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  1. D

    what settings do you usually play with?

    I play 1280X1024 max AA/AF on UT2k4 and hover around 30-40.
  2. D

    Not too impressed with my 9800pro. Any suggestions?

    You've never seen a 9700 reach 20k in 3DMark01? The guy over at Pimprig hit 24k on a 9700. :cool:
  3. D

    oh man... installing VGA silencer on 9800PRO

    We were just saying he should because he just got the card yesterday and he says he installed it properly.. no pics of proof..
  4. D

    blurry picture for radeon 9800 pro

    Mine look worse than that.. 9800 Pro but it's just crates.. nothing else seems wrong to me.
  5. D

    oh man... installing VGA silencer on 9800PRO

    Where did you get the card from?? Newegg has great RMA service if you got it there. :D
  6. D

    oh man... installing VGA silencer on 9800PRO

    Ouch.. sounds like you did something wrong... I don't know about that heatsink.. Do you have to make any extra holes in the PCB or what?
  7. D

    Fustrated with Ati & Gamma control

    Yea, I have the same problem with the gamma on the 9800 Pro... Already exchanged once so it's not the card.. Probably just the 4.2 drivers as the guy above stated.
  8. D

    Not too impressed with my 9800pro. Any suggestions?

    I can say that you will want to do this. I got a huge jump in performance out of my 9800 Pro by upgrading to an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe and O/C'ing my 2500+ to a 3200+ with 2X256 Kingston HyperX PC3200. This will increase your performance alot. ;)
  9. D

    ATI 9800 pro problems!

    Exchanged.. same result.. getting new mobo today.. ASUS Deluxe nForce2 chipset. ;)
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    ATI 9800 pro problems!

    I'm going to exchange today if that doesn't help trying a different mobo.
  11. D

    Dvd playback working poorly

    Video cards don't really change quality in playback of videos..
  12. D

    ATI 9800 pro problems!

    So you saying it could just be my card and go exchange it? I might do that tomorrow... :o
  13. D

    ATI 9800 pro problems!

    Already been done. ;) Also raised the AGP Voltage from 1.5 to 1.6 as advised by SOYO, which lowered my scores? I'm thinking myabe bad card.. I might just go exchange and if it's still the same just get a refund.. Any other advice is appreciated. I'm also going to be trying a different mobo when...
  14. D

    ATI 9800 pro problems!

    Yea I'm having the same problem with my Built By ATI 9800 Pro 128MB.. Bad FPS's and low benchmark scores. I've tried the Omega 4.2s and the regular 4.2s, I used Drive Cleaner before installing each... I dunno really what to do.. I'm about to take it back for a refund. Specs: AMD 2600+ Soyo...