eVGA Geforce 7800GT $130 Refurb....

The only problem is that (evga) refurb cards only have a 1 year warranty instead of lifetime.
I wouldnt think they would all be refurbs, those returned step-up cards have to go somewhere. Great card at the price, Loved mine and I paid like $250 for it last year.

I was hoping this didn't get posted, because I'm saving up to buy one >_<

Oh well, it is one hell of a deal. Time to ask people if I can borrow some money :p
I don't think so.

I think they have the lifetime warrantee though, despite what pc299 said.
"Not to thread crap..."

You definently are thread crapping. How is that even relevant to this deal? Your card costs more anyways and is smeared in anything but oblivion, which it only beats the 7800GT by 3fps on average.

This is a [H]ot deal because these cards are normally around $300. The performance of your ATI card is completely irrevalent. Please do not thread crap, it is rude and obnoxious.
My friend bought one. He upgraded from a 6600gt to this 7800GT and absolutely loves it. He's thinking about buying another for SLi.
Mine's been struggling through the new Supreme Commander demo - and it's the CO edition, factory OCed to 470/1100 ... :rolleyes:
just don't get one of the 500/1500 7900GT cards. They have major issues with artifacting, (I'm on my second bad card, thank you lifetime warranty).

I don't think the 7800GT cards had the issues though, as the silicon wasn't pushed as hard by the board makers.
I had two 6600gt cards in SLI which were replaced by one 7800gt and it's over twice as fast as what I had before. I run everything maxed out with no probs whatsoever.

Great deal. I would get another for SLI but I'm cheap and lazy.
From eVGA:

Lifetime Warranty is for all retail Graphics Card and Mainboard products ending in the part numbers A, AR, AX, BR*, BX*, DR, DX, FR, FX, SG, SL, or S2.
* [Replacement products are shipped out as –BR or –BX and will carry the same lifetime warranty that your original purchase had based on your registration.]

Still, who's going to be depending on a 7800GT in a year, but I'd much rather buy a lovingly cared for card from one of you fine gentlemen and ladies here at [H] ;)
just don't get one of the 500/1500 7900GT cards. They have major issues with artifacting, (I'm on my second bad card, thank you lifetime warranty).

I don't think the 7800GT cards had the issues though, as the silicon wasn't pushed as hard by the board makers.

My 7800GTX has artifacts in Company of Heroes when you zoom way in, is that what you are talking about?
I bought a refurbished 7800GT last month for $125 and am loving it. I play WOW at full settings on my 20.1" Dell. BF2/2142 look great at medium, and UT2k4 is stellar at full settings.

Great for most gamers who don't need to be on the bleeding edge.

I havent had any problems with my 7800gt from EVGA. So tempting to pick up a second one..
My 7800GTX has artifacts in Company of Heroes when you zoom way in, is that what you are talking about?

I doubt it... I had a first gen 7900GT that had bad memory myself... it's anything 3dish being messed up, discolored, jaggies throughout the screen, stuff like that. You'd see it in everything 3d, not just specific apps/settings.
Mine's been struggling through the new Supreme Commander demo - and it's the CO edition, factory OCed to 470/1100 ... :rolleyes:

How so? I'm running a 6600GT right now and was looking at this as a cheap upgrade for Supreme Commander. What resolution are you running at?
"Not to thread crap..."

You definently are thread crapping. How is that even relevant to this deal? Your card costs more anyways and is smeared in anything but oblivion, which it only beats the 7800GT by 3fps on average.

This is a [H]ot deal because these cards are normally around $300. The performance of your ATI card is completely irrevalent. Please do not thread crap, it is rude and obnoxious.

7800gt is hardly $300. Considering that the 7950gt can be had for $189 New. I don't know where you get your facts at all. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814186006
I was talking about MSRP, not retail AR. Rebates suck.

Newegg is almost always cheaper than most places anyways, look for how much a 7800GT is on other sites. This is a good deal, at least a warm one. So stop thread crapping :rolleyes:
How's a 7800GT compare to a 7900GS, or overclocked 7900GS?

If it's slower than my 7800GTX, i don't think I'd pay $130 for a refurbished one, when x1950s are $165.
I was talking about MSRP, not retail AR. Rebates suck.

Newegg is almost always cheaper than most places anyways, look for how much a 7800GT is on other sites. This is a good deal, at least a warm one. So stop thread crapping :rolleyes:

How is point out facts thread crapping? 7800gt is nowhere close to $300 on any other big name sites
this has vivo, does that mean it will work with MCE or vista's media center? I dont play games, but i do some photoshoping, watching movies, and i would like to be able to video capture.
this has vivo, does that mean it will work with MCE or vista's media center? I dont play games, but i do some photoshoping, watching movies, and i would like to be able to video capture.

Yes and No, VIVO = Video In Video Out

Basically it has inputs for whatever you want to hook up to it, but it doesn't have a tuner. You could output it to your TV, but it will just be your desktop or whatever on the TV. I'm sure with the right software you could capture with it.
Do you think its worth buying one of these? If I am looking to spend 100-130$ on a new video card is the best bang for my buck? Also, does anyone know more of the specifics if you get a bad refurb? I heard its like 30 days through newegg, but if you send in the warrenty card that comes with the unit youget a lifetime through the company, and I heard they have great, fast clear-english speakings customer service reps...