Aion Beta

why do people want the WoW Pre BC feel?

You mean the spam frost bolt spam for mages?
Shamans, Druids, Priests and Pallies all had to heal in PvE.


I much prefer mmos where classes have roles. blizzard tries way too hard to normalize tanking, dps, and healing so that everyone does the same. ruins the flavor and class distinction.

and paladins did not heal pre bc, they buffed :p
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why do people want the WoW Pre BC feel?

You mean the spam frost bolt spam for mages?
Shamans, Druids, Priests and Pallies all had to heal in PvE.


I know what ya mean. I would never wanna give up the current combat mechanics for nostalgia (most likely through rose-colored glasses or whatever the expression is). Imagine the going back to raids where there was no haste rating gear, no BL/Heroism, etc. Sloooooow.

To be on topic. I took a look at the Aion trailer. It has a "cool factor" to it, but I don't see anything that'll draw me to it.
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I have played in closed beta 4,5, and 6... after playing wow from closed beta right up to a month before wotlk released, I was one of those hardcore players that was in guild that had been together since beta, and was in the first five for every event up till wrath, and I have to say that in my opinion Aion does exactly what wow did on release, take everything that had come before and make it better.
I am not going to say that it will kill wow, but having been out in korea for over a year now, and having over 3.5 million current subs, they have tuned in to what North American players look for by adding over 1,500 new quests, upped xp from kills and quests, making this game as far from the standard "asian grindfest" that you could imagine.
As far my preference, I started my gaming career in EQ1 and I really enjoyed the betas and am eagerly looking foreward to the open beta and release.
ps. copy/pasted my replay to a thread in the general game forum.
my only reservation about aion is if the pve questing is too linear..i don't care about the starter area...i played war and felt like a rat being driven thru a maze ...i never had that experience in wow...never

granted its a pvp centric gaming model and pve should take a back seat so perhaps we shouldn't be too critical of the pve experience...tho i pay for
my only reservation about aion is if the pve questing is too linear..i don't care about the starter area...i played war and felt like a rat being driven thru a maze ...i never had that experience in wow...never

granted its a pvp centric gaming model and pve should take a back seat so perhaps we shouldn't be too critical of the pve experience...tho i pay for

war had 6 completely different pve campaigns with fluffed out stories and lore, and you could easily fly between the three campaigns each for the good and the evil sides using flight paths. not sure how you felt like a rat in a maze.

I think a lot of people equate wow levelling as non linear because they have quest that sent you all over the place for seemingly no reason, and it introduced you to new zones. blizzard is taking out those quest and 'stremlining' the questing experience which means making it more linear.
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Not to be rude, but if you can't tell what the game is about from the previous 19 pages worth of information I don't know what to tell you other than no it isn't.

lol who wants to read 19 pages of stuff to answer 1 question?

I'd rather him ask here than make a whole new thread for it
Not to be rude, but if you can't tell what the game is about from the previous 19 pages worth of information I don't know what to tell you other than no it isn't.

i dont have the time to read 19 pages of text im afraid
Best thing is to get yourself into the open beta and check out the game yourself. From what i have gather, PvP is a major focus thus classes are/should be balanced. Their is still plenty of well paced PvE combat as well.
Best thing is to get yourself into the open beta and check out the game yourself. From what i have gather, PvP is a major focus thus classes are/should be balanced. Their is still plenty of well paced PvE combat as well.

how do i get into the open beta
You can fly, but your starter wings only last 45 seconds, then they disappear and you fall to your death :rolleyes:

You can always save yourself from falling deaths by gliding when you get close to the ground, unless you do something dumb so your wings are still on the 5 or 10 second cooldown
I guess I have had a FP beta key for a while now but never used it. Im still dl'ing the full client, 9 gigs worth. The fileplanet download is going a decent 150-200KB/s which is better than it normally gives me, atleast it will be done before the open beta starts lol

im hoping the game will be good, gonna decide if i want to get the game and if I want to pre-order the CE or not.

Interesting review.

This guy makes some good points though = no swimming in water :rolleyes: You can fly, but your starter wings only last 45 seconds, then they disappear and you fall to your death :rolleyes:

Thats what they make flight time pots for. It adds a time to your flight. If you see your flight time is in the red you look for a spot to land. No swimming a grip lol
Ugh I don't get why they are calling it an "Open Beta" when you have pre-order or buy something else just to get in. I am interested in this game but not enough to pre-order/cancel, I got all excited when I saw the words open beta hehe but apparently NCsoft doesn't know what open beta is supposed to mean.... :(

Anyways to all you guys playing it for the first time in the coming week post screenies and your thoughts on the game!
Fileplanet has the client and Keys for open beta available as of this morning.

I already pre ordered CE digital download direct from NCSoft, so I'm in, but just saying you do not have to pre order.
i pre-ordered two copies from eb games, i got supa excited upgraded to collectors from ncsoft.. 8========D !
Fileplanet has the client and Keys for open beta available as of this morning.

I already pre ordered CE digital download direct from NCSoft, so I'm in, but just saying you do not have to pre order.

You have to subscribe to FP though, am I right?
Is the OB client from FP pre-updated to 1.5?. Apparently, downloading from Steam launches Aion's own download manager/gui. I'm currently updating to 1.5 at a blazing speed of 16kbs :rolleyes:
Is the OB client from FP pre-updated to 1.5?. Apparently, downloading from Steam launches Aion's own download manager/gui. I'm currently updating to 1.5 at a blazing speed of 16kbs :rolleyes:

well at that speed, you might get lucky and finish the download before the retail launch =p
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ya im dl'ing the 9.3gig file from FP for the second time now, I had 7.5gigs downloaded and my wife restarted the computer, of course the FP manager sucks ass and erased the downloaded content so im re-dling it now.

Im getting speeds of around 200kbs sometimes peeking to 300 and at times dropping as low as 50
Getting a whopping 100kb from there. Nothing like using 1/30th my connection!
just finshed dl'ing the 9gig client, took 18 hours non-stop to dl the full thing from Fileplanet.
Downloaded in about 5 hours, installed, then had to install gameguard individually. Can get to the login screen, but they won't turn on the logon server until the 6th, so I will just keep clicking login until then :D
haha, i know the first time i launched the game some webpage popped up about gamegaurd errors, then 20 seconds later the game gaurd patcher starts and works properly and starts up aion

now everytime i start aion that same gamegaurd error page apears then a few second slater the gameguar dpatcher than the game starts
I forgot about the Lineage 2 days. I had to uninstall Daemon tools in order for Gameguard to operate. Oh well, hope its worth it. I have been waiting forever for this game to come out.
Aion's site is getting hammered. I can't get to it to create my account. What time is the beta supposed to go live today?