24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

Habrog said:
tbh I half suspected that I would be paying more shipping
even under the warranty. And get yet another monitor I would not use.

So after speaking with him (4:30PM NY time) I was told that he’d send a DHL sticker.
Who knows if the next one is bad maybe he’ll pay for shipping back to him and not
send another. Just so I don’t have to deal with it. I already figured this was a risk.
If it ends up too be 2 bad monitors I’m done.

My old monitor is better anyway (not widescreen) I was just thinking a nice widescreen CRT would be nice since I need a back-up.

You obviously got a bad one. How many people in this thread bought one and have no problems? Pretty much everyone but you. I'm glad to hear Lou's doing the right thing (which doesn't surprise me). I spent about a half hour there when I went to pick mine up and he was extremely nice and helpful.

I'm sure your next one will be fine, but if not, I'm also sure if you talk to Lou you will not have to eat the $400. Good luck.

There is no way to adjust landing so that it is right.
And I'm not sure what the horizonal bar that shows up only in the
photo shot is.
The horizontal bar moving around is probably a scanline (if your shutter speed is fast, it'll capture the scanline of the screen redrawing).

Have you tried degaussing it?

Either way, hope everything works out.
Is all bout testing the monitors. After I bought mine there was a slight imperfection, upper left corner about 1/2 inch the blue leanend in that one spot towards a slight purplish tint. Spoke to him he was gladly to let me see a few of his monitors. outta 4, 1 was messy colors with test. 2 where acceptable, 1 was perfect but had some cosmetic flaws (lotta tape residue the sticky type wont come off easily and stickers (hate stickers scept the TCO99 sticker wich came from factory) Mine seem fine connected to his computer it could be my cable receiving electromagnetic interference. hooked up to his mine was flawless. My problem is so minimal after 10 min or so that corner warms up and looks perfect.
Alowishus said:
I'm currently using this wallpaper I made myself until I can find a better one:

I stole your wallpaper because I'm too lazy to look for widescreen ones, but I like this. Hope you don't mind (only found it because this thread was up top)
I've seen other apature grill monitors do the same thing when dropped.

Trinitron/Apature grill monitors contain a curtain of metal strips running down the front that seperate the pixels. This is different from shadow mask monitors where there is just a metal plate with millions of small holes in it.

If a Trinitron monitor is dropped hard enough its technically possible for those metal strips to bend permantely thus causing distorted colors. Of course this usually also causes a large decrease in brightness. If this is the problem there is likely no fix.

And another common problem with CRTs is if any part of the tube has become magnitized enough the screen will become discolored. And in that case the internal degauss function won't be able to take care of it. Only a actual degaussing coil will. To me it looks like a degauss would probably fix it.

A degauss coil is basically nothing but a 12"-16" coil of 14ish gauge wire the plugs into your household outlet. You put it against the face of the screen, turn it on, and then pull straight back until the monitor returns to normal colors. (4 to 8ft away) Rotate the coil AWAY from the monitor and then the coil off. Takes all of a few seconds. A local TV shop might just do it for free.
illgiveumorality said:
I stole your wallpaper because I'm too lazy to look for widescreen ones, but I like this. Hope you don't mind (only found it because this thread was up top)

I actually feel more flattered than offended :D I'm fine with it as long as you dont distribute it as your own, then I'll have to hunt your ass down.
I tried degaussing and resetting (just made it so I had to set again) and image restoration.

That degauss coil sounds like a handy thing to have around. It is hard to find anyone in my area that will even look at a monitor let alone a none-NEC. There is a great TV repair shop close by only they will not touch a PC monitor. It is hard to miss this issue, all you have to do is turn on the monitor. So if it was ok at his shop then it would have had to of become magnetized on the journey here?-I really don’t know.

I bet DHL hammered that baby.

For 400 bucks I expect maybe a short life and not perfect. Only it said no scratches on the screen and they work well. Every high end Sony I have seen has poor geometry in the upper left corner. And man the case on this one is truly beat up as in serious impact.

I don’t really want to give Lou a bad review I just want the buyer to beware. Sort of like ellover009 mentioned, If you just go and pull one of these off the shelf it’s like flipping a coin-always a 50/50 chance. Please don’t take this to literal.
Habrog said:

There is no way to adjust landing so that it is right.
And I'm not sure what the horizontal bar that shows up only in the
photo shot is.

Ouch that monitor had to of been dropped! and it looks pretty scratched up, Man.. what a bad first impression :( mine has one small scratch on the front of the case but other than that I got a damn good unit, I'm really picky about Geometry & Convergence but this one is literally near perfect corner to corner and has no discoloration, Hopefully the replacement you receive is in much better condition. Good luck.

From my experiance the dark horizontal bar is common when taking pics off tv's / monitor's.
Habrog said:
There is no way to adjust landing so that it is right.
And I'm not sure what the horizonal bar that shows up only in the
photo shot is.
Well ... it may have been dropped ... DHL ... probably.

Have you tried degauss many times over and over ??? The screen is bad as it is, you may want to try a degauss with a magnet attached to a power drill ... magent with N / S pole on it ... attach to drill ...spin ... and start close to the screen and work your way across and away from monitor until artifacts dissapear ... and than do a few more degauss runs from monitor menu. Good luck ...
DHL has a habit of throwing packages. I remember when my mom told me that my monitor came, the delivery guy pretty much threw the package onto our porch and drove off. Thank god this thing was packaged so well.
Yeah every carrier seems to at least dent/tear the box a bit, just to remind you that they own you!

Can insurance cover something like this? Chance Lou sent it to you like that is pretty nill. Damn shippers.
DHL sucks. I HAD to use them until I could convince the boss that they were a bag of hammers. DHL lost packages worldwide for me and often the boxes were nearly destroyed. Still my crt was packed for war and was in excellent shape.
I was planning on getting a 2405fpw but I was quite disappointed with the unit my friend received a few days ago, I don't know how people put up with the blurring and the artifacts... I stumbled upon this thread and quite literally jumped for joy.. Now if only my unit would get here early... :D
I've always loved these widescreen crt's but never wanted to dish out all that $$$. Seems there's a decent track record with the quality of the units from this merchant.

Warning, threadjack:
Any word on the quality of the sony -vs- HP models? (in terms of aging)

I ask because i'm seriously considering the HP but i'm not sure if there's any quality difference due to age.

TIA, and i hope the answer to my question will help others choose the right model also.
Well the big thing would be if anyone has had both. I would like to say that subjectively my Sony is better than my HP but it could have just been the sample (they are used after all). Possible the damper lines are harder to notice? I don't know. I may be way off. I didn't have them at the same time. I would have been very happy with the HP though that's for sure. Mine went back because it had a little line in the coating. Being that I'm somewhat local I went in. The line would have been ok. I had just been through a lot. Like buying a 2405FPW before replacing it for gaming with the HP, I just wanted my fps monitor with no reservations so away I went to get a Sony when I noticed the little line.
Malignant Kid said:
I was planning on getting a 2405fpw but I was quite disappointed with the unit my friend received a few days ago, I don't know how people put up with the blurring and the artifacts... I stumbled upon this thread and quite literally jumped for joy.. Now if only my unit would get here early... :D
Blurring and artifacts??? :confused: Mine is crisp and clear at full resolution all the way from one side to the other. And I dont have the most powerful Videocard in the world driving it either. He must have a bad one or some other issues. My 2405 is awesome. My 24"crt is a close second though. :D
Habrog said:
I tried degaussing and resetting (just made it so I had to set again) and image restoration.

That degauss coil sounds like a handy thing to have around. It is hard to find anyone in my area that will even look at a monitor let alone a none-NEC. There is a great TV repair shop close by only they will not touch a PC monitor. It is hard to miss this issue, all you have to do is turn on the monitor. So if it was ok at his shop then it would have had to of become magnetized on the journey here?-I really don’t know.

I would go ask the TV shop if they would just degauss the thing for you. Tell them you won't hold them responsible for any futher damage (like it could get any worse!) Computer monitors are no different from TVs. They use the same technology. Computer monitors just run at a higher refresh frequency and higher resolution. A degauss coil will work just the same.

And I have had problems having monitors shipped before. In fact my last CRT purchase arrived with a very large yellow spot right in the middle of the screen. The spot was so dark you really couldn't see anything on the screen. Had the local appliance shop degauss it for me and it fixed it. Actually ended up buying one of the guy's 14" degauss coils for $15 :)
Just wondering, has anyone tried cleartype with this monitor? At 1920 x 1200 it actually looks sorta nice.
If he is taking it back then I’ll take that option.

As far as degauss goes I think if I find my self with a monitor showing
such symptoms I'd just drop $15.00 on a proper tool.

What gets me is that I'm hearing that degaussing is for a magnetized monitor
and a monitor that has been dropped. So if a monitor is not (over) magnetized
and you drop it-it becomes magnetized? Or degaussing works as a repair for things other than being magnetized?
Well guys, I am heading over to the place tomorrow to check it out and hopefully come away with the HP model if everything looks good. One of the things I'm curious about is gaming (and also wallpapers as I previously mentioned, but not a biggie). Is widescreen support for games pretty good these days?
Habrog said:
If he is taking it back then I’ll take that option.

As far as degauss goes I think if I find my self with a monitor showing
such symptoms I'd just drop $15.00 on a proper tool.

