Aion Beta

that's fine if i die. happens all the time in other mmo's. i just don't wanna feel like i need to rely on ppl all the damn time.

that's fine that i will NEED sum1 to do "group" quests in order to advance. and i realize the fact that in order to do end game raids and what not i will need to be in a group. i just don't wanna have to ask joe snuffy to help me out for hours on end just for simple grinding or pvp ganking. it's retarded and uncalled for imo.

but seeing how u managed to get to 31 with mild grouping and mostly soloing has answered my question. and when 1.5 cums out it will be even "easier". seems good enough for me.


Keep in mind that I played a SM, which is arguably the best soloing class at lower levels without buffpets, although Assassins seem to be even better at soloing at higher levels (terrible at low levels).
Keep in mind that I played a SM, which is arguably the best soloing class at lower levels without buffpets, although Assassins seem to be even better at soloing at higher levels (terrible at low levels).

I really like my assassin.

Does this game have professions like wow?
@USMC2Hard: Yeah, there's crafting/professions. Weaponsmithing, Armorsmithing, Handicraft(jewelry), Cooking, Alchemy and Tailoring. You can actually bring all of them to skill 399 without any problems. But you can only take two to "Master" Level. Take the two that directly complements your class best.

I posted this in another forum, hope it helps someone still undecided about what to play:

I'll post a short descrip of my exposure to the classes.

Warrior Archetypes

Templar - The most defensive class in the game, donning plate + shield. Is really resilient and can last really long in battles without a healer. With a healer, they're quite a bit of a pain. In PvP, their most useful skill I've seen is a pull of Player chars to them, which will cause group zergs on the unlucky fellow. (Sort of like marauder/white lion pull)

Gladiator - A strong melee DPS with great survivability. You usually rock either a polearm or greatsword. I see more with the former than the latter. Anyway, has pretty great skills like stuns, KDs, Charge (increased movement speed). Great choice for a melee DPS if you don't want to be as squishy as a SIN. And yeah, they can rock out some good damage.

Scout Archetypes

Ranger - Range DPS. Uses bow/arrows (Which you have to buy, i heard they're not that $$ tho..). Anyway, they have strong range DPS... even rivaling Sorcs at times. They also have damn decent CC, not as much as Sorcs, but nonetheless can control groups to an extent. Their DPS isn't as high as Sorcs b/c they can do a lot more abilities on the move, whereas the Sorc's spells all have 2.0s cast time or greater. A great choice for a range DPS as you also have leather armor VS sorc's cloth armor. Also, you have stealth (grr i hate these bastards in Abyss lol) which allows you to leave combat without being found (unless the enemy has a reveal skill). It also provides you to sneak up to gank someone 1v1.

Assassin - Melee DPS. Uses dual swords or dual daggers. IMO, it's the highest DPS class in the game. Sorc challenges it at times, but the SIN is more "spikey" due to crits. Typical rogue class, stealth, backstab specialty. LOTS of dodge capabilities and has many spells to avoid incoming attacks. One of the most popular classes due to their strength in PvP combat. Of course, considering they are one of the highest DPS classes + stealth, they love ganking you when you're attacking a mob in the Abyss. Typical class to sneak around back and mess up the healers/casters. And right now, you can actually almost 1-2 shot casters if they're ill-prepared and your crits go off.

Priest Archetype

Chanter - DPS/Healer. I haven't had much exposure to the Chanter class, maybe Kasu or Mae can shed some light. All I recall is that they still heal damn well, they have a lot more HoTs than Clerics, and they have a bit more offensive spells than a Cleric but sacrifice some healing ability. They can still dish out a good amount of damage though and be completely viable in combat. Their buffs are also offensive based and have the mantra system. Some groups may request for a cleric only, but that's bullshit as Chanters fill the role just as well.

