All Vista users should count down to 2-28-07 then...

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Crash[man];1030657059 said:
ah your back for more. you mean to tell me all you have is 74 gig of harddrive space
you are crying

lol what a tool. Cry more, thanks.



*LOL's himeself to death*

Yep. John Carmack is so smart, in fact, that he can properly spell the word "genius".

Imagine that!

This thread needs to be locked.

Crash. Look man. You're pissed. That's fine. Threatening to sue is a dumb move, regardless of how sound your argument is.

The technologically inclined regularly mock the litigation happy individuals as they seldomly understand anything about what they're arguing over.

Just let it go. People always disagree with other people, it's a way of life.

Part of being good at arguing, is knowing when to respect the opinions of others, and when to deliver good evidence to support your claim. Bolstering your position, experience, financial or material positions is a bad move.

Your MAIN ARGUMENT against nVidia is the fact that some game won't run on VISTA. Because of a MS standard Active X component. That's got NOTHING to do with your nVidia GPU.

What do we say about a guy that tells everyone he has a huge penis?

What will we say about a guy who tells us he gratuated top of his class from a nationally respected scholarly institution?

Isn't it obvious? Your argument is a semantical NIGHTMARE, an argument that (as I said) contains a LOT of validity. MS needs to get their shit together, as does nVidia in their own way, but telling us how great you are, while being unable to prove it, is just opening yourself to an attack.
Your still going to try desperately to find NO connection between gameing and nvidias lack to get the drivers out there before the games get sold.

Supreme Commander is going on sail with no Direct X 10 support and of some reason no SLI support. I read post after post on that forum as to how crappy the game is by people in other countries that are already playing it.

Yea if Supreme commander is not running like it should because of Nvidia whose fault is it.

As far as the Bonus DVD I made the distinction that it is quite doubtful that the devs of the game had any responsibility in that.

I am quite surprised that people that are gamers have not seen the destiny of gaming laid out to them by Bill Gates himself on Television and for Christs sake.

Gates himself says Vista is going to revolutionize gaming .

Come on. This is just too much BS for anyone to handle and how you people are trying to disassociate Vista with Gaming is pointless. Go to a different type of forum that is not about playing games on high end hardware.
I'm just trying to understand the situation here. Is the problem the DVD not reading in Vista or is there some other problem you've neglected to detail that actually involves NVIDIA drivers?

You can't jump on individuals for not understanding when you've inadequately formulated your posts. I can only work with what I'm given here, guy.
Jesus some guy is bringing a Penis into this thread. Good God.

I am not the only one who had mentioned a class action suit. Many people have and I believe in this forum. Do a search and you might find a link. I know I have see it in other forums.

Believe me if this goes on and on and on there will be some kind of action taken if the support for XP is terminiated in the MOBO and Graphics departments.

If the games keep rolling out to an OS and hardware that is not prepared then what do we do?

All I can say is I hope there are no lemons involved with what we have purchased.

I mean I love my rig with XP on it. But remember Direct X 10 is a selling point into the future and I bought Direct X 10 hardware.

If this goes on for several game releases and I cant play them and if I hear from the games support that the blame falls upon nvidia or Microsoft what do we do?

The first post references a gaurentee of a certified Vista driver to support SLI for the 8800 cards.

I am expecting equal performance or better than in XP.

That is the bottom line and their is no arguing it. You guys are scampering around and making no since.

Febally making me out to be a loner.

Its not working. I am not a loner by any means in this area because we are all counting the days to the end of this month whether you admit to it or not
Crash[man];1030657444 said:
The first post references a gaurentee of a certified Vista driver to support SLI for the 8800 cards.
No, it doesn't.
Yes it does

every one who is really following nvidias Vista driver releases KNOW that they guaranteed a
whql driver by the end of February that will will support SLI for the 8800s . Unfortunately
I do not think it will support Direct X 10 . furthermore all those with 7000 series cards
are going to have to wait another month to get a decent driver.

Crash[man];1030657444 said:
Jesus some guy is bringing a Penis into this thread.

Yes, and it's got dick to do with this thread, just as NVidia has dick to do with the Supreme Commander Bonus DVD not installing properly under Vista. In fact, I'd say the penis has more relevance here, and coming from me, THAT's a very interesting statement, to be sure.

