24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

I believe I've fixed the problem with the Blue tint
However I still thing that the monitor is a lil dark, but turning up brightness or gamma turns the screen very white
m1 grant said:
I believe I've fixed the problem with the Blue tint
However I still thing that the monitor is a lil dark, but turning up brightness or gamma turns the screen very white

Even if you turn up the Contrast on the monitor itself? I have the brightness / gamma etc. settings at default in videocard display properties and the monitors brightness set on 27 , Contrast at 72..when playing games or watching movies ill bump up the contrast to 85-90 for a more vibrant look. Its very bright at 90.
All of the user settings just look reddish to me.. I checked my old monitor, which is also Trinitron, and it had a reddish tint to it also.. weird I never notice that.. I just decided to tweak it myself using expert mode and I managed to get the best color I have ever seen in a monitor. Whites are actually white without any kind of tint.

Unfortunately my old 19" monitor only allowed simple modifications of blue and red, green was fixed.

I think the only thing I miss with this monitor that the old one had was the UltraBrite modes. I could just hit a button and the brightness would dramatically increase, which was very convenient with games and movies.

I know this thread is about the FW900, but I had another question about your G520P. I know it takes about 10 min. from power-on for the black levels on the 520 to get really black. I was wondering if you noticed this occurence when you first purchased it brand new.

SJetski71 said:
Dude make sure that the last time you use windex on that screen. Most crt screens have a coating that gets streaked/ruined if you use the wrong cleaning solutions. My old 17" crt was ruined by windex :(

I believe its only Window cleaner that contains ammonia that causes damage to anti-glare coatings. I've always used ammonia-free cleaner on my old 17" KDS monitor and it never streaked or ruined the anti-glare coat....
gr33dy said:

I know this thread is about the FW900, but I had another question about your G520P. I know it takes about 10 min. from power-on for the black levels on the 520 to get really black. I was wondering if you noticed this occurence when you first purchased it brand new.


To be honest I cant remember if the G520P did it when it was brand new ..but I know its been doing it for awhile and if anything started doing it fairly early in its life considering its only alittle over 2 years old.

I figured the slow black build up was due to a certain part needing to get hot or warmed up but the other day I shutdown for maybe 5 minutes tops to install a new soundcard, when I powered back up the monitor was back to showing grey'ish black levels for almost the same 10 minutes so im not sure what exactly is causing it. I guess it never really bothered me being both monitors still look great after this warmup time. Ill have to try turning off the G520P for 5 minutes and see if it does the same thing.
Damm, I got mine on tuesday... I've never seen a box packed as well as mine was.. He packed it in over 35 pounds of cardboard!! I've spent hours tweaking it but damm was it worth it! I'll get some pics posted when I get a chance, I pulled a all night gaming session last night on this monster and I'm about to fall over in my chair typing this. :D Now if only I had a bigger desk... Then I could fit two....
Well, I've spent a while playing with the colors, convergence, and all sorts of other settings on this monitor...and now it looks GREAT. It took a while, but man it looks awesome once you get it just right.

The damn graphics card in my laptop (GeForce 6800 GO) is more powerful that the dated 9700pro all-in-wonder in my desktop machine. So, to play games I hook up the laptop and run HL2 in 1920x1200 2x AA 4x AF and it looks simply gorgeous.....

I run the desktop at 1920x1200 @ 99Hz....no flicker at all...looks great.

Also, once the monitor is calibrated text quality and sharpness is very close to my LCD.

Highly reccommend this monitor ......if you've got a beefy desk, and love gaming.
my monitor still looks a lil dim im @ default vid card settings, my color temp is on easy 8700K and my Bright is ~30 and my contrast is around 85. Do u think I should talk to lou about a replacement?
Well, i'm thinking about getting one of these CRTs now. Just out of curiosity, did anyone ask the ebayer where he got 100's of these monitors from?
seniorpaul said:
Well, i'm thinking about getting one of these CRTs now. Just out of curiosity, did anyone ask the ebayer where he got 100's of these monitors from?
Yes, I did when I went to pick mine up. He said they buy them from businesses that are closing. I guess they got lots of them from one particular large company that went under.

