what settings do you usually play with?


Sep 25, 2003
I just upgraded from a GF2 to a 9600XT, and next week a 9800 pro (when teh store gets some more in, I am going to do a direct xchange, I got the manager's approval) anyways just wondering what most of yuo use? AA/AF? what resolution? I am liking 1600* but I have tot urn off AA/AF to play it liek that, and Iremember reading that one of those was useless, AA or AF not sure, so I am just curious what most of you use while playing

oh.. my... GOD!

I do
1280x1024 max everything 4xAA 16AF
with Ut2k4 and I get around 20 fps on the assault level. Its beautiful as hell, but kinda skippy.
deathmatch, its never below 45
onslaught, goes as low as 20 only when zoomed
how the HELL do you play full blast HrslammR
I have R9800xt, [email protected], bh5blackII 1gb, and a Max3.
Tell me your secret SlammR, I'm dying.
why not lower the resolution on that thing to say 1024 by 768 and get more like 60 fps?


ps I go 800 by 600 in games because I like to get as much fps as possible with 2x AA enabled on my gf 2 gts Which is fine until I hit smoke in cs and then it shits down to 20 fps
Thanks for the replies guys.

Clean, see the thing is that I can play it on either two ways...one is 1024*, everything high, AA and AF maxed out, OR 1280* AA/AF mid way, OR 1600* and AA/AF off...

and I get good FPS on either one of those three, and I am unsure what to use :eek: thats why I am asking what people used, give me an idea of whats' better
Well I'd say check to see which looks the best to you and has the most stable fps...


PS in some games I can'te ven tell the diff between 1024 and 12
1280x1024 with 2x AA and 8x AF .. dont need any more than that and my frames stay high.
1600x1200, 4xaa, 8 or 16x af. On an Athlon64.

With your system, Leb_CRX, I'd run at 1600x1200, 2-4xaa, and 4-8-16xaf, depending. :)
i don't understand it. the assault map i get the worst FPS. yet in onslaught it's still playable... oh well.
Originally posted by HRslammR
i don't understand it. the assault map i get the worst FPS. yet in onslaught it's still playable... oh well.

LOT more world being rendered in assult... and it's all moving. A lot more moving parts too. More physics... etc.
Originally posted by lopoetve
With your system, Leb_CRX, I'd run at 1600x1200, 2-4xaa, and 4-8-16xaf, depending. :)

tried that, got about 50-60 FPS, not enough IMO :eek: i'm an FPS whoar...so I am running 2xaa, 8xaf. 1280...we'll see when the 9800 pro comes in :eek: :)
Originally posted by HRslammR
i don't understand it. the assault map i get the worst FPS. yet in onslaught it's still playable... oh well.

on Assault, I am lucky if I stay about 50 outside runnin 1280, 2*aa, 8*af...that map is death to video cards, I turn it down to 1024 when I play on that map

onslaught though I get 60+FPS and all the other ones too, just that one but as lopoetve said it's due to the physics of it
Originally posted by Catiaudo
Leb_Crx ? :mamoru: ?? !?!? ! 1

grand ma?!!?!!11one1!1?
Hmmm i play with AAX6 and AFx16

i never played with AA X6 before only X2...

with my old crap gf4 ti4400 i tryed to play with AA X4 and AF X8

the game didnt move

:mad: :confused:
I play all my games at 1280X960 with max details and 4xaa and 16x af. In my opinion that looks better than 1600X1200 with no aa/af.
I play at AA 2x or 4x and AF 16x at 1280x1024. I have to play at 1280 due to the fact that I have a 19" LCD and the native resolution is 1280. Everything works just fine for me though!
For fun:
1280x960 (if supported)
All settings on.

For competition:
All extra crap turned off.

Once they fix the UT2k4 bug in the new nvidia drivers I will use game profiles to turn on AA/AF on the games in the first category.
something's gotta be wrong on my system, I can't do that and play comfortably :eek:

I'll wait for the 9800 pro, probally pick it up tommorow during the day and give that a whirl :cool:
90% of my games I play 1024x768 with 4xAA and 8xAF. On NFSU I have to play it at 800x600 for it to be smooth with 4xaa 8xaf... some of the older games I'll play on 1280x1024.