1gb ddr pc 3200 $45 bucks

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I had RMAed a set of 'regular' modules and a single 'ugly' module. The 'ugly' was sent back a month ago and I just got a message saying it was processing. The set was was sent back a few weeks ago and supposedly my replacement has been shipped. I specifically told him I needed the BGA type memory and sent pictures. Hopefully I get them today or tomorrow and that they are the 'uglies.' The 'uglies' are good for the price. I get 240 MHz @ 2.6 volts.
I just received my "uglies" and all seems well so far at 200Mhz 3-3-3-8 Tiimings 2.6 volts. That's where the gig of corsair value ram was set. All seems well and I will post a screenie once I get it hosted. So as of now I am successfully running 2 Gigs! :D
bAcKpAiN said:
I just received my "uglies" and all seems well so far at 200Mhz 3-3-3-8 Tiimings 2.6 volts. That's where the gig of corsair value ram was set. All seems well and I will post a screenie once I get it hosted. So as of now I am successfully running 2 Gigs! :D
What chipset / motherboard you running?
Pete84 said:
What chipset / motherboard you running?

I run a DFI LanParty UT NF3 250 GB with a 3200+ DTR. Right now I am running memtest @ 230 x 10 3-4-4-8 timings. *fingers crossed* :D
bAcKpAiN said:
I run a DFI LanParty UT NF3 250 GB with a 3200+ DTR. Right now I am running memtest @ 230 x 10 3-4-4-8 timings. *fingers crossed* :D

HAHAHA freak....I told you so :p
Got my replacement memory today. F*cking Apida's! PC2700 no less!!! This guy has some problem. When I purchased them off of eBay, I said I only wanted them if he can send me the same type of memory I got from him previously, which I described as the 'square' BGA memory with 'Advance Modules' on them. I end up getting the 'regular' RAM that shows up as 512MB. Okay, so I request an RMA. In the box that I sent back, I enclosed a picture of the memory that works with my system. I guess he cant even match the picture!? Its been a month since ordering this shit. Back they go for a refund. Also, I got a defective 'ugly' that I sent back about a month ago that I still have yet to see a replacement for. I enclosed a letter saying that I would like the exact same memory as a replacement. We will see what happens. Oh yeah, the Apida's only boot in my DFI NF3, but it will only 'see' 128MB! LOL! So, for the two orders of 2, I get a defective stick, and 2 shipments of the wrong memory. What a joke. If you get the 'uglies' be extremely happy. I guess I am stuck with a single GB stick, that really does me no good, as I would have like 4 GB in my system. I guess I will go with some reliable company like OCZ or Crucial, which I should have in the first place! Sorry for the rant. Laterz.
Here is my hindsight on this [H]ot deal. As I sit here roughly a month after selling my GIG of TCCD and ordering from this guy using borrowed RAM I FINALLY have 2 stick of working RAM from this guy. Bottom line it is a HUGE gamble! If you are looking for an easy savings keep looking. This guy and his staff are clueless, BUT you just might get lucky.... who knows. What I saved in greenbacks I payed in time, effort, and anxiety.

BUT I am running 225 (DDR 450) 3-3-3-8 timings which is kinda nice for $115.00! :D
Well, I still can't get these ram sticks to be seen as 1gig. Even put them in a different mobo. Dfi NF4 SLI D. And I was told they worked in Dfi mobos.

Backpain You said yours are working correct? What settings?
Out of all that recieved the RAM, what s939 boards worked whith what was called the "Samsung Uglies"? Basicaly any that were high-density RAM compatible?
I am running 2 of them 225Mhz @ 3-3-3-8 timings @ 2.8 volts (I stuck heatspreaders on them). They are working flawlessly passing both memtest and prime all night. I am VERY happy now that they work, but I am resigned to the fact that if there is ever a problem I am on my own.
Has anyone else had my poblem? It sounds like they're either working or not working for everyone, but each of my uglies works fine by itself, only failing to work as a pair. I'm pretty sure my motherboard doesn't even support dual channel (unless gigabyte is keeping it hush hush), so I don't think that's the problem.

I bought myself a pair of these sticks, hungry for 2GB of RAM. I recieved a pair of the shorter sticks, with chips that say:

AMB0B1E (maybe, very hard to make out)
128M x 4 DDR
DBBU (maybe)

Anywho, just like Rev I have a Gigabyte K8NS NForce3 250 (A2). I'm running a humble Athlon64 3000+. While either one of the new sticks by itself is happily recognized as 1GB and runs just fine @ 400Mhz, unfortunately if I put both sticks in my machine will not even POST. Beep beep beep, that's all it's good for. I've tried every possible combination of the three memory slots, and I've tried upping the voltage on the RAM. Neither of those bore fruit, and I'm too simple to figure out anything else to try. Does anyone have any ideas about what I am missing? Or am I just stuck at 1GB forever? TIA
yeesh said:
Has anyone else had my poblem? It sounds like they're either working or not working for everyone, but each of my uglies works fine by itself, only failing to work as a pair. I'm pretty sure my motherboard doesn't even support dual channel (unless gigabyte is keeping it hush hush), so I don't think that's the problem.

