24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

Orange.exe said:
just set mine up and am typing on it now :D but i have a problem:
the actual picture seems...crooked. like the picture is on a slant or something. One edge of the picture touches the right corner of the screen, but the other kind of slouches down. I think its a setting w/ the graphics card i have to change, but anyone know how to fix this?

Sounds like you need to adjust the Geometry from within the FW900's user menu, hopefully you can get it looking straight with the various adjustments.
Orange.exe said:
when I play CS:S, i set the resolution to 1280x786, and it crunches the image horizontally. Anyone know how to just make it scale to 1280x768 and simply increase the image size?

1280x786 is 16:9 aspect and the FW900 is a 16:10 display,So 1280x800 would be the proper resolution to use.

The screen can be manualy stretched by using the Size option in the FW900's user menu.

You can download or view the FW900 user manual here.
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Hey guys, is I am interested in this monitor FW9012 or GDM FW900, hopefully in black or silver. Anyone know where I can find oneat a good price? I was looking for the NEC FP2142SB-BK, but it looks as though that monitor has become impossible to find. Then I noticed this Bad Boy, and I figure I could put the extra 3" to good use.

Any good places to buy?
this thread has me convinced, i think ill be getting this over the 2405FPW. even though its larger (obviously), the price and quality are amazing :D

cant wait to see what the 360 and ps3 look like when hooked up to this baddy :p
Bad_Boy said:
this thread has me convinced, i think ill be getting this over the 2405FPW. even though its larger (obviously), the price and quality are amazing :D

I was looking at the 2405FPW too, but after drooling over this thread I just snagged one of the HP ones. All of the LCD disadvantages were killing my desire to fork over 1000 bucks for that, when I could get this for 1/3rd the price!

I am looking forward to the glorious hernia I will be getting trying to get it up on my desk. :D
undertheradar said:
Hey guys, is I am interested in this monitor FW9012 or GDM FW900, hopefully in black or silver. Anyone know where I can find oneat a good price? I was looking for the NEC FP2142SB-BK, but it looks as though that monitor has become impossible to find. Then I noticed this Bad Boy, and I figure I could put the extra 3" to good use.

Any good places to buy?

Original FW900 model here.

The seller I bought from (and most others here I believe) currently doesnt have any HP OEM HP FW9012 models listed,only the 1 FW900 listed above.
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barb0115 said:
Are there any drivers to download for the FW900?

Yea you can get them here (bottom of the page), Im told you only need it if you use the BNC cables, I didnt install them but im using VGA and it was recognized properly in WinXP as far as I can tell.
mathesar said:
1280x786 is 16:9 aspect and the FW900 is a 16:10 display,So 1280x800 would be the proper resolution to use.

The screen can be manualy stretched by using the Size option in the FW900's user menu.

You can download or view the FW900 user manual here.

Thank you very much! I made all of the changes and now everything is fine. The screen looks incredible! I just had to re adjust the screen in CS:S. Question though, do i have to use the image restoration every time i turn the screen back on, or was that first time enough?
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Orange.exe said:
Thank you very much! I made all of the changes and now everything is fine. The screen looks incredible! I just had to re adjust the screen in CS:S. Question though, do i have to use the image restoration every time i turn the screen back on, or was that first time enough?

First time should do the trick for a decent amount of time ,months or even a year or longer maybe, at least thats how its been on my other Trinitron monitors, I've only had to use it a couple times on my 5+ year old G400 and once on my 2.5yr old G520P. Using it on my FW900 got rid of a slight green tint I was seeing even after warmup (it was pretty bad on a cold start) now it still has a *very* slight green tint when first turning it on in the morning but it goes away completely after a short amount of time.
mathesar said:
Original FW900 model here.

The seller I bought from (and most others here I believe) currently doesnt have any HP OEM HP FW9012 models listed,only the 1 FW900 listed above.

Right now it's no Sony's but he does have 5 HP's.
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Mathesar, I saw one of your posts on another forum (I think it was you - JRW?) in which you were talking about the geometry on your FW900 being shifted when it is initially turned on (ie. taskbar cut off). I was wondering if your 520 also exhibited similar behavior. Thanks.
gr33dy said:
Mathesar, I saw one of your posts on another forum (I think it was you - JRW?) in which you were talking about the geometry on your FW900 being shifted when it is initially turned on (ie. taskbar cut off). I was wondering if your 520 also exhibited similar behavior. Thanks.

