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  1. H

    Computer thinks theres two installs of windows

    I deleted the partition, created a new partition, file system, and reinstalled.
  2. H

    Computer thinks theres two installs of windows

    Hi just reformatted my sister's laptop because it was overloaded with viruses and spyware. I did my normal process of reformatting, but when I was done after every startup it displays two window xp installations. When I click the 2nd one it says its corrupt. How do I remove the 2nd...
  3. H

    Burned discs are being read...

  4. H

    Switching Harddrives

  5. H

    3 key limit in keyboard

    I constantly have my finger on "W" and I tap or hold a combination of the cursors, "A", "D", spacebar and ctrl.
  6. H

    3 key limit in keyboard

    I use my keyboard to fly in BF1942 and I need to use 4 keys. Everytime I try to use more than 3 my mobo beeps and my controls freeze until I let go. Is this a limitation of my keyboard? Would buying another one solve this problem? I have a free Compaq keyboard that came with that AmEx...
  7. H

    Does video card matter in windows?

    Like say Geforce 4 MX vs 6800GT in windows with exact same system specs other then the video card. This is for windows performance not game performance. Will the one with 6800GT be faster? I thought not, but this EE major was trying to convince me otherwise.
  8. H

    My harddrive just disappeared...

    The harddrive is attached to a pci ide card and during boot up the pci card shows it detects that harddrive. For some reason windows wont recognize that harddrive though. Im at a lost on how to fix this. This is the harddrive that is not being detected in my computer even though its detected...
  9. H

    .img Files

    I have a .img file and daemon-tools wont mount it. Is there a way to extract its contents or mount it to a virtual drive? Seems like the only way I can play it is by burning it a a dvd.
  10. H

    FX5200 vs 9200SE

    I believe he only plays cs some times.
  11. H

    FX5200 vs 9200SE

    POWERCOLOR ATI RADEON 9600PRO Video Card, 128MB DDR, 128-bit, $125.00 Shuttle "AN35N-Ultra" nForce2 Ultra 400 -RETAIL $54.00 AMD Athlon XP 2500+ "Barton" 1.83ghz - Retail $80.00 Kingston ValueRAM 512MB(256MBx2) DDR PC-3200 $93.00 Lite-On Black 16X DVD-ROM, Model SOHD-167T, OEM $29.50...
  12. H

    FX5200 vs 9200SE

    I recommended 9600 pro at first, but it was too much. He kept asking me to go lower and lower so I ended up with either 9200se or FX5200 ________________________________________________________________ In that review the scores...
  13. H

    FX5200 vs 9200SE

    Im building a budget computer for a friend. Which one is better? Both of them I can get for $50.
  14. H

    Vivendi are not being smart by holding release of HALFLIFE2

    Thats what you said in the first post. This aint a fucking essay, you dont have to reinstate your point. :rolleyes:
  15. H

    First one Flashed my vid card

    no problem homie
  16. H

    WoW Beta emails being sent out now

    pm grantford
  17. H

    Burned discs are being read...

    My firmware is at 1.06. It shouldnt be the Riteks...I specifcally bought them because I heard they are one of the bests...:mad:
  18. H

    Burned discs are being read...

    I have a NEC 2500A and Riteks from newegg. These disc are just normal data storage disc burned in nero. One of them is burned in "multisession" and another isnt. Both discs arent being identified by my dvd-rom drive or the actual dvdr drive that burned it........ The drives sees the discs as not...
  19. H

    Aero 7+ or Silent boost heatsink?

    I just want to be able to keep my current clock of 145x11.5.:o While being as quiet as possible.
  20. H

    Aero 7+ or Silent boost heatsink?

    would you guys pick the : Coolermaster Aero 7 $28 Has rpm adjuster or Thermaltake Silent Boost $27 Its a little quieter then the aer
  21. H

    Connector pin

    I have this connector pin that "lifted" off the pcb of the hd. If I touch the pin its loose and I think I need to solder it back on. The area to solder is really small and I was wondering if this is possible. Im also wondering what kind of problems will I have if I run the hd with one...
  22. H

    Cant access friend's hd

    My friend's main drive was not working, he wanted to transfer files to my 200gb hd and reformat. It is a slave to my primary drive, windows detects the drive but does not assign it a drive letter.
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    Switching Harddrives

    WHat are permission issues? Im the admin so dont know if that helps. How would i disble simpe file sharing and take ownership if files?
  24. H

    Switching Harddrives

    I have two hd's on one ide channel. Will their be any complications or loss of data if I switch the slave hard drive with my friends hd then after doing what I need to do I switch back to my original slave?:confused:
  25. H

    Cant get onboard audio to work...

    I have AC97 audio and it wont work. I installed the latest drivers and enabled it through the bios. It is a MSi KT3 Ultra. I have a feeling im doing something wrong because when I set up my sister's comp, which used a Albatron mobo, I couldnt get the onboard nic or audio to work either...
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    VIETCONG for PC....Play it

    Had really bad clipping issues. Like the vietcong running with their only their head sticking up...and my squad was like that...
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    Backspace speed...

    I just got a new keyboard and noticed that when I old the backspace to delete a long sentance, it moves slower then my hold keyboard. Is there a way to change this speed?
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    FREE: Compaq Keyboard/w smartcard reader

    OMG THX I JUST ORDED A KABILLION OF EACH....THX :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  29. H

    Stuck in CoD where a walkthrough wont help...glitch?

    I remember I couldnt finish that mission also...until I found the basement..:p
  30. H

    Stuck in CoD where a walkthrough wont help...glitch?

    did you check the basement?
  31. H

    I will never play Q3 again...

    I remember the Punkbuster developers was all crying about how Valve and Sierra wasnt supporting them... so they moved over to another game:p
  32. H

    Athlon 64 MB now or wait?

    Im should you...:D
  33. H

    Liveupdate aint updating...

    I cant install a update for Norton System Works because the file it will replace is being used by norton. I alt ctrl del and tried to end the norton processes, but they wont end. I went to safe mode and ran Liveupdate and it still gets the same error. I checked the processes and none of the...
  34. H

    Need for speed; under ground sucks!

    I quit after constantly seeing the comp car catching up even though I was hitting my turns perfectly...