How scary is Doom 3? Will Doom scare me?

Jul 30, 2004
Now the thing is, I am getting Doom, mainly because I love 3d shooters and I loved Doom.

But the thing is, nothing really scares me. I can watch movies where people get ripped apart, and it angers me, but doesn't phase me. Darkness doesn't phase me, mainly because I feel more alive at night, and I in fact, walk to places at night... I like the night...

I like the scary games, and none of them scare me...
Hum... what the hell do you do when you come to the realization that you are partially gothic?
Newsboys2004 said:
Hum... what the hell do you do when you come to the realization that you are partially gothic?
Prance around in fishnet clothing and black make-up while telling everyone you're going to kill yourself?
Oh, and not shower. Goths don't seem to take well to personal hygiene.
In my opinion, Doom3 isn't as scary as I had hoped. Most of the scary moments usually lead to me releasing a couple expletives then proceeding to annihilate whatever attempted to frighten me. It's no more frightening than any other FPS, although it does try to be more.

System Shock 2 remains the most terrifying game I've ever played to this day. And I only played it for the first time last year. The ancient graphics are masked easily by the intense plot, characters, and atmosphere that Doom3 just doesn't quite achieve.

It's far from a bad game, but it appears I had unrealistic expectations about the horror aspect of it. However, the action, scripted sequences, and graphics are definitely top notch.
I got it and I only jumped once (I usually dont jump while watching scary movies or anything), but my girlfriend was wastching me play and it freaked her out pretty good but she still loved it.
I don't get scared in games, and even playing Doom 3 right now at midnight, with all the lights off in my house, headsets, and all alone, i'm not scared. I get startle when something jumps out of the dark at me, but 'scared', as in fear of the darkness, going to sleep, nightmares, etc, nope.

But i get scared in movies and books all the time (not horror scare, but thriller ie. not Dawn of Darkness, but The Ring).
Newsboys2004 said:
Now the thing is, I am getting Doom, mainly because I love 3d shooters and I loved Doom.

But the thing is, nothing really scares me. I can watch movies where people get ripped apart, and it angers me, but doesn't phase me. Darkness doesn't phase me, mainly because I feel more alive at night, and I in fact, walk to places at night... I like the night...

I like the scary games, and none of them scare me...

sounds like you are psyching yourself up so you don't get scared. dont worry about it
Its all relative. I mean if you just came home from your job as a hitman then doom 3 wont be scary to ya. If you wander through abandoned buildings at night where there could be homeless people then you probably arent going to be overly frightened in your cozy bedroom playing a video game. Of course those are extremes. Whole point is depends what you do or have done in real life.

Startled is different. Things can make you jump when they surprise you. I would expect doom 3 to have plenty of those.
The problem I had is there are just TOO many of those, it becomes predictable. Every single damn time you walk into a room or down a passage, you know almost exactly when something will happen and you keep your guard up. Whenever something spawns in front of you, of course there will always be something behind you. Walk into a room with one lone enemy or a small dark corner of a room and, in this game, of course something will happen. It's actually getting to be quite repetitive. They need to have some relateively easy levels that are fully populate to start with no surprises, or wide open spaces with no places to hide in order to let the player relax more. If I'm always on my guard, I'll never really be startled by something unexpected because well, I'm expecting it.
if no other "scary" games scare you, doom 3 won't either -- despite all the hype that came out of ID ("most frightening game ever!", "interactive horror experience!", etc) this game really isn't very scary for all the reasons already given in this thread -- heck, trying to sneak past a guard in Far Cry and suddenly hearing "Stop right there!" is a more frightening gaming experience than most of doom 3
I found the scares to be more startles. Shit jumping out at you isn't horror. I jump, but it isn't scary. Unexpectedly throwing cold water on me would have the same effect and I'm not that scared of cold water.

And the scares are so scripted it isn't funny. One cool part was an imp jump from behind something and knocked me off a bridge to my death. So I lobbed a few grenades in the space where we was hiding. So as I crossed the door, Mr. imp jumps out and knocks me to my death again.
hehe set the difficulty to Nightmare after you beat it and it'll scare you alright. :eek: especially the first spider room.
I've really never been scared by movies or games since I was in middle school (~7 years ago). A lot of stuff thrown at you is just too obvious and predictable. I played System Shock 2 and wasn't scared in the least. To be honest, I would almost prefer that these games scare me for added entertainment.

