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  1. T

    Great prices on MP3 players - 2GB Ipod Nano rip-off for only ~$45

    Than you have found yourself good value in turn making it a good deal. Personally I won't touch WMA at any kbps, but to each his own (I have heard that WMA can handle low bitrate better than MP3 and/or you might be better off at that bitrate).
  2. T

    Great prices on MP3 players - 2GB Ipod Nano rip-off for only ~$45

    I have a tendency to just throw whole albums on there and work my way through them as I'm working out. I also put demos/singles on there to check out new or independent artists, which can entail a lot of skipping. Like I said, I have nothing against these players; I just find that 2GB isn't...
  3. T

    Great prices on MP3 players - 2GB Ipod Nano rip-off for only ~$45

    QFT... I encode all my CDs at 192 VBR mp3 with lame. I get a great sound but it does take between 75-100Mb depending on the length of the album. I used to work at a used record store so my CD collection is in the couple of thousand CDs range (really easy to do when you are paying $2-4 an...
  4. T

    eVGA Geforce 7800GT $130 Refurb....

    Yes and No, VIVO = Video In Video Out Basically it has inputs for whatever you want to hook up to it, but it doesn't have a tuner. You could output it to your TV, but it will just be your desktop or whatever on the TV. I'm sure with the right software you could capture with it.
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    Battlefield 2142 $29.99 @ Fry's

    I've played Sandbox quite a few times. It is basically Gary's mod made multiplayer. Other than that I haven't touched any mods for BF2. <----Sandbox
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    Battlefield 2142 $29.99 @ Fry's

    And this is exactly why I won't outright discredit this game. I've heard this same exact thing from numerous people. Thanks for the honest opinion without the snipes. I'd give it a try for $20-30, but I have no Fry's locally.
  7. T

    Battlefield 2142 $29.99 @ Fry's

    Hey I agree with him here. When the largest game publisher on the planet decides they need to make extra money at the expense of their customers all I can see is greed. I've heard that they aren't all that intrusive, but that doesn't make it "right."
  8. T

    Battlefield 2142 $29.99 @ Fry's

    I don't know so much about this one. I really enjoyed BF2, more so than BF1 and Vietnam. It might have been an easier learning curve for me though, as I played little BF1 and quite a bit of Vietnam (and BF2 resembles Vietnam more than anything in my book). I can't say I play it much anymore, as...
  9. T

    Battlefield 2142 $29.99 @ Fry's

    I think he means Wolfenstein. :) In all honesty, back in the day they were all called Doom clones.
  10. T

    D-Link DGL-4300 $99 at Fry's

    Yes and no. I have had this router for about a year and a half now and am on Comcast in MN. The QoS will keep my ping in the 100-150 range while running torrents, but I prefer to sit at 50-75 so I shut them off. If you are playing WoW you will never notice the differnece, if you are sniping in...
  11. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    If you can't understand how higher resolution helps then I am not going to get anywhere in this conversation. I don't know what LCDs have to do with anything as I prefer the warmer feel of a CRT any day. If 1024 is fine by you then by all means stick with it. Call me when your HDTV blows your mind.
  12. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    And again that is at low res with no AA and no AF I'm sure. Low resolutions don't stress the video cards, they stress the cpu more (that is why you turn on AA and AF, make the image look better while putting the math back on the GPU). Clock that CPU down to about 2.4 or so and try to tell me you...
  13. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    Right off the F.E.A.R. website: Recommended Specifications: •Pentium(R) 4 3.0 GHz or equivalent processor •1 GB RAM •256 MB Radeon(R) 9800 Pro, GeForce(TM) 6600 or equivalent DirectX(R) 9 compliant video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader 2.0 support •Sound Blaster(R) X-Fi(TM)...
  14. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    I would go with a definite no.
  15. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    And there ya go. Vista is where the gaming industry is going. DX10 is where we are going to be in a year. Buying a new AGP card even at $200 a pop is a bad investment now. Especially if you consider the fact that you can get the same exact card in PCI-E for at least $50 less. If you are a gamer...
  16. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    I bought a 24' used Sony Trinitron CRT for $100 (you are in [H]otdeals). I run at 1600x1200@85 2-4AA and 4-8AF on most games. It has nothing to do with bragging rights. If you think AA and AF don't matter then that is an opinion that is misguided, especially if you are running @ 1024 or 800. The...
  17. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    I think your CPU/RAM would be a limiting factor here. I have a P4 3.2 Northy, 2GB Geil and a 6800 Ultra. When I bought my X850 XTPE and ran it on this same machine I didn't see a ton of difference. I couldn't justify $400 for such a small performance gain so I sold it, kept the 6800 Ultra and am...
  18. T

