Not too impressed with my 9800pro. Any suggestions?

Originally posted by Orbius
3dmark2003 shows Dx9 based benchmarks, 3dmark2003 engine is based on a game engine. Doesnt get any clearer than that 3dmark2003 gives a good indicator of how cards perform in Dx9.
Nvidia just didnt like that fact and cheated like pigs.

first off, your grammer is horrible. Now I'd like to go through the things you said one at a time......

3dmark2003 shows Dx9 based benchmarks
Umm, not quite. In fact, if I knew exactly what you were saying maybe it'd make more sense.....sheesh. :rolleyes:

3dmark2003 engine is based on a game engine.
Again, you're COMPLETELY wrong. 3dmark03 is nowhere close to representing anything on the market today will/does perform.

Doesnt get any clearer than that 3dmark2003 gives a good indicator of how cards perform in Dx9.
Again, you're so far off it isn't even funny. If you want a clear representation of DX9 game performance (in a benchmark).....go get Aquamark3. 3dmark03 isn't even close to showing true DX9 game's as synthetic for the video card as Sandra is for the CPU.

Nvidia just didnt like that fact and cheated like pigs.
You may be in a forum that is known to be slightly ATI biased.....but you're still way out of line saying that, learn your place.

I think all we have here is one more uninformed kid who thinks they can make a point by talking "big" and throwing falsified information in everyones faces.

That's too bad, we've already got so many of 'em. :rolleyes: ;)
Originally posted by PlaneCrazy
Yes, I am ordering another half gig of RAM soon..

Too much I want to buy!

512megs more of ram (for a total of 1gig) will not change your 3dmark scores at all. My even reduce them. You probably won't notice a bit of difference over all either unless you are opening huge files in photoshop. I bought a gig of good mushkin cas2 pc3500 to go in my gamebox, (previously had some corsair twin low latency cas2 512megs (2*256)) and once I realized it didn't make any improvement, I took that gig and put it in my graphics/email/trillian/play machine instead

did you reload directx9.0b by chance after upgrading? (probably fine but wouldn't hurt). As others have already said - don't worry about 3dmark benchmark results. If you were scoring LESS or not any better than before, I might start worrying. But just turn up the FSAA, play your games, and revel in the 9800pro goodness :)
The most important thing is make sure your motherboard AGP drivers are installed.

I bought my system a month or two ago, installed my nVidia ForceWare from the same video card I have. Loaded up 3Dmark01 and a few games and realized the better system ran slower than my old cr*p.

Looked up the motherboard CD and found out I needed to install the "4in1" AGP driver something or other. After I did that, everything was dandy.
Originally posted by Unit-0
The most important thing is make sure your motherboard AGP drivers are installed.

I bought my system a month or two ago, installed my nVidia ForceWare from the same video card I have. Loaded up 3Dmark01 and a few games and realized the better system ran slower than my old cr*p.

Looked up the motherboard CD and found out I needed to install the "4in1" AGP driver something or other. After I did that, everything was dandy.

heh yeah, I did this with my last shuttle. Trying to run 3dmark with the Cats installed but NOT the chipset drivers really doesn't make for the most pleasing score. :p

512megs more of ram (for a total of 1gig) will not change your 3dmark scores at all.

Again, I'm not saying they will. The only reason MINE went up 1500 is 'cus I was going from PC2100 up to PC4000.

Two of the areas I really notice a difference in having 1GB of ram is in load times for apps/games/windows and also in using Maya. If I've got a 2000 frame batch render going I have the ability to both FULLY make use of Hyper Threading and feed more ram to the process. I'll often see Maya sucking up 800MB of ram during renders.....just 'cus it's there.

So you see, I'm coming at this from a slightly different angle then more people. I rarely play games anymore, but I still see gains from the extra ram in other areas.....many of which some people will never experience.
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
first off, your grammer is horrible. Now I'd like to go through the things you said one at a time......

You may be in a forum that is known to be slightly ATI biased.....but you're still way out of line saying that, learn your place.

I think all we have here is one more uninformed kid who thinks they can make a point by talking "big" and throwing falsified information in everyones faces.

That's too bad, we've already got so many of 'em. :rolleyes: ;)

GrammAr, not grammer.

Its funny that you tell someone to learn their place, yet you call names like a child. Which is against the rules, fyi. How hypocritical.
Originally posted by fallguy
GrammAr, not grammer.

Its funny that you tell someone to learn their place, yet you call names like a child. Which is against the rules, fyi. How hypocritical.

Yeah well, so I wasn't AS professional as I could have been.....ah well. It's not like I make a habit of doing/saying things like that, but I've been getting a lot of this from people lately and it's starting to build up inside me.....I think I need to take a break. ;)
not looking for fps gain im looking for performence. im wanting to know switching to a nforce mobo with a gig of pc3200 is worth it.

im looking for an answer. i can probley get both for only 40 bucks ( using store credit and returning my sound card [ 60 $]) so is it worth it?
Originally posted by zoltan
im looking for an answer. i can probley get both for only 40 bucks ( using store credit and returning my sound card [ 60 $]) so is it worth it?

