Fustrated with Ati & Gamma control


Oct 2, 2003
Am I the only one that has major issues with Ati's gamma/brightness controls when trying to play games?

I have tried, 3.9, 3.10, 4.1 (diablo2 crashes), 4.2 and yet everytime I try and play games its like I didn't even set any gamma/brightness in the control panel.

I really wouldn't mind except the games are pitch black. Hell even the 3dmark's are pitch black.

Is there any way around this besides going back to nvidia?

Yes, I have both the desktop and 3d color profiles set. My desktop looks fine but any game I play is pitch black.
I can assure you ati cards are not that way I have a 9800pro and it displays everything correctly. I would remove the drivers correctly and then reinstall the drivers. If that doesnt work I would re-install windows. If it still does that then your card is prob messed up and I would exchange it.
I removed the drivers in the add/remove applet in the control panel before switching to new drivers.

Also, 3.10 and 4.2 were on fresh installs with the computer in my sig.

Is there something else that I need to be removing that the add/remove programs applet doesnt do?
Mine does the same thing. At first I thought it was my 8500DV but when I hooked it up to my roomate's new Viewsonic or any of the monitors at work it ran fine. Are you sure it's not your monitor? I feel your pain man. All of my fullscreen 3D apps are the same way. It even shows jpgs dark too.

I will try to find a working monitor around here and see if there is a difference.

What really gets me, is that I can start a game of cs by like hosting a game myself and the gamma is perfect.

But, if I join a game the little 'Loading..' shows up bright and then bang it turns dark and from there in out its really really dark.

Just download Powerstrip and then you'll have hotkeys for gamma etc that actually work perfectly. Plus you can overclock with it and lock refresh rates etc. Really a useful tool.

The Cat 4.2's have broken gamma btw. So use 4.1 or earlier.
Yea, I have the same problem with the gamma on the 9800 Pro... Already exchanged once so it's not the card.. Probably just the 4.2 drivers as the guy above stated.
I set the 3d gamma to about 1.45 in the control panel (Omega 4.2's) and have had 0 gamma problems.


Mr. Pain