1st deal...MGS3 for PS2 $14.99 and MP2 for GC $14.99


Apr 11, 2003
Saw this over on evilavatar and thought I'd post it here. I don't know how many of you would jump on this one, but seems pretty hot to me.

Metroid Prime 2 for Gamecube $14.99: **DEAD**

Metal Gear Solid 3 $14.99: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/240459.asp

Good deals on some great games, someone will enjoy this.
Damn I wanted MP2. It is no longer there. :(

Maybe I'll still buy MGS3 even though I haven't played any of the previous MGS.
Bah, I couldn't resist, I ordered MGS:3. I called my local EBGames and it was $19.99 there. I paid $18.28 after shipping and taxes online insteat of $21.51 after tax in store. Man I'm thrifty.
Yeah, I had to pick up both. You can't really beat two top notch games for $34.11.
Got my copy of MGS:3! I've been waiting a looooong time to play this. For $14.99, that time came now. :D
I so wanted Metroid Prime. :(

Already played MGS3:SE, pretty good game, though I don't play it all stealthy, I just rampage. :p