FS: InFocus 4805 Projector

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Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 3, 2002
I bought this thing as a refurb 1 year ago with the intent of setting up a nice home theater, but I no longer have much, if any, free time. I've been using it to watch movies in my bedroom by projecting onto a wall, and the bulb has about 100 hours on it. I paid $600 when I bought it, so I'm looking to sell it for around $350, shipping included...negotiable. If I remember correctly, this is the same projector Steve and Kyle used in their budget "massive video gaming screen" setup. I have no Heatware or eBay feedback, so I'll just be using my reputation on this forum as collateral.

I'm at work now, so I'll post pictures when I get home, including the exact number of hours on the bulb. I'll also try to confirm my suspicion that it's no longer under warranty.

[edit 1]
Whoops, here's my eBay account...only 3 feedback though, I rarely trade / sell over the internet. http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=contramil&items=-1&item=-1&de=off
Looking for anything in trade? Would love to pick this up if the bulb only has 100 hours on it.
DDR2 RAM is pretty much the only thing I'd be willing to trade for it, not looking for anything else...well, or an X2 CPU. Plus -some- cash, of course. :)




In case you can't read it, that says there's 116 hours on the bulb.
You're looking at about an average of 3000 hours per bulb, if you run it on high power...the 116 hours that I've put on it thus far have been on the low power setting, which probably doesn't make that big of a difference, but helps a little bit.

Bulbs for this projector cost $339 direct from InFocus. I don't know if they are sold elsewhere or, if they are, whether they're cheaper. I would imagine the answer to both would be yes.
the estimated life is 3000 hours but from what I understand it's hit or miss...the colors could change dramatically before those 3000 hours. Regardless, bump for an awesome deal on a sweet projector
Sooo tempting, im moving and wont know what i have left for $$ til the dust settles lol

You missed a bump, above was bump 1/3, now you said Last bump, you still got one more to go :D

HAve you played any game consoles on it? if you have how was it?
Haha yeah, I decided to just forego the second to last bump. And yes, about 20 of those hours were from playing Shadow of the Colossus and Gran Turismo 4 on it. GT4 doesn't look as good as you would expect in 1080i, but Shadow of the Colossus looks really nice at 480 (or was it 720?)P. Looking to have this sold by Friday, highest offer is currently 320, I'll cover shipping.
This kid is not to be trusted! He is why:

I've been begging this kid to take my $350 for two days now. He gave some lame excuse as to why he didn't want to sell it to me. He told me he didn't trust me because I am a new user. I sent him a link to my ebay profile. I told him I'd pay him instantly via paypal.
In his last email he was using profanity. I doubt I deserved that. All I want is to give him $350 for the project. Simple. So ask yourself, why won't he take it?

He is either

1) stupid


2) a scammer.

Either way, I wouldn't trust him. In fact here is the exact dialog:

Hi, I just saw your thread for the infocus projector. I know you said you would negotiate, so what are you looking to get for it?


Probably not too much lower...the amount of flexibility was intended to be determined by the amount of interest I received in the item, which turned out to be more than I was expecting. So 350 or slightly below would be what it would go for.

Originally Posted by Bad Karma
Oh, and what comes with it?

No offense dude, but the projector is more or less sold to somebody who started messaging me about it roughly an hour or two after I first posted the thread. Sorry.

Originally Posted by finalgt
Originally Posted by Bad Karma
Oh, and what comes with it?

No offense dude, but the projector is more or less sold to somebody who started messaging me about it roughly an hour or two after I first posted the thread. Sorry.

Well has he paid yet? I'll pay you right now. You made no mention of that to me, so how would I know?

No, he hasn't paid yet. But he's showed interest in the sale from the get-go, and it would be doing him dirty to sell it out from under him...also, he's an established member of the forum, whereas you've made two posts in 2 months, one of which was in my thread. I'm just playing it safe here, sorry.

Originally Posted by Bad Karma
Why are you still bumping? You told me it is "pretty much" sold.

Listen, do you want $350 in your hand or not?

Praytell, why is your other account not active any more? Were you banned? It's that sort of thing that makes me very cautious, especially when you're pressuring me to take your money. You don't need to be concerned with this any more.

Originally Posted by Bad Karma
For someone who wants to sell something, you sure don't act like it. I'm starting to think your the one not to be trusted. How about this:



How about, I'm ignoring you, so stop sending me PMs. I've tried to explain this to you nicely, but instead you try pressuring me into selling you something. "For someone who wants to sell something, you sure don't act like it?" Who the fuck are you talking to? This is the end of this dialogue.

I'm sorry I had to post these, but I believe it is in the best intrest of everyone's safety.
Oh, and I forgot, we all know these go for around $500 on ebay all day long, so why isn't he selling it there?

He has an ebay account, we all know that. Something doesn't add up.

