ASUS Official X79 Motherboards Support Thread

Its too late now, but you never answered if you had the MSU installed and showing in Programs (Marvel Storage Utility for their HDD SSD controller) When installed it makes a "crackling sound". I couldnt believe it when I saw it on a forum and installed it and sure enough it made the RT a horrible mess. Not the Marvel driver - the Marvel Win 7 controller sw

I didn't have that installed. I just downloaded all the drivers from Asus for this board and that must not have been included. At least I don't recall that I unchecked any boxes or anything. Given what you've described, I'll try to make do without it :) I've only got three hard drivers at the moment, and although I plan to add a RAID array in the future, I don't think I'll go with the onboard stuff for that.
One other interesting thing: this board runs "hotter" than the old one. CPU-Z reports a +0.05 CPU VCORE or so. The voltage discrepancy seems real: Prime95 temperatures are hotter -- not just the CPU, but the other circuitry. The Sabertooth X79 has a separate "VCORE" temperature sensor on the motherboard that was also reading +8C or so compared to before. I suppose these readings could all be biased in the same direction for some reason, but probably not too likely. Fascinating.
The last thing I would ever do is use the in box CD and just load up everything in sight. Those days are long gone. Its now UEFI time.

As far as your post, the only thing I can think of there is that you might have had dif ship bios on the replacement. When ASUS does the bios redo thingy its for better useage\compatibility of CPU as one goal, usually as far as overclocking is concerned. Unlike other mobo manuf they are obsessed with being the fastest.

Another thing they change is what "auto" or enabled/disabled means in bios settings.

If you had same ship bios on both mobo then I wouldnt know what to say about your issue. I do think the X79 was a rushed, not ready for prime time chipset and they are frantically trying to make it work as promised.
Well, all I installed were the drivers -- it's either that, or a bunch of "unrecognized devices" in device manager. The drivers on the Asus site seem to be current anyway. The RealTek ones, for example, are identical to those from RealTek. Besides, if something doesn't work out, I can always just get rid of it. Note that I did not install all of Asus's utilities :) Just drivers.

Regarding temperatures, the BIOS revisions were identical. 0906 is the latest, and both motherboards have a sticker on them saying as much. I checked that specifically when I installed them.

As for the x79, I wouldn't argue there :)
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Its not the "approved way". Its my way.

Intel mobo means nothing - same chipset same drivers
Yep you will be very lucky if it goes well.
These issues are KNOWN, admitted bugs in the ship bios/ship RSTe (CD)

If you dont believe me, just go to and download the release notes for the (the one after One fix after another describing EXACTLY was was posted on the forums as probs.

Whats wrong with doing it the USB way?

But you could try your luck, be my guest

Installed Win 7 x64 on a P9X79 WS with two Kingston Hyperx SSDs in Raid 0 from NTFS USB as you suggested. Bios 0802 and RSTe 3020. Only problem was that I had to install the F6 driver with "Repair" because of the non-signed driver.
yeah, 3002003 prob woulnt give you that
3003020 is not on any ASUS mobo website
But 3020 has lots more bug fixes and well worth it.
And as a matter of fact the 301.1716 has been scrubbed from the internet and I mean SCRUBBED! I have 6 PC out there with those drivers loaded. They prob will cause fires and burn peoples houses down.

Intel is just such a mess now, no longer golden perfection. Its a whole new ballgame. The IB has now been pushed ahead 8 weeks (not talkin bout laptops)

Havent tried it yet but Win 7 Toolkit streamer might be the ticket
Getyasome has uploaded an SP1 Win 7 update pack that has them all - documented and undocumented about 434MB. Takes an hour to install them. Been wanting to make an integrated Win 7 SP1 ISO with them all and the RSTe etc. Would be interesting if the toolbox streamed Win 7 works for those damn unsigned X64 drivers. When I get some free time we shall see.
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Hi, just wondering if any/all of the Asus X79 boards have confirmed support for vt-d with the 3820 or c2 stepping 3930/60s? I'd like to know for sure before picking up one, as there was a of back and forth with some of the other chipsets. Thanks!
Has anyone else noticed WEIRDNESS with the voltage of VCORE on P9X79 PRO?