Cleric - Healer/DPS. I'd say this class is pretty strong right now since their damage portion ain't exactly weak. Their heals are amazing and it's almost impossible for me to "overload" a cleric with damage as a Sorc. Coming from a range DPS class, that says something. They also have some damn good damage spells with ability to summon tiny little pets? that does damage to the enemy. Also, they have the best heals in the game and their buffs are of defensive base.

Mage Archetype

Spiritmaster - Range DPS/Summoner. Range DPS and pretty good at it. Its main CC is Fear and its damage specializes in DoTs/Pet. You can have elemental pets (wind, fire, water, etc) which actually do a damn good amount of damage. This is without a doubt THE BEST PvE solo class period. They have literally no downtime, and can chug through mobs really fast. In the levels 20-30, they sort of suck in PvP since they don't have the ability to force enemies to the ground yet, which results in their pets not being able to participate in aerial fighting (for now). On ground though (which ground PvP happens a lot due to limited flight time anyway), I hate fighting SM's since their damage is nothing to scoff at as you're getting pounded by two sides. Their survivability is also pretty strong as they have a Stigma ability to absorb or steal life from their pets, giving them more hp.

Sorceror - Range DPS/Mesmerizer. Highest range DPS, but comes at the cost of being the most squishest class in the game. At lvl 25, you have Sleep, Tree, Restraint CC's along with 3-4 other snares. The class has a potential to control a fight if they are skilled enough and can react well under pressure. I do have to say though that this class requires A LOT of practice and micro-management. Casting a spell not in the right order can mean losing the fight (as your own dot can break your CC). Once mastering this class though, I expect that they are absolutely essential to any group make up. Anyway, the damage is awesome and post 30, you get a whole slew of strong damage spells along with a few more CC abilities. I will say though that this is a class you have to be on top of your game, at all times. If a Sin pops up on you, you have to have a line of spells already ready in your head to react as certain classes will use different abilities on you. Else, your death is inevitable. One caveat though is that your HP is very very low. Without using any HP manastones, my HP would be roughly 1200, with them its about 1700 + 500 dmg shield. My sister's equal level Gladiator has about 2700 and with her stigma, about 3k+. Mana consumption is also pretty rough in the earlier levels, but gets better as you get more skills to recover it in the later levels. It's the best description of a "Glass Cannon".

If anyone needs more clarification on classes, be sure to post, wouldn't mind helping people find the right class to play on Open Beta.
Got my beta access key from Amazon finally. Where do I register my key and download the client?
Fixed to avoid any kind of weird confusion. ::p

I'd be interested in joining a [H] Aion Crew. Don't have any other friends picking this up as of now.

I'll be starting a guild on some server with a few old wow buddies of mine. If you guys are interested. Not sure what server yet, but east coast/elyos side.
i had no intention of playing this game until i saw this guys series of videos...omfg this game has quality in spades,,,he says the graphics are set on medium for recording purposes...r u kidding me??!!! wtf does high settings look like!!!

the interface looks like its the best ever in an mmo negating the 'need' for keeps the game the 'same' for everyone playing..especially for pvp..we should all play with the same interface so as to keep it fair. I have no idea if they will even 'allow' mods to be used. I hope not.

I wonder about that too. I did my rig graphics upgrade to GTX 260 because I was scared about Crytek, only to find that such fear's unfounded.

Who here have survived Lineage 2 btw? That grindfest really did me in...
I'll be starting a guild on some server with a few old wow buddies of mine. If you guys are interested. Not sure what server yet, but east coast/elyos side.

lol we did the same but Asmodean side, too many brats on alliance, assuming that will carry over to Aion half a dozen of us so far from wow on trinel (spelling?) beta server on Asmodean

my guys name is putz lol, lvl 16 or 18 templar
lol we did the same but Asmodean side, too many brats on alliance, assuming that will carry over to Aion half a dozen of us so far from wow on trinel (spelling?) beta server on Asmodean

my guys name is putz lol, lvl 16 or 18 templar

Not really, the WoW population vastly shifted back to alliance for good player rerolls as far as I know. This was even back about 1 month ago when I was still playing. On the server I was on there was way more dbags playing the "evil" side then there was alliance side. But whatever floats your boat.
Who here have survived Lineage 2 btw? That grindfest really did me in...