Mods: If I'm overstepping my boundries I'm sorry, but when you say, "hey, I'll buy that right now", and the seller doesn't sell, something is wrong.
Bad Karma said:
no offense, but I would do the same thing in his shoes.

He told you to hold off because he has a buyer who has been interested before you. So basically, it is pending, but not sold. When I have items pending, I still bump my thread in case anything happens, I may still have more interested parties if a sale falls through. I think lots of people do. That doesn't mean I don't tell people it's pending, but he did tell you. That doesn't give you the right to try to pressure him to sell to you just because you can pay faster.

Plus I don't blame him for wanting to deal with someone who has been around for a while.

edit: Just to make myself abundantly clear... this post was by no means intended to be a thread crap. While I do not think that this is necessarily the proper place for this kind of commentary, I feel it was necessary to counter the accusations made against the seller. I was trying to defend the seller and help, not ruin his thread. I hope that is how it is seen. :)

I also discourage further bickering about this. If anyone has a problem, they should PM a mod or admin and leave this thread alone.
In my opinion you are overstepping your boundries and to be honest you come off like a major asshole, and I sure as hell wouldn't sell to you either. No one in their right mind would in his situation either.
No one would sell to someone who gave an ebay account with 180 positive feebacks, and who would pay instantly? :confused:

I'm sorry, I thought I was in a FOR SALE forum. I guess not. I guess I'm the a hole for wanting to buy something an offering cash instantly.

Guess I'll leave. :(
Bad Karma said:
No one would sell to someone who gave an ebay account with 180 positive feebacks, and who would pay instantly? :confused:

I'm sorry, I thought I was in a FOR SALE forum. I guess not. I guess I'm the a hole for wanting to buy something an offering cash instantly.

Guess I'll leave. :(

I think that maybe you should relax man. It really isn't that big of a deal. You are always welcome to go to ebay or buy a newer projector for not much more. If this guy decided, "Ok I decided I would rather keep my projector because I am absolutely in love with it," that would be perfectly fine. Just let him sell it and try to be positive with the situation. Offer him something the other guy hasn't, but do it positively.

In a forum where you are doing faceless transactions you as a buyer need to be able to sell yourself, as that is all anyone has to go by. Your ebay account is a good start, but your attitude takes away from it.
Ok, I see your point, but it isn't like I started out with an attitude. I offered to buy it, and pretty much, he lied to me. He told me someone else was buying it, and then would come here and bump.

If he would have just said, "hey man, give me your number", or "lets give our contact info to the mods for verificaton" I would have gladly accepted.

To say that I'm the only one who hasn't acted correctly in this situation is just wrong.

Also, I've sold over 230 items on ebay, so I know what it is like to be a seller, and how to deal with buyers. I can tell you with complete confidence that he didn't handle the situation correctly.

I'm sorry no one else sees my side of it.

Bad Karma said:
Ok, I see your point, but it isn't like I started out with an attitude. I offered to buy it, and pretty much, he lied to me. He told me someone else was buying it, and then would come here and bump.

If he would have just said, "hey man, give me your number", or "lets give our contact info to the mods for verificaton" I would have gladly accepted.

To say that I'm the only one who hasn't acted correctly in this situation is just wrong.

Also, I've sold over 230 items on ebay, so I know what it is like to be a seller, and how to deal with buyers. I can tell you with complete confidence that he didn't handle the situation correctly.

I'm sorry no one else sees my side of it.


I am very sorry you see it this way. From my experience of this forum, this is a friendly for sale/trade forum and nobody is here to cut anybody's throat. We are here to sale/buy/trade stuff where the seller and buyer agree on the terms.
swtaznsorjai said:
I am very sorry you see it this way. From my experience of this forum, this is a friendly for sale/trade forum and nobody is here to cut anybody's throat. We are here to sale/buy/trade stuff where the seller and buyer agree on the terms.

He could have told me to wait and see if the other guy pays. He didn't do that. I could have given my info to the admins for verification, he didn't ask for that.

Would you guys be a little curious as to why? To top it off he lied to me. What is that? :confused:
well, he did say this. This is pretty much an indication that it is pending.

"No offense dude, but the projector is more or less sold to somebody who started messaging me about it roughly an hour or two after I first posted the thread. Sorry."
swtaznsorjai said:
well, he did say this. This is pretty much an indication that it is pending.

"No offense dude, but the projector is more or less sold to somebody who started messaging me about it roughly an hour or two after I first posted the thread. Sorry."

He did. But you have to put that into context. I had already PM'ed him twice, and he PM'ed me back twice. I wish I was, but I'm not a mind reader. He bascially baited me, got my hopes up, and then said F off. Wouldnt' that piss you off? And for what? Becuase I'm a noobie? That situation could have been easily handled.

I mean, look at his last post...he has an offer for $320 (not mine) and he'll wait until friday. I thought auctions weren't aloud here? Either he sells to that guy or not. He wants more money. The crazy part is I offered more and then he didn't want it.

