oh man... installing VGA silencer on 9800PRO


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2004
I just installed my new VGA silencer on my new 9800pro and i turned the system on and everything on the screen is garbled. im gonna try to put the old ati heatsink back on and hopefully it will work. :(
Ouch.. sounds like you did something wrong... I don't know about that heatsink.. Do you have to make any extra holes in the PCB or what?
Originally posted by HRslammR
this is why i'm beginning to turn anti-modding.

why because he effed up his heatsink installation?

if you are going to Mod something, you MUST understand what you are doing and the risks you take.

if you cant handle that dont mod!:rolleyes:

sucks you broke your card. was the heatsink making proper contact? did you damage the core in any way?
i cant think of what went wrong. it might have been when i tried to get the old heatsink off. cause you have to put the clips through the pcb holes and i had to push pretty hard and i had to clip it a certain way... i dunno, thats just my guess.
Well can I have it then?:D
I don't know why the clips would of had to of been pushed hard. I just squeezed mine with needle nose pliars and it went right through.
do you think compound on the chip could have done it? it got a little messy and some thermal compound dripped off the core onto the actual chip
it shouldn't have caused any issues as the thermal compound is non conductive...personaly I would put things back the way they were and go back to where you purchased it and say it worked for a day and now it doesn't...just make sure it looks STOCK or they will laugh you out of the store
Originally posted by gigglebyte
it shouldn't have caused any issues as the thermal compound is non conductive...personaly I would put things back the way they were and go back to where you purchased it and say it worked for a day and now it doesn't...just make sure it looks STOCK or they will laugh you out of the store

That's a bit unethical, but he's out quite a bit of $$. Go ahead and try it and see what happens.
yeah, normally, i wouldnt do it if but i JUST got this card yesterday, literally. It would be such a waste if i didnt. the place will probably just send it back to ATI and get a brand spankin new one anyway.
Where did you get the card from?? Newegg has great RMA service if you got it there. :D
No, lets NOT abuse NewEgg's great RMA policy. It really helps for those situations where you need it. You should be glad that they do it, not abuse it so they don't any longer.
If you* RMA something that you broke while modding or tweaking, go out back and kick your own sorry @$$ because you are a completely un-[H]ard, panty-waste, wannabe piece of $#|+! :mad:

Now, what were we talking about again?

*not directed at anyone in particular, just the sorry punks that drive up prices for the truly [H]ard.
We were just saying he should because he just got the card yesterday and he says he installed it properly.. no pics of proof..
Hal is right on this, if you break it then you should write it off as bad luck... You should only RMA something if it is a legitimate hardware defect and not something you have done your self.

It doesn't matter which company you buy from be it nvidia, ati, VIA or even intel, The size of the company or whether or not you like the company ( fanboy's ) doesn't matter since it's still wrong and it doesn't matter if you have had something for a day or a year, it's still not right.
Hal is right on this, if you break it then you should write it off as bad luck... You should only RMA something if it is a legitimate hardware defect and not something you have done your self.

Dude, shut the fuck up, your not his fucking parents.

Dave, consider this a very important lesson in modding. Just RMA the card this time but don't cheat the system again. I"ve done it before after I learned my lesson the first time in past scenarios as well.
No man, you messed up so be a man and just buy a new card.

If you RMA it, you are a [L]oser.

If you buy a new card, you are truly [H]ard and have grown wiser because of it :)
if i were you ...id rma it. but i would only do just that once because you just got it. i would be pretty pissed at myself. and being myself i know i cant afford to buy another card just like that.
this is why you do a burn in test BEFORE you mod. it may infact be a bad ati chip. but you are SOL now.
If you* RMA something that you broke while modding or tweaking, go out back and kick your own sorry @$$ because you are a completely un-[H]ard, panty-waste, wannabe piece of $#|+!

Now, what were we talking about again?
I just finished modding my Hercules 9800 Pro:

Results below:


I knew the risks I was taking. I've personally read more than one story about people killing their 9800 Pros while installing the VGA Silencer or simply putting a new heat sink on. It's amazing. I simply don't understand how people manage to kill their video cards. It's my understanding that people who buy expensive video cards are hard-core gamers and hard-core gamers for the most part have better than average hand-eye coordination.

But if I killed my video card, I would suck it up and buy a 9800XT - see how that works?
Originally posted by LordBritish
I just finished modding my Hercules 9800 Pro:

Results below:


I knew the risks I was taking. I've personally read more than one story about people killing their 9800 Pros while installing the VGA Silencer or simply putting a new heat sink on. It's amazing. I simply don't understand how people manage to kill their video cards. It's my understanding that people who buy expensive video cards are hard-core gamers and hard-core gamers for the most part have better than average hand-eye coordination.

But if I killed my video card, I would suck it up and buy a 9800XT - see how that works?

If you've done it succesfully then your one in a few. I know quite a few people that killed the firstcard they tryed to install that heatsinc on
My un-debateable, ineffable wisdom says RMA it, but don't try to do it twice.
Originally posted by LordBritish
No man, you messed up so be a man and just buy a new card.

If you RMA it, you are a [L]oser.

If you buy a new card, you are truly [H]ard and have grown wiser because of it :)


so if you are telling me that spending double the money makes me cool, and trying to cheat the system and scam ppl makes me a loser?

somethings fucked there

I can't believe this. It's NOT that hard to install this cooler, my friend, who has relatively large hands and fumbles things around, installed his without ANY problem. If you messed this up, maybe you shouldn't be working with electronics in the first place.

trying to cheat the system and scam ppl makes me a loser?

somethings fucked there

No, I think that makes perfect sense.
Originally posted by NightRaven

I can't believe this. It's NOT that hard to install this cooler, my friend, who has relatively large hands and fumbles things around, installed his without ANY problem. If you messed this up, maybe you shouldn't be working with electronics in the first place.