And Arcygenical, we call that guy by his user name, something like T's_C. All we need now is for that one to show up and we'd have a matched set of bookends.
The subject of the thread is not about Supreme Commander

Furthermore I assure you if I have time on Monday I will be calling THQ to find
out why SC is getting such a bad rap and if they so much as say its nvidia or
MSs fault you will be eating something you have mentioned twice now
Crash[man];1030657494 said:
The subject of the thread is not about Supreme Commander
Then I stand corrected. I guess I became confused when the primary complaint was that the DVD didn't install. I now see that the complaint is the the game isn't working for people in other countries, which may well be using different copy protection and localized translations. A complaint which may not turn out to be valid with the US release of the game, I might add.
Crash[man];1030657480 said:
every one who is really following nvidias Vista driver releases KNOW that they guaranteed a whql driver by the end of February that will will support SLI for the 8800s.
I'm afraid I haven't heard this. I also ran through a Google search -- I find no mention of any guarantees. Do you have a link to a statement or something concrete to back this up?

Crash[man];1030657494 said:
The subject of the thread is not about Supreme Commander
Could've fooled me.
Dude you couldnt possibly have read through the several complain threads over there
in about 1 minute come on
Crash[man];1030657444 said:
Jesus some guy is bringing a Penis into this thread. Good God.

It's a perfect example to compare to those that bolster their appearance because they can't back it up with proper fact.
Crash[man];1030657494 said:
Furthermore I assure you if I have time on Monday I will be calling THQ to find
out why SC is getting such a bad rap and if they so much as say its nvidia or
MSs fault you will be eating something you have mentioned twice now

Thank you for this addition, when I have attempted to be civil to you, and at least have an adult discussion.

If you respond this negatively to the people that attempt to discuss the issue or help you in technical support, I can see why you have difficulty getting your issues resolved.

I will further speculate that you have about as much chance of a functioning Vista system as I do of needing to be concerned about "eating what I have twice mentioned". I will stop further speculation as to the location of your head, at this point.
Well you dont know how to use google. If I were you I would quit doint this
remember I am on the gamers side. I am not looking to fight with my fellow gameres.
Hell I would love to find a new Multi Player game I could play. The last one I played was
Quake 3. I played it religiously. It was so much fun until the cheating was unstoppable and the guys and at [H]ardOCP loved the game too. I think I played on servers hosted by them.
I dont see why people are coming down on me unless you are pissed that I may be influencing sales of supreme Commander. As far as nvidia we all know over here that its all subject to change but you asked where I heard it. You have to use the right key words when you search for things.
And it was nice meeting you. When I drink coffee or Diet Coke I will think of you and the other part of my body for a while.

Thanks for planting that in my head Woops I didnt mean for that to come out that way
I'm surprised the admins haven't locked this thread up yet. It doesn't contribute anything particularly new.

ActiveX controls never work. Time to get with the times.
Vista thinks everything is suspicious, including transferring stuff from an external HD.

I don't get why anyone would complain about something not working when the actual version of the software is yet to be released. It's like going to buy a new sports car that can do 170mph a month before a new "170mph" speed limit legislation is passed (like that will ever happen :rolleyes: ) and then complaining in the month duration that you can't drive 170mph...

I mean, I get the gist of your argument and agree that a lot of things could have been done much more efficiently. However, it's not as if the current situation was completely unexpected for early adopters. If you were a total noob on the PC scene, I would forgive your lack of experience, but for someone who says they've worked on PC's for that long to expect the industry to suddenly deliver on every promise they make is rather naive.

P.S. Just something I noticed while reading the thread, it's "holier than thou" not "holier than though"
Crash[man];1030657545 said:
Well you dont know how to use google. If I were you I would quit doint this
remember I am on the gamers side. I am not looking to fight with my fellow gameres.
Hell I would love to find a new Multi Player game I could play. The last one I played was
Quake 3. I played it religiously. It was so much fun until the cheating was unstoppable and the guys and at [H]ardOCP loved the game too. I think I played on servers hosted by them.
I dont see why people are coming down on me unless you are pissed that I may be influencing sales of supreme Commander. As far as nvidia we all know over here that its all subject to change but you asked where I heard it. You have to use the right key words when you search for things.

Quoting the linked post for reading ease.

When do you expect to have WHQL-certified drivers for the GeForce 8800 cards?

Dwight Diercks: We estimate the WHQL driver for GeForce 8800 will be ready to release by the end of February. We are working very closely with Microsoft to finalize the WHQL certified DirectX 10 driver. Both companies are working together to ensure that the driver is certified and delivered to customers as soon as possible. After this driver, we intend to release a GeForce 7 series SLI driver in the March timeframe.

That isn't a guarantee, I don't see that word anywhere in there, I see "estimate" and "as soon as possible" but I don't see any guarantee in there. Your the one who needs to read carefully. Now just calm down and post rationally for a second please.
Crash[man];1030657555 said:
And it was nice meeting you. When I drink coffee or Diet Coke I will think of you and the other part of my body for a while.