I'm sorry, if you put all of this together it is just plain fishy. That is all I am saying.
Nice projector, hopefully someday I'll get around to setting up a home theater with one ;)

To Bad Karma,

If he said that someone was already interested in it, he is still within his rights to bump the thread.

I've personally had issues with some people on this board and others that get upset becuase I don't sell items to them just because they offer to pay first. I view it as within my rights to work with people on a first come, first serve basis based on interested and not willingness to pay quickly.

For example, I was selling a laptop and had been communicating with a buyer that was interested but needed more information and a little time to get his funds together. Another buyer jumped in and said he would pay immediately. I told him I was waiting on the other buyer to decide and if he didn't want it then the second person could have a go. When I sold it to the first, the new guy got all upset and started sending me nasty PMs.

Not everyone believes that throwing money around means you get what you want. Selling on Ebay is slightly different also since you are putting it up for auction and the highest bidder gets the item (or they pay the "buy now" price which means it goes to the first one that pays the cash). On these forums, and any other For Sale forum, things can be handled with a more "personal" way of doing things instead of just looking at who wants to hand over the green.
farscapesg1 said:
Nice projector, hopefully someday I'll get around to setting up a home theater with one ;)

To Bad Karma,

If he said that someone was already interested in it, he is still within his rights to bump the thread.

I've personally had issues with some people on this board and others that get upset becuase I don't sell items to them just because they offer to pay first. I view it as within my rights to work with people on a first come, first serve basis based on interested and not willingness to pay quickly.

For example, I was selling a laptop and had been communicating with a buyer that was interested but needed more information and a little time to get his funds together. Another buyer jumped in and said he would pay immediately. I told him I was waiting on the other buyer to decide and if he didn't want it then the second person could have a go. When I sold it to the first, the new guy got all upset and started sending me nasty PMs.

Not everyone believes that throwing money around means you get what you want. Selling on Ebay is slightly different also since you are putting it up for auction and the highest bidder gets the item (or they pay the "buy now" price which means it goes to the first one that pays the cash). On these forums, and any other For Sale forum, things can be handled with a more "personal" way of doing things instead of just looking at who wants to hand over the green.

I understand this part of it, and what all of you are saying. But for some reason, you aren't getting what I'm saying.

He never (at first) told me someone else had dibs on it. If he did, I would have said, "cool, let me know if the other guy doesn't pay". He lead me on.

Two, He didn't like the fact that I was a noob, but didn't give me a chance to provide him with my phone number so we could talk.

Three, telling someone that the thing is sold, and then still bumping a thread is shady at best.

Four, in his last post he admitted an offer for $320 but he would wait. So no, he isn't working off of a first come first serve basis. In all honesty, given what he has said, we really have no idea what he is doing or wants.

I'm sorry, it must just be me, but when someone offers me exactly what I want, cash in bank account, I take it. To do otherwise means something fishy is going on plain and simple.

Edit- in your example you said you told the second guy about the pending sale. You told him. This guy waited two PMs before he told me. If he would have done what you did, that would have been honorable. What he did, wasn't. To top it off he used profanity.
Okay, let's clarify things a little. I put this on the [H], instead of eBay, to give the members of a community of which I am a member a chance to get it before I give it to some random guy on the internet. That is more or less the reason why we have a FS / FT forum, correct? Well, I particularly don't appreciate somebody who had one post 2 months ago coming into my thread and telling me, hey, I have the money, you -have- to sell it to me. Um, no. That isn't how this works. The price I'm offering is lower than I would have even started it from on eBay, once again, as a way of helping out other members of the forum. I'm under no obligation to sell you anything, so I particularly don't appreciate repeated commands - not polite requests, but strongarm pressure - to sell you something. And you're right, I swore, that wasn't very professional of me. You know what also isn't professional? Strongarming people and pressuring them into selling you what you want. Your handle is pretty well ironic, and I would like you to remove yourself from this thread.

As a side note, it's true, I am not experienced at selling things online. I said as much in the original topic. But to exploit any loophole I've left open for myself like a lawyer would, particularly when I'm under absolutely no obligation to do anything for you, is infuriating, and has soured the experience for me. Thanks, chief.
Tying up some loose ends, and if all of the people currently interested decide not to buy, I'll put it on eBay. I'll be sure to remember the fine print for the next act of kindness. :rolleyes:
Just wanted to let everyone know I got the projector exactly how I expected. It is in great shape and I just got done playing about 5 hours of Halo 2 and the new Mortal Kombat on it. I've got 5 roommates and they were all completely blown away. The poster shipped the day I payed and it was here in no time. I could not be happier with my purchase and would do business with finalgt again without a second thought. Thanks for the great experience finalgt.
And that's the end of that chapter. Thanks for the good words btw, for my part I would also recommend doing business with total, though not many will see this.
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