I'll probably pick up Doom 3 either today or tomorrow and see if it's any different.
Doom III has a few startling moments, but I wouldn't call it scary.

It's more like... fucking intense.
I agree that Doom 3 is not a very scary game, at least so far. I am a little disapointed since I like to be scared by games. Take for example, the Cradle level in Thief 3, I squealed so loud at times, my wife was laughing at me. I literally had to rip the headphones from my head to "make it go away." I haven't yet felt that way about doom 3. MAybe it is all to scripted and predictible. I am never really surprised when something jumps outs. Plus, the whole, I have to switch off my flashlight routine to grab my gun gets tired pretty quick.
Yeah, it's hard to call games scary... I would say intense.

Doom 3 is very intense, sometimes even a little freaky. Still, IMHO, better candidates are System Shock 2 and The Suffering.
Goths are scarier then Doom3. I sh** my pants the other day when a Goth came around the corner... :eek:
Wondernerd said:
And the scares are so scripted it isn't funny. One cool part was an imp jump from behind something and knocked me off a bridge to my death. So I lobbed a few grenades in the space where we was hiding. So as I crossed the door, Mr. imp jumps out and knocks me to my death again.

Congratulations. Of course reloading a saved game will take the shock out of it. And btw, that's not scripted. The only scripted events are the cutscenes.
i would describe it as predictable and intense. Whenewver i walk into a new room something is obviously giong to attempt to rip my arm off or make me accidentilly poop and i have noticed that my ears twitch while im in the shit. like instincts or something because the strength of my ears when they do this will move my glasses. if you understood any of that at all
it's scary if you're playing with the lights off at night and volume set a little loud.

its not scary if you play during the day and there's sunlight in the room.
the@ntipop said:
Congratulations. Of course reloading a saved game will take the shock out of it. And btw, that's not scripted. The only scripted events are the cutscenes.

I was expecting the guy to be there. I'm not the type that is surprised I get burned everytime I stick my hand a fire. I just expect a bad guy to die after lobbing a few grenades into his hole. But he didn't even take any damage. There is also a magical point where you can shine a flashlight on an imp that is hiding and see him, but he won't react until you pass his magical line.
well not really i played the doom it kinda scars u here and there but man iam buying that game cause of the graphics man ;)
I got kinda scared when I was in that room with the big growth and you hear the kids voice saying like "save me, save me"...
Then like 3 dudes teleport in!!!


Well, i think the real reason i got scared was because i was playing on ultra difficulty and i dropped to like 15 fps and it was choppin.
the game is no where near as scary as the orginal aliens game. that damn motion sensor beeping as things approached but could see gave me the willies......doom3 is not really scary as you get used to looking for baddies in corners.....I feel like an exterminator shining my flashlight in every corner looking for monster to waste....the only that scares is when monsters teleport in, but after the first couple of level you learn to expect one behind you when you see another teleport in front of you....kinda easy to pick up...also the sounds are the you can tell when a monster is in the room by just walking in and listening.....then its just a matter of you, your flashlight and how fast you switch between guns.
I have no doubt in my mind that there will be a heart attack death from this game in the coming months. Nothing scares me, and I've played all the so-called scary games out there - but Doom 3 made my heart jump several times in sheer panic.

That would be great publicity for id though, someone suing them because their family member died while playing it.
Bad Seed said:
I have no doubt in my mind that there will be a heart attack death from this game in the coming months.

There are people who have died of heart attacks playing Everquest. Turns out, sitting on your ass all day playing video games and drinking Red Bull isn't healthy for you.
Oops I crapped my pants! [vague SNL reference]

Yea startled is the word... not so much scared
Im shitting my pants, play all alone in your basement, lights all off with surround sound and im fucking creeped out, you have to play this game in the right atmosphere.
One of the things I was thinking they should have done is made the load screen a scare screen.

So you are sitting there watching the load screen in complete silence fill up. Its a mostly black screen. About 3/4's of the bar filled they should of pushed a loud demon scream through. That would of been great after sitting there in the silence.
mordeki said:
One of the things I was thinking they should have done is made the load screen a scare screen.

So you are sitting there watching the load screen in complete silence fill up. Its a mostly black screen. About 3/4's of the bar filled they should of pushed a loud demon scream through. That would of been great after sitting there in the silence.

that would be awesome :D