Burned discs are being read...


Limp Gawd
May 19, 2002
I have a NEC 2500A and Riteks from newegg. These disc are just normal data storage disc burned in nero. One of them is burned in "multisession" and another isnt. Both discs arent being identified by my dvd-rom drive or the actual dvdr drive that burned it........ The drives sees the discs as not being in the drive at all....

wtf is wrong with these discs...
Get DVDInfoPro, get the media code from DVD. Head over to DVDRhelp.com and search the media code in reference to your burner, see if there are any compatability problems. Go to Herries and look up the new firmware (I think it is up to 1.06 for the 2500) and see if that helps. Firmware upgrades are a snap.

I have not been impressed with the latest Ritek media.
My firmware is at 1.06. It shouldnt be the Riteks...I specifcally bought them because I heard they are one of the bests...:mad: