24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

Error Macro said:
It's not an L-shape, but the Jerker desk from Ikea is surprisingly very well made, and it's fairly inexpensive too. Seems to be quite popular on these forums. I always thought Ikea stuff was crap, but I liked the way it looked in pictures, and I went to the store to check it out... And I ended up taking one home. The frame is made out of square tubular steel, so I'm sure it could hold that 93 lb. beast.

Yeah, I’m aware of the Jerker desk, and its dimensions are fine, but I was hoping for maybe some alternative? I found this on Ikea website too. Would this work? I have yet to decide, and the website doesn’t show any extensions for or, so unless I find them in to store I won’t take it.
man that thing is heavy. I think that is heavier than my 42" Plasma HDTV
I'm wondering what condition these things are in. I noticed one guy in this thread said his had a scratch on the casing, but what about others? In what condition did it arrive? I'm about ready to pull the trigger on this thing today, just would like one last bit of reassurance.
Error Macro said:
I'm wondering what condition these things are in. I noticed one guy in this thread said his had a scratch on the casing, but what about others? In what condition did it arrive? I'm about ready to pull the trigger on this thing today, just would like one last bit of reassurance.

Mine has a scratch on the front of the casing, you can see it in the first screenshot on page 1 of this thread but I took a Silver colored sharpie and covered it up since then :) Other than that its in excellent condition. It takes a good 15-20 minutes of warmup time before the monitor looks its best (mainly the black levels), its slower than any other CRT I've owned in this regard but it seems to be a common symptom with the FW900,My 21" G520P does this as well but it only takes around 10 minutes, so dont freak out if the black Windows XP bootup screen looks washed out at first :) also the Image Restoration option really changed the way my colors / brightness looks and I highly recommend anyone that buys one of these uses it. Ive only had to use it one time which was 2 months ago.
Thanks, mathesar. You've been very helpful with this thread. Good thinking with the silver colored Sharpie marker. I've used a black one on other pieces of equipment, but I didn't know they made a silver.

I just placed my order for the monitor, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :) Also bought what looks like to be the original accesories that came with the monitor from another seller. Includes the manual, VGA cable, VGA>BNC cable, and power cord. I really just wanted to try out the BNC cable and see if it makes a difference, and it's always handy to have another VGA and power cable around. The seller has another kit here if anyone is interested: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sony-24-Monitor...ryZ99235QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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If someone with this monitor has the time, could they please post some more pictures of this monitor in action?
So based on this thread I ordered one up last week and it arrived today.

OMG is this a great monitor.

The one nagging thing I have going on is no matter what I set my video card refresh rate to the monitor reports 60hz with either BNC or VGA.

I don't think it is, but that's what the monitor says.

Anyway what a steal.

The case on the monitor is beat to shit, but the tube and picture are excellent.
obiwansotti said:
So based on this thread I ordered one up last week and it arrived today.

OMG is this a great monitor.

The one nagging thing I have going on is no matter what I set my video card refresh rate to the monitor reports 60hz with either BNC or VGA.

I don't think it is, but that's what the monitor says.

Anyway what a steal.

The case on the monitor is beat to shit, but the tube and picture are excellent.

I was thinking of ordering one up tomorrow, but how bad is your case? Is your screen okay at least?

obiwansotti said:
The case on the monitor is beat to shit, but the tube and picture are excellent.

Uhhh... That's raising a red flag for me.

/starts stressing

Can you describe the extent of the damage, or provide pictures please?
obiwansotti said:
So based on this thread I ordered one up last week and it arrived today.

OMG is this a great monitor.

The one nagging thing I have going on is no matter what I set my video card refresh rate to the monitor reports 60hz with either BNC or VGA.

I don't think it is, but that's what the monitor says.

Anyway what a steal.

The case on the monitor is beat to shit, but the tube and picture are excellent.

So.. you didn't break your back carrying the thing? :D
Lazlo said:
If someone with this monitor has the time, could they please post some more pictures of this monitor in action?

Few random pics, keep in mind digital camera shots can only do so much , it looks nicer seeing it in person.