What gets me is that I'm hearing that degaussing is for a magnetized monitor
and a monitor that has been dropped. So if a monitor is not (over) magnetized
and you drop it-it becomes magnetized? Or degaussing works as a repair for things other than being magnetized?
Some think your problems are from being dropped. Others think it justs needs a thorough degaussing due to being severely magnetized. A degaussing wand probably won't help if the monitor was definitely damaged by being dropped.
Well my HP branded FW900 came in. The DHL guy left it in the driveway. Had to unpack it there due to the enormous size of the box it came in.

Some slight scuffs on the case, espcially the back. The screen itself was dirty, after some Windex action I found no scratches :)

I waited until it warmed up before doing ANY adjustments.

Colors where a little distorted at the corners. Adjusting the Landing corrected it entirely. Convergence was slightly off, after a couple minutes with some test patterns it is perfect. Everything became crystal clear after using Image Restoration and has stayed that way even after a cool down/warm up cycle.

I had some problems with resolutions. I could NOT get Windows to give me the correct 16:10 resolutions. I tried installing the Sony driver, re-installing my video card drivers (ATI 9600 AGP) I finally gave up and added them with PowerStrip. It seems the EDID info the monitor provides DOES NOT list the 16:10 resolutions. Only 16:9!

My only problem with the whole thing is the video cable I was sent. It was appearently damaged during shipping. It was nicked pretty bad. Any resolution above 1400xish ghosts really bad. Even at 1280x800 you can see some pixels "shimmering". I tried it with a really short VGA cable I had and the ghosting and shimmering went away. But of course that cable is not long enough to reach my CPU with the monstrousity sitting on my desk :) Will have to find another one somewhere...

Oh, and my desk is bending under the weight. Might have to make a trip to the hardware store. Coming from a 16" CRT this is definately a HUGE difference!
Just got mine. I drove up to the place and Lou was very helpful with everything. We fired it up on a computer so I could check it out and they had someone help me bring it to my car. I'm about to set it up, and I also happen to have a 9600 Pro like you stevewm, so hopefully I can get the resolutions right.
remeber these monitor's are not new, old user could have used n abused. So far mines exellent condition.
stevewm said:
after some Windex action I found no scratches
Dude make sure that the last time you use windex on that screen. Most crt screens have a coating that gets streaked/ruined if you use the wrong cleaning solutions. My old 17" crt was ruined by windex :(
Sorry if this has been answered, but is there a difference between the sony and HP monitors that the guy on ebay is selling?
I believe the only difference is the color and the Sony logo on the front. Beyond that they have the same hardware. I cant wait, mine is getting here tomorrow :D
hey, how are you guys viewing these DVDs where they take up the whole monitor? I'm trying to view widescreen dvds...but they are still in 4:3 format (I.e. it has vertical bars on the sides because it's 4:3, then it has horizontal bars at the top and bottom because it is widescreen.).

I saw the shots of someone on here running gladiator in full widescreen.....how can I do that? (I'm using Power DVD btw)

Only thing i'm thinking is that if i could find a antigolare screen for this 24in crt then id be a happy man. Sure it has a coat on and yadayada ya... but a antiglare screen would stop unecessary light from leaving the screen and would make it viewing more pleasant.
Daniel53 said:
hey, how are you guys viewing these DVDs where they take up the whole monitor? I'm trying to view widescreen dvds...but they are still in 4:3 format (I.e. it has vertical bars on the sides because it's 4:3, then it has horizontal bars at the top and bottom because it is widescreen.).

I saw the shots of someone on here running gladiator in full widescreen.....how can I do that? (I'm using Power DVD btw)


That is weird. I have PowerDVD 6 and it works just fine. Make sure it isnt changing resolution when going fullscreen.
I have a good suggestion to make this thread more informing to those who would like to get this monitor.

The original poster of this thread needs to make a chart of some sort, showing who here has gotten the monitor from the guy on ebay, which monitor (HP or Sony), what condition, how much they paid, and any problems/comments on the transaction. That way we can keep track of who has gotten a monitor from him and if there are any problems with the Sony or HP or both or neither.

Just a suggestion.
I'm having a hard ass time to calibrate this thing, everything seems to be blue, do you guys think you could help me out with this issue?
m1 grant said:
I'm having a hard ass time to calibrate this thing, everything seems to be blue, do you guys think you could help me out with this issue?
A few calibrating proggies mentioned here but i would personally recommend Nokia Monitor Test (as would most others).

It sounds like your color temperature is off btw with that blue tint. Or maybe you need that degaussing tool mentioned on the other page?
m1 grant said:
I'm having a hard ass time to calibrate this thing, everything seems to be blue, do you guys think you could help me out with this issue?

I always find the default 9300k color temp to be alittle on the blue side , personaly I use 6500k..But if it still looks blue using 6500k then something else is going on :confused: