3930k C2 news?

I'm guessing the one's that directron and superbiiz are assumed to be C2 stepping?
C2 on water cooling...1.53 Vcore in bios with high LLC.

5200Mhz+ so far

Probly will go higher with cold
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Still in stock at Superbiiz for $690 and directron for $654.99.

I'm going to keep waiting for prices to fall a bit more. At least the inventory situation is clearly improving.
Newegg has the price that people will pay if they're not completely desperate, plus combos if you want to save a little bit (though again looks like its not required). Microcenter sells at 600 as well if you can get a hold of it. These businesses are taking advantage of the fact that stock is limited, all businesses do it, not any different this time heres hoping we get some more in stock asap.
That's one of the reasons why I just bought a goddamn 3960X. At least I know I bought it close to retail.
Ordered a little while ago from NCIX US. Already got the tracking number and serial number. $20 upcharge on a $600 part isn't too bad. Couldn't keep waiting for NewEgg with no clue when it would be available.
Ordered a little while ago from NCIX US. Already got the tracking number and serial number. $20 upcharge on a $600 part isn't too bad. Couldn't keep waiting for NewEgg with no clue when it would be available.

Well, crap. I knew this would happen once I decided to just say fuck it and get a 3960X. Sigh...return it to Amazon or just keep it...
Ordered a little while ago from NCIX US. Already got the tracking number and serial number. $20 upcharge on a $600 part isn't too bad. Couldn't keep waiting for NewEgg with no clue when it would be available.

Do you know if it's C2 or C1? Let us know when you get it.
Do you know if it's C2 or C1? Let us know when you get it.

Any 3930k shipping from a major online retailer at this point is almost guaranteed to be C2. Only the 3960X will still have C1 steppings in circulation for a while longer since they never sold out like the 3930k did.
NCIX US is out of stock now apparently -- I thought about pulling the trigger earlier but again decided to wait :p
I ended up getting my 3930k from nixs and a bunch of other stuff from amazon.
I spent a lot more than I had intended but what the heck, it's been almost 3 years sence my last major upgrade
Ncix is showing available stock. I bought the other day and recieved my tracking number a few minutes ago.
Ncix is showing available stock. I bought the other day and recieved my tracking number a few minutes ago.

I bought the last one from NCIX US. I called them to confirm tracking and stock and he told me. He also told me it's a C2. Just FYI
I can't believe i missed it while playing super meat boy.... didn't get an email though, so its still on auto-notification. Sigh.

I swear i had just checked at around 3 my time, and then decided that i'd play a game or something to pass the time... 3 min later, in stock. This is ridiculous.
I can't believe i missed it while playing super meat boy.... didn't get an email though, so its still on auto-notification. Sigh.

I swear i had just checked at around 3 my time, and then decided that i'd play a game or something to pass the time... 3 min later, in stock. This is ridiculous.

Yea, no kidding. I was in a lame meeting in my office and so didn't check the email when I heard "ding". At this rate I need to set a special sound for JUST Newegg emails.

I wonder how many of these Newegg even had. Thursday's stock sold out in like 3 minutes.
Anyone want to buy new unused rampage extreme board. Im giving up on getting one
In stock at Newegg. I just bought it, or so the invoice says :p



I was at work when I got the e-mail saying it was in stock. :(

I just got home 20 minutes ago, checked Gmail, and there was the notification it was in stock. Clicked on it and it says Auto-Notify. Dangit!

Bah, I'll try again in a week or two.

Maybe I'll just get it from Amazon.com, pay the price hike, and wait two months for it.
I was at work when I got the e-mail saying it was in stock. :(

I just got home 20 minutes ago, checked Gmail, and there was the notification it was in stock. Clicked on it and it says Auto-Notify. Dangit!

Bah, I'll try again in a week or two.

Maybe I'll just get it from Amazon.com, pay the price hike, and wait two months for it.

I would like to think that 1-2 months is an over-estimate. Surely they're getting stock in and filling backorders...has ANYONE gotten one from this method though?

That said, it is extremely irritating that Newegg doesn't do backorders. I would've ordered it 2 months ago and patiently waited, knowing that when stock came in I'd be in the line. The crapshoot of auto-notify is really absurd.
That said, it is extremely irritating that Newegg doesn't do backorders.

Agreed. It does seem strange -- I'd surely have done the same. I just lucked out and happened to visit that page at the right time. I never even received the auto-notify.

Newegg still lists my order as "Processing." I hope they don't fuck with me on it. :( They've put a hold on the credit card for the appropriate amount anyway.
Wow, just got this in an e-mail from scw:

"Unfortunately according to our distribution center Intel has actually pushed back their delivery and they are giving us an estimated delivery of March 24th at this time."

Placed the order for all the original parts on 12/8/2011. Pretty crazy...
auto notify is a very slow system. I think the system just checks periodically and is not informed of new arrivals. To be the fastest you need to have some luck and just be looking for the item when it arrives if it is in high demand.
This feels like trying to win an eBay auction-- you would probably have to be at the computer spamming F5 seeing if your bid sticks until the auction ends. :p
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