For example, I have the P9X79 PRO, and 3930K. I have it running at 100 x 48, 4.8Ghz. Cooled by Corsair H80. Powered by Corsair AX850 (Seasonic)
I am also running 4x4GB Gskill DDR3-2133@2133 using XMP profile.
In the bios I have the VCORE set to Offset mode, and +0.050v.
In the bios this shows up as ~1.25v
When I get home from work I can post up screenshots of the bios and all my settings.

However, in windows, Using the Asus Suite thing and the Turbo V app, it shows it being set at 1.3v, BUT CPU-Z AND the actual voltage monitor show ~1.39v. (Actually sometimes Turbo V shows 1.3v and some time it shows 1.2v or 1.4v. It seems to be different on different bootups, even if I dont change the voltage in the bios!?)

What is going on? What is my cpu running at?
FWIW, it is prime stable with a Corsair H80 on medium fan speed and getting 75-79C temps. Doing folding it gets 65-70C. This is at 4.8Ghz.

I am a little confused as to why Kyle and Dan have had such a hard time overclocking the X79 cpus? I can easily boot to windows at 5Ghz and I bet with some more tweaking I can get my system prime stable at 5Ghz also. Maybe I just have a golden chip? As I seem to need a LOT less voltage than most people... Kyle even uses a fairly nice Koolance waterblock in his overclocking attempts, which I am sure is a better setup than my H80, which IMHO is pretty good but not amazing or anything.
ALSO, in their Rampage IV review, you can see the voltage weirdness, they mention it but dont really delve into it (they report it being set at 1.375v in the BIOS but in the CPU-Z screenshot it displays 1.528v) In my experience the CPU-Z voltage always matches the voltage reported in the Asus monitor.

So, my biggest question is about the different voltages reported, and what is actually right.

Also I am kinda interested to see what kinda results other people get with S2011 cpu's as far as overclocking, and how much voltage they had to use??
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I have two drives that I would like to put into raid 0 using the motherboad ports (not the Marvel raid). This is in a system that has the Win7-64 already installed. Is it possible to install the raid drivers in an installed OS? If so, how is it done and which drivers from the Asus site should I use? I ask which ones because there a few that are labeled as raid drivers and is not clear which ones to use.
The Intel chipset 6 SATA ports are governed by what mode you put in bios. Its either all AHCI or all RAID. You can however put a single drive (s) as not part of a volume in RAID mode and it will run as AHCI with the controller in RAID mode.

There is no X79 RSTe RAID driver. AHCI driver is both RAID and AHCI. Show me a screenshot where anything says RAID on ASUS X79 pro download for SATA Intel RSTe

You have to figure out ahead of time whether you want an O/S on a RAID pair or on a separate AHCI drive.
Leaving the O/S on a non RAIDED drive and also separately on the RAID array is dicey and will cause probs in the future.

When you install the O/S to the RAID 0 Volume, you will be doing the F6 thingy and the O/S install will detect you are in RAID mode and pick the correct .inf

When you RAID drives the port numbers disappear because the array drives span several ports. AHCI drive port association is lost.So AHCI current drive has to be undone as separate drive because you have to be in RAID mode.

Its best to start fresh. RAIDing puts some very sticky metadata on the beginning of ea drive.

There is only one ASUS website RSTe driver - 3002003.
The drivers on the CD (3001111-2) are buggy crap, dont even think about using them
Since you are getting involved in RAID you absolutely must update your bios to 0906

So you need to tell me what you want
2 SSD with O/S RAID 0? Other drive(s) as data?

What Intel SATA controller RSTe driver version is showing in Dev Man for you?

Here is the screen shot of the choices under SATA on the Asus website - for Win7-64.

Current Bios version = 0906

Under DevMan there are two areas that I will list.

1) IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller
Asmedia 106x SATA version

2) Storage Controllers
a) Intel C600 Chipset SATA AHCI version
b) Marvell 91xx SATA 6G Controller version

For now, I would like to have one drive as the boot drive (a 1TB drive on the Marvell controller) and use the other two drives (2TB drives) as a raided pair for storage.

Later, I plan to try the SSD Caching by adding an SSD to the second port of the Marvell controller driven ports.

Long range, I would like to get a hardware raid card such as the LSI 9265 and add 4 to 6 hard drives in raid 5 or maybe raid 10.
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It doesnt say RAID, it says AHCI/RAID - as in combination, like I mentioned
You have the mobo CD shipping 3001112 as i mentioned above

My opinion:
The new affordable SF2281 SSD with 550/530 read write have made Intel SRT caching, or the usage of In Virtu a waste of time.
The 2281 controller was buggy, till Nov., now it works well with the "golden firmware"

You can get an ADATA 511 120GB for $170-$182, or pay more for an Intel 510 $240 with install kit. You can start out with one then get another and RAID both on Intel SATA 6G ports. Then you will REALLY notice the dif @ 900-1200 in RAID. If you look at the systems here on HF you will see virtually everyone running 2 SSD in RAID 0. If you can afford an X79 setup I assume you can afford the SSD.
So I should download the combo driver and update in dev mgr. then the raid willwork on my hdd's (for now), correct?
As it is now, I get a bsod when I put the mode to raid,reboot, go into setup(cntl-I), set up the disks, then reboot.
It seems all is in order except the drivers. Will that fix it?
You cant switch between RAID and AHCI with an O/S already on a bootable drive.
Its not a toggle.
The current O/S setup does not function in dif mode.
You have to clean them first, and that doesnt mean format or delete partitions
You have 2 ways to wipe a drive:

>Spinners - freeware killdisk fom a bootable CD in DOS mode by the software setup. Killdisk also fixes many other issues you may have made during previous use.
I luv killdisk.
You only need to zero fill about 50GB.
On a 500GB HDD thats 10%.

>SSD: Secure erase

There are no more separate RAID DRIVERS - it went away with Intel Matrix RAID separate software and drivers.
Its gone.

Windows 7 install KNOWS what mode you are in and PICKS the .inf it needs during setup/custom/advanced/add driver option
If you are changing mode is best to start completely fresh, even if you know how to use registry tweaks to do it.
If you had RAID on the O/S drives then there are other things to do, but this doesnt apply in your case

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Has anyone else noticed WEIRDNESS with the voltage of VCORE on P9X79 PRO?

For example, I have the P9X79 PRO, and 3930K. I have it running at 100 x 48, 4.8Ghz. Cooled by Corsair H80. Powered by Corsair AX850 (Seasonic)
I am also running 4x4GB Gskill DDR3-2133@2133 using XMP profile.
In the bios I have the VCORE set to Offset mode, and +0.050v.
In the bios this shows up as ~1.25v
When I get home from work I can post up screenshots of the bios and all my settings.

However, in windows, Using the Asus Suite thing and the Turbo V app, it shows it being set at 1.3v, BUT CPU-Z AND the actual voltage monitor show ~1.39v. (Actually sometimes Turbo V shows 1.3v and some time it shows 1.2v or 1.4v. It seems to be different on different bootups, even if I dont change the voltage in the bios!?)

What is going on? What is my cpu running at?
FWIW, it is prime stable with a Corsair H80 on medium fan speed and getting 75-79C temps. Doing folding it gets 65-70C. This is at 4.8Ghz.

I am a little confused as to why Kyle and Dan have had such a hard time overclocking the X79 cpus? I can easily boot to windows at 5Ghz and I bet with some more tweaking I can get my system prime stable at 5Ghz also. Maybe I just have a golden chip? As I seem to need a LOT less voltage than most people... Kyle even uses a fairly nice Koolance waterblock in his overclocking attempts, which I am sure is a better setup than my H80, which IMHO is pretty good but not amazing or anything.
ALSO, in their Rampage IV review, you can see the voltage weirdness, they mention it but dont really delve into it (they report it being set at 1.375v in the BIOS but in the CPU-Z screenshot it displays 1.528v) In my experience the CPU-Z voltage always matches the voltage reported in the Asus monitor.

