat of an object oriented programming structure to write that and 4 others. I had a lot of fun with that as you might imagine.

Nothing I say will correct the mistakes that are being made in various aspects of software development in Vista, drivers, Bios files, etc.

As long as you make fun of me all the people that are actually part of these development teams can just sit back and laugh and say "Hey look at the consensus of users, they seem to be ok if we just take our time"

Thats BS.
So everyone out there, The non technical enduser that buys a new PC they should not buy Vista. Is that what you are all trying to say?

Sorry, Vista machines are all that is being sold in retail now. That is how Microsoft is going to make their money. Not in the sale of the OS by itself. That was on mainstream news for your nformation
ah your back for more. you mean to tell me all you have is 74 gig of harddrive space
you are crying
Crash[man];1030654974 said:
I now know after a good deal of analysis that when I post a message that consists of a significant number of sentences people just cant read. I suppose they are just lazy.

If you had read further as to WHY I posted this the being the last straw, It has nothing to do with drivers and hardware. It has to do with software.

The Supreme Commander Bonus DVD

It will not load in Vista due to an Active X control. This is what any reader of this thread should think about.

What this means is, what is the game going to be like then. Will I waste my 50 dollars on it?

With you the previous poster implying that this thread will turn into a flame war for some unknown reason shows you didnt read it.

Vista is about gaming for us here in this forum. I dont think we care a whole lot about Office for Vista. I dont think we care a whole lot about buy music from Microsofts feeble attempt at competing with iTunes.

We are here because we want to play PC Games in Direct X 10 with our extreme systems we have paid a lot of money for.

I am trying to bring to peoples attention that the first formal Vista game to use Direct X 10
Supreme Commander is getting off to a terrible start from someone about to buy it next week.

If I buy it and it doesnt load like the bonus disk what the hell?

I'm confused. What does nVidia have to do with the way that the developers of Supreme Commander encoded the DVD to install? Why is that nVidia or MIcrosofts fault? It sounds to me like the issue is with the people that put "Supreme Commander works with Vista" on the box.

I'm all for flaming Microsoft, nVidia and whoever else messes up, but let's not blame them for something they have nothing to do with. I would be complaining to the Supreme Commander developers.

My .02. With that said, the lack of drivers is making nVidia look very bad, and everyone else that hasn't gotten final drivers/software made. I would venture to say that some of the fault must lie with Microsoft, though, because it appears that there is a large number of vendors without final drivers and software firms with software that isn't supported under Vista or plain will not work. If it was one or two vendors, I'd blame them; when it's as large of a number as there currently is, it's time to be looking in Redmond's direction.

It's easy to say "they had five years" but anyone that has ever dealt with Microsoft knows that they are not forthcoming about their source. I don't think they had five years; I think much of the finalized Vista code was late to the show.
Oh I have been over there telling Supreme Commanders Forum what I think. I sent an email to tech support about it.

I get nothing and once you realize the game is already released in other countries bug ridden whats the point.

Im not buying it
Triz says:

"i emailed asus to see if i could get mine replaced. They never emailed me back.... Those bastards!"

sounds like a little crying to me over a fan right? Maybe you should join the Asus slam thread that I made which is in fact accurate and I stand by it 100 percent
Crash[man];1030656905 said:
I am a consumer. You couldnt figure that out? Jesus Christ

Yes I am a programmer if I want to be but I am not earning a living doing it
Yes I have an Electrical Engineering Degree but I am not working as one and not making a living as one.

Yes I am a business owner and I am the one and only service provider for my business. I have been for 10 years.

Is that over your head? If so you got some screws off far more than mine

Oh and the most confusing thing about you is you question whether or not I am a musician.
In may sig their is a link and I cant believe you didnt click my profile.


Therefore I wont respond to you again.

Who said you weren't a consumer? And why do you have to bring jeebus into this.
One more thing I can't figure out. Why I would ever click on your profile. We're all here
for the same thing so i shouldn't have to waste my time looking at someone's personal details. Anyways........ That's why i made the switch from PC gaming to console gaming, because with console gaming it's forced. Because everyone will pretty much have the same exact hardware. Makes debugging a whole crapload easier. It's not like they are ever going to completely upgrade the operating system on my xbox 360. For the next 5 years I can count on new games coming out that won't need 360 hardware upgrades.
I put this thread here because for some reason Supreme Commander does not support SLI and it is being released as the FIRST "Game for Windows" that uses Direct X 10 out of the box.

So if you buy the game you will not get direct X 10 use out of it yet and forget about SLI graphics. This is a Game for Windows?

The entire PC marketing scheme that has been sold to us is really sounding like a complete scam. All the companies MS, Nvidia and Gas Powered .. THQ have their hands in this.

The game performs like crap. Go read for yourself.