If you live local to him (Lawrence ,Mass.) I would recommend going and picking one up like I and several others in this thread did. Saves you $100 shipping and you can bring a laptop and hook it up to check it out before you take it home. Lou's a good guy.
I never knew sony makes crts anymore!? espically a widescreen! WOW im so in there!

How deep is this thing? just wondering if it will fit on my desk. I used to have a 21" HP CRT and loved it but died on me. Now im using a 21" Lcd and its not the same! Im really dieing to get a widescreen and whats better then CRT widescreen! AOAHAAHA

So glad i found this furom.

Anyone know where else i can buy it.. I really want the grey casing but the one on ebay is KILLED! plus if you looks closely the windows bar is burned in on the screen.
[CaM]Spoon said:
I never knew sony makes crts anymore!? espically a widescreen! WOW im so in there!

How deep is this thing? just wondering if it will fit on my desk. I used to have a 21" HP CRT and loved it but died on me. Now im using a 21" Lcd and its not the same! Im really dieing to get a widescreen and whats better then CRT widescreen! AOAHAAHA

So glad i found this furom.

Anyone know where else i can buy it.. I really want the grey casing but the one on ebay is KILLED! plus if you looks closely the windows bar is burned in on the screen.

The seller everyone is buying from is here He uses those same pictures on *all* of his FW900 auctions.

Sony doesnt make PC CRTs anymore ,the FW900s he's selling are 3 years old.

The monitor is 22.5 inches wide / 19.9 inches deep and weighs about 93 pounds out of the box.
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m1 grant said:
my monitor still looks a lil dim im @ default vid card settings, my color temp is on easy 8700K and my Bright is ~30 and my contrast is around 85. Do u think I should talk to lou about a replacement?

That's why you've got the blue thing going on. Those high color temp settings aren't really much good. The main reason so many monitors (and TVs) come set that way is that they look comparatively brighter when they're sitting on a shelf in a store.
I might have these backwards, but if I remember right 6500K approximates indoor lighting and 5500K is more like sunlight. 6500K is usually the recommended setting. It'll look red at first, but you'll get used to it quite quickly.
The first thing I'd try is the sRGB setting. It's basically a best guess at correct color. To really get it right it'd have to be calibrated, and you'd need software & test equipment for that. Graphics shops calibrate thier screens of course, but I've been quite happy with sRGB so far. If you don't like the sRGB setting after a day or two, put it on 6500K and start playing with it. It'll be quite a noticeable change from 8700K, so give yourself a while to get used to it. I'd also recommend looking at some photos, as it's easier to judge color settings with pictures than something like the Windows desktop. You get used to the desktop being a certain color, and any change looks wierd. Pictures, particularly quality ones prepared by someone who really know what they're doing, will usually look better immediately.
so which color version we get? Silver or white?
Wonder if i should take a risk on this. Dont trust buying big things like this over ebay. I really want the silverone and willing to pay more for good condition... Cant really trust what condition im getting of ebay. ah man
as I said the tint wasnt a problem anyomre, I think the tint is very close, but the brightness of the monitor @ 7200K (sry got the wrong color temp earlier) was way too dim and im wonderin if its the age of the monitor or my calibration, or if maybe im not used to the dimmer characteristics of a monitor, being that I just came from an lcd
I had a feeling it was on its way out. But, today, my beloved 22" Mitsubishi 2020u finally gave up the ghost in a series of flashing, popping, and clicks.

Oddly, however, I was happy when it happened, since it gives me license to take advantage of the great deal described here. Placing the order today. Here's hoping I get a good one!

m1 grant said:
as I said the tint wasnt a problem anyomre, I think the tint is very close, but the brightness of the monitor @ 7200K (sry got the wrong color temp earlier) was way too dim and im wonderin if its the age of the monitor or my calibration, or if maybe im not used to the dimmer characteristics of a monitor, being that I just came from an lcd

I think you're just seeing the general brightness differance between LCDs and CRTs, My 2001FP LCD had a noticably brighter output than both my 21" G520P and FW900 but to me the LCD was *to* bright even with the monitor brightness set on 0. Plus when it came to gaming the LCD's performance was disapointing (motion blur / poor black levels / being stuck in one native res)., Its hard to say if your FW900 is darker than it should be tho,I always have the Contrast set in the low 70's when browsing the web and 90 when watching movies or playing games and it looks good to me. Also I always have the curtains shut in my room when watching movies or gaming. CRTs dont perform as well as LCD when it comes to daylight viewing.