So, my biggest question is about the different voltages reported, and what is actually right.

Also I am kinda interested to see what kinda results other people get with S2011 cpu's as far as overclocking, and how much voltage they had to use??

These newer architectures use SVID. The processor is able to request voltage changes from the buck controller based upon loading, and it's far more dynamic than previous iterations of DVID. If you are using Offset Mode for Vcore, the only way of knowing what your full load voltage is going to be is to load the CPU fully with a stress test tool. CPU-Z will report the applied VID (Vcc may be lower depending upon the LLC) under full load. Then apply a positive or negative offset according to what voltage the CPU needs to be fully stable at the applied frequency.

The base increase of voltage is not controlled directly by the board vendor, the only thing we can allow you to control is the offset. And as no two CPUs are the same when it comes to VID (Vcc) requirements, there is no universal algorithm one can use to suit all cases.
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Windows 7 install KNOWS what mode you are in and PICKS the .inf it needs during setup/custom/advanced/add driver option
If you are changing mode is best to start completely fresh, even if you know how to use registry tweaks to do it.
If you had RAID on the O/S drives then there are other things to do, but this doesnt apply in your case

I am not understanding, or just have a mental block. It sounds like I need to start with a fresh install of win7. Since I want to have a non-raid boot disk, with 2 other drives in raid0 for storage, I should be in Bios Raid Mode when I install Windows. Is this correct? If I am correct, I think you are saying that the mode will be raid, but my boot disk will still operate in AHCI mode (even though it's in RAID mode in bios).
After installing Windows, I should have no problems setting up raid on the other two drives.
yes, I think you finally have it

You can have for example, 3 dif drives in RAID setup screen, but they will not be RAID until you create a volume with at least 2 of them.
In other words, you can set RAID bios mode for Intel controller, Win 7 will install in RAID mode by finding correct .inf, (and make corresponding registry entries), and from that point on you can IGNORE RAID until you WANT RAID.

But once again, if you are in RAID mode and change the bios to AHCI - you will screw things up. You make your decision, you have to live with it. And fwiw do not let Win 7 to use generic MS drivers, you want the RSTe .inf during install to make a clean RAID.

I have been lurking in these forums for about 2 weeks and can't get my system to work in Raid 0. I recently built a new system and had it running fine without any Raid, decided to invest in a 2nd SSD to run Raid 0. I have followed the Cisco Guy directions and still can't get windows 7 to recognize the RAID drivers.
My Specs
CPU : Intel i7 3820 @ stock speed
GPU : ASUS HD7950 @ stock speed
PSU : Seasonic X 850w
MB : Sabertooth X79
SSD : Crucial m4 128GB *2
Bios Version 0906
Raid Drivers V3.0.0.2003
Whenever I try and install the drivers for this (Intel C600 Chipset SATA AHCI version it just gives me an error. I have tried from scratch at least 5 times now to no avail. I'm booting with a USB drive and installing win 7 ultimate via dvd. I tried doing it with a bootable usb for windows but this didn't work me. My comp has been down for about a week and half now, any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
These newer architectures use SVID. The processor is able to request voltage changes from the buck controller based upon loading, and it's far more dynamic than previous iterations of DVID. If you are using Offset Mode for Vcore, the only way of knowing what your full load voltage is going to be is to load the CPU fully with a stress test tool. CPU-Z will report the applied VID (Vcc may be lower depending upon the LLC) under full load. Then apply a positive or negative offset according to what voltage the CPU needs to be fully stable at the applied frequency.

The base increase of voltage is not controlled directly by the board vendor, the only thing we can allow you to control is the offset. And as no two CPUs are the same when it comes to VID (Vcc) requirements, there is no universal algorithm one can use to suit all cases.