    For you AGP Hold outs

    If it makes any difference ATI's Linux drivers are absolute shit. I have a AIW9700 Pro, Radeon 8500 & 9600 and a x700 mobility in my lappy. The AIW is completely worthless in Linux having basic 3D acceleration and not much else. Gatos gives the AIW9700 the finger so no luck there. The 8500 and...
  19. T

    FS: InFocus 4805 Projector

    Just wanted to let everyone know I got the projector exactly how I expected. It is in great shape and I just got done playing about 5 hours of Halo 2 and the new Mortal Kombat on it. I've got 5 roommates and they were all completely blown away. The poster shipped the day I payed and it was here...
  20. T

    FS: InFocus 4805 Projector

    I think that maybe you should relax man. It really isn't that big of a deal. You are always welcome to go to ebay or buy a newer projector for not much more. If this guy decided, "Ok I decided I would rather keep my projector because I am absolutely in love with it," that would be perfectly...
  21. T

    FS: InFocus 4805 Projector

  22. T

    FS: InFocus 4805 Projector

    Looking for anything in trade? Would love to pick this up if the bulb only has 100 hours on it.
  23. T

    WTB: P4 Board 875/865 & DDR (not DDR2)

    I would prefer an Asus or an Abit. Doesn't need to be a IC7 or P4P or antyhing like that. I just need to put a 2.8B in it and an All-in-Wonder. Will entertain basically anything. I am only looking for 512MB and 1GB sticks of DDR (no 256 please). Nothing below DDR400 please. About the...
  24. T

    Warm: Zalman VF900-Cu GPU Heatsink - $35 @ Monarch

    It was $37.99, I had actually just bought one when I saw this. Sorry mate.
  25. T

    Warm: Zalman VF900-Cu GPU Heatsink - $35 @ Monarch

    $37.99 with free shipping at Newegg. I'd take Newegg shipping over Monarch any old day.
  26. T

    hot deal on ati AGP cards

    Hey that is an awesome site (aside from being TH). Thank you very much.
  27. T

    hot deal on ati AGP cards

    Hey I have a PNY 6800 Ultra that doesn't overclock well at all (even with a Zalman VF900 slapped on it). Would the X800XL be a step backward or forward for me? I've always preferred ATI cards but got the 6800 Ultra for christmas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  28. T

    City of Villains, $32.90 at

    Hmmm... Says $32.90 on the site, but when I add it to my cart it goes up to $39.99. That sucks.
  29. T

    1st deal...MGS3 for PS2 $14.99 and MP2 for GC $14.99

    Yeah, I had to pick up both. You can't really beat two top notch games for $34.11.
  30. T

    1st deal...MGS3 for PS2 $14.99 and MP2 for GC $14.99

    MGS3 is still up for me.
  31. T

    1st deal...MGS3 for PS2 $14.99 and MP2 for GC $14.99

    Damn, that went quick.
  32. T

    1st deal...MGS3 for PS2 $14.99 and MP2 for GC $14.99

    Saw this over on evilavatar and thought I'd post it here. I don't know how many of you would jump on this one, but seems pretty hot to me. Metroid Prime 2 for Gamecube $14.99: **DEAD** Metal Gear Solid 3 $14.99: Good deals on some great...
  33. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    Actually, has anyone heard anything about this RAM? Perhaps this RAM also. Seems to be the same stuff as the earlier posted RAM, just PC3500 instead of 3200. Any experiences?
  34. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    Yeah I dunno. My Crucial runs decently, but I think I will get some Geil. I'm starting to give a second look at the AI7 though. So confused. I am definately going with that Geil RAM though. Looks too sweet to pass up, and if I get a bad stick newegg will replace it. Really, thanks for all the...
  35. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    Yeah that Geil memory seems to be exactly what I am looking for. So as of right now it looks like I am going with the IS7 or AI7 and some Geil RAM. You pretty much convnced me to go 1GB. Just doesn't make sense to waste the extra cash waiting it out.
  36. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    BTW my Crucial runs at 160Mhz rock solid with loose memory settings. Ran my P4 1.6A at 2.4+Ghz for quite a while.
  37. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    Whoa awesome info here dude. Yeah I knew from the start this was gonna be a job. I am heading to a computer sale tonight, we'll see what they are showing down there. I knew from the start my RAM wasn't going to cut it, but I just need something to tide me over until I can really afford it. I...
  38. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    I'm gonna be air cooling, but I would like to hit at least 3ghz with my CPU. Do you think 2.8v will be enough for some decent RAM? I was thinking Geil for price, but have Heard good things about Corsair and Mushkin. Those last two are pretty fucking expensive though.
  39. T

    Best Abit board? IC7, IS7, AI7...confused.

    Well, as of right now, the IC-7 Max3 is $186 on newegg. It has onboard sound, SATA, RAID, Gigabit. Like I said, don't need any of it. I will take the SATA simply because I would love to get some Raptors down the line. The IC-7 gets rid of the lan (fine by me, plenty of Realtek cards lying...