I think choosing a PC monitor really depends on what you plan on doing most ..if you play a lot of games like me then CRT is going to be the better choice ..but if all you do is office work / text / web browsing then LCD is going to be the best choice.
i wish I had more space, would have liked to get a 2nd one because 5yrs from now ill be impossible to get one in good condition.
Man... I thought about buying one of these monitors eight months ago when I was looking for a new one, but ended up buying an L90D+ instead. But now, I think I'm enamored with the idea of playing widescreen games, and I kinda miss my Mits Diamondtron's picture quality with respects to black level, lack of motion blurring, ability to use any resolution, etc.

Can someone tell me what size (measuring diagonally) a 4:3 image would be on the FW900? Thanks.
Cool, thanks. I was using a 19" Mitsubishi before, so that's good news. I suppose I lose about one inch in screen size compared to the LCD I'm using, but then again, when you factor in the 5:4 aspect versus 4:3, it probably comes out equal. Most games I play at 1280x1024 get stretched vertically to the 5:4 ratio anyway.

I think I'm going to have to order an FW900 then! Thanks to this thread, all the posters in it, and the lovely pictures. :)
[CaM]Spoon said:
so which color version we get? Silver or white?
Wonder if i should take a risk on this. Dont trust buying big things like this over ebay. I really want the silverone and willing to pay more for good condition... Cant really trust what condition im getting of ebay. ah man
The monitors are essentially identical in specs and capabilities and both are made by Sony. The one with the HP badge is white. The Sony badged one is silver and black. He has seperate auctions for each (and the Sony is $75 more).

As for "taking the risk". . . nearly everyone in this thread has been happy with the monitor that they received. And those that haven't been are apparently being well taken care of by the seller.

I hope that helps.

synergyo1 said:
^^^ I think its equivalent to a 19in 4:3 monitor.

Actually, here's a pretty cool tool that compares all the relevant data between 4:3 and 16:9 televisions of any given size. Now, the Sony 24-inch is a 16:10 monitor, so the calculations won't be exact. But it should still be useful for those wanting to compare the difference between what they currently have in 4:3 format, and what they'll get with the Sony 24" widescreen. Indeed, if my poor math skills aren't leading me astray, I believe that the Sony 24" will actually compare more favorably to 4:3 monitors while displaying 4:3 content than these results would suggest since 16:10 is closer to "square" than is 16:9.

I punched in the numbers for my 4:3 22-inch tube (Mitsubishi 2020u) and the 24-inch 16:9 Sony (again, there is no option to input 16:10). Here's the results:

Sony 24" Widescreen vs 22" 4:3:

4:3 content: 22" 4:3 set wins with 25.4% larger viewing area.
16x9 content: Sony wins with 41.5% larger viewing area.

Obviously, when you are not running widescreen resolutions, you'll lose viewing area to the black bars on the sides (assuming you don't stretch the picture to the sides, because that would distort the picture). But, as long as you are running widescreen resolutions and the games support it, you're actually getting a much larger viewing area (as well as higher resolutions).

Hope that helps. Feel free to plug in your own numbers and see what you get.

Best Regards,


Edit: I'm leaving this post because some will still find the information and the tool userful. However, please note that the 4:3 "display area" is penalized when showing 16:9 content because of its black bars. But, well, we're talking about media without black bars (computer games). So, keep that in mind when comparing the advantages of each.
Yea that sounds about right. The guy was asking what the viewing size would be if viewed in 4:3 non stretch format. Hence the equivalence to a 19in monitor. Heck, I even measured it out with measuring tape :)
I would think going forward from here that most games will support widescreen formats.