That makes sense.
On the Asus site for software and drivers in the Win7-64 section under "Utilities"
1) Marvel MSU Utility
2) Intel Management Engine Interface
MSU = Marvel Storage Utility for drives on Marvel port
Replaced MRU (Marvel RAID Utility)
Its horrible and will wreck your system
It absolutely does not get along with Realtek
Dont install it

Intel Management Engine Utility in Dev Man system devices
Will be entered in system when you run the Intel chipset driver install, then the MEI driver pak
Some say it does nothing, others say its vital to have latest. I take no stand on it, but I install it, doesnt seem to hurt. Its an Interface between MS 0/S and the Intel hardware. Thats why the download is huge, because it includes MS dot net 3.5, needed when an app uses chipset hw to do something hw specific, or when someone is telnetting in to diagnose possible issues on another PC.
I would now update dot net to 4.0 current is, but will prob install as something a bit lower

The whole package avail is called the AMT - Active Management Tech. Heres an older variation:
Intel AMT 6.0 - Management Engine Interface and Serial Over LAN driver (SOL) Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad
This package installs the software (Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) Manageability Engine components) to enable the following devices.
- Intel Management Engine Interface and Serial Over LAN driver

Intel AMT Manageability Engine components
- Management Engine Interface
- Serial Over LAN (SOL) Driver
- Local Manageability Service (LMS)
- Intel Management and Security Status (IMSS)
- User Notification Service (UNS)

The latest for X79 on ASUS site is in the sevens from Nov., I would check to see you had at least that version on CD. Since the IB cross platform bios updates for the P67 Z68, they are now utilizing 8 series MEI, so are now ahead of X79, tho I am sure the X77 will use them.
The Intel Management Engine Utility is used for out of band system management, (AMT) I believe. For most people on here, you dont need it. If you are in a company network AMT is really cool, you can do stuff like see the BIOS from remote control over the network, or mount a CDrom from one machine to another over the network at a BIOS level. Cool stuff.
I'm having my system drop USB power and freeze. I can't for the love of me, figure out what's causing it. I have seen other people with the same type of problem but no real discussion on how to fix it.
I'm having my system drop USB power and freeze. I can't for the love of me, figure out what's causing it. I have seen other people with the same type of problem but no real discussion on how to fix it.

What USB devices are you running? And is the system overclocked in any way? If so, what are the settings applied? Which USB ports are affected (all or some)?

What USB devices are you running? And is the system overclocked in any way? If so, what are the settings applied? Which USB ports are affected (all or some)?


Just mouse and Keyboard via USB. The system is at stock and all USB ports are affected.
Just mouse and Keyboard via USB. The system is at stock and all USB ports are affected.


Which USB keyboard and mouse (make model), and which UEFI version (BIOS)?

Are the keyboard and mouse missing in UEFI, or just the OS?


Which USB keyboard and mouse (make model), and which UEFI version (BIOS)?

Are the keyboard and mouse missing in UEFI, or just the OS?


I pulled all USB devices and it still locks up in DOS. I'm running the lastest bios 1101. The mouse and keyboard work in the BIOS but has even locked in the UEFI. I RMA'ed the ram I was using and that comes back today. I'm really hoping that fixes the issue. If I have to RMA the motherboard how long does it take to get a new one? The models G500 mouse logitech and the Illuminated Keyboard also by logitech.
I pulled all USB devices and it still locks up in DOS. I'm running the lastest bios 1101. The mouse and keyboard work in the BIOS but has even locked in the UEFI. I RMA'ed the ram I was using and that comes back today. I'm really hoping that fixes the issue. If I have to RMA the motherboard how long does it take to get a new one? The models G500 mouse logitech and the Illuminated Keyboard also by logitech.

No idea on RMA timeframes as I don't work for that department. I would guess turnaround is at least a week if you have to fill out forms and such and with shipping taking two days either side.

