Achieva Shimian QH270| $400 IPS 2560x1440 Korean Monitor

the multi-input version of the monitor has much higher input lag from what i hear
so might not be best choice for gaming

Thanks, this is what I am hearing and why I am asking. Do you know if anyone has measured these numbers? I saw there is a youtube video but then all the comments below say he did it wrong and his numbers are meaningless.
Just acquired a Shimian QH270. Could someone please tell me how to get the ACD color profile? I've search this thread, but I came out empty. What's the key words I should search for. Thanks in advance.
So my wecube monitor accepts up to 72 Hz. Anyone have any thoughts on the long-term reliability implications (if any) of running a higher refresh rate on these LCDs?
the multi-input version of the monitor has much higher input lag from what i hear
so might not be best choice for gaming

Right now I have my computer on my old monitor using DVI and my PS3 using an adjacent HDMI port for the same monitor. Is the input lag so different between the two models (Q270 multi vs. Q270) that I should get the Q270 hook it up to my computer only and try to put my old monitor and the PS3 somewhere else in the house?
maybe we can get a mod to toss a bunch of the relevant links, like the color profiles, and the link to the comparos of all the koreans monitors, on top of the first post?
QH300 Shimian excerpt from part 7 of the prad review via google translate


The QH300-IPSMS we have measured in native resolution at 60 Hz at the dual link DVI port. The monitor has been reset for the measurement to the factory setting.

Response Time and acceleration behavior

The response time is calculated separately for the black-white transition and the best gray-to-gray change. In addition, we call the average for our 15 measurement points.

The German importer is called a reaction time of 6 milliseconds (without notice) on Korean websites to find values ​​of 6 millisecond (black-white) and 14 milliseconds (GtG). We measure 13.1 milliseconds for black and white, gray changing needs of the fastest at 14.0 milliseconds little longer.

The weighted average of all response times (round trip) for our 15 values ​​of 15.0 milliseconds is exactly the same length.

Rapid response times for IPS, neutral acceleration without overshooting.

There is no overdrive option in the OSD does not exist. The measured brightness profiles show a moderately fast-IPS panel with a relatively rapid response times at which signs just do not overshoot.


Latency is an important value for players, we determine the sum of the signal delay time and the mean half-time frame rates. The signal delay is the QH300-IPSMS 17.6 milliseconds rather long, apparently always will be a picture frame cached.

Until the desired brightness pass another 7.5 milliseconds, the mean total latency is therefore a total of 25 milliseconds quite long. However, this machine will certainly not primarily dedicated to hardcore gamers. All other users will notice nothing of this delay.
Thanks, I'll give this a try. I also used Argyll and got similar results. My display does not look washed out due to the contrast ratio. I'm wondering if the measuring tool is picking up some of my BLB. Doesn't take much to kill a reading.

The native display had a color temperature of 13,000k+ and contrast of ~700:1. So one area where these panels suffer is probably the LEDs used.

I'm not ready to jump to an ACD to get a glossy display, but I may not buy 2 more Shimians like I had originally planned either.

After using the calibrated display for a few days, I'm really liking it. It took this long to get used to the dimmer display with a warmer white point. I recommend it!
If anyone is looking for a 2B Catleap I've lowered prices in the for sale section. ;)
Just received my Catleap Perfect Pixel from Green Sum on Ebay and is perfect. Absolutely no dead or stuck pixels, definitely worth the extra $60 for the Perfect Pixel guarantee
I'm sure the people you play with aren't missing you at all right now. :rolleyes:

Do you seriously expect anything to make it all the way from Korea to New Jersey in 2-3 days?

hopefully there isnt any dead pixels when it arrives to u :D
Order the same one yesterday and already in AK.. I am hoping it is as good as you and everyone else says and I will be ordering up a second and maybe a third.

And it already arrived... took about 48 hours to get to me more or less...

hooked up and WOW.. I will be getting a second no question about it.

Got the Crossover q27-P from AW..
I like how bigclothcraft has started selling the pivot stands.


And it already arrived... took about 48 hours to get to me more or less...

hooked up and WOW.. I will be getting a second no question about it.

Got the Crossover q27-P from AW..

AW shipping and quality is the best .. one day from korea to US and no dead pixels :D
I dont think anyone can who the best vendor for good panels is with any real confidence or data beyond anecdotal evidence at this point

Thanks! Anecdotally who provides better panels with less backlight bleed and less uniformity. AW claims their panels are A1 grade while say BCC claims A- .... trying to figure out if A1 is better than A- :)
Thanks! Anecdotally who provides better panels with less backlight bleed and less uniformity. AW claims their panels are A1 grade while say BCC claims A- .... trying to figure out if A1 is better than A- :)

Panels are all the same. The manufacturer of the item picks the panel, not the eBay seller.
AW is not screwing around with shipping, lol.

July 18, 2012 04:23:00 PM BUCHEON-SI KR Shipment received by carrier
July 20, 2012 12:50:00 PM Miami FL US Out for delivery

Estimated Arrival: July 24, 2012

No dead pixels from what I can tell. I ordered a normal one.
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I received my Crossover from Bigclothcraft and this is how DHL delivered. What should I do? I already sent BCC an email. :(

Panels are all the same. The manufacturer of the item picks the panel, not the eBay seller.

