Dots on DOOM 3


Jul 9, 2004
For some reason white and red dots keep flashing all over my screen while I play. My settings are High Detail, 1280x1024, VSync On. The game runs well, but these dots keep flashing everywhere. In the shots it doesn't appear to be a lot but they come and go so fast (many times in a given second).
Any ideas? Is anyone else having this problem?

2.8 GHz Intel P4
P4C800-E Deluxe
2x512MB DDR400 Kingston
ATi RADEON 9800 Pro All-in-Wonder



I'm not sure if this has already been addressed. If so, sorry.
Only other time I have seen that is when overclocking a video card and its over the edge or in a video card that was dying. Both heat related. Hope that helps.
I'm not overclocking anything on my system.
Perhaps reduce my settings I guess?
Yep. This effect is usually caused by a stressed out GPU. Back off your GPU clock by about 5 Mhz and see if that helps. I had to take my 9800 pro down from stock (378 Mhz core) to 372 Mhz before the white/red snow went away. Not happy about being sold a card that won't do stock settings in a well ventilated case.
Lots of people are reporting that overclocking causes "snow and flakes" in Doom3. Return to stock clock if you're overclocking; downclock if you're not. It's strange that this problem mostly comes from people with 9800 Pro/XT?
This is artifacting. If you are overclocked, try returning it to stock speeds. If not, I would say that you are having overheating problem with your video ram chips. I was having the same issues and once I returned it to stock clock speeds it was fine (this was with my 9800Pro - I got my 6800GT late this morning).
i have a temp probe on my 9800 pro. 46 idle 55 load. When I get the game, I will post my temps. Maybe Doom 3 is pushing the videocard to high. I know Theif Deadly Shadows at one point caused my 9800 pro to go to 61!!!! Try taking the side panel of your case off.
yup, this is only affecting the 9800 series cards, posts in the Rage3D forums suggest "underclocking" your card
(Yo! ATI! time to get a fix for this, underclocking your video card is a VERY unacceptable "solution")
RagingSamster said:
yup, this is only affecting the 9800 series cards, posts in the Rage3D forums suggest "underclocking" your card
(Yo! ATI! time to get a fix for this, underclocking your video card is a VERY unacceptable "solution")

Well I guess that's what they mean when they say, "Nvidia: TWIMTBP"
mostly ATI USERS are having problems, ID software is taking revenge from ATI for leaking Beta game on E3
Weird. And, indeed unacceptable.
My room's AC is currently at 68F. And i have a rather good airflow in my case.

I've been pretty upset with ATi recently. I really wish they'd pick up the ball...
i had this problem (even worse than the screenshots here) with my 9800xt -- i fixed it by unchecking the "Overdrive" option (which is ATI's built-in overclocking option)
Does Far Cry have dots
Does Raven Sheild have dots
Does Painkiller have dots
Does Warcraft 3 have dots
Does NFSU have dots
Is Doom 3 the only game you have that has little white dots on screen?

I am glad when 1 game out of 1000 games has little white dots ITS THE VIDEO CARD MANUFACTURES FAULT!!! BURN IN HELL ATI OMG NVIDIA FOR DEH WIN!!! :rolleyes:
I was getting it really bad on my 9800XT. It was really overclocked, though. Backed off to stock speeds and it went away. Might try edging it up to see how high I can get it before it starts again.
I have a 9800 Pro video card and just noticed these red and white dots today after installing the 4.9 Doom3 drivers.
I don't remember having them with the 4.7's but maybe I just was not paying enough attention.
I am not overclocked at all and no other game does this. I refuse to underclock my expensive video card so I will have to find a solution soon.
yeah Farcry gave me minor artifacts while overclocking my 9800 pro and doom3 gives me serious ones.
i have a another box with 9800 pro running stock and 4.7s no dots no it was oc'd and first screen with mars was half white spots...runnning stock fixed it..
Same hear, had to bump down the core and mem speeds on my 9800 pro, but it went away and I am still OC'd right below XT speeds. I remember hearing Carmack or some other guy saying that this game will use parts of your vid card that no other game has used before...using transistors that have never been used before or something like that. Basically saying that the GPU is going to get a workout like no other game before it, and if you are OC'd then you might be stressing it too hard in this game.