Thanks for planting that in my head Woops I didnt mean for that to come out that way

Somehow I think it is you we will soon be saying goodbye to, Crash[man].
Supreme Commander HAS been released just not in the USA.
Please go to the Supreme Commander Forum and read.

People just dont like to read.

Its amazing how I have admitted OPENLY that I am on the consumers side. The gamers side. I am the voice of reason. I am the voice of wrath.

Yes on the phone and in person I can be ruthless. I dont listen or take crap. I am a crazy old musician who if I could would be out performing old school Punk Rock. Unfortunately there just arent any musicians I can find in my ho bunk town.

Why dont people get that I am just a gamer who wants to get on the new wagon Vista and play all these killer games coming out SOON. I repeat SOON. If the OS and nvidia are not prepared for these games who the hell is accountable.

The issue here is we didnt have a real "Game for Windows" to put on the table yet so there
was the severely streamed down demo of Supreme Commander.

I downloaded it and played it and I felt in NO way was this how the game was going to look.

Completely unimpressive. The same goes for CoC which is coming out next month. What if we are in the same boat then?

Crysis release date has been pushed back a few times. That is the key game. If that game fails for any reason then you will see a PC gaming war happen on the net.

I see this as a race to get Crysis to work flawlessly in Vista.

We will see but arguing with me like I am some anti gamer or anti THQ which in itself is insane when Warhammer and CoH might be considered my favorite games right now is ludicrous.

I want to see everyone win.

I must admit once The Asus Bios situation hit the net over here and elseware Asus is moving fast to get the perfect bios for the Striker.

Maybe the internet can be a positve thing for all of us gamers if we just stand up and state the case as it is.

We dont want to be ripped off. We all understand that the technology is state of the art. It is the timing of these things.

Its what I brought up a few posts before about deadlines imposed on developers and the stress they are under becuase of it.

Man those people are forced to not sleep to get the product out the door on the stated release date.

At least people like John Carmack would say its done when its done. maybe that should be what every developer does. It damn sure worked for him.

I personally love DOOM3. I played Doom1 and Doom2 over a modem many years ago. Those were great times.

I am a gamer who buys lots of games , I have several hundred dollars worth of games I recently have bought.

I should be playing right now but I just want the correct point made here.

I hope supreme Commander is different over in the states. I will wait until after the release date though. I will see what people have to say and I will call their tech support and find out what the deal is. 55 dollars could buy me the next game. I must have 400 dollars worth of games I want right now.

Lets just hope that these game releases are not suffering because of nvidias lack of driver support and Vistas security requisites.
sorry to hurt your feelings caffinated
if the thread should be stopped then quit posting in it

My issues are relevant. There are moderators here and I am not being ugly to you. I am not calling you names and I am not flaming. I am taking up for my points I have made.

Furthermore there are more links as to the release of the whql driver at the end of february.

You guys are really wearing me out. I have made my point. I am not here to educate people on how to use google nor am I here to make enemies. That is stupid.

I am being quite nice in this thread. If you show sarcasm towards me I try to play along with you because you are not hurting my feelings.

The fact that someone was unable to find one link to the deadline of the end of February is reason for me to bring to peoples attention the fact that the first game for windows has hit the street be it in other countries but I did have to bring up the Bonus DVD as it is important for us in the US.

There are alot of games coming out and we cant possibly buy all of them probably so if this game is not the one to buy at this point then I am pointing it out.

You have to ask yourself how could a game that has been on the front of PC Gamer 2 months in a row come out with this many problems.

Really how?

We all have to ask that. I guess you people dont know about this game. It is been labeled as the best RTS to ever exist nest to CoH.

Do your own research. I get PC Gamer. I have the 2 issues.

How can a forum for that game have so much disdain. it just doesnt figure unless there
are driver , hardware and OS issues that have not been polished.

Someone is accountable.

OK, if I am wrong and I dont know what I am talking about then you tell me who is accountable?
Crash[man];1030657669 said:
The fact that someone was unable to find one link to the deadline of the end of February

You still haven't provided one! That Guru3d post was not a deadline or a guarantee.
Crash[man];1030657480 said:
Yes it does

every one who is really following nvidias Vista driver releases KNOW that they guaranteed a
whql driver by the end of February that will will support SLI for the 8800s . Unfortunately
I do not think it will support Direct X 10 . furthermore all those with 7000 series cards
are going to have to wait another month to get a decent driver.


False. Nvidia's driver releases state that SLI support for the 8800 series in Vista/DX 10 will be available in a "future release". There is NO mention of a time frame. I have not seen the word guarantee anywhere. Please show me where it says: " we guarantee a driver for 8800 series SLI by the end of February." Ive just been to both Nvidia's sites and that statement isnt there.

