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  1. F

    SSD Trim now confirmed working in RAID 0

    can anyone tell me what driver I need for the Rampage Extreme IV to get trim support? Any help would be great.
  2. F

    Max Payne 3 -- When Rockstar 'pushes the envelope'

    I love the way the game ended. I hate muilt it just sucks including the spawn points.
  3. F

    Max Payne 3 -- When Rockstar 'pushes the envelope'

    This game is bad ass.. I'm loving every sec of it.
  4. F

    Let's speculate when the 7 series will see a price drop!

    Hope soon. I want to xFire my 7990s.
  5. F

    Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

    Im having a bitch ass time connecting to servers wth BF3. I'm on a fiber connection so I'm not sure whats up but it takes me like 8 tries to get on a server. Any ideas?
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    ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

    I pulled all USB devices and it still locks up in DOS. I'm running the lastest bios 1101. The mouse and keyboard work in the BIOS but has even locked in the UEFI. I RMA'ed the ram I was using and that comes back today. I'm really hoping that fixes the issue. If I have to RMA the motherboard how...
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    ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

    Just mouse and Keyboard via USB. The system is at stock and all USB ports are affected.
  8. F

    ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

    I'm having my system drop USB power and freeze. I can't for the love of me, figure out what's causing it. I have seen other people with the same type of problem but no real discussion on how to fix it.
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    MLK to Blueray best program?

    I’m looking for the best program to convert MLK files to Blueray. Do you guys have any recommendations in terms of programs? It would be nice to have one that converts and burns also.
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    3930 Overclock Results

    I'm just curious whatever ones 3930 are clocked at right now? I'm at 4.8 @ around 67 C.
  11. F

    3930K C1 and C2 stepping numbers?

    You're correct.
  12. F

    ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

    I tired downloading AII Suite from asus and it just fails. I take it I'm missing something?
  13. F

    Battlefield 3: Where is everybody!?

    Add me: CSUCI-DejaVu
  14. F

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Well lets look at this way. If a 7990 is going to be 850 why spend the money to crossfire at 1100-1200? I think it will have to drop at some point at least a little. I think Kepler will only make this price drop more drastic.
  15. F

    ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

    For some reason I cant get the Asus utilities to install for x64? Anyone else had this problem?
  16. F

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    That's what Im dying to know. When Kepler is released these will drop in price.
  17. F

    Asus Rampage IV Raid Software

    Can anyone provide the link to download the raid management software within windows for the x79 chipset?
  18. F

    3930k C2 news?

    Guys I see like 3 places that had it in stock over the weekend. Where were you?
  19. F

    79xx owners running Battlefield 3

    Can anyone tell me the command to show FPS?
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    ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

    What Ult can I download to allow me to look at fan speeds/cpu temp within windows?
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    3930k C2 news?

    I got mine today from NCIX US and it was a C2.
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    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II in Crossfire, bad idea?

    Would it be a bad idea to run ASUS 7970 DirectCU II in crossfire? Im just thinking about the temps of the first card not being able to suck up air? Has anyone does this yet?
  23. F

    3930k C2 news?

    That was quick.
  24. F

    3930k C2 news?

    About time.. Where is it shipping from?
  25. F

    3930k C2 news?

    I bought the last one from NCIX US. I called them to confirm tracking and stock and he told me. He also told me it's a C2. Just FYI
  26. F

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Has anyone yet run these in crossfire? If so what temps are you getting?
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    3930k C2 news?

    I would return it why spend the 400 bucks?
  28. F

    3930k C2 news?

    Others have plenty of stock but newegg still has no stock, interesting.
  29. F

    Where are the 2550k's?

    Intel do you know when Newegg 600 3930 order might be recieved?
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    3930k C2 news?

    I really hope that all these retailers finally receiving stock means Newegg will soon be also.
  31. F

    3930k C2 news?

    I hope Newegg gets some new stock next week.
  32. F

    3930k C2 news?

    There was no way it was 600.. It was OOS in 3 mins.
  33. F

    3930k C2 news?

    FML.. I ordered it but it was shipping from NJ.. so I voided my order to do overnight shipping and it was
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    3930k C2 news?

    Damn we were on top of it. lol
  35. F

    3930k C2 news?

    Newegg has them in stock right now
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    3930k C2 news?

    I told myself until next Friday. If its not in stock Im going to pull the trigger.
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    3930k C2 news?

    This is the way I look at it, Newegg once they have the 3930 might be a combo purchase. I already have everything I need so lets say its 150 bucks extra to get the CPU. I could have my system built for only 250 more dollars.
  38. F

    3930k C2 news?

    I heard Newegg has C2.
  39. F

    3930k C2 news?

    I know for a fact that Newegg has 600 on order. I hope they get them soon that's all I ask.