Me. I played from beta until C4... What a waste of life haha... But I preordered Aion, this game looks pretty damn good! Hopefully not an epic grindfest like L2...
Sweet fancy Moses the client download is slow. 9272 more minutes? D: Is there a port I need to open up or something?
Not really, the WoW population vastly shifted back to alliance for good player rerolls as far as I know. This was even back about 1 month ago when I was still playing. On the server I was on there was way more dbags playing the "evil" side then there was alliance side. But whatever floats your boat.

The horde looked too goofy to roll until the Blood Elves <3
I haven't decided which side to play yet. Don't really know any pros or cons of either. I just hope they're balanced across the servers.

I do know I will be playing a Chanter.
I tried several characters from both Elyos and Asmodian sides.
Elyos is appropriately sunny and bright as per the lore and Asmodian side is appropriately dark and gloomy as per lore. Both have their good and bad points I guess.
I'll be rolling both sides when the game goes live next month.I did prefer the Asmodian noob areas a bit better though.

The last beta weekend (first one I got into) impressed me enough that I purchased the CE directly from NCSoft yesterday.

Thinking this may well be a good WoW replacement for me for awhile, I hope .....

Downloading at 258kb/s. The beta version will be over before I download this game.
How are you guys able to get into the beta, i tried and it always either closed or weekend events, how do you get into it?
I used to play World of Warcraft but stopped playing 3 years ago. I liked the way World of Warcraft played and its style as an MMO and I was wondering how Aion compared? Has anyone played both games that can give me a brief opinion on how it compares to World of Warcraft? I'm looking to try a MMO after being MMO-less for the past few years.
How are you guys able to get into the beta, i tried and it always either closed or weekend events, how do you get into it?

preorder will get you access to all closed beta events. not worth at this point as open beta is right after this last closed beta weekend phase.

Downloading at 258kb/s. The beta version will be over before I download this game.

you should be fine. beta doesnt start till friday noon pst anyway.

I used to play World of Warcraft but stopped playing 3 years ago. I liked the way World of Warcraft played and its style as an MMO and I was wondering how Aion compared? Has anyone played both games that can give me a brief opinion on how it compares to World of Warcraft? I'm looking to try a MMO after being MMO-less for the past few years.

what aspects of WoW appealed to you?
I'm debating on whether to wait a bit until the collector edition can be had cheaply.....that figurine sounds pretty awesome as well as the other ingame bonuses :D
what aspects of WoW appealed to you?

I'm currently on the fence with this. Maybe you can help. Played wow since cb. Quit this year. Wow I loved pve raiding and 5 mans. World pvp. Bg's are fun arenas are ok but not my thing. Currently I would be pvping and questing with my wife. So far the game sounds awsome how do those areas stack up to wow?

Stuff that made me lose intrest in wow. Lost intrest in raiding bg's became tedious same strat battles. I need goals in an mmo and not too easily attained goals. But not so insane I got to sit through a 10 hr boss fight.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
When does the open beta start?

They haven't announced when open beta is going to be, but the last closed beta will be this weekend, starting tomorrow at 3 PM EST. Preorder for 5 bucks and you can get in, just have to start downloading today.
I'll be starting a guild on some server with a few old wow buddies of mine. If you guys are interested. Not sure what server yet, but east coast/elyos side.

I might be interested in joining some kind of small guild with some [H] peeps. No idea on class but strongly leaning towards a chanter on Elyos side.
When does the open beta start?

No exact date. But my guess would be early September, for a week long. Game launches on Sept. 20th-22nd, and the last CB phase is this weekend. Expect Open Beta to be either late Aug or early Sept.

I'm debating on whether to wait a bit until the collector edition can be had cheaply.....that figurine sounds pretty awesome as well as the other ingame bonuses :D

Tbh, the figurine looks ugly as F.. haha. Anyway, the digital CE edition is purchasable digital from, steam, etc for $59 rather than $69 that retailers have it. Granted, you won't get the figurine, some map, box or soundtrack CD but you'll get all the in game perks.

I'm currently on the fence with this. Maybe you can help. Played wow since cb. Quit this year. Wow I loved pve raiding and 5 mans. World pvp. Bg's are fun arenas are ok but not my thing. Currently I would be pvping and questing with my wife. So far the game sounds awsome how do those areas stack up to wow?

Stuff that made me lose intrest in wow. Lost intrest in raiding bg's became tedious same strat battles. I need goals in an mmo and not too easily attained goals. But not so insane I got to sit through a 10 hr boss fight.

Well, apparently they're pushing out a lot of PvE dungeons for the upper tier. Keep your eye on that. Even in the mid 20's, i've done quite a bit of 5 man dungeons w/o the new PvE patch. World PvP in the Abyss is great... lots of paranoia and skirmish fights breaking out, left and right. I haven't played WoW in a while, but there are a lot of WoW'ers checking out the game and enjoying it. Read up more about WoW critiques on AionSource if you need more info. There's less emphasis on BG's and Scenarios.. and more so on World PvP.

If you need more explanation on what the Abyss is, let me know. I played WAR recently and it was supposed to be the PvP MMO and meh, in perspective. I'm enjoying PvP a hell of a lot more in Aion than I am in WAR. Things are less zerg zerg, and more strategy. I've seen groups of 6, wipe out groups of 10-12 easily. I saw well communicated & geared teams of 3, wipe out gank squads of 8 or more. The one thing I like about it is the Abyss Point System. You get Abyss Points for killing enemies, or PvE monsters in the Abyss. Once you rack up enough points, you will effectively rank up and you can redeem those points for awesome gear that will definitely give you a competitive edge. Also, when you buy that gear, you rank down and rinse/repeat. You can however, keep your Abyss Points and rank up all the way to the Officer ranks within the server and start getting new skills to own enemies ;) Finally, there's a better purpose for PvPing/PvEing in the World PvP. Also, it creates this sense of mystery since you cannot underestimate your opponent for a second... You may see Rank 8 Soldier Chanter... but he may have recently been a Rank 5 Soldier, used up his points to get that legendary gear and about to wtfpwn your face.

I'd say check it out if you're bored of WoW, which a lot of people are. This Open Beta phase is going to get slammed with how many interested people there are, hope NCSoft is prepping for it...
I put down WoW recently Wrench and tried Aion the last CB event and had a complete blast with it.

This is an MMO that brings the genre back to it's roots. Going out and killing is less about zerg (whether it's PvE or PvP [from what i've read on pvp anyway... i haven't done any yet]). WoW just feels like a giant rush everywhere you go with no rewards to stop and take time to craft or help others. In Aion it's worth it to stop and level your crafting and find a group of 4 or 5 other members and kill elites. At this time it's quite refreshing to play this. The game is absolutely beautiful, and it's always nice walking around in elite areas and needing to watch out what's going on. Elites in this game cannot be handled lightly!
is there alot of causal stuff? me and my GF are thinking of playing but playing very lightly, maybe even only on the weekends or for an hour a day.
is there alot of causal stuff? me and my GF are thinking of playing but playing very lightly, maybe even only on the weekends or for an hour a day.

I think so. if you don't aspire to be the Supreme Commander of your side on your server, then the game can be as casual as you want it to be. You're not forced to PvP, but in the late levels, you want to be sure you watch your back for enemies trying to gank you. Nonetheless, there's lots of quests, decent crafting and rewards, group quests and the main CG touch within the quests is pretty nice too. The game looks also really great for an MMO.
Thanks for the input. Ordered 2 ce editions downloading em now. Can't wait haven't played an mmo since january lol
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
What made me quit WoW is the fact i did most of what there is to do, i guess its like with all games, you do it certain amount of time and its enough, for me it is, i guess for most people its an addiction. Game gets boring after 3-4 months