If you've got the money then the answer is a simple one word response.....YES. :cool:
thanks. ill go out tonight to see what they got. how are the "A7N8X" friend says its not quite as good as the NF7-S but its only n-force board they have at compusa.
Originally posted by zoltan
thanks. ill go out tonight to see what they got. how are the "A7N8X" friend says its not quite as good as the NF7-S but its only n-force board they have at compusa.

The A7N8X is still a very nice board, but the NF7-S has been unofficially declared the OC champion of nforce2 land. ;) :p
As for the upgrading from 512 to 1 gig.... yes it doesn't really increase your FPS, but it makes a very noticible difference in games & loading times, especially BF1942. When I only had 512mb RAM it would take forever for bf1942 to run smooth after it first loaded and when I closed the game, I sat through a nice 30second + memory dump. Now when I close bf1942, no more wait on the memory dump, and instant playability after a map loads. Great upgrade for me... gonna make sure my laptop gets up to a gig soon.
I can say that you will want to do this. I got a huge jump in performance out of my 9800 Pro by upgrading to an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe and O/C'ing my 2500+ to a 3200+ with 2X256 Kingston HyperX PC3200. This will increase your performance alot. ;)
Originally posted by Darksid3
I can say that you will want to do this. I got a huge jump in performance out of my 9800 Pro by upgrading to an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe and O/C'ing my 2500+ to a 3200+ with 2X256 Kingston HyperX PC3200. This will increase your performance alot. ;)

Of course it will, you're dealing with not only a hardware upgrade.....but a full system OC by bumping the FSB. Which is still slightly more then some people would like.

As for the upgrading from 512 to 1 gig.... yes it doesn't really increase your FPS, but it makes a very noticible difference in games & loading times, especially BF1942. When I only had 512mb RAM it would take forever for bf1942 to run smooth after it first loaded and when I closed the game, I sat through a nice 30second + memory dump. Now when I close bf1942, no more wait on the memory dump, and instant playability after a map loads. Great upgrade for me... gonna make sure my laptop gets up to a gig soon.

While I don't play BF1942, this is EXACTLY what I experienced when I doubled my ram to's so nice. Easily worth it indeed.
Originally posted by PlaneCrazy
I mean, it's a lot better than my 9600xt, but not the super crazy I was looking for. I was hoping for at least 20k in 3Dmark01 - but the best I could muster was a 15140 with it mildly OC'd. That's 2,000 over my 9600xt. The cards are both ATI brands and 128mb.

Am I doing something wrong? I DL'd the drivers off ATI site..

3Dmark03 I get barely 5,500, compared to 4,143 on my 96xt.

That sound right?! Something I may have done wrong or should do differently?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Heres what you do. Instead of comparing the numbers use them to calculate the percentage of increase you get.

Now if the program im using to get percentages is correct you are getting around 24.6727272727273% increase in 3dmark03 and 11.6686114352392% in 3dmark01

24% increase sounds pretty good to me but im no vid card expert
I might be wrong because im not good with math at all.
Here's a(nother) thought.....why not take a couple minutes to check on the ORB to see if you can find anyone with similar setups to you. Sure it's almost never apples to apples comparisons anymore.....but at least you can get SOME idea of where you should be.
I got the Arctic cooler (rev 2) last night, and put it on. I didn't notice much difference as far as the extent of OC'ing I could do with it. I thought that since it was cooler, it'd let me OC it just a bit more. Any truth to that? Or do I have to start volt-modding it to get higher Mhz? I also noticed that the CPU speed is way more forgiving as far as OC'ing than the RAM is.


Originally posted by PlaneCrazy
Not sure, I just ran the tests without changing any settings. I'll check it out when I get home. But I ran it the same as I did my 96xt.

And I know, I think I'm getting caught up int eh numbers too much :)

It does smoke the hell out of COD and Flight Sim 04!

nst6563 - neah, I think I'll keep it for a little while! :D

my GF4 smoeks the hell out of COD ..... :rolleyes: congrats :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Munka
my GF4 smoeks the hell out of COD ..... :rolleyes: congrats :rolleyes:

We're all very proud of you.

I wasn't saying that so it can be judged by that, I was just saying that I'm happy because it does. That's the game I'm playing mostly right now.

How does your GF4 do with MS FS04 with all the graphics on ultra high and a res of 1600x1200?
Originally posted by PlaneCrazy
We're all very proud of you.

I wasn't saying that so it can be judged by that, I was just saying that I'm happy because it does. That's the game I'm playing mostly right now.

How does your GF4 do with MS FS04 with all the graphics on ultra high and a res of 1600x1200?

Weird. My 9500np got 25k. That was just with wiz drivers, and no OC on the card. CPU was oc'ed to 3.1ghz. And I also ran the program stock like you. Weird...
Originally posted by Fatal
Weird. My 9500np got 25k. That was just with wiz drivers, and no OC on the card. CPU was oc'ed to 3.1ghz. And I also ran the program stock like you. Weird...


