Battlefield 2142 $29.99 @ Fry's


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
I'd have hot premarital sex with this deal if it weren't for EA charging for that piddly booster-pack after having the gall to put in-game advertisements in and still charge full price for the regular game.

Boycott EA.
I recommend trying the demo out. I almost bought it but tried the MP demo first, thankfully. It's totally different than BF2... its like a UT2004 knockoff IMO.
Ok KIDS let's not fight and get off topic.. I was just stating what it felt like to me after playing the demo (pretty much the same thing as full game). I played the exclusive "Titan mode" which is REALLY like UT.
Does UT have...
customizable kits?
command hierarchy and squad-based game play?

Every game is going to have some features the look similar to another game that has come before it. Calling BF2142 a knockoff of UT would be like calling all FPS games a knockoff of the original Doom.
Does UT have...
customizable kits?
command hierarchy and squad-based game play?

Every game is going to have some features the look similar to another game that has come before it. Calling BF2142 a knockoff of UT would be like calling all FPS games a knockoff of the original Doom.

I don't know why you seem so defensive over this game? It feels like UT when you play it... and they released it way too soon, that's why BF2 still has more than two times as many players.

BF1942 was good, the first exp.. meh, decent... the second seemed to come out right after the first.. crap. Then the game died.

BF2 was really good and had a lot more features over 1942 that made it stand out so of course bought it @ $50 and still continue to play it because it's damn good and they don't mess up the patches toooo much :p .

2142 was rushed and seems half-assed overall, barely anything new and unique to the game. That's why I won't ever buy it, $50, $20, even free!... I wouldn't even install it probably. If I was going to play that, I'd rather play UT2004.

Again, I recommend checking out the demo first to save yourself some money incase you don't like it.

....Now that you have dissected my short opinion... :cool: :p
I don't know why you seem so defensive over this game? It feels like UT when you play it... and they released it way too soon, that's why BF2 still has more than two times as many players.

BF1942 was good, the first exp.. meh, decent... the second seemed to come out right after the first.. crap. Then the game died.

BF2 was really good and had a lot more features over 1942 that made it stand out so of course bought it @ $50 and still continue to play it because it's damn good and they don't mess up the patches toooo much :p .

2142 was rushed and seems half-assed overall, barely anything new and unique to the game. That's why I won't ever buy it, $50, $20, even free!... I wouldn't even install it probably. If I was going to play that, I'd rather play UT2004.

Again, I recommend checking out the demo first to save yourself some money incase you don't like it.

....Now that you have dissected my short opinion... :cool: :p

BF2 was shat out the door early for no particularly good reason, other than to bring in the Benjamins. EA appears to have really not encouraged independent modding with it either...Which sucks, as there's so much potential that could be tapped. (though that could be said upon its release as well)

I don't think the demo captures quite enough of the potential of the full game, (limited/no upgrades) at least from what I've seen.

I still prefer Desert Combat (which was free)...Pity it seems very few play it anymore.
BF2 was shat out the door early for no particularly good reason, other than to bring in the Benjamins. EA appears to have really not encouraged independent modding with it either...Which sucks, as there's so much potential that could be tapped. (though that could be said upon its release as well)

I don't think the demo captures quite enough of the potential of the full game, (limited/no upgrades) at least from what I've seen.

I still prefer Desert Combat (which was free)...Pity it seems very few play it anymore.

I don't know so much about this one. I really enjoyed BF2, more so than BF1 and Vietnam. It might have been an easier learning curve for me though, as I played little BF1 and quite a bit of Vietnam (and BF2 resembles Vietnam more than anything in my book). I can't say I play it much anymore, as I haven't done much PC gaming since Christmas (got a 360 from the girl), but I logged a ton of hours on BF2. Now I played BF2142 a little bit, and could not get into it at all. It did absolutely nothing to take me away from BF2 (even with it's glaring faults, which there are argument there) but I can't say it is a worthless game. I can say from the friends I have that do play it that the in game advertisements are not a big deal, but the game is in need of some patching (EA games always are). One thing my friends made sure to note is that the demo for BF2142 does absolutely nothing to represent the fun of the full game.

I prefer BF2 on my Xbox 360 personally, but that isn't a common opinion.
I'd have hot premarital sex with this deal if it weren't for EA charging for that piddly booster-pack after having the gall to put in-game advertisements in and still charge full price for the regular game.

Boycott EA.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
would you like some cheese with that whine?

Hey I agree with him here. When the largest game publisher on the planet decides they need to make extra money at the expense of their customers all I can see is greed. I've heard that they aren't all that intrusive, but that doesn't make it "right."
I don't think the demo captures quite enough of the potential of the full game, (limited/no upgrades) at least from what I've seen.

* = 1 star

Beta: ** 1 map (good), unlocks
Demo: 1/2 * Lame map, no unlocks
Full Game: **** 3-4 great maps, lots of unlocks

Beta: ** 1 map (good), unlocks
Demo: 1/2 * Lame map, no unlocks
Full Game: **** 3-4 great maps, lots of unlocks

* = 1 star


And this is exactly why I won't outright discredit this game. I've heard this same exact thing from numerous people. Thanks for the honest opinion without the snipes.

I'd give it a try for $20-30, but I have no Fry's locally.
I played the demo and was really left wanting.

Are there any good bf2 mods that have ppl playing them?
I just went and got a Arizona Republic and looked in the Fry's section and this is not there. Sucks.
Its a 3 star game from me. I think its better than many, but still a step back from BF2. I see what they were trying to do, but they just did not accomplish it as well.

I do like however that more time in gamewith more unlocks does yield a better player / more satisfying gameplay.
BF1942 w/ desert combat was byfar the best mod ever made for myself. I loved that damn game. Had the best flying chopper control to date of any game.

BF_V was horrible!

BF2 was O.K. but I hate the wussy controls for the jets and choppers.

BF2142 I like alot so far. For some odd reason I really like playing it. I started playing it at alpha stage and by final release i loved it. As far as pushing advertising, I could care less b/c I eat or buy most of the crap advertised already. The fact that they snuck it into the code, pisses me off!

FYI: Northern Alliance expansion will be free!!

Woohoo I made it onto the combat testing team! Now I get to test more alpha and beta code..I love working Q/C..

Waiting for Huxley, Quake Wars, UT2007 and Spore. I hate RPG's but Spore looks so damn neat!