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  1. G

    GTX 680 In Stock Thread

    I ordered the EVGA from Tigerdirect this morning (+ paid for overnight shipping); no shipping email from them yet, but I just checked order status on the site and it says it shipped today and has a tracking number. Canceled my Amazon pre-order from a couple days ago, which still didn't have an ETA.
  2. G

    GTX 680 In Stock Thread

    I ordered one of the EVGA's from Tigerdirect this morning when they were at $509. (They jumped $20 and then went out of stock within the last hour or so.) They say if you get 2nd day or overnight shipping, they'll ship same-day. We'll see. Also still have open EVGA pre-order from Amazon...
  3. G

    GTX 680 In Stock Thread

    I managed to get one of these "pre-orders" for the 20 minutes it was available. How quickly does Amazon typically ship these out? I'm hoping they made these available because they knew they'd get some in in the next few days...
  4. G

    GTX 680 In Stock Thread

    Is this available anywhere now? Both links posted above just a couple hours ago are showing out-of-stock now...
  5. G

    7970 squealing noise when playing games?

    Well, crap. I was all set to get a 7970 and then I saw this thread. No way am I getting a card that emits a whine while playing games. (Is this mentioned in any reviews? I had looked at a bunch, and only recall praise for how quiet the card was...) Is there any brand whose 7970's don't...
  6. G

    ASUS GeForce GTX 590 Video Card Review @ [H]

    Actually, I'm one of the folks the conclusion of the article doesn't think exists: a "high-end enthusiast gamer" who's willing to spend a stupid amount of money on a video card but chooses noise over performance. I bought a Radeon 5850 last generation, even though it wasn't the fastest card...
  7. G

    Price drop for 5800 series?

    Your argument is that we should be wetting ourselves with joy over the 480 "performing at the exact same level" as an 18-month old card? How bizarre. And, regardless, your argument that the 480 is full of win still fails because you totally ignore that the 480 performs about the same as a...
  8. G

    5970s pulled off the shelves or shortages?

    I can't find a 5970 in stock anywhere. Anyone know when they'll be available again?
  9. G

    GTX 280 problem - 650 PS not enough?

    Well, managed to solve my problem - in case it helps anyone else (it's hard to explain simply): The card requires you to plug in one 6-pin power connector and one 8-pin power connector. My PS has two 6-pin power connectors for a video card, but no 8-pin. The card comes with two adapters...
  10. G

    GTX 280 problem - 650 PS not enough?

    I just got an EVGA GTX 280 -- it isn't working. I get a blank screen, and I can hear the card's fan reving up repeatedly (it whirrs for a bit, calms down for a couple seconds, then whirrs again, and repeats this pattern forever). (Tried turning on the computer about 5-6 times - once, I...
  11. G

    E8400 to be for sale from newegg "within the hour"!!!

    I placed an order earlier today from newegg (right when they became available). After seeing these posts about discounts over chat, I gave it a shot and they said they'd refund $23 (matching's $202 price). They emphasized that they don't normally do price match, but would give me...
  12. G

    E8400 to be for sale from newegg "within the hour"!!!

    So, let's see: newegg is $224 with free shipping mwave is $209 PLUS shipping, the cheapest method costing about $9 newegg is therefore a whopping SIX DOLLARS more expensive than mwave. Really? All this whining and bitching about newegg's price - not to mention the angry "I'll take my...
  13. G

    Buying NEW rig tell me what you think *specs*

    1. Get Penryn chip instead (E8400 looks like it'll be the best bang for your buck - should cost about the same as the one you list). Newegg should have these any time now... 2. Here's a good P35 mobo if you don't need RAID (and its $40 cheaper than the one you list)...
  14. G

    gamespot doom 3 review Most honest review out so far -- all those reviewers who gave it 94+% and said it's a perfect game should read this for a lesson in objectivity
  15. G

    Dots on DOOM 3

    i had this problem (even worse than the screenshots here) with my 9800xt -- i fixed it by unchecking the "Overdrive" option (which is ATI's built-in overclocking option)
  16. G

    How scary is Doom 3? Will Doom scare me?

    if no other "scary" games scare you, doom 3 won't either -- despite all the hype that came out of ID ("most frightening game ever!", "interactive horror experience!", etc) this game really isn't very scary for all the reasons already given in this thread -- heck, trying to sneak past a guard in...
  17. G

    POLL: LCD or CRT for DOOM 3

    LCD - Samsung Syncmaster 213T (21 inch) -- using the DVI connection, it handles dark areas just fine (UT2004 looks perfect) and has absolutely no ghosting