Half Life 2 Lost Coast w/ Full HDR lighting enabled:


Call of Duty 2:

Conan O'Brien (1080i):
Error Macro said:
Uhhh... That's raising a red flag for me.

/starts stressing

Can you describe the extent of the damage, or provide pictures please?

I know on mine, there are chips on the upper left, and in a few other places where it was apparently rubbed up against something sharp.. and put up against something really dirty.

Yet the monitor itself is practically flawless. So odds are the condition of the case is just superficial. I doubt the seller would sell one that had been impacted and has a damaged screen. The one I did see on this thread that had that kind of damage was probably dropped by the DHL guy!

I know how you feel, I was stressing about mine, and apparently for no reason. I use 2048x1280 resolution, and it looks great.
I got mine last week. this was a heavy mother to lug up to my APT running for 1 block with it. parking in brooklyn blows =\

The landing on the top right corner was way off when i got it. before i started messing with the buttons i thought i got a friggin dud. Long story short i foudn the settings to fix my issues and this montor rox the shit out of the dell 2005FPW i sold to buy the FW900.

this thigns makes ya forget all about crummy LCD's.. the one issue that may be a bit tedious is gettign the colors exactly how ya like them...
Error Macro said:
Uhhh... That's raising a red flag for me.

/starts stressing

Can you describe the extent of the damage, or provide pictures please?

It's all superficial damage, a little on the top a little on the side.

the plastic is scared. It looks almost like a cheese grater was taken to it.

The tube and antiglare coating are undamaged and the picture quality is GREAT and I'm a picky SOB so if the picture was bad or I was unsatisfied I'd be saying it.

But you really do need to give the monitor time to warmup correctly.

I had pink in one corner for a while and the colors looked washed out, after it was on for a couple of hours (while I watched MNF), when I came back the image was almost as good as I've ever seen. Then this morning it didn't take nearly as long to get back to looking very very good.
well i bought it for the fact that CRT\s usually don't tear w/ Vsync off. to my dismay i have had tearing playing BF2 only.... I haven't tried playing any other games yet though... and that 1 time of screen tearing i think it was just too much going on on my screen because i haven't seen it again...
V3|!UM said:
well i bought it for the fact that CRT\s usually don't tear w/ Vsync off. to my dismay i have had tearing playing BF2 only.... I haven't tried playing any other games yet though... and that 1 time of screen tearing i think it was just too much going on on my screen because i haven't seen it again...

Increasing the monitors refresh rate helps reduce the tearing effect when running without Vsync ..Once the framerate exceeds the current refresh rate that's when screen tearing occurs.
Yeah you're not going to get rid of tearing completely. Without Gah! vsync that is. For me, a CRT makes it less noticable enough to go without vsync. But that's enough for me. 60->30->60->30 of a vsync'd LCD wasn't helping me enjoy it. Not a fair comparison, vsync vrs. another display without, but hey... it is what it is to me. Consider a higher refresh helps even vsync... 85->42.5...
can it do 1920x1200 @ 85hz/100hz or is 75hz max?

and is it possible to buy a new fw900 or doesnt sony make them anymore?
I think it's specc'd to a nonstandard max of like 98Hz or something like that. But yeah 85Hz is perfectly fine. Can't buy a new one. These are 3 or so years. About the right amount of off-lease time you can expect. These things were $2000. :eek:
Lancaster said:
Has anyone here experienced any "screen tearing" with this monitor?

Everything tears if you don't run with vsync.

The faster your refresh rate the less impact vsync makes on your frame rate though.

So I'd rather run w/ vsync at 100hz or 120hz than w/o it.

vsync makes sure that each frame is drawn on a full frame.

LCDs have a bigger problem with tearing since most only support 60hz. It basically means they tear more often with vsync off and take more of a perfomance hit with vsync on.
texuspete00 said:
I think it's specc'd to a nonstandard max of like 98Hz or something like that. But yeah 85Hz is perfectly fine. Can't buy a new one. These are 3 or so years. About the right amount of off-lease time you can expect. These things were $2000. :eek:

no, 85Hz is not perfectly fine. 100 is however :)
[CaM]Spoon said:
i see 2 different companies selling this monitor on ebay, which one is better?


my only concern with this thing is heat. becuase my last HP sony 21 inch CRT made summer days a real pain! now is this gonna be alot worse?
obiwansotti said:
Everything tears if you don't run with vsync.

