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  1. G

    CPU Usage

  2. G

    System Instability

    Just to conclude this post (for others who have a similar problem and may stumble on it), it seems to have been the Hard Drive or the way it was configured. The system runs perfectly now. Also downloaded IDE drivers for my chipset which helped too.
  3. G

    System Instability

    Popped in a new HD. Fresh installed of WinXP Pro. The Hissing sound I was talking about I did not hear. And no freezes so far. (Im going to test World of Warcraft which is guaranteed to crash within 20 minutes if the computer is still not working). So I DL the latest nvidia drivers after...
  4. G

    System Instability

    Cant even get into windows anymore. Also when POSTing it takes a while for the HDs to be detected. Cant get into safe mode eihter. I would check the NB temp but I cant find it in the bios and hte program I use to monitor the temps w/ this mobo I need windows for. I have an extra 80 GB HD im...
  5. G

    System Instability

    been a while since I posted. I was having a bunch of problems with certain parts in the system so here are some new specs. Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 (RMAd the old one, this is new) AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 Corsair 2x1024MB C2 PC3200 BFG 6800GT 40 gig HD and 120 gig HD (both maxtor) using IDE...
  6. G

    Mobo misreading CPU temp

    Having a strange problem when starting up the computer. The CPU fan starts spinning and then after a while it stops. So I restarted the computer and went into the bios. The temperature of the CPU is listed as 1 deg. celsius. I would upgrade the bios but Im scared to leave the computer on for...
  7. G

    VGA to DVI, is it possible?

    Ive heard that VGA works better with some of those LCD TVs. In the newer ones (like from Samsung and Sony) they dont even come with DVI-D. Its HDMI, VGA, Component, Composite.
  8. G

    Powering up computer issue

    Yes, the computer does POST. Sorry I wasnt specific. Im going to try and swap the power supply to see if that helps. But with those components should 480W be enough to power the system?
  9. G

    Powering up computer issue

    Good Idea. Ill try that next. But, not really sure how powering the mobo outside the case would help tho. Btw. When playing games sometimes the game just halts for a little, maybe 5 seconds, and then I can resume play. There are also some graphical issues while playing. Think that...
  10. G

    Powering up computer issue

    Im having a very strange problem when trying to start up my computer. When I press the power button, the computer does not turn on. At first I thought I had the connector on backwards. But that isnt the case. So I keep pressing the power button, and as time goes by more components start to...
  11. G

    LCD TV Now or Later

    The TV is going in my pretty small room. Definitely dont have room for something that size. I was thinking maybe saving up a little more to get the 32" LCDs tho. Its not. 720p is just fine with me. Ill mostly be using this for console use, maybe watching tv, and eventually maybe my...
  12. G

    LCD TV Now or Later

    Ive done that. The one thing that dissapoints me about all the LCDs Ive seen is that when you look at low resolution signals (ie. nonHD tv broadcast), it looks REALLY bad. I havent seen the Sony LCDs display these kinds of signals but their Bravia KDLV26XBR1 has a 3D digital comb filter (I...
  13. G

    LCD TV Now or Later

    Thinking of buying a 26-32" LCD TV. Im not sure if there is a bunch of nice new stuff coming out in the next few months, or if I should just buy now. Suggestions? Samsung has a rating of 3000:1 on their contrast ratio which I do not believe. I read somehwere that its false and in truth is...
  14. G

    AMD Athlon 64 Crashes

    Nope Passes MemTest, I figured if the computer wasnt restarting, it wasnt an overheating problem, but I will check the temps. PSU is 480W... brand new. About voltages, I dont really touch the default voltages set by the bios. Never tried Prime95. Ill give it a shot. Thx, Ill give it a shot.
  15. G

    AMD Athlon 64 Crashes

    Are there known issues with 64 bit processors and crashes while playing games? Usually when playing one of the more recent games they tend to crash to desktop during gameplay giving errors. World of Warcraft, Half Life 2, etc. Using Windowns XP pro (32 bit version). Would the 64 bit version...
  16. G

    System Instability

    Specs: Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 AMD Ahtlon 64 FX-53 Kingmax 2x512MB PC3200 BFG geforce 6800 GT Maxtor 40 GB HD (1 partition) and 120 GB HD (2 partitions) (not using SATA) The computer is crashing/restarting a lot. Usually happens when I am playing a game. The system will just crash to the...
  17. G

    Linux = Lag

    Im having a lag issue with gentoo. Going thorugh a PCMCIA card for ehternet. /sbin/ifconfig Instead of: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 I get: UP BROADCAST NOTRAILERS MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 Stuff I ping usually results in a 66% packet loss.
  18. G

    "hitching" in HL2 with 6800GT

    On another forum I read that the stuttering problem was fixed for someone after they enabled compressed textures for their video card. Anybody know how to do this for an nvidia card?
  19. G

    "hitching" in HL2 with 6800GT

    Lowered textures to medium, still have it....lowering the settings does not get rid of it for me.
  20. G

    "hitching" in HL2 with 6800GT

    Also getting hitching. :( Tried 67.02s and didnt fix. Hardware specs below.
  21. G

    AN7 question!

    Yep, mobo works fine for me. Was having problems w/ older bios version and alarms going off when it wanted. Using bios version 17 and have no complaints.
  22. G

    Anyone skipping this generation?

    In my opinion this is a generation you will not want to skip. Half Life 2 alone makes upgrading completely worthwhile. As for what to upgrade, Im not sure since the ATI cards run i think 20% better than their nvidia counterpart (what i heard, not sure if its fact). Obviously a 6800gt will run...
  23. G

    Quiet and Cool Fans

    yep, have the correct air flow im pretty sure. Front to back. Top is blowing out
  24. G

    Quiet and Cool Fans

    My cpu is around 55C idle. I knwo thats waay too high. System specs are in the sig. Ive got a silentboost on the cpu, 1 fan in the back, 2 in the front, and 1 on top. Using a coolermaster praetorian. Anyways, thought I might change the stock fans that came with the case. Will changing the...
  25. G

    Catalyst 4.9b Doom 3 Drivers

    Anyone try these drivers out? Apparently they were created to optimise doom 3 performance. ATi also said that they dont support the dirvers at all, just want to mkae sure nobody is really having bad issues w/ these so i dont screw up something myself.
  26. G

    9800 XT Doom 3 Issues

    Thats the problem Im getting, the "snowy" effect. But if Im having this problem then every 9800xt user shoudl be having teh same problem no? theres got to be an easier fix. Something. Any suggestions please, this is incredibly annoying. thanks in advance
  27. G

    9800 XT Doom 3 Issues

    actually, im not overclocking and overdrive isnt enabled...i hope my card isnt defective. I dont ever remember having this problem before.
  28. G

    9800 XT Doom 3 Issues

    Using Catalyst 4.7 drivers and I am getting little white and other colored specs on rendering objects. For example someone will be walked and they will have those little specs on them at random spots moving around. I can see the person but they have these specs on them. Not sure if this is a...
  29. G

    Fan Controller

    Looking for a fan controller that controls 4+ fans. Was looking at the Vantec NXP-205 which looks pretty good. Any suggestions would be great. Also, are you not supposed to connect chipset fans to these?
  30. G

    Old Mobo/video card problem

    My friend is using an ABIT KR7A Raid w/ a Chaintech Geforce 4 Ti 4600. The video card was just destroyed after about a years use. Whenever the monitor is plugged into the video card everything displayed is screwed up (like an old nintendo game that needs cleaning). The same thing happened a...
  31. G

    Quiet Heatsink

    Sorry, usually when I refer to buying heatsinks im implying that its about the whole cpu cooler. Thanks for the replies. I really like the Zalman (but I think i might go with the 6000 instead)
  32. G

    Quiet Heatsink

    Forgot to say Im using an Athlon 1.4. That one does look nice, any other suggestions?
  33. G

    Quiet Heatsink

    Looking for a nice quiet cpu cooler. Im using a Thermaltake Silent Boost right now and its very good, but I need something for another computer and was wondering if there was something else that might be a little chepaer and quieter. Thanks.
  34. G

    Please Help!!!

    Now my CPU Usage is at a constant 100%. COOL!!! System Idle processes is at 0 (thought that was supposed to be at 99). explorer is at 70ish, System is 15ish, csrss.exe is like 15ish. Did scandisk, ran spybot.... no luck. What does SFC stand for?
  35. G

    Please Help!!!

    I dont even open emails unless I know who it is from. And Lofapoo it is not Windows working in the background because whenever I use windows w/o this happening i get usually 0% idle. It shoudl not be jumping. I use adaware to get rid of spyware and I use Norton for virus scan. Still having...
  36. G

    Please Help!!!

    Posted about this a while ago and the problem is back. The CPU usage in the task manager jumps from 0 - 40ish every 3 seconds while my system is idle. I had this problem previously and after formatting it went away but it just came back today. The process that is jumping is "System". It goes...
  37. G

    CPU Usage

    Its being taken up by "System". I DLed a gaobot remover from norton and it said gaobot was not on my system. So not really sure what virus it is.
  38. G

    CPU Usage

    Is this definitely gaobot?
  39. G

    CPU Usage

    Formatted my computer. Wasnt having any trouble until today and the same problem is occuring. Another computer on my network has the problem as well. Could that spread it to my newly formatted computer? Its jumping from 0 - 18% every few seconds. The process is "System".
  40. G

    CPU Usage

    did both. Still having problems.