I bought myself a pair of these sticks, hungry for 2GB of RAM. I recieved a pair of the shorter sticks, with chips that say:

AMB0B1E (maybe, very hard to make out)
128M x 4 DDR
DBBU (maybe)

Anywho, just like Rev I have a Gigabyte K8NS NForce3 250 (A2). I'm running a humble Athlon64 3000+. While either one of the new sticks by itself is happily recognized as 1GB and runs just fine @ 400Mhz, unfortunately if I put both sticks in my machine will not even POST. Beep beep beep, that's all it's good for. I've tried every possible combination of the three memory slots, and I've tried upping the voltage on the RAM. Neither of those bore fruit, and I'm too simple to figure out anything else to try. Does anyone have any ideas about what I am missing? Or am I just stuck at 1GB forever? TIA

same here here on my DFI Ultra-D Board. Each stick is recognized as 1GB if used alone. Together, in dual channel: mobo wont even boot.
In single channel: mobo boots but hands just when windows xp logo shows up.

If anyone wants 1 of my stick, I will be happy to sell mine. I am keeping the other for my secondary system though.

lmk if anyone is interested in 1 stick.
I'll take a stick of uglies if anyone wants to unload them. PM me a price and send a pic too!
Pete84 said:

Thanks....I still would like some imput on those that have 939 boards....I feel stuck at this point if I eventually upgrade.
hey rev..i know what you mean about upgrading and not sure if this ram will work with any new upgrades. I'm going to stay with nforce4 or the dreaded via if I could. I should be ok for now until a full blown out upgrade.
Here is a scattered list of chipsets, boards I bug out of this thread (at least the first 18-20 pages LOL). Some seem contradictory from post to post but the NF4 looks like a winner to me.

I honestly shouldn't upgrade (or really even NEED too for a while).
Via P4PB 400-FL    			P4 board
Gigabyte 7VAXP-Ultra  			sA
VNF3-250				s754
MSI Neo3-F				s754 nF4
kt600 (not Asus)			sA
Abit AN8 SLI nforce 4			s939
a8v-deluxe (bios 1014F)			s939
MSI 	 |> NF 4s			s939	
jetway nforce4
DFI lanparty ultra D (bios 618-03)	s939
via kt800pro 				sA
ECS a754 nf4 				s754
Gigabyte 7va				sA (?)
DFI-ultra D 
Nf4-Asus 				s939
ECS 754nf4				s754 
A8V-deluxe KT800pro
Asus A8n-sli deluxe-nf4			s939
KT880 Socket A				sA
Asus K8V SE Deluxe (VIA K8T800)
Gigabyte k8ns -- in dual channel	s939
Asus A8V deluxe -- with 64 X2		s939
A7N8X (nforce2 chipset)			sA
MSI K8N Neo Platinum
Asus K8V SE Deluxe
oakfan52, save ur money bro, these modules won't run on any Intel-chipset based boards.

NF4 for AMD should work fine, but NF4-Intel Edition won't work :mad:
cybpsych said:
oakfan52, save ur money bro, these modules won't run on any Intel-chipset based boards.

NF4 for AMD should work fine, but NF4-Intel Edition won't work :mad:

what about t-force motherboards with the nforce 430 mcp?
gotkilled said:
what about t-force motherboards with the nforce 430 mcp?
I have a geforce 6100-m7 which is the little sister of the board you have (using the c51 410 mcp and can use the same BIOS). I just ordered two sticks so I'll let you know next week when they get here. This might encourage you as well, Biostar-usa was clueless about the ram support but Biostar Taiwain wrote me back and confirmed the new tforce geforce 6100/6150 will work with high density ram :
2005/10/26 04:53 Customer Issue Form
Issue_list=Has the Tforce series been tested with high density ram 1GB (128x4)

From: steven =at= biostar.com.tw
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 11:43:16 +0800
Yes, TForce6100 will support high density memory module.
with best regards
Biostar FAE
They also released a new bios specifically for additional memory support a couple days ago:

Last but not least I want to thank the OP for posting this thread, it's what made me finally join hardocp after lurking for a year.
Just a fyi in regards to compatibility. These sticks (picture originally supplied by cyberdiety)


Work fine and are recognized as 2x1GB on my Asrock K7S8XE+ (SiS 748). However, on my Asrock 939 Dual-Sata II (ULi M1695) they fail to work as anything else than 2x512MB. They do work fine at 2x512 MB 3-3-3-8 2T dual channel though.

Latest manufacturer supplied bios on both boards.

Edit: If anyone knows a s939 board with PCI-e that the above sticks work on, I'd appreciate the info.
[N]ex said:
Just a fyi in regards to compatibility. These sticks (picture originally supplied by cyberdiety)
Work fine and are recognized as 2x1GB on my Asrock K7S8XE+. However, on my Asrock 939 Dual-Sata II they fail to work as anything else than 2x512MB. They do work fine at 2x512 MB 3-3-3-8 2T dual channel though.
You probably should mention that is "ULi 1695 Chipset" right?