The faster your refresh rate the less impact vsync makes on your frame rate though.

So I'd rather run w/ vsync at 100hz or 120hz than w/o it.

vsync makes sure that each frame is drawn on a full frame.

LCDs have a bigger problem with tearing since most only support 60hz. It basically means they tear more often with vsync off and take more of a perfomance hit with vsync on.

Unfortunately its not that simple .. enabling Vsync can cause games to run at half your monitors refresh rate if the game doesnt support Triple buffering, this article explains Vsync in more detail.

Personaly I prefer running a high refresh rate without Vsync for max performance, especially with fast paced online gaming.
perplex said:
no, 85Hz is not perfectly fine. 100 is however :)

The question was asked if you had to go down to 75Hz. :) Hopefully with the right proggie 98Hz would suit you. Refreshforce should pull it off. Anyone?
I would love to run my monitor at 98 or 100 Hz at 1920x1200, or at resolutions like 2304x1440. However, my 9600XT can't drive a monitor that high. It shouldn't even be driving my monitor at the refresh rate it's doing right now.
mathesar said:
Unfortunately its not that simple .. enabling Vsync can cause games to run at half your monitors refresh rate if the game doesnt support Triple buffering, this article explains Vsync in more detail.

Personaly I prefer running a high refresh rate without Vsync for max performance, especially with fast paced online gaming.

correct, I was assuming the game support tripple buffering, most good games do, but not all I suppose.
m1 grant said:
how long should i expect this thing to last?

No clue.. I am hoping mine will last for at least 3 more years. I've had CRTs that had lasted for 6-9 years. Considering these FW900s are 3 years old....
I got my FW900 new and it started to die 2 weeks before the 3 year warranty was up. I got it replaced just in time for free by Sony and the replacement's been kicking ass just the same for a few months now. :D
when i ordered mine on Ebay, the seller had a link for a 2 year warranty i took it for 30 bux. Little piece of mind incase it does do a nose dive......
Still loving mine. I would recommend the PureAV 6 foot VGA cable on ebay. Cheap but well constructed.

I'm kind of annoyed by the silver frame around the screen though, and have been thinking about modding it to black. Not the purple part, just the silver frame. Anyone else done so already and could give some tips? Like, should I sand away the silver first or something? Specific kind of spraypaint to use?
V3|!UM said:
when i ordered mine on Ebay, the seller had a link for a 2 year warranty i took it for 30 bux. Little piece of mind incase it does do a nose dive......

I just purchased one as well, but I forgot about the 2 year warranty and didn't see the option anywhere during payment. Oh well, I'll just have to ask them about it; hopefully I'll still be able to get it, though. Have you recieved yours already?
You should be fine, as I got my warranty a week after I got my FW900. You should be able to purchase it through their ebay auction.
twonunpackmule said:
You should be fine, as I got my warranty a week after I got my FW900. You should be able to purchase it through their ebay auction.

Ah, okay, well that's good news. Though if I ever needed to ship it back it'd be quite a bit being that I live in Canada. It's already $150 for them to ship it here.
texuspete00 said:
The question was asked if you had to go down to 75Hz. :) Hopefully with the right proggie 98Hz would suit you. Refreshforce should pull it off. Anyone?

I'm using powerstrip and getting 1920x1200 @ 98Hz....it's really great. Powerstrip also has some nice options that stabilize the image and improve clarity (granularity, etc) i find it to be an awesome program....
Bah! Mine is due to arrive tomorrow. . . and I have the day off for Veteran's day. So, of course, I wake up this morning with a cold. Let's hope I still have the strength/will to haul this thing upstairs tomorrow!

Might buy one for below 300...does have some damage on the side but none to the screen.
Well, I'm not sure how long it will take to get from Massachusetts to California, but my monitor shipped yesterday. Yay. Now I just need to relax and tell myself it's going to be all scratched up, so if it arrives messed up, I won't be so disappointed. And if it looks good (like Mathesar's) then I'll be pleasantly surprised. Such is the mantra of the eternal pessimist.