If thats the case, why do the prices vary so much .... 290 to 400 for non pixel perfect non scaler monitors?

For example I could buy a Potalion for 300 from Bcc or an Achieva from AW for 340 .... are they equivalent? BCC says unto 15 dead pixels and AW says unto 3 .... thats what made me think. Else I would just go buy the cheapest one and buy 3yrs square trade for mental peace
They are eBay sellers. They set their prices mainly based on price from the manufacturers and how much demand is for the different monitors. The only monitor that might justify a higher price is the Crossover, since that uses metal not plastic casing.
The best sellers are BCC, ta_planet and green-sum, going by ratings.

AW has high ratings, but mostly in beauty products and other womanly things. Those three above have tons of positive reviews with the sheer amount of monitors they have sold. I'd personally go for them first.
my box had a hug crease from obv being dropped at some point and it was just fine

I opened the box and hooked up the monitor. So far everything is working fine. No dead or stuck pixels. Went with the Apple color profile and adjusted the monitor contrast and brightness thru the Nvidia Control Panel. Kudos to BCC. All for only $350. :)
Just ordered my catleap and it should arrive sometime this week. Can someone point in the direction of a good color profile file and also directions on how to install it. I have never done it before.
Do any of the "new crop" of monitors (those that didn't seem to exist when this thread got started like the FSM and the Qnix, Potalion, and Imon) have AG? The Davi that was confirmed to have AG is long gone. The FSM here seems to have photos that show an AG coating, but then it also claims "super clear screen" and shows some images that I think are trying to depict that the monitor has a glossy screen.

Honestly, I just don't understand all the AG hate in this thread. All the monitors I've ever used have one, and I just don't see what all the fuss is about. I bought an LG plasma TV last fall, and it has a glossy screen, and the damn thing is completely unwatchable when there is daylight. Even if it didn't cost more than I paid for the TV to get enough blinds to block the enormous window that faces it, there are six other windows in the room and you would still be able to see your own reflection better than the image on the TV. It'd be one thing if the glossy provided some sort of benefit (like dozens in this thread have claimed), but at least as far as the TV goes, I'm just not seeing any.

My office is the same way. There is a large window behind me and I like having a nice, bright office. The AG coating on my current monitor does everything I want it to and nothing I don't. No AG = completely unusable monitor.

It actually rather amuses me. Folks cringe and wince at the very thought of so much as one stuck pixel, and then they post pics of their monitor in which the entire room (and sometimes the photographer) is clearly visible.

If anyone has bought one of the "new" monitors and can confirm that it has AG, I'd appreciate that information.
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Do any of the "new crop" of monitors (those that didn't seem to exist when this thread got started like the FSM and the Qnix, Potalion, and Imon) have AG? The Davi that was confirmed to have AG is long gone. The FSM here seems to have photos that show an AG coating, but then it also claims "super clear screen" and shows some images that I think are trying to depict that the monitor has a glossy screen.

Honestly, I just don't understand all the AG hate in this thread. All the monitors I've ever used have one, and I just don't see what all the fuss is about. I bought an LG plasma TV last fall, and it has a glossy screen, and the damn thing is completely unwatchable when there is daylight. Even if it didn't cost more than I paid for the TV to get enough blinds to block the enormous window that faces it, there are six other windows in the room and you would still be able to see your own reflection better than the image on the TV. It'd be one thing if the glossy provided some sort of benefit (like dozens in this thread have claimed), but at least as far as the TV goes, I'm just not seeing any.

My office is the same way. There is a large window behind me and I like having a nice, bright office. The AG coating on my current monitor does everything I want it to and nothing I don't. No AG = completely unusable monitor.

It actually rather amuses me. Folks cringe and wince at the very thought of so much as one stuck pixel, and then they post pics of their monitor in which the entire room (and sometimes the photographer) is clearly visible.

If anyone has bought one of the "new" monitors and can confirm that it has AG, I'd appreciate that information.

I've been following this thread since its inception with interest, even moreso the past month as my trusty Soyo has developed some bad burn-in and needs to be retired. However, I will never bite until a non-glossy model is available. It's such a shame to pass up what seems an unthinkable deal, but glossy = dealbreaker, for the reasons you so correctly laid out.

That being said, I kind of understand the hate people have for bad AG. Whatever I have on my Soyo 24" M-VA panel is absolutely perfect, and would never bother anyone unless they were looking for it. However, my friend got an IPS model recently (I believe HP ZR24w?), and I admit to being slightly shocked when I sat down in front of it for the first time. I scoffed at all the violent AG hatred on here for years... and then I saw what it's actually like on some of these current IPS panels in-person. Suffice it to say, I'm about as reluctant to pick up a ZR24w as I am one of these glossy Catleaps.
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
The comparable 27" Dell U27 has extremely harsh AG for the pixel pitch it has. That's all there is to it. Plus, LG are adamant in making some of the harshest, sandpaper like AG there is out there for the larger IPS displays, so it's no wonder we're sick of it and going glossy instead. At least you can control lighting.
... ye obviously if you cant controll the light and having the sun directly peeking at your TV or your monitor, glossy will suck.. but thats not the point. Glossy owns AG coating where you can controll your light, like in your home. And thats what 95% people buying monitor will use it at.