No, I think that makes perfect sense.

k then u're a loser,

thats what u are saying
something tells me that we have had enough personal attacks for one day..

RMA if you want to and cannot afford a new card..

do not RMA if you can afford a new card..

and its not about slapping new heatsinks.. I have heard horror stories about vga silencer installations too.. but never heard people complain about killing a card when they slapped a zalman or a thermaltake giant.. so it might as well be the silencer.. heck people doing 1U cooljag mods never say they killed their puppy..

something is fucked up w/ these coolers and i wouldnt recommend it to anyone!
The way I see it, it's wrong to return a product you broke.

Some of you folks have buggy ethics - needs reprogramming :)

It does not matter if you only had the product for a day or two - if you broke it while modding, it should be yours forever as memento of your [H]ardness and a lesson learnt !
Originally posted by LordBritish
The way I see it, it's wrong to return a product you broke.

Some of you folks have buggy ethics - needs reprogramming :)

It does not matter if you only had the product for a day or two - if you broke it while modding, it should be yours forever as memento of your [H]ardness and a lesson learnt !

as much as I agree w/ this statement but I know poor people who save for like a year to get a card.. now i dont know this dude.. but for that person.. if he visited this forum and suddenly got all excited about slapping a vga silencer and borked it.. i am sure he does not need to stay here to show his [H]ardness and cry for like another year that he didn't get a chance to play any new games or something.. better to return the card and make it a lesson for himself then torment his meagre soul to death ha!
a little bit off-topic;
How much do you think a 3D card cost to make (for exemple a 9800 Pro or 9800XT) for ATi? (without R&D i mean)
only the actual card itself.

Do we mostly pay for the their research and development?
Or does the actual hardware cost a good chunk of money to make
i'd say like 130, but thats me and I have no idea.

Yeaha some people have to save for a while to get a new card, and if something happens within the 1st few months, your fualt or not, RMA it. Yeaha its not eithcal, but its okay if not everyone does it. I really don't understand how the cool think to do is go and give a multi million doller copriration more money, and you become lame for trying to get another one. As long as you admit that you caused the problem, know its not right, and don't do it every time. I dun think that its really gonna hurt anyone.

No we ain't yer parents, if I were you, I would RMA it, make it look stock, but thats just me.
yeah... and for the people who complain about me returning the card, this is nothing different than using illegal copies of software. a lot of people use illegal versions of windows and photoshop and just about any program. That is probably a bigger problem than someone RMAing a video card.
Ok, so following this (fscked up) logic...

I can rob you at gunpoint and maybe beat you up a little because there are actual murders going on and muggings are really a much smaller problem. So long as everyone doesn't do it, or maybe if you only do it once (then learn your lesson), it's perfectly fine. Pure stupidity, hero.

**NEWS FLASH** Don't use warez, EITHER!

I mean, DUH, people. It's either right or wrong. Period.

It's not okay to steal, even if "it's from some big corporation with lots of money." Either way, you're a thief. If you can't afford to fry the PCB, leave it stock and enjoy it that way. If you can't afford a piece of software, get one of the free alternatives, don't friggin' steal it.

Bottom line, don't be a lazy, dead-beat drag on society and make someone else pay for your BS.

If you disagree with this, guess what? YOU'RE WRONG. Use your brain for something besides keeping your ears apart and figure it out.
When I built my first computer I'll admit, I probably didn't know what the hell I was doing... I ended up chipping my processor putting on a new HSF but the chip was soooo tiny I could have easily returned it saying that this was the way I got it shipped and Newegg would have returned it...

Not to mention I was probably like 17 at the time and I had spent like all of my money on my computer, but the thing is, I never thought for a second of returning it....I was just thinking how much I f'd up... Even though I didn't have the money at all to buy a new one I did...

Some people need to get their morals straightened up a little...If you return something YOU broke, you are stealing... Plain and simple... You just don't do that.... Man up to your mistake and take your losses...buy a new card even if you don't have enough money for the same one, get a cheaper one then....

ALSO: However you get a new card, I sure as hell hope you leave the damn thing the way it is if you can't handle the risks...
On a somewhat unrelated note, I was using my new powercolor 9800pro the other day, and all of a sudden BF1942 started artifacting out the ears, the machine shut down, and the 9800pro died.

Totally bone stock too. :(

I get a box from fedex, open it, install the card, play for two or three hours, foom, and feel depressed.

Now don't go telling me not to RMA this thing! :p
Originally posted by kleptophobiac
Now don't go telling me not to RMA this thing! :p

Don't you DARE RMA that card! :mad:


That's what you get for buying PowerColor, bro. :D
Originally posted by Icewindius
Dude, shut the fuck up, your not his fucking parents.

Dave, consider this a very important lesson in modding. Just RMA the card this time but don't cheat the system again. I"ve done it before after I learned my lesson the first time in past scenarios as well.

How about you stop telling people to shut the fuck up?

If you mess up your hardware through your own fault, you should take responsibility for it. There's no "oh, it's ok, this is your first time so go ahead and return it at the company's expense".

UPS tracking shows my VGA silencer will be here tomorrow... you can damn well bet if I fuck up my 9800 installing it tomorrow, I won't be RMA'ing it - I'll be shelling out for a brand new card.

God, just be a man and do what's right :|