Yep that was me, the bottom of the screen is slightly cut off when first turning it on but it resizes itself properly within 10 min or so ,sometimes I'll actually catch it 'click' into place rather than slowly resize, but its actually not as bad as it might sound ,I took the pic below to show what I meant, My G520P does not do this when turning it on but both monitors have the same overbright look at first (black levels slightly off for the first 5-6 minutes of warmup)

FW900 after being off overnight,it had only been on about 5 minutes in this pic:
I was thinking about a new FW900...any good places for that? OR the NEC FP2141SB-BK as long as were at it...
I swapped out my HP in Mass for a Sony. Guy is a good guy. I let him know how many guys on [H] were buying them. Maybe mention it and ask they double check. Wanted me to mention they run a warranty program on them too now. Little less than $30 for 2 years, and they may have in house service.
texuspete00 said:
I swapped out my HP in Mass for a Sony. Guy is a good guy. I let him know how many guys on [H] were buying them. Maybe mention it and ask they double check. Wanted me to mention they run a warranty program on them too now. Little less than $30 for 2 years, and they may have in house service.
Was it Lou ? He is a good guy. I felt good doing business with him. I also mentioned [H] to him. If I had some more $$$ I would get another one.
I just got home from Lawrence (got lost, that place was hard to find and I kept driving by it and missing it) :eek:

All very nice people, helped me get it down to the car, and I got a BNC-VGA cable as well. Just set it up (using it right now) and it is like an orgasm. I have to tweak it some (and get my dual monitors running correctly, right now my screens are just clones of each other), but the glass was very very clean, just a few streaks that I wiped away. This thing is great.

I'll post pictures once I get my camera back. :D

edit: I switched to the BNC cable and now my monitor won't properly display 1920x1200, I dled the driver, but what do I do, just install the INF file? :eek:

double edit: Okay, installed the driver, reinstalled ATI drivers, and when I set the monitor to anything above 1600x1200, the image becomes centered. At 1920x1200, the image is centered (making a 1600x1200 image), but I can push my mouse to the edge and it will scroll.

Any idea how to fix that? Thanks.
The same thing happend to me. What i did was uninstall the ati drivers completely and then reinstall. In the Catalyst make sure you set the monitor properties to a max res of 2048x1536 if you are using the bnc cables. That did it for me everything works great now after a week of playing around with it. Good luck
Yeah it was Lou. I got the BNC's while I was there. Hmm... I got a GTX. First step to get an image is installing monitor drivers before i switch the cables? I'm just plug and playing right now... but with VGA.
I have the GT... Basically I plugged in the BNC cable and it detected everything up the 2000 resolution range. The refresh rate is capped at 85, but thats an easy fix.
Wesley1357 said:

anything missing, would you go back to lcd? :)

I ordered one of these monsters, haven't got it yet, but I hope I have good luck.. And I plan on getting a 20" 4:3 LCD monitor and have the best of both worlds. :)
i remember making a thread about my freely had 22" Philips CRT. I got no responses. xD Either, pics would've been appreciated...Well, non-webcam pics at the least or everyone was freaking jealous...>.>

ANYWAY! nice monitor. :O
Wesley1357 said:

anything missing, would you go back to lcd? :)

Absolutely not, My experience with a 2001FP LCD was enough to make me realise I wouldn't be happy with any current LCD on the market, If my FW900 can make it for another 2 years (Im pretty sure it will) when SED based PC monitors are out I'll be a happy camper, In case anyone hasn't heard of SED here's a recent article ,SED is basically CRT redesigned to be more compact & energy efficient along with even further improved image quality (such as 100,000:1 contrast ratio :eek: )
Same plan pretty much. Draggin my feet on selling my purty Dell 2405FPW, but this Sony can ease me into next gen if I do so.
I had planned on getting an FPW2005 until I stumbled upon this thread. But now with dual CRTs, it's nice, though now I have absolutely no desk space. This should tide me over until SEDs or OLEDs hit the market (go OLED!), and stuff just looks so good, even though it's a 2 year old monitor (just like my NEC FP912).