My Bonus prebuy CD is just a prelude to this crap. I am glad I pre bought it so I can save that 5 bucks for another game. In reality I was lucky. If I had bought it for 50 dollars that would be gone and I would be left with a crap game.

Maybe if MS and Nvidia had their act together Supreme Commander would run better but after reading some of the bugs I dont think so.

The PC market has been so bastardized that eventually people are now getting the picture. It's hit a limit. The only way those companies can get us to spend dollars is in the enthusiast market. Because all that normal idoitic people do on the PC is check email and surf the web / listen to music.

Hell a duron / celeron system from way back when can do that efficiently.
How is emailing ASUS to see if I can get a defective Chipset fan replaced crying. And your making fun of me because I have a 74 Gigabyte Raptor harddrive?
Yet, your crying threatening to file a class action lawsuit because you cant get your Supreme Commander Pre-Order Bonus cd to work correctly. You should go cry to your mother, maybe she will atleast act like she cares.
The raptor drives are spendy and a 74gb raptor makes perfect for a primary partition drive.

*waits for OP to come back in and tell us how rich he is
Its also pretty funny your making fun of my system, while yours is like 2-3x as expensive, yet it has so many problems that you are about to commit suicide over it.


*LOL's himeself to death*
this may be irrelevant buti just wanted to let all of you guys know that I stopped and refused putting a floppy drive in any system I built 5 years ago. And it's been 3 yrs since I used one since I can do bios updates in alternate ways now.
Crash[man];1030656694 said:

If you had read correctly I DID place the blame on SUPREME COMMANDERS Devs or wannabes.
but you didnt

If you placed the blame on Supreme Commander's Devs... Why was it your example to support your (reasonably warranted) argument against nVidia... Let alone Vista.

Crash, be careful. You seem to know alot, but many repetitive threads like these might lead you the way of Terra...

Rather than insulting others in retaliation for flaming you first, (sparingly) use the report button and ignore them. They don't help your discussion at all, and make you look bad when you respond.
Not only that but the person continues to savagely parage our sphinctors to get attention.

he could have reduced his original post to two setences.

Blah game not fully supported in vista
I want a refund.

sums it up.
you obviously are a kid and you dont know what ghost is.

I am not dual booting. There are to many issues in dualbooting the 2 OSes.

Also Vista is off my expensive machine and it is in your terms "Totally Bad Ass"
right now.

It has XP PRO and try looking at my sig to see whats in it. or look at a picture better yet.
Your just a kid I should lay off you. I think your Mom is about to tell you its dinner time
Crash[man];1030657133 said:
I put this thread here because for some reason Supreme Commander does not support SLI and it is being released as the FIRST "Game for Windows" that uses Direct X 10 out of the box.

So if you buy the game you will not get direct X 10 use out of it yet and forget about SLI graphics. This is a Game for Windows?

The entire PC marketing scheme that has been sold to us is really sounding like a complete scam. All the companies MS, Nvidia and Gas Powered .. THQ have their hands in this.

The game performs like crap. Go read for yourself.

My Bonus prebuy CD is just a prelude to this crap. I am glad I pre bought it so I can save that 5 bucks for another game. In reality I was lucky. If I had bought it for 50 dollars that would be gone and I would be left with a crap game.

Maybe if MS and Nvidia had their act together Supreme Commander would run better but after reading some of the bugs I dont think so.

Holy tin foil hats, Batman! It's conspiracy! :eek:

Seriously, as someone put it to me not so long ago concerning a THQ game, Titan Quest, when I was bitching about the fact that it doesn't work for me when every other game does:

Welcome to PC Gaming! Plan on staying long?

Is it a load of horse shit? Yes, it is. Frankly, it's been a load of horse shit since I started messing with computers in 1991.

Again, go back and read the last few sentences of my post. I'll quote it here for your convenience:

I would venture to say that some of the fault must lie with Microsoft, though, because it appears that there is a large number of vendors without final drivers and software firms with software that isn't supported under Vista or plain will not work. If it was one or two vendors, I'd blame them; when it's as large of a number as there currently is, it's time to be looking in Redmond's direction.

It's easy to say "they had five years" but anyone that has ever dealt with Microsoft knows that they are not forthcoming about their source. I don't think they had five years; I think much of the finalized Vista code was late to the show.

What can you do about Vista not working? Absolutely Jack, unless you have the source for nVidia's drivers, Windows Vista and Supreme Commander.

What can you do to prolong your life expectancy? Install XP, play the game and enjoy. Note that I *will* say that I do have an 8800 GTS, and I have been extremely pleased with it so far. I admit that I have not installed Vista on any of my gaming PCs (though I have it on a test box) and that I do not have SLI. The reason for that is because I do play games, Vista is not working well with many of them.

