Stuck in CoD where a walkthrough wont help...glitch?


Fully [H]
Oct 9, 2002
Ok so I'm on [2.4.5] - [ P A V L O V ] part where I take over the 6 story apartment building. After I kill everyone I have to do this part:

5. Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor.
- After you kill all of the people in the building, head to the fourth floor
and meet up with sergeant Pavlov.

I hit tab to check my objectives and everything is checked but that one. Ok so I head up to the fourth floor, he's there and all he does is look at me and then run around after a bit...I run back up to him and he looks at me some more...nothin happens at all...i shoot at him and nothing happens...any clues?
Check your compass thingy, it will point you to your next objective. I think that there are a couple of soldiers that you have to kill in the basement... can't remember exactly.
Originally posted by NowhereMan
Check your compass thingy, it will point you to your next objective. I think that there are a couple of soldiers that you have to kill in the basement... can't remember exactly.

Yeah I think I had a similar problem on that level. It turned out that there were 1 or 2 rogue soldiers that I missed on the way up, and that's what kept me from finishing. Do a clean sweep of every floor, and make sure all of the enemy soldiers are killed.
arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...this is very frustrating...

I did what you sugested and did a thorow (sp? thorougho) walk though of each floor of the apoartment building and found noone. I went to where my compass told me to go (on the fourth floor) and still nothing. On the check list is says I acomplished taking over the building so everyone must be dead....i'm at a loss...
Originally posted by hyperion916
did you check the basement?
yeah...theres 2 sections of the basement that i covered and nothing it possible to make it to the roof? I have no clue whats going on
allrighty well i picked a saved game from a mission before and i played it oer and this time i got past that point...I seriously dont know what was different about this time through than the last but it worked...oh well...thanks to everyone for their help
I just got this glitch lastnight playing COD. I finished the game in Regular mode and decided to start again in Hardened mode. I got as far as the level where you and a squad drop down over this wall to take out a couple of mortar placements. I don't remember the name of the level but it's really early on in the game. It's the one right before you get into the car and take off.

Anyway, I've killed all of the enemy soldiers and the only thing on my task list is to regroup with the captain and get into the car. Well, the captain keeps hiding in the one building and looking out every now and then. If I go up to him he just looks at me but that's it. I can't get past this spot. I've tried reloading that level to no avail. I've searched the area several times to make sure no enemy is still about that I didn't know about. I've thrown grenades all over the place and into that silo that you can't get into to make sure no enemy was hiding up there. No matter what I can't get past this because the stupid captain won't talk to me then get into the damn car.

I haven't tried to back to a previous save yet and doing that level all over again so I'll try that tonight. On a side note, since I was stuck I decided to shoot both the captain and the private that survive that area. It takes a lot of shots to the head to kill those guys and then I never really killed them. Instead it just fades out the level and says that friendly fire will not be tolerated.

Even with this little glitch I love the game.