And by the whine should grow up, boss man.:D
The instant "class action lawsuit" appears and is not referring to kids getting cancer because of tainted groundwater, it's pretty much next thread.
still arguing and for what. I would have to say you have some tie to nvidia to keep going on and on . So you are setting us all up for even more pissed reactions.

Currently the SLI performance for 8800 with direct x 9 is almost a false setting in the control panel. I read many forums and that is the consensus. Go to extremeoverclockers.

Ok so I am going by the interview done by firingsquad. They tried their damnedest to pin down the date. Your read it and it was the end of February. So the date listed on nvidias site can be inferred as the end of February.

The biggest point here is the gaming community has a slew load of owners of 7900s in SLI 7800GT and 7950s and more. Those people hold the largest number of machines needing drivers. They are not going to just sit back and wait forever although they do know that those cards dont support Directx 10.

As you can see how this discussion is turning. No one can get a date from nvidia to the exact day only the end of February. That could be day or two before a week after but it is supposed to be in that time frame. The 100.64s are not the drivers that we are supposed to settle for.

Now that is it. you guys make no since and you have become very irritating. So I am gone FOR REAL. I have made my point and there is no arguing it. I will not post here again .
I have made my stand and the thread stood its ground which is relevant valid and important.

Its a wait an see game now and that wait is SOON.

So we will have to address all this at a later date. Goodbye and call me names all you wan t. I dont care because I am a gamer just like everyone else. There is no point in attacking me unless you work for nvidia and you dont want people to think the drivers are coming at the end of February . Go over to Firingsquad and tell those guys about it.

I will wait and see how Supreme Commander does over here in the states and then buy it just like I am waiting for the 1002 bios to show up on Asus site before I attempt to use that motherboard again.

I have never seen so much confusion and mayhem in the industry ever. This is far more crazy than XP release or 98 or ME.

This has become insane.

The instant "class action lawsuit" appears...

A wild Class Action Lawsuit has appeared!


Haha, I couldn't resist. That was against class lawsuits in general, not contributing anything to this thread.
Just so everyone knows:

1. The Supreme Commander Bonus DVD is a "Special Edition" of the game that you could pre-order and would be delivered a week before the "Normal" game is launched. It costs more too.

2. Supreme Commander goes on Sale the 20th of February (I read Walmart will have it on the 22nd, but Bestbuy etc will have it on the 20th).

3. The Special Edition and the Normal game are in fact the same, but as was said, there is "Extra Stuff" on the Special Edition (well, duh).;)

So, I for one am kinda concerned about this, as I was going to pick up the game next week. However, if there is an issue launching the game in Vista, perhaps it should be posted on the Supreme Commander forums, and perhaps they have a work-around for it.

If not, I would blame the game manufacturer for the problem and not Microsoft's Vista. After all, the game designers are the ones that said it's the first Vista DX10 game, not Microsoft.
And by the whine should grow up.

And that's pretty much the whole of it right there. Chronic whiners/shit-stirrers don't usually last too long around here.

In a more general sense, it isn't doing anyone any good. A) No one on this forum, right this minute, can wave a magic wand and produce Vista SLI drivers B) Supreme Commander is not even available in the US this very minute C) Being rude and/or condescending to everyone with a different viewpoint on the situation just pisses everyone off and accomplishes nothing

If you are looking for help, most everyone here will bend over backwards to help you. If you are looking to discuss the situation, there are plenty of people here that will do so in an adult manner. If you are looking for a place to stand on a soapbox and have everyone agree with you, you are in the wrong place.

To be honest, the only thing I've gotten out of this whole thread is that you are angry that you can't get Vista to work with Supreme Commander and that you don't have SLI drivers yet. Unfortunately, the amount of users with SLI is much smaller than the amount with 8800 series cards.

Let me repeat this in yet another way, as everyone else has: You have an enthusiast hardware setup, and because you have an uncommon setup, when going to a new OS you *will* have problems, because the first priority for NVidia is to get the drivers working for the majority. It is *NOT* an emergency for you to be able to play Supreme Commander in Vista with *both* Geforce 8800 cards in SLI.

Of course, Supreme Commander isn't on the shelves in the US yet, which makes this all a moot point, anyway.
For one Crash, most of these guys are right. No where does Nvidia have to have drivers out by February. Do they have to at all? Not if they don't want to. I'm tired of you starting threads, and when people don't agree with your point of view, you FLAME them. You multipost with horrible grammar added with senseless facts and demands, and when anyone doesn't see it your way, you tell them they are wrong. You start threads asking for opinions with a closed mind. Grow up, and either listen to sense, or rename your threads "Please don't argue with my point or I will whine until everyone gives up!".