This situation has been going on since the DOS days. Keep in mind, too, that games are not considered mission critical applications. Your livelihood or ability to service patients, clients or other individuals does not depend on your ability to play Supreme Commander, though it may seem like it right how.
Crash[man];1030657240 said:
you obviously are a kid and you dont know what ghost is.

I am not dual booting. There are to many issues in dualbooting the 2 OSes.

Also Vista is off my expensive machine and it is in your terms "Totally Bad Ass"
right now.

It has XP PRO and try looking at my sig to see whats in it. or look at a picture better yet.
Your just a kid I should lay off you. I think your Mom is about to tell you its dinner time

Well to tell the truth so far everything on my PC is running silky smooth, sure there are going to be a few blemishes but nothing the devs at MS wont sort out.

Dude, calm down. We're all enthusiasts but lets not get to carried away.

And the above doesnt just go to Crash[man], that includes all of you guys as well.

I've said enough, hope everything gets better for you! ;)
If you people just leave the thread it will fade away like the others. You obviously have now developed some psychological personal issue with me when I am just adding a 3rd real aspect to the equation that being:


That is the point. BUT you people are enjoying some sort of feeble attempt at starting a flame war with me which is pointless because I am not playing.

My Points are valid, related and relevant.

So now when someone reads about my experience with Supreme Commander they will go to the forum over there. they will see that I was correct and they well think twice about laying cash down on that game to show off there new Vista load like I thought might happen.

The game has the Microsoft Games for Windows band around the box.

It is really funny that you people just need someone to argue with when I have simply stated facts to help people understand what I am finding.

I may have saved several people some money but many of you are in your own little world making up your own little scenerios and you forgot Post number 1.

Pathetic this thread has got this much negative attention when I am on everyones side. I am here to help not cause problems.

Here is kind of a graphic you got :

MS Vista -> Nvidia 680i MOBO -> Nvidia 8800 Direct X 10 cards in SLI for the 680i -> Nvidia drivers for support in the only OS that supports Direct X 10 Vista -> Games for Windows (Supporting Direct X 10 and multicore processing)

Why argue with me when I am on every gamers side I just want a computer that I missed out on in the first PCI express go around with the 7800 -7950s and SLIing them.

Why be mad at the messenger.

If you want to fight go get in a real one.
Crash[man];1030657296 said:
My Points are valid, related and relevant.
No, no, and no again, unfortunately. Perhaps they would be more relevant were they in the correct subforum.

You've become quite the pariah, and in such a short amount of time. Very interesting.
I thought this thread was your line in the sand:

Crash[man said:
]All Vista users should count down to 2-28-07 then...

If nvidia has not released a REAL SLI 8800 driver for their own reference board I really think a class action suit is in order.

People are mostly laughing at that suggestion. We all know nvidia is late. Only a tiny fraction of the video card market is upgraders, a tiny segment of that is high end, and an even tinier sliver of that small group has SLI. While it might be annoying to anyone "suffering" through this inconvenience, the vast majority of Vista users are not affected.

You came here to complain and you did. Why argue with everyone who doesn't agree with you? :rolleyes:
Wrong Wrong wrong. This is the correct forum becuase it involves Graphic cards.
Cards that are for gaming . This forum is for gamers come on if you havnt figured it out.

The point is I am talking about the FIRST real game for Vista "Graphics" . Supreme Commander is supposed to show us Graphically in extreme complex warfare how many tanks ships aircraft and bots can be on a screen with no stuttering and all the flash that Direct X 10 is supposed to give us.

So it is in the right spot. If I was talking about Quake 4 or FEAR or an older game yes you point would be valid but this is the entire point to:

"Games for Windows"

You apparently are not aware of the sales pitch that has been used with the introduction of Vista.

Games is in fact the primary selling point for Vista Ultimate.

Now if all you wanted to do is browse the net and use Office you dont need Vista Ultimate

Vista home and business would be fine.

This forum is geared towards gamers and that is what I am talking about in this thread.

Nice try though
Okay so ... are you complaining about the graphics card or the game...

If your complaining about the game please get the thread moved.

If your complaining about the graphics card.. Then don't be upset at microsoft.
If I recall, the issue you had involved the Supreme Commander DVD (a game) not reading correctly in Vista, right?

You could make the case that hair stylists are related to video cards in some small way, but does that mean that the two are the same? Unfortunately, the reality is that this is not the case.
That was what I could fit as the subject of the thread but I put .....
after it meaning read on for full subject.

I just regurgitated the first post right above this one. You are desperately trying to find NO connection between gaming and the OS and hardware which include drivers.

remember a large number of us have 680i motherboards and nvidia is writing drivers for the mother boards as well.

The first game to come to Vistas well documented Games for windows should have hit the streets with fire and it has come out like vomit.

It was the last straw for me leading me to reload XP when I really shouldnt because again I have to service Vista for a living.
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