I think I'm gonna get one of these
Here's the actual "active display area" for the Sony GDM-FW900:

Diagonal: 22.5"
Horizontal: 18.98"
Vertical: 12.13"

From Sony Support Site

FYI. Here are the measurements for my 22" Mitsubishi (4:3).

Diagonal: 20" viewable
Horizontal: 16"
Vertical: 12"

So, if the specs on the Sony site are correct, I won't be losing any vertical height for the additional width! Wow! And I should stress that as 4:3 monitors go, my Mitsubishi is already huge. :) The Sony is only about an inch deeper, too. Good news all around.

This monitor is so hot. I may get it next month if I decide to upgrade my rig.

The only thing that scares me is 20” depth dimension. Where can I find a good desk for it, because my current desk sure as hell won’t work. (L-shape desks preferably.)
northrop said:
The only thing that scares me is 20” depth dimension. Where can I find a good desk for it, because my current desk sure as hell won’t work. (L-shape desks preferably.)

I am using a solid wood dining room table for mine :D
northrop said:
This monitor is so hot. I may get it next month if I decide to upgrade my rig.

The only thing that scares me is 20” depth dimension. Where can I find a good desk for it, because my current desk sure as hell won’t work. (L-shape desks preferably.)

It's not an L-shape, but the Jerker desk from Ikea is surprisingly very well made, and it's fairly inexpensive too. Seems to be quite popular on these forums. I always thought Ikea stuff was crap, but I liked the way it looked in pictures, and I went to the store to check it out... And I ended up taking one home. The frame is made out of square tubular steel, so I'm sure it could hold that 93 lb. beast.
zandor said:
That's why you've got the blue thing going on. Those high color temp settings aren't really much good. The main reason so many monitors (and TVs) come set that way is that they look comparatively brighter when they're sitting on a shelf in a store.
I might have these backwards, but if I remember right 6500K approximates indoor lighting and 5500K is more like sunlight. 6500K is usually the recommended setting. It'll look red at first, but you'll get used to it quite quickly.
The first thing I'd try is the sRGB setting. It's basically a best guess at correct color. To really get it right it'd have to be calibrated, and you'd need software & test equipment for that. Graphics shops calibrate thier screens of course, but I've been quite happy with sRGB so far. If you don't like the sRGB setting after a day or two, put it on 6500K and start playing with it. It'll be quite a noticeable change from 8700K, so give yourself a while to get used to it. I'd also recommend looking at some photos, as it's easier to judge color settings with pictures than something like the Windows desktop. You get used to the desktop being a certain color, and any change looks wierd. Pictures, particularly quality ones prepared by someone who really know what they're doing, will usually look better immediately.

You know what you were right, setting the color temp down to about 65k and trying to acustom myself to the more yellowish look actually helped make the monitor look pretty good, I guess the biggest problem was getting used to the transition between lcd and crt, and boy now that the screen is all set, its one hell of a monitor. I do have a question though, how long can I expect this monitor to last? I figure if it can atleast last till SED mons are relaeased Ill be all set ;)
Im considering ordering one of these. I'm still using an ADI Microscan 5P (Since 1998) and was considering a 2504fpw. After seeing pictures of this monitor though... well, consider me sold. I am however a bit worried about it's lifespan.Has anyone asked about how much the extra warranty is?
Lazlo said:
Im considering ordering one of these. I'm still using an ADI Microscan 5P (Since 1998) and was considering a 2504fpw. After seeing pictures of this monitor though... well, consider me sold. I am however a bit worried about it's lifespan.Has anyone asked about how much the extra warranty is?

I believe it is $30 for a two-year warranty.
International or just in the US? I'd like to have one shipped to Vancouver
synergyo1 said:
The guy ships to Canada.

His latest ebay listings say only US. But his last batch said US and Canada. So, I'd call or jump on the last few days of last week's listings where Canada is still mentioned.

I only see two ebay listings of Lou's.. his sony and HP one... both say shipping to US and Canada only.

But yea.. call and make sure before purchasing.
synergyo1 said:
I only see two ebay listings of Lou's.. his sony and HP one... both say shipping to US and Canada only.

But yea.. call and make sure before purchasing.

Check out this one. . .


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