If you start threads, be willing to listen to viewpoints other than your own. You may not have to agree with them, but accept them, don't just flame people that don't believe the way you do.

Being on the cutting line with hardware and software will always prove to be troublesome. Stuff won't always work out of box. Sometimes you have to wait, and sometimes you have to find a solution for yourself. In this case, wait! Be patient! Nvidia said they will be releasing SLI support, but in the FUTURE. This will always be the case if you have to have the best of the best. Either prepare for it, or stick with more reliable, slightly older hardware.

And sorry if I sound demeaning, that's not the way I intend my point to come across. I think you just need to be more willing to accept the opposing sides of arguments. In time, you will find out that knowing all the viewpoints on a subject will strengthen the knowledge and backing of your own.

Edit: For the record, I am not condemning all debate, just saying that debate should be centered around the issue, not telling each and every person they are in the wrong outright, without thought to their argument.
Crash[man];1030657669 said:
I am not here to educate people on how to use google. If I were you I would quit doint this...I am the voice of reason...
I'm speechless. Truly and utterly speechless. What sort of bizarre fantasy world you've constructed in the depths of your mind is truly beyond me.

In any case, this was one hell of an entertaining thread. One for the books!
It seems to me that if anyone should be sued, it should be Microsoft. Vista doesn't seem to be working right, and for those of you who don't mind, well then fine. Have I upgraded, no I prefer to have something that works then something that doesn't, from what I have read Vista reminds me of windows ME. My friend has, upgraded he bought a IBM laptop 3 or 4 months ago just for vista, and guess what, his cd-rom doesn't work. is it the hardware, well it worked with Xp, now with vista it doesn't work, in my eyes mircosoft is to blame. if it was a car, we would have 3 days or if the same thing needed repair it would be a lemon, you would be aloud to take it back get your money or another car, but not with mircosoft. you could just do what i plan to do and that is to wait until vista sp2 or not upgrade at all. thank you
It seems to me that if anyone should be sued, it should be Microsoft. Vista doesn't seem to be working right, and for those of you who don't mind, well then fine. Have I upgraded, no I prefer to have something that works then something that doesn't, from what I have read Vista reminds me of windows ME. My friend has, upgraded he bought a IBM laptop 3 or 4 months ago just for vista, and guess what, his cd-rom doesn't work. is it the hardware, well it worked with Xp, now with vista it doesn't work, in my eyes mircosoft is to blame. if it was a car, we would have 3 days or if the same thing needed repair it would be a lemon, you would be aloud to take it back get your money or another car, but not with mircosoft. you could just do what i plan to do and that is to wait until vista sp2 or not upgrade at all. thank you

how the hell did he upgrade to vista if he only had a cd rom?
sorry the cd-rom work on the laptop with Xp with Vista it doesn't work. it stoped working after upgrading from xp to Vista.
I for one have to laugh. I have never seen anyone shart their pants over one game as much as this guy.

The decision is simple... Decide with your wallet , Don't buy the game
and guess what everyone loses then the market will bear what the consumer
will bear.

Panties unruffled and all.. seriously.
Crash[man];1030657555 said:
And it was nice meeting you. When I drink coffee or Diet Coke I will think of you and the other part of my body for a while.

Thanks for planting that in my head Woops I didnt mean for that to come out that way

All of your waiving pen0r into the threads and Starbucks comments have nothing to do with the topic.

If you want your tit for tat type of response that's what you started. You should not have started something with a crapload of personal references that add nothing to your credulity.

You continue to ruffle your feathers and unbutton your I/O relevance. You are telling us somethingi tha tmost of us already knew? SLI support is lackluster, has been lackluster, and will be lackluster. Not many games will take advantage of it. How many millions of dell users even have the option to upgrade or better yet even have a PCIE slot in their machine let alone two? You are a very small percentage of the market. The market isn't going to adjust. The only way we'll EVER see all of the features is to get people to buy more hardware but that will be few and far between. So before you continue to rip people apart, and tear shreds at who should be responsible. Tell me? Why are you ranting about something that hasn't come to pass yet? How close were the nvidia drivers released for vista? Hell at least they have drivers for vista. Many XFI or sound card users are have problems let alone the gaming market.
I'm speechless. Truly and utterly speechless. What sort of bizarre fantasy world you've constructed in the depths of your mind is truly beyond me.

In any case, this was one hell of an entertaining thread. One for the books!

Which is why I made the statement earlier that we needed for "The_Corporate" one to show up. They should get together and go bowling.
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