I emailed the vendor a few times and got him to promise me the "ugly" short chips and sent an image or two to confirm. I'll should have them to test Tuesday-ish.
If anyone wants to sell an "ugly", I'll buy it. I'm wanting to try running two or even three in my GA-7VAXP. One works well.
Just got the memory in.

We had like 4 emails over it and I sent photos and everything.

These sticks say:
NCP NP25D1284512K-5 0541 DDR DAT
There are eight chips on each side (double sided).
About to test in a Geforce 6100-M7 (nvidia 410 chipset)


and of course it doesn't work on my motherboard, not even as 512mb

sent him one courtesy email to see how he will handle what he promised vs what he sent and then off to initiate a paypal dispute/chargeback - not playing this game with him...

update: by the way, the vendor claims to know about and follow this thread
Well this thread has 41,000 + views so he would do very well to follow it and maybe even post in it.

Also if that is indeed the case where [N]ex got the non-uglies to work as a gig it is a first in 20+ pages to do so. Everyone has had problems with those regardless of the chipset.
bAcKpAiN said:
Also if that is indeed the case where [N]ex got the non-uglies to work as a gig it is a first in 20+ pages to do so. Everyone has had problems with those regardless of the chipset.
Exactly. Hence my four emails to him before the purchase to make sure the Advance were available and that he could specifically send me those. I fell for it. Now I get told "oh it's an automated system".

gotkilled said:
DOH! So it doesn't work with the Geforce 6100? :( :( :( :(

Not the junk he sent me (complete with fingerprints on the ram and trace scratches on the gold fingers). I get the 3-beeps of death. Won't work single or dual stick, not even as 512mb - and I tried three BIOS variations including the T-Force bios & Geforce.

Remember that's the stuff with the really weird SPD info programmed.
The Advance has better SPD and had much better results on other motherboards.

Has anyone considered they have a SPD programing machine (not hard to find or expensive) and they copied the SPD info from real Samsung sticks over to the Advance sticks? Would explain the Samsung stamp within the info.
I received my order tonight and it looks like what I got is not compatible.

The modules are labeled with a sticker that says:
NCP NC00439 DDR 1GB PC3200

The chips are labeled:
NCP NP24D1284512K-5 0541 DDR DAT

My motherboard is an MSI MS-7125 (K8N Neo4)

I've searched the web and can't find much details anywhere, although I found the following site which looks like the manufacturer of the NCP chips: http://www.hexon.com.sg

From reading the latest posts, it sounds like getting an exchange or refund from this guy might be... interesting, to say the least

After reading through all the posts in the thread again, it sounds like maybe only the one of the multiple modules this guy sells will actually be compatible. So, can anyone confirm for me which modules they got to work in the MSI MS-7125 (K8N Neo4), including the chip numbers?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - I gambled too high and actually bought 4 of these dimms for two computers, both using the MS-7125. Bah! :eek:
There is only one type you want. It's the advance modules chips.
They work better possibly because they copy the Samsung SPD info onto them.
The PROBLEM is getting them to ship these kinds of dimms to you.

I wrote them four emails before I bought, got positive confirmation they had those kinds of dimms still and that they would ship them upon request. I followed their instructions and put the notice into my PayPal note. Then I followed up another email within 30 minutes after the purchase and got another positive confirmation.

One week later I got the package. They were NOT advance modules.
I wrote them to ask why and was told "the process is automated".
Then I wrote back and asked why they didn't tell me from the start they couldn't promise me any particular kind of dimms and they replied that "oh we thought you meant pc2700 vs pc3200".

Needless to say, I was like WTF.
Trust me, I could not have been more clear or more careful about my purchase.

If anyone is crazy enough to still attempt to order, I'd strongly suggest that you 1. not be in any kind of a hurry (like a month or more to get it right) 2. not be bothered if you have $117 or more tied up with nothing to show for it
vibe said:
There is only one type you want. It's the advance modules chips.
They work better possibly because they copy the Samsung SPD info onto them.
The PROBLEM is getting them to ship these kinds of dimms to you.

I wrote them four emails before I bought, got positive confirmation they had those kinds of dimms still and that they would ship them upon request. I followed their instructions and put the notice into my PayPal note. Then I followed up another email within 30 minutes after the purchase and got another positive confirmation.

One week later I got the package. They were NOT advance modules.
I wrote them to ask why and was told "the process is automated".
Then I wrote back and asked why they didn't tell me from the start they couldn't promise me any particular kind of dimms and they replied that "oh we thought you meant pc2700 vs pc3200".

Needless to say, I was like WTF.
Trust me, I could not have been more clear or more careful about my purchase.

If anyone is crazy enough to still attempt to order, I'd strongly suggest that you 1. not be in any kind of a hurry (like a month or more to get it right) 2. not be bothered if you have $117 or more tied up with nothing to show for it

Tru Dat.
Add another to the "i got shafted" list. I got 2x512. Havent checked them fully for stability, but am in canada right now, so am not gonna bother trying to return. Oh well, even if 117 is a shitty deal for a gig, its not the end of the world.
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