I also fixed most of my geometry problems, had to adjust the screen and such. I still can't force 1600x1024 res though, I think it might be my card (9600XT).
Do any of you guys play racing games? In trying to find a good resolution for GTR but with so many resolutions and refresh rates I cant test them all. Im running and Oced X800 pro at 1792x1344 32bit 75Hz mostly so far with decent framerate, for some reason 1920x1200 stutters abit but 2048x1536 seems ok. What do you guys suggest?
Damn, I need a monitor that will last at least 2 years. It's either this or the 2005FPW. (The G520P for $200 looks good as well)

I'm upgrading from a Compaq 17 inch CRT, so I guess anything I pick will look better. I just need someone to tell me to order it! :D (FW900)
Wesley1357 said:

anything missing, would you go back to lcd? :)

Until current LCD technology improves, I firmly believe this CRT will be king of gaming monitors. The focus is on gaming, not on web browsing or working with text. The colors, refresh rates, and limitless resolution configurations makes this monitor superb. With the "digital vibrance" turned up under the nvidia driver, you can obtain those rich and intense LCD colors. I hope this bad boy lasts 2 years (and it will with the 2-year SquareTrade warranty I purchased for $30 via the seller I bought from on eBay) and I'm hoping newer and improved LCD technology is out.
Got mine today and set it up. It was packaged very well and has only minor scuffs and scratches. One thing that is kind of annoying (and scary at first) is that it takes about 20 minutes for the blacks to become really black. It's wierd. When it starts up from more than an hour of disuse, the screen is very GRAY and then slowly but surely the contrast improves 3 fold to your typical "ink blacks." I didn't see anyone mention this, so does this happen to everyone else? Otherwise, the picture is just gorgeous when it gets warmed up.
scared me too ;) I think they all do this (mine is a hp) so i wouldnt be worried. Just turn it on a bit before you need to use it.
About to order one. I talked to the seller over the phone, and he seems like a very reliable guy. I'm going to be picking it up from lawrence directly. I'll report about the kind of outfit the guy is running at that time :)
FitzRoy said:
Got mine today and set it up. It was packaged very well and has only minor scuffs and scratches. One thing that is kind of annoying (and scary at first) is that it takes about 20 minutes for the blacks to become really black. It's wierd. When it starts up from more than an hour of disuse, the screen is very GRAY and then slowly but surely the contrast improves 3 fold to your typical "ink blacks." I didn't see anyone mention this, so does this happen to everyone else? Otherwise, the picture is just gorgeous when it gets warmed up.

My FW900 does the exact same thing, it slowly goes from very grey blacks to deep blacks after warmup (i'd say about 10 minutes) My other monitor does the same thing (Sony G520P 21") so I guess its common on Sony PC monitors,in comparison my 2 year old 32" Sony CRT HDTV (32HS510 model) gets its full black levels really fast, I notice this whenever I turn it on in the morning and it happens to be on a Video input (black screen) you literaly see the screen go from grey to pitch black within 8 - 10 seconds ...But oh well it hasnt really been a big issue for me on the FW900. Ive been playing Black & White 2 and F.E.A.R. recently and its just been an awesome monitor to game on :D
That's interesting... I've never noticed my screen to have crappy blacks. I've got the HP version of the FW900. What it does do is produce a really blurry (like eyes bleeding blurry) picture until it warms up. If it's really cold (say, mid-low 60s) it'll be fine for a while, then get fuzzy, then back to normal. It hasn't done that since last spring, but it was a pretty common occurance last winter. Actually, maybe it has crappy blacks when it's doing that blur-out thing, but I just haven't looked at it long enough to notice.

The best picture quality would be VGA-BNC. There are a couple of caveats though. The first one is that BNC doesn't support plug & play, so Windows won't autodetect the available modes. Also, thats only if you get really good cables. Most of the BNC cables I've seen for sale are just normal VGA cables that split out to BNCs the last six inches or so. A good BNC cable should have heavy gauge coaxial almost all the way back to the connector. One of those typical cables will just annoy you and won't provide any real picture quality benefit.
I just recieved mine.. Christ is it heavy. I think my hernias have hernias! The box was almost too big to fit in the elevator! :eek: :D

I really wish I had kept up with weightlifting.. oy vey. :p
wow this thing rocks.. especially for watching DVDs. My only problem is that the display seems to shimmer on the sides. It's kinda like certain parts of the display has Parkinson's or something.

It might be some kind of interference though, not sure I can solve it without a line conditioner or something. :(

EDIT: Eureka! seems using 75Hz instead of 85Hz solved the shimmering completely.