I'd really like to know what the rest of your setup was like for you to be hitting 25k with a 9500NP.....softmodded or not. We are talking about 3dmark2001 right??? I'd really like to see a comparison link for that project if it actually exists. :rolleyes: ;)

I can see maybe hitting 25k in Aquamark3 with a setup like that but when you look at my sig.....there's no way in hell you're outscoring me by 5,000 points with a 3.1GHz/softmodded 9500NP setup.
*Shrugs* I don't know what the hell I did. It was 6 months ago so it could of been 24-25K. I don't have my tornados running full speed anymore, so I couldn't do a test to see if it was just a fluke. Before I switch fans(or if) I'll run it again. 21k sounds like it would fit me, but my memory is saying 24-25k.
Originally posted by Fatal
*Shrugs* I don't know what the hell I did. It was 6 months ago so it could of been 24-25K. I don't have my tornados running full speed anymore, so I couldn't do a test to see if it was just a fluke. Before I switch fans(or if) I'll run it again. 21k sounds like it would fit me, but my memory is saying 24-25k.

Again, look at my sig/scores. THOSE are where they should be and I know what I'm doing with my system. There's no way in hell that you're going to be at 24k with a 3.1GHz P4 and an overclocked (softmodded) just isn't possible, I'm sorry.

I don't want to come right out and say that you're a lier but right now I don't know what else to say.....because that score is not possible with the system you're listing off and you have no link to prove it.

Dude, even 21k is WAY to high for what you're telling me you've got for a system.

I have seen ppl getting unrealistically high scores due to a bug in 3dmark or something (which very well may be) but again, there's NO WAY you attained a 24k score LEGIT in 3dmark with that system.

Nothing personal, but I'd really like to see proof.

** Note ** I don't usually consider myself close minded, but this is one of those cases where it's blatently obvious (if you know enough about what you're talking about) that something either is or isn't possible.
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
Again, look at my sig/scores. THOSE are where they should be and I know what I'm doing with my system. There's no way in hell that you're going to be at 24k with a 3.1GHz P4 and an overclocked (softmodded) just isn't possible, I'm sorry.

I don't want to come right out and say that you're a lier but right now I don't know what else to say.....because that score is not possible with the system you're listing off and you have no link to prove it.

Dude, even 21k is WAY to high for what you're telling me you've got for a system.

I have seen ppl getting unrealistically high scores due to a bug in 3dmark or something (which very well may be) but again, there's NO WAY you attained a 24k score LEGIT in 3dmark with that system.

Nothing personal, but I'd really like to see proof.

** Note ** I don't usually consider myself close minded, but this is one of those cases where it's blatently obvious (if you know enough about what you're talking about) that something either is or isn't possible.

I agree Corn, he must have made a mistake. Maybe just a rerun will clear his memory up.
Originally posted by creedAMD
I agree Corn, he must have made a mistake. Maybe just a rerun will clear his memory up.

Heh, good to see I'm not the only one with some sense to them. ;) :p
Originally posted by Fatal
*Shrugs* I don't know what the hell I did. It was 6 months ago so it could of been 24-25K. I don't have my tornados running full speed anymore, so I couldn't do a test to see if it was just a fluke. Before I switch fans(or if) I'll run it again. 21k sounds like it would fit me, but my memory is saying 24-25k.

My rig can hit 24-25 K.

A p4 with a modded 9500?


Find someone who believes that shit.....
Originally posted by Fatal
Weird. My 9500np got 25k. That was just with wiz drivers, and no OC on the card. CPU was oc'ed to 3.1ghz. And I also ran the program stock like you. Weird...

More like 15K.
Originally posted by ZigZagZeppelin
More like 15K.

Heh, that's a hell of a lot more believable then 25.....hell, I WISH I were at 25k. Sadly, it'll probly never happen with this rid, unless I still have this same system when I get the nv40 or r420 in a few months.....then it should be no problem. ;) :D
12832 with this rig running stock speeds. I'm sure the program must of just been buggy. No way 700mhz would of added that many more points to my score. Then again, pausing F@H gave me 2k points more. I am not going to back down though. I remeber reading 24-25k scores. Had to of been a glitch though.
Originally posted by Fatal
12832 with this rig running stock speeds. I'm sure the program must of just been buggy. No way 700mhz would of added that many more points to my score. Then again, pausing F@H gave me 2k points more. I am not going to back down though. I remeber reading 24-25k scores. Had to of been a glitch though.

heh maybe you turned down the resolution on 3dmark and forgot you did. I get a tad bit over 18k with my current rig... and I've seen other 9500np-> 9700 get in the 19's. Unless you had some 4ghz+ p4 EE... I don't see any 9500np (softmodded) coming near 25k.
You've never seen a 9700 reach 20k in 3DMark01?

The guy over at Pimprig hit 24k on a 9700. :cool:
I'm glad to see some closure coming to this. I agree that I have no idea how a score like that could ever come to be but I don't really think it matters how/why Fatal here thought otherwise. It's important that everyone isn't simply argueing about this for the sake of argueing.

I to have seen many 9700 setups hit 20k.....although the truth remains, that 25k is still a far bit in the distance for a rig like that. Oh well, one day. ;)