Two things I would check out before RMA:

Do you have any generic USB keyboard and mouse you can try?

As for the memory, what settings were you running and how many modules?
On my Rampage Extreme 4, the cpu temp displayed by AU Suite II is always 7-10c lower than Core Temp, Real Temp and Aida64. I can run them all at the same time or individually and the result is the same. Which should I trust?

Sorry in advance if this has already been answered but I did try to search first.

On my Rampage Extreme 4, the cpu temp displayed by AU Suite II is always 7-10c lower than Core Temp, Real Temp and Aida64. I can run them all at the same time or individually and the result is the same. Which should I trust?

Sorry in advance if this has already been answered but I did try to search first.


Use core temp, real temp or AIDA for DTS temps, AI Suite reports an offset temperature used for fan control.
BIOS 1009 out today for all but ROG X79
1.Improve system stability.
2.Improve memory compatibility.
3.Enhance compatibility with some USB devices.
4.Fix PCIEx16 VGA card HD 7970 cannot be detected when the temperature of VGA less than -40.
File Size
3,27 (MBytes) 2012.04.06
A quick question regarding the P9X79 WS BIOS - will it be getting more options regarding ECC RAM in future BIOS updates like the P8B WS did?
I just got an Areca 1882ix-12-4G and I either have a bad one or there is a conflict with the motherboard bios. I attached 2 SSD's and 2 HDD's. I would like to have the SSD's in Raid 0 as the boot drive and the 2 HDD's as a second Raid 0 backup drive. I also plan to have 6 HDD's in Raid 3 in a few months. That is a total of 3 raid sets on the Areca. My problem is that I can only have one raid set at a time right now and I can only use the quick function to create the raid set. Using the regular raid set function will not create the set. It doesn't matter which pair of drives I use, only the quick function works, then the second raid set does not work. This quirk is true using the POST McBios setup method, or using the browser ArcHTTP method.

Once I get the first raid set working, I am able to go into regular raid set function and set up the second raid set. After that, I can open the Raid Set Hierarchy and both raid sets are listed, but only the first one shows the volume set name. Then I can go into Windows Disk Management, and only the first raid set is shown, and not the second. Windows explorer also does not show the second raid set.

Any ideas if I have done something wrong, or if there is a conflict with the motherboard, or something else?
I think I have solved my own problem. Once I created the raid set, I forgot to create the volume.
I'm having the issue mentioned earlier where my 32GB memory is only seen as 30GB in the BIOS and when in Windows.

For the first 3 weeks of owning my machine all 32GB (8x4GB) were visible and I didn't have any issues. Yesterday on booting (and on all boots since) I've only had 30GB visible.

The issue persists when I run everything at stock.

Any suggestions? This really has me stumped...
Just bought a Sabertooth X79 and was hoping Raja made a thread for the x79 boards :)
Great board! very well made and designed. I thought that the thermal radar was a bit flashy... Then I started to use it. Really guys that is a COOL feature :cool:
This thing is ROCK solid so far.

Forgot to add that I installed BIOS Version 1104 today with some interesting results.
Mainly that it no longer was able to boot into windows. Luckally I had just installed windows the night before so I just reinstalled windows. Lesson learned, always install bios updates etheir before loading a OS for the first time or if OS is already loaded backup data before hand. (Sometimes we forget the simple things (DOH! :eek:))

The only thing that I noted as odd during the first windows install was that it had made two small ~100MB partitions. After the bios update I had reloaded windows and this time it only made the standard one 100MB partition.
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I'm having the issue mentioned earlier where my 32GB memory is only seen as 30GB in the BIOS and when in Windows.

For the first 3 weeks of owning my machine all 32GB (8x4GB) were visible and I didn't have any issues. Yesterday on booting (and on all boots since) I've only had 30GB visible.

The issue persists when I run everything at stock.

Any suggestions? This really has me stumped...

Clear CMOS re-seat memory. Reduce memory clock